‘In the star field in front of you. ’

Titus used a method similar to spiritual communication to remind Taiga and Fengma that in the previous battle, because of the lack of tacit understanding and communication between them, Tregear caught their weaknesses and teased them severely. It was also during that failure that Taiga and Fengma were injured, causing their perception and telekinesis levels to decline to a certain extent, so now Titas can only temporarily act as a scout.

Of course, if possible, Titus still hopes that Taiga and Fengma can stop and rest. Although Tregear's actions and identity need to be stopped, there is no doubt that this Ultra warrior also It was not something that the three fledgling Ultra warriors could resist.

Therefore, compared to going to war with Tregear directly, Titus is more inclined to wait for the assistance of other Ultra warriors. After all, Ultra signatures have been issued, and it seems that other Ultra warriors are coming. The three of them All you need to do is keep an eye on Tregear's whereabouts.

Well, even though I didn’t find any clues by staring, I would still lose my lock on Tregear from time to time.

But Titas's idea was not approved by Taiga and Fengma. The former wanted to prove that he was not an Ultra warrior who only held back and did wrong things by catching Tregear. Some people want to show that they can not only survive under the glory of their father by defeating Tregear. The latter is simply unhappy that he was crushed by Tregear in terms of IQ, so he must do it no matter what. In the ensuing battle, defeat Tregear.


It's really a headache to lead such two immature Ultra warriors.

Titus sighed helplessly in his heart, but he could only accompany Taiga and Fuma to continue moving. After all, now was not the time for a split.

At this moment, Titas noticed something. He looked up and saw three rays of light flying from the depths of the universe. They were Ultraman Galaxy, Ultraman Victor, and Ultraman X. These three new-generation Ultra warriors quickly came to the Taiga trio, and after a brief greeting, Ultraman Galaxy said:

"We have received your Ultra signatures and news from the Kingdom of Light. Due to some special reasons, there are no senior Ultra brothers stationed in the Kingdom of Light. Although the father of Ultra has returned to the Kingdom of Light, country, but he couldn’t attack, so he asked us to help.”

"But now Senior Taylor seems to be putting down what he is doing and heading here."

Ultraman X added on the side:

"So, next, even if we can't defeat Tregear, we have to hold him back. When Senior Tyro arrives, we can decide the direction of victory."


Hearing this, Taiga clenched his fists. He was still a little unwilling. Regarding Yuan Subaru's matter, if he hadn't delivered the wrong news so many times, the nephew... No, uncle, no, oops , Yuan Subaru would not have come to the Kingdom of Light so late to recognize everyone, and maybe Yuan Subaru would not have to suffer so much.

These were all due to his own immaturity. Taiga could see that the reason why his father was dragged to the training ground so many times by other uncles to 'spar' with him was more or less because he had to take care of him.

So, Tregear...can't I really defeat him with my own strength? Do you have to wait until your father comes to achieve victory?

If Gen Subaru were here, he definitely wouldn't need help. He might be able to take down Tregear by himself, then...then I can too!

Taiga suddenly became more motivated. He had heard that Gen Subaru became stronger little by little in battles with various powerful enemies. Then I can do it too. A powerful enemy like Tregear, It’s the whetstone that makes me stronger!

What is Taiga thinking about?

Titus noticed Taiga's emotional ups and downs and pondered for a moment with some worry. To be honest, he always felt that Taiga put too much pressure on him...

Forget it, now is not the time to provide psychological counseling to Taiga. Let’s wait until this battle is over. Although I have provided psychological counseling to Taiga before, this kind of thing needs more frequent treatment for Taiga. It certainly doesn't hurt.

"Tregear is in the star field ahead."

At this time, Fengma had pointed out the direction to Galaxy, Victory, and Aix. In fact, Fengma didn't need to say anything, these three Ultra warriors had already felt the terrifying chaotic atmosphere emanating from the star field in front of them. This kind of energy reaction is like going crazy, like a violent tide, which makes people feel frightened.

"Be careful, I don't know what kind of plan Tregear is planning!"

Titas reminded aloud, Yinhe and Victory looked at each other, Yinhe put his hand on his chest and said softly:

"Then let Victory and I take the lead. The two of us are in better shape and can respond in time if there is any accident."

"Then I'll be responsible for what happens next."

Although it sounds like he has no ambition, Aix's actions are also necessary. Under the enemy's design, he must ensure his retreat, otherwise, he will not even have a chance to regain his strength.

As for Taiga and the other three, it goes without saying much about their positioning. Otherwise, Taiga and Fuma don’t look like they can persuade them. Ultraman Galaxy is willing to let the three of them stand guard outside, but ....

After all, they are also the children of Senior Tyro, and their combat literacy should be quite high. If they participate in the battle, they should also have a certain ability to protect themselves. With a few of them conducting the main attack, and this three-person team as a support, there should be no problem. of.

Thinking of this, Ultraman Galaxy did not dwell on this issue anymore. After discussing the countermeasures, he rushed towards the galaxy that had begun to dim.

"Get out of here! No, don't even think about getting out of here!"

At this time, in the center of this star field, the rampant power of chaos has flattened all the stars. Tregear, who was going crazy, let out a contradictory howl, making people wonder what he is like now. mental state.

But what Ultraman Galaxy and his team are sure of is that this Tregear is on the verge of collapse at this time, and even his appearance can no longer maintain the appearance of an Ultra Warrior, like a wriggling mass of flesh, which makes People can't help but feel sick after seeing it.

"Is this a trap?"

Taiga didn't expect that Tregear would turn into this after not seeing him for such a short period of time. This surprised him a little, and he couldn't help but attribute it to the existence of a trap.

"No, it's not a trap, there's something wrong with Tregear itself!"

Ultraman Victory made a decision immediately and said in a solemn voice:

"What a great opportunity! Galaxy, transform!"


Unexpectedly, such a turn of events would come, which really surprised the Galaxy, but Victory said there was nothing wrong with it. It was indeed a good time to attack with all our strength. The six of them could not stand shoulder to shoulder and still not be able to take down this half-impaired trust. Rekia, right?

In the dazzling light, Ultraman Victory of the Galaxy appeared in front of everyone, taking the lead and killing Tregear. Ax also took out the rainbow sword and carefully observed the changes around him. Taiga , Fengma and Titus naturally rushed forward in one go. Of course, the latter was just thinking that something might happen to his two partners.

"Get out of my way!"

"Come here and help me!"

After these Ultra warriors approached Tregear, the Chaos Messenger, who had begun to distort his body, made two sounds at the same time, and then the terrifying chaos fluctuations immediately spread, like countless light blades whizzing out, hard It blocked Ultraman Victory and Taiga from the outside.

"Use explosive skills, that will allow you to rush in more easily!"

At this moment, other voices sounded in Tregear's body. At the same time as the reminder, the chaotic shock wave that continued to erupt was very considerate and marked the time node that could be erupted.

"You deserve to die! Get out! Get out!"

After seeing those Ultra warriors obeying the instructions of his other self and cracking his own skills, Tregear suddenly let out a shrill howl. Just that cry had a terrifying spirit. The two Ultra warriors, Taiga Fengma and Taiga Fengma, who were themselves injured, immediately held their heads and temporarily lost their fighting power.

"Come here! Don't be afraid! He is at his weakest now, don't give him time to recover!"

Seeing the appearance of Taiga and Fuma, Galaxy Victory began to hesitate whether to return to the original mission target. He just locked the position of Tregear and waited for the reinforcements from the Kingdom of Light to arrive, but after hearing this voice, Ultraman Victory Galaxy and Ultraman X looked at each other, and without saying a word, they released all their energy and launched an almost final charge regardless of their own safety. Titas hesitated, and finally chose Along with the two Ultra warriors, they attacked Tregear.

In any case, the situation of Taiga and Fengma is not so bad that they need someone to take care of them. In this case, let's deal with the culprit first. I think when Taiga and Fengma come to their senses, they will also Support your choices.

"Damn it... you were actually calculated into this, damn Nexus!!!"

Seeing the impact of these Ultra Warriors, Tregear originally wanted to teleport away directly, but the other 'Tregear' in his body also burst out with amazing power at this time, almost He almost tore his body in half immediately. There is no doubt that the other self has been hiding his strength. It was only at this time that he released it, intending to press himself here to death.

It’s so… so frustrating!

Tregear's face was extremely gloomy. Because it was all about him, it was difficult for him to deceive the other Tregear in his body with the small actions he wanted to perform. He was originally around this star field. In order to ensure that he I won't be bothered to deal with my other self. I have laid a lot of fun things here, but in the battle between myself and myself, the energy impact that spread out accurately destroyed those traps.

Otherwise, how could these fledgling Ultra warriors rush here, but...

In the final analysis, it was because of that abominable Nexus. I don't know what he did to me. He could actually give birth to another self in my body. This is a very interesting experience, because the communication between myself is really interesting. However, after communicating for a while, Torrekia realized that this new self was on a completely different path from himself, and this new self was trying to distort his future and let himself give up everything at the moment.

What a joke, if I give up this power, how can I exhaust the darkness, and how can I meet Taro who has reached the peak of glory at the top!

Therefore, the contradiction between the two Torrekia broke out irreconcilably. Although after a while, maybe the new Torrekia can convince himself now, but at present, the fight between them is inevitable.

"Hmph! Don't think you've won!"

The current situation is indeed quite bad. Torrekia quickly analyzed the situation, and then a blue flame appeared on his body. Yes, it was the same self-destruct skill as [Ultra Bomb]. The Ultra Warriors who were caught off guard were blown up directly in front of them, and turned into several streams of light and fell to the earth in this cosmic plane.

And on this earth, there is a company called E.G.I.S. (Egis) full name: Enterprise Of Guard And Investigation Service (a company specializing in security and investigation).

This organization receives various commissions every day, many of which are events that the cosmic people are concerned about, so the field work team carries various small tools such as electromagnetic batons. Among them, there are only two members, Kudo Yuki and senior Soya Yu. There are also projects related to network security included in the business content. Asahikawa Mirika is the operator responsible for hacker countermeasures and vaccine software development, and the president Sasaki Kana is responsible for various diplomatic activities.

So, today, E.G.I.S. is still completing their commissions as usual, and Kudo Yuyuki is moving very vigorously, but at this time, he sees... a meteorite in the sky... coming down! ! ! !

492 Fever again, ah! ! !

At first, Kudo Yuyuki didn't think that the meteorite was coming towards him, after all, the direction of the meteorite's fall was still quite far away from him, but who would have thought! Who would have thought that this strange meteorite could separate itself when it fell halfway!

So Kudo Yuyuki, who was driving the mobile vehicle alone, hurriedly wanted to turn the front of the car to avoid the meteorite's fall zone, but his speed was really slow. When he reacted and was about to turn the steering wheel, the meteorite had already stuck to his face. With this huge roar, Kudo Yuyuki and his mobile vehicle flew into the sky together. At that moment, Kudo Yuyuki had seen all the revolving lanterns of his life, and even began to pray to God, whether he could let him be reborn in a good life in the next life. The requirements were not high, as long as he didn't have to worry about money.



Kudo Yuyuki felt that he began to fall after reaching the highest point, and fell to the ground in a very short time. It hurt... It must be painful, but this feeling doesn't look like dying? !

Therefore, Kudo Yuyuki opened his eyes in confusion. He carefully looked at the surrounding environment and found that he was lying in a huge depression at this time. The asphalt road was peeled off. How could I be fine?

Kudo Yuyuki couldn't figure it out. He climbed out of the pit and saw that the mobile vehicle he was driving had completely turned into scrap metal. That was a material that could resist light weapons attacks. It was already like that. How did I survive?

"Of course it's our credit!"

Hey? Hey!! Who is talking? ! There's no one around... Is it a communicator or something like that! ?

Kudo Yuyuki patted himself in surprise, trying to see who was talking, but the communicator on his body had obviously disappeared without a trace in the meteorite impact just now. Where can I find it now?

Is there a radio or something like that nearby? Let me look for it. If possible, I still want to thank him in person. After all, I didn't fall to death, which shows that he has put in a lot of effort.

"Oh, you're welcome, um... But what you said makes sense. Some things are better said directly in person. Come here."

Hey? ! Hmm? !

Before Kudo Hiroyuki could react, his vision changed drastically. He went from the barren outskirts to the space that looked like the universe. In front of him stood three tall giants, which made Kudo Hiroyuki shudder. The fear of giants was something engraved in human genes, so after shuddering, Kudo Hiroyuki even stepped back involuntarily.

At this time, Taiga also noticed the situation on Kudo Hiroyuki's side and signaled Fuma and Titus to shrink first. In this way, the three Ultra Warriors became the same size as Kudo Hiroyuki. Then Taiga took a step forward and said softly:

"I am Ultraman Taiga, and these two are my teammates, Ultraman Fengma and Ultraman Titas. I'm sorry that we just caused a problem with you and your sports vehicle. Although we have just rescued you, this cannot cover the problems we caused. We are really sorry, but we can also assure you that this was definitely not our intention."

With that said, Taiga, Fuma and Titus bowed deeply towards Kudo Hiroyuki to express their apologies. Kudo Hiroyuki naturally waved his hands quickly to express that he didn't care about it. After all, he He's not dead, although the car is broken down... Okay, now I'm starting to mind. Even if the president here is very good at pulling off tasks and making money, he can't be bullied.

Forget it, let’s do this anyway.

Kudo Hiroyuki sighed helplessly. Ultraman, he had also heard about this special race. He was a very peace-loving existence, so I guess if they said it wasn't intentional, it probably meant that it really wasn't intentional. On his side, he can only grieve the president's wallet.

"Speaking of which, was that meteorite something you made during the battle?"

When it came to this topic, Kudo Hiroyuki asked with great interest. Taiga nodded, shook his head, and said softly:

"To be precise, it was the enemy who blew us down. We were really embarrassed. It was so embarrassing."

"Taiga, don't say that. It's not like you don't know Tregear's power. Winning or losing is normal. There is no need to care too much."

Titas was worried that Taiga would feel too guilty because of this, so he opened his mouth to comfort him, while Fuma changed the subject and said softly:

"Okay, speaking of which, earth human brother, we don't seem to know your name yet?"

"Oh, I'm sorry, I was so surprised that I didn't come around right away. My name is Kudo Hiroyuki..."

Hiroyuki Kudo briefly introduced his name and the organization he currently belongs to to the three Ultraman, and then Fuuma said straightforwardly:

"Brother Kudo, it's like this. The three of us are in a very bad state right now. Can we carry out simple training in your body? Of course, we will also lend you our power depending on the situation. After all, you are all As I said, there are monsters raging on this earth too!”

"Of course you can!"

Kudo Hiroyuki was a little excited when he heard this. Isn't this the thing about being the human body of Ultraman? This type of story has been told to me many times by both the president and the seniors.

"Yuyuki! Is everything okay?"

At this moment, a car suddenly sped over, pushed open the door quite hard, and quickly came to Kudo Hiroyuki's side, asking and sizing up Kudo Hiroyuki's situation.

This is Yu Soya, a man with strong physical skills and a privileged senior of Iges. He is a 25-year-old close brother who is willing to help others. He takes his tasks seriously, and with enthusiasm for people and things, he jokingly puts a sense of justice easily. Hiroyuki, who bursts into rage and goes berserk, is a hot-blooded fool.

As a member of Igis's action force, he will participate in many dangerous missions. With his strong physical ability, he is often active on the front line with Kudo Hiroyuki. At this time, Titus has already noticed that this Soya Yuki does not seem to be human. , but cosmic people, but it is not a rare thing for humans and cosmic people to team up, so there is no need to point this out in such a big way.

493 Tregear: Team of four!

"Very good, let's recover as soon as possible and continue chasing and escaping, Tregear!"

Seeing that Kudo Hiroyuki was currently entangled with his seniors, he had no intention of paying attention to Taiga and others, so Taiga found a topic of his own and said cheeringly:

"After such a self-destruction, Tregear's condition is also quite bad. We need to find Senior Galaxy and the others as soon as possible... Hey, I don't know what their current condition is like?"

Having said this, Taiga is still a little worried. Although the three seniors are much stronger than his own, they are also close to the center of the explosion. I hope they are okay.

"Cheer up, cheer up!"

Seeing Taiga looking a little depressed, Fengma patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile:

"Three of us survived, so how could something happen to the other three seniors? What we have to do next is to recover quickly, and then it's time for our three-person team to attack!"

"Yes, Feng Ma is right."

Titas came to Taiga's side, patted the other shoulder and said:

"We are partners. If we encounter difficulties, our team of three must work together!"

"Ah! We are a team of three!!"

Hearing such encouragement from his companions, Taiga also cheered up, and at this moment...

"A three-person team is really a good name, but now there is one more me here. How about... let's temporarily change it to a four-person team?"

? ! ? ! ? ! X3

The sudden sound shocked the three Taiga people. This space was also encrypted. It was incredible that someone could lurk until now without being noticed at all.

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