That's it. This is the power I have. Come here quickly. For a guy like you, you should come to finish off the enemy.

The Ultra Warrior looked half dead, and was secretly preparing to give Gen Subaru a little surprise. As long as this guy gets close to him, the surging power of chaos will make this young man understand the dangers of the world.


Why is there no follow-up? Does he think he can really kill me like this?

The Ultra Warrior continued to perform with some doubts. He was still breathing, and he didn't look like he would die. Shouldn't you kill me?

Just when the Ultra Warrior couldn't figure it out, Gen Subaru thought about it, and imitated the posture he learned from monster eugenics. He stretched out his palm and aimed at the figure of the Ultra Warrior, then stared at his existence from the gap between his middle finger and ring finger, activating his [Lock].

That's right, the light particle impact just now was not to injure or kill this Ultra Warrior, but just to lock him. Like the previous alien beast, because it had too much contact with his energy in the seal ring, there was no need to contact the alien beast at that time, and Yuan Subaru could also complete the [lock] of the alien beast through his previous energy.

Now, let me take a look at your 'past'!

A pure white light burst out from Yuan Subaru's body. Under the illumination of this pure white light, this Ultra Warrior clearly felt the approach of some danger. The power of chaos in his body was bursting out with all his strength, trying to create a field to block this pure white power outside, and also wanted to use his ability to escape from this star field.

But unfortunately, he couldn't do either of them. Although the power of chaos did have a certain blocking effect, the time that could be delayed was too little, not enough for this Ultra Warrior to think of a way to get out of this predicament.

However, while he was struggling, Gen Subaru had already compared the [entry] of the past and the present. However, unlike the alien beast, Gen Subaru held the [entry] and did not tear it off directly, but poured his telekinesis and pure white light into it.

I want to go over there.

This is probably what he meant. Anyway, Gen Subaru has already built the basic energy framework. As for whether this thing can be activated, it depends on whether the pure white light born from his body can respond to his thoughts. This is probably the so-called idealism. This time, I really believe it and see if it can succeed.

If it doesn't succeed, then we can only let this Chaos Messenger die directly. After all, this level of energy poured into his past body, it seems that he can't survive.

But hey...

Subaru felt that his hand holding the [entry] was being disturbed by something, and was trying to force himself to let go, but the interference was too weak to affect Subaru's actions at all. However, in a sense, it was beyond Subaru's expectation that this thing could do this.

Thinking of this, Subaru closed his eyes and began to seriously feel the source of this power, and then found that it was actually the power of chaos from the 'present'.

Hey, this chaos is interesting. It can actually affect my interference with the 'past'. Could it be that... the 'present' self can still have a certain influence on the 'past' self because of the new ability of pure white light?

Subaru found that he had discovered a problem that he had not noticed before, which made Subaru very happy. In this way, there will be a new direction to break through the research.

Hmm? !

Just when Subaru hadn't received a response and was about to give up and see if he could do some other small experiments while the Ultra Warrior was still being tortured to death, Subaru saw a brilliant light burst out on the entry.

Then, Subaru used the bridge built by the pure white light to travel to the "past" of the Ultra Warrior. He looked around carefully. Yes, this is the Kingdom of Light. It must be said that the changes in the Kingdom of Light are still quite small. At least this street is basically the same as when Subaru walked through it before.

And the main target of Subaru's crossing this time is sitting on a chair and looking up at the universe. It is the Ultra Warrior who is still in his infancy.....

481 The feeling of returning and Subaru's bad intentions (sixth update)

Although the Ultra Warrior at this point in time does not have the armor outside, the species of Ultraman, in terms of appearance alone, is really a species that can be seen from childhood to adulthood at a glance.


It seems that he can't see himself...

Yuan Subaru looked at the little Ultraman looking up at the sky in front of him, stretched out his hand and waved it in front of him, and found that he didn't notice him at all, so Yuan Subaru understood his current situation.

Ah, ah, ah...

If that's the case, it doesn't seem to make much sense.

Yuan Subaru sat next to the little Ultraman and sighed helplessly. If that's the case, wouldn't he be unable to influence him in the past?

This doesn't mean that he has traveled back and done nothing! It feels like another useless skill....

No, no, no, no, don't give up so early. We just came here. We haven't even started any experiments yet. How can we say that we have failed?

Very good, very good. Let's get motivated. Just like that, let's get started!

Yuan Subaru stood up from the chair with his fists clenched, waving his fists and cheering himself up.


Yuan Subaru, who was standing there, suddenly felt something wrong. It was not the surrounding environment or the little Ultraman. It was just...,

Why did I become so lively?

Yuan Subaru believed that as a qualified warrior, he should be able to detect changes in his own state at any time, whether it was physical or conscious. Although Yuan Subaru himself could not achieve this standard sometimes, he was still trying to get closer to this standard.

Therefore, Yuan Subaru immediately noticed the change in his mental state, just like the disappeared emotions came back all at once. Yuan Subaru had not experienced this kind of exciting emotional change for quite some time.

What is going on?

Yuan Subaru no longer cared whether the little Ultraman could see him. He sat on the chair and began to think about why. To be honest, if the emotions could come back, it would be a very favorable fighting condition in terms of idealism. He should try to stabilize it.

But why...

Hmm? !

At this time, Yuan Subaru made a new discovery. He looked down and found that he was just sitting on the chair as he thought. Hmm... How should I put it? I thought I was sitting on the chair, so I maintained the current sitting situation. Like now, after Yuan Subaru realized this situation, the sense of reality under his butt seemed to be wrong.

Let me try again.

Yuan Subaru stood up and wanted to try the flower pot in the distance, and even wanted to try the plasma spark tower farther away. However, during this trial, Yuan Subaru noticed that even if he kept a similar "mind", as he continued to try outward, the area and time he could touch were also rapidly declining.

So, is this little Ultraman the anchor point for my actions at this point in time?

When Yuan Subaru realized this, he returned to the side of this little Ultraman and continued to think. Now he seemed to understand what was going on.

If I was a vassal of the [Copy Engine] before, then now, in this state, I should be a vassal of this little Ultraman. So as a replacement, the emotional influence I suffered from the [Copy Engine] also returned...

. . . . . .

. . . . . . .

. . . . . . .

No, are all your idealistic powers so casual? !

After feeling that he might have guessed right, Yuan Subaru scratched his scalp straight there. This was really amazing. It should be a transformation at the conceptual level. No, is it really like this? Isn't this a bit too illusory? What kind of life do you, who play with the idealistic ability system, usually live!

No wonder Gensuba is a little bit overwhelmed now. Before this, whether it was the power of eternity or the power of truth, Gensuba had been trying to save himself. After all, his life would end on his sixth birthday. Even if he had accepted this fate...

But it doesn't mean giving up the struggle. If he can live another year, Gensuba will have the mind to integrate the civilizations in the TLT Earth universe and consider how to properly deal with them so as not to pose a threat to TLT Earth in the future.

If he can live another two years, Gensuba will consider breaking Noah's final seal and truly guide the foreign aid from the Kingdom of Light here.

If he can live another three years in a row, Gensuba will consider preparing to carry TLT Earth and let them rush into the forefront of this universe. All the hidden dangers brought to TLT Earth by "pulling up the seedlings for growth", Gensuba firmly believes that with his own ability, he can perfectly let TLT Earth and mankind go through that period of turbulent changes.

By that time, if everything develops according to their expectations, basically, the TLT Earth at that time will definitely be one of the top forces in the universe, and even have the possibility of destroying any civilization at any time.

At that time, there is no need to lift the final seal of Noah, just keep it like this. This universe is very large, enough for TLT Earth to explore from generation to generation. When they really explore the entire universe they are in, then by then, I think they will have the capital to try to break the seal. After all, at such a distant future time point, the effect of this final seal will be much less than it is now, and it is the peak they can reach.

As for living longer....

Yuan Subaru really doesn't know what he should do. After all, he has only been an Ultra Warrior for a little over a year. Except for things related to combat, which he is proficient in, other things are really difficult for him.

But if he could really live longer, Gen Subaru would be quite happy to try to learn something new, something that has nothing to do with fighting, but simply for the benefit of life and interest.

Speaking of which, when I was in the Kingdom of Light last time, I looked at the entertainment equipment in Ultra Plaza and became interested. But I was busy calculating things and backing up data, so I didn’t have time to care about it. If I had the chance, If so, it would be good to experience it yourself, research it, and create some for the children on TLT Earth to play with.

Well... Speaking of which, if I suddenly become very obedient and call out all the seniors in the Kingdom of Light according to Beria's father's seniority, and then call out again according to Zero's father's seniority, I don't know when that time will come. , what kind of expressions would the seniors have...

482 (1w) Little Tregchia

Wait, if the time comes, if I really shout that, Zero's father and Beria's father won't get angry and join forces to beat me, right? !

Gen Subaru, who was planning this plan, suddenly remembered a very serious issue. When he was in Sangami Town, even the best-behaved children would inevitably have to eat a meal of his father's singles, or his mother's singles, or even... Parents mixed doubles.

So I still have to think about this kind of thing... Hey, I'm thinking too much. Even if they want to beat me, I won't run away. If they want to stop me, it's still too unrealistic. , but I don’t know to what extent Zero’s father’s ‘brilliance’ power has been developed now. If he doesn’t pay attention to this, he might really be captured by Zero’s father on the spot.

Okay, okay, let’s stop with the fantasies here.

Yuan Subaru patted his cheek, and then began to think about the current situation. According to the situation summarized now, this is basically it. The operations he can perform at this past time are quite limited, not only Because of the distance from this little Ultra Warrior, and when he comes into contact with something...

This statement seems inaccurate...

Thinking of this, Yuan Subaru tested it a little more. With new test data in his mind, he came to a more accurate conclusion——

Not only when you come into contact with something, but also after you come into contact with something, will it cause any changes in the consequences? This will also affect the light energy and telekinesis you need to consume.

in other words....

Yuan Subaru's eyes fell on the little Ultra warrior beside him. If he wanted to contact him, he would probably consume a lot of light energy and telekinesis. He had to pay attention to this, otherwise , maybe due to insufficient light energy or telekinesis, the current state will be forced out.

In this case, come on, let me see how to deal with this little Austrian warrior...

Looking at the lonely little Ultra warrior in front of him, Yuan Subaru squatted in front of him, thought for a while, and felt that there was no need to be too fancy or that kind of lie, just keep it simple.

Thinking of this, Yuan Subaru reached out and poked the little Ultra warrior's cheek. Sure enough, when he came into contact with this guy, the energy consumed was quite astonishing compared to the test action just now.

Eh? !

On the other side, the little Ultra warrior noticed something touching him. His attention suddenly withdrew from the sky, he covered his left cheek that was touched, and looked around in surprise. See who is coming, you haven't noticed it yet.


There is no one....

The little Ultra Warrior looked around blankly. This was the place he had specifically found. It was quite quiet and he didn't have to worry about being disturbed by anyone passing by.

So, did something accidentally fall here?

This little Ultra Warrior could feel that there was no energy reaction here just now, so no matter how you think about it, this should be the result.

In this case, let's look for it and see what kind of thing has fallen here. Really, don't just throw things away. In case something very important is thrown here, If I didn't think of helping to find it, wouldn't it be completely lost?

'Hello. ’

However, at this moment, when the little Ultra Warrior lowered his head to look for something, he suddenly saw a line of words appearing on the ground, which was the standard language of the Kingdom of Light, but the way it suddenly appeared was really This little Ultra warrior was startled.

"who are you?"

Yuan Subaru was surprised. When he said hello, Yuan Subaru had already thought about it. If this little Ultra warrior was frightened, he might call an adult or find other reliable companions for help. Countermeasures have been prepared here. Anyway, I came to this 'past' from the 'present', and I am already his vassal. I don't have to worry about losing money when I spend time here. Your true lifespan.

However, this little Ultra warrior had no intention of seeking foreign aid as Yuan Subaru thought. He looked at the line written by Yuan Subaru, and his eyes lit up with a light that Yuan Subaru could not understand. He said in a rather calm and somewhat excited tone:

"You...are probably not here to joke with me."

‘No joke, I am an observer from another country of light in the universe. ’

Yuan Subaru felt that when he started to forge his identity, the consumption of energy and telekinesis on his body was also increasing. However, if it was only this level of consumption, it was still within Yuan Subaru's tolerance.

‘Nice to meet you, young Ultraman. I should have greeted you formally with my true face, or at least with projection, but my means seem unable to withstand such a cross-universe connection, so I can only communicate with you in this way. ’

“Is that so? This is really an incredible technique.”

He believed it, and believed it so easily.

Looking at the reaction of this little Ultraman, Subaru realized this very clearly. It must be said that the people of the Kingdom of Light are simple and honest. Even if such words were put in Mikami Town, the children would be stunned when they heard them, and go to the adults to confirm.


This seems to be related to the character of this little Ultraman...

Because, Subaru also reacted at this time. The light flashing in the eyes of this little Ultraman was ‘curiosity’, a strong desire to explore unknown things.

To be honest, this level of curiosity is still relatively rare in the Kingdom of Light. Even if Gen Subaru thinks that he is quite curious, it is not as scary as the one shown by this little Ultraman.

Yes, it is scary. Anyway, Gen Subaru thinks that if this curiosity is not controlled, something bad will happen in the future.

Wait, he will not come into contact with the power of chaos in the future just because of this curiosity, right?

Gen Subaru thought of a possibility at this time, and the more he looked at it, the more he felt that this possibility was not low.

"Then... can you teach me?"

Sure enough, just as Gen Subaru expected, this little Ultra Warrior made a request to him. Gen Subaru thought about it and felt that this was good. After all, what he knew, even in the Kingdom of Light, he was considered a master in a certain field. It was not easy to fool a child. If it didn't work, he had a lot of unresolved issues here, so he could let him figure it out slowly. I don't believe that this thing can make you think about the power of chaos.

So, Gen Subaru decisively wrote out a large number of formulas, which made the little Ultra Warrior stare blankly. To be honest, how could he understand these now?

Therefore, Yuan Subaru calmly erased those formulas and continued to write:

"Sorry, I forgot that you don't seem to be very old now. Little friend, you should learn from the basics first. When the opportunity is right, I will teach you these."


Although he didn't understand, the little Ultra Warrior already felt that his curiosity was satisfied, so he didn't entangle and said softly:

"Then how will we contact each other in the future?"

"Well, I can't guarantee the stability of the contact."

Yuan Subaru thought about it and decided not to establish a relatively stable contact signal with this little Ultra Warrior, at least not the kind that he can respond immediately when he calls himself. Too frequent contact is likely to lead to loopholes. Yuan Subaru doesn't want to be tricked by this little Ultra Warrior.

"I can only say that I will try my best to maintain the contact between us."

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