Therefore, he soon discovered that there was a space-time gap here, similar to the traces of a wormhole. He concluded without hesitation that during the time when Nexus left the earth, the capable person went through this wormhole. In other places, I might have had a fight with some monster.

This conjecture made Zhaji a little excited. He had already tasted the sweetness of using monster corpses as embryos to cultivate a new generation of alien beasts. To be honest, during this period, he was thinking about how to attract cosmic people or cosmic monsters. Attack the earth so that he can use the sword to consume Nexus' power, help him explore the growth of this generation of capable people, and he can also pick up some corpses for use.

But now, although he has discovered the existence of this wormhole, Zaki can only choose to give up. No matter who he is, he should be in awe of space and time. His current condition is not good, so he will take the risk of trying to open the wormhole. It would be too dangerous to explore the cave. He might die inside without Nexus taking action.

However, this also reminded Zaki that he should find a way to pay more attention to Yuan Subaru's whereabouts, maybe there will be unexpected gains...

Um? !

Just when Zaki was about to return to the earth, he suddenly noticed something and suddenly turned back to look at the direction where the wormhole once existed. There, there was vague space fluctuations coming. Someone was trying to use this as a warning. Coordinates, travel through space, come here.

Suddenly, Zaki fell into hesitation. He quickly weighed the current situation. The recent bad experience made him instinctively want to hide aside and wait for the opportunity, but... now the opportunity is in front of him, he must Consider whether this is the latest and only opportunity.


Zaki's eyes showed a fierce light, and he opened his mouth to eat the possessed alien beast without hesitation. Then he opened the dark field G and ate the monster corpse that was his trump card. In this way, he temporarily returned to the posture of the dark giant, grinning ferociously. He stretched out his hand to tear open the space, and ran into the chaotic space flow.

"Kai, it's really hard to say..."

On the other side of the turbulent space, Zero, who is wearing the legendary prop [Palaj Shield], also called the [Ultimate Holy Shield], is taking Hong Kai along the space traces left by the previous wormhole, heading towards The cosmic space where Yuan Subaru is located is progressing. While listening to Hong Kai's description of Yuan Subaru, Zero touched his chin in embarrassment and said:

"The child named Gen Subaru uses the light of Nexus, not his own light, so it is still difficult to judge based on the appearance description, and... in our light In the country, offspring may not look like their parents, so if you want to find Yuan Subaru’s parents, it’s best to ask a professional to check.”

"About this, Senior Seven has returned to the Kingdom of Light with Subaru's blood, but..."

Hongkai thought of Jiagu La's words and felt a little tangled in his heart. After all, there was indeed an ethical gap between this biochemical creation and his biological heir. If he thought about it from his perspective, one day a child suddenly came to his door. , said that he was a descendant of his own bloodline, Hong Kai, and his first reaction was that he wanted to hit someone.

No, no, no, don't be prejudged by Jakura's speculation. Subaru is not necessarily a creature created by biochemical experiments. What if there are two guys of light and darkness combined...

Having said that, why do I feel that biochemical experiments are more reliable...

Having said that, the technology in the Kingdom of Light seems to be very advanced. If a problem is detected, what should I say...

Ah...I'm so confused...

At this time, Zero also saw the entanglement in Hong Kai's heart, but he did not point it out. To be honest, he was really shocked when he heard that Yuan Subaru's capable person was probably only four years old.

Four years old, four years old on earth, converted to years in the Kingdom of Light, the baby nursery hasn't even been released yet.

So this time, let’s go see what’s going on on the earth where Yuan Subaru is, help him deal with it, and it’s best to bring him back to the Kingdom of Light… Hmm! ! !

"What's wrong, Zero!?"

Just when Zero and Hong Kai were thinking about their own things, the suddenly crazy spatial flow around them made them suddenly alert.

But when Zero noticed the feedback coming from the [Ultimate Holy Shield] and realized that this was definitely not a normal spatial reaction, but someone was causing trouble here, it was already a step too late.

In this interlayer of space, relying on the imitation of Noah's body, and relying on the determination to risk death and survive, Zaki successfully ambush Zero. He recognized the prototype of the [Ultimate Holy Shield], which is Noah. Ultraman's Noah's Holy Shield (Noah's Wings), which he had coveted for a long time, he seized the opportunity and suddenly took action, trying to seize this [Ultimate Holy Shield] from Zero's hands.

But Zero was by no means an idle person. After realizing the enemy's intention, he immediately waved the Ultimate Zero sword without saying a word, slashing out dozens of sword energy in an instant, and also activating [ The power of the Ultimate Holy Shield stabilizes the turbulence in this space and becomes a battlefield that can be exploited.

This can't be delayed. It would be bad if I were delayed.

However, Zhaji failed to succeed, so he did not bother with it again. He was stalling for time. Before taking action, he used the characteristics of the alien beast he swallowed to tear off the flesh and blood, turned into a clone, and went to the world on the other side of the wormhole to find What can be used, in this turbulent space, the passage of time cannot be judged by conventional timing methods. As long as he gets the benefits this time, he will run away without stopping, and...

Zaki glanced at Zero's [Ultimate Holy Shield], and quietly continued to tear his flesh and blood, distributing it near the space-time turbulence, and then delayed time without confronting Zero head-on.

What does this guy want to do? !

Zero also realized Zaki's deliberateness. He wanted to speed up the battle, but in this space turbulence, some things were not up to him, and Hong Kai did not have the ability to fight in this space turbulence at present, so he had to protect him a little, but this did not mean that I... Tsk! !

Just when Zero was about to come up with some new means to let this inexplicable enemy taste the power, the flesh and blood torn by Zaki suddenly turned into a bomb, detonating this space-time turbulence. Zero could only groan and activate the power of [Ultimate Holy Shield] to protect himself and Hong Kai, and struggled to find a safe gap in this turbulence and escape from it.

"What is that?"

Hong Kai shook his dizzy head and looked at Zero in confusion. Zero also shook his head blankly, removed the [Ultimate Holy Shield], and said tiredly:

"I don't know, but he doesn't seem to come specifically for us. He seems to come from the other side of the wormhole..."

"Is he Subaru's enemy?!"

Hearing this, Hong Kai immediately cheered up, took out the Orb Ring and said:

"Zero, lend me the [Ultimate] power, I'll go over..."

"Calm down, this is not a matter of whether to lend power or not."

Zero used telekinesis to stop the somewhat impulsive Hong Kai, and said helplessly:

"The space is very chaotic now. Even with the [Ultimate] power, it is impossible to get through, and... .Even if the space calms down, it is afraid that the space coordinates of Subaru will not be found after being disturbed like this. "

After saying that, Zero sighed, shook his head and said:

"So, for the time being, we can only let the child hold on for a while. After dealing with the monster Dizastro, I will return to the Kingdom of Light and inform everyone of the situation here, so that they can think of a solution. Before that, let us have more confidence in Subaru. "

"....I know, the monster Dizastro, right? I will help you deal with it. "

Just as Hong Kai and Zero hurried to the universe to find the whereabouts of the monster Dizastro, on the other side of the wormhole, Zaki, who was covered in blood, dragged half of his body out of the space turbulence, looking even more miserable than before.

But after entering the Dark Domain G, he laughed heartily. In his hand, there was a black crystal-like crystal flashing. If Gen Subaru was here, he would immediately recognize that this was a fragment of the Dark Ring. At this time, Zaki raised it with both hands as if he had found a treasure, stuffed it into his mouth devoutly, and swallowed it into his stomach. Then, the wailing of evil spirits echoed in the Dark Domain G....

Gen Subaru didn't know what happened when he returned to TLT-J to feast. At this time, he was rubbing the quilt with satisfaction, feeling the warmth and softness from it, then sat up, took a deep breath, prepared himself mentally, and got into the quilt, intending to start the anti-group fight tonight.

However, at the moment when Gen Subaru fell asleep, the stone statue that was pieced together flashed with light, like mist, quietly surrounded the boy, and in the deep blue space, the same dazzling golden light particles fell, and then, the figure of Tiga stood in the space.

So that's it. Is this the training ground that Noah specially prepared for this child? No wonder he's improving so fast.

Tiga looked around and paused for a moment on a floating energy body. After confirming that there was no consciousness of Noah's body in it, he loosened his fist that was accumulating energy and continued to observe the surroundings. Then he saw the aggressive Subaru holding the Evolution Truster and walked in.

"Wow...are you going to fight Senior Tiga this time?"

"Forget it, I'm not interested in bullying kids."

Tiga's body flashed with light, and he turned into a person-sized figure. He flicked the light on Gensuba's forehead, and then said softly:

"How is it? Didn't expect me to follow you?"

"Ah! Is it because of that stone statue?"

Subaru was stunned for a moment, and then a light flashed in his mind, and he said in surprise:

"As expected of Senior Tiga, you can actually make use of such a broken stone statue, so amazing."

"Haha, it's nothing, nothing."

Tiga waved his hand indifferently, but in fact, after he teleported here, he couldn't help but want to check what happened to the stone statue. It was broken, and there was no light left inside, which made him almost think that he remembered the statue wrongly. This was really a bit too much.

"Little guy, let's talk about business first."

Tiga stretched out his hand and rubbed Yuan Subaru's hair, then looked at the deep blue space and said:

"This stone statue is considered scrapped. I can't use it as a node to transmit more light, and my main body is still dealing with some things. I will come back when I'm done. I'm afraid that a hundred years have passed here."

Speaking of this, Tiga also supported his forehead helplessly. How can I say it? I have been too lazy in these years. Some things have been delayed and accumulated. Unknowingly, a lot of things have piled up. Oh, when did I become a dead-line warrior?

At this time, Tiga noticed Yuan Subaru's eyes waiting for the next words, so he collected his divergent thoughts and continued:

"Regarding the problem of mental power loss, I have already thought of a way to use my light as a buffer to avoid damage. You don't have to worry about this. I will do it later. Then, you still need help." Can you tell me what I can do for you and try my best to help you solve it?"

"Well, Senior Diga, can you challenge me?"

Yuan Subaru looked at Diga eagerly and said, although this senior didn't show anything from beginning to end, the aura he exuded made the young man understand that he was definitely a master!

"Son, it's a good thing to be eager to learn, but if you pick the wrong opponent, you won't learn anything. That's why Noah left something to fight with you."

To put it simply, I am too good at it...

Yuan Subaru nodded clearly, Diga thought for a moment and said softly:

"But I have a lot of inheritance stone statues. After my light is integrated into this space, I will see if I can find you some good successors as opponents."

"Thank you, Senior Diga. By the way, Senior Diga, do you know how to clone yourself?"

At this time, Yuan Subaru remembered something, looked at Diga with twinkling eyes and said:

"I found that I'm not very good at being beaten by a group, so if I can clone myself, I won't be beaten by a group until I have no power to fight back."

After hearing this, Diga's body paused for an imperceptible moment. Then, he waved his hand and said without any fluctuations in his tone:

"It's just a clone. How could I not know this... little thing? Haha, wait, I'll think about the best way to teach you, um..."

065 Leo, go help

Did I have any clone skills before?

Diga fell into deep thought. He said that the last time there was a group fight was when someone came to the house to cause trouble 10,000 years ago, but that time he just lost a light skill to clear the area. He didn't expect to be able to use a clone. Skills like one-on-one, etc...

Thinking of this, Diga looked up at Yuan Subaru, and then silently looked away——

Forget it, even if I teach him my light skills, I'm afraid he won't be able to produce that kind of effect, so I'd better reminisce about whether I can be cloned...

I should know how to do it. It shouldn’t be a need to think about it. I still have a lot of skills, but I haven’t used them for so long that I forgot about them... Oh! ! ! Now that I think about it, it's... No, no, that's for throwing stone statues. It's not suitable. It's not suitable... Yes, that's right. It's that... um... This seems to be used for throwing stone statues, in actual combat. I'm not very brain...why can't I remember it...

If you don't want to think about it anymore, just rub it, it will save you some effort.

Thinking of this, Diga's body began to shimmer with light. Yuan Subaru, who was sitting aside and waiting, moved his butt quietly to avoid being accidentally hurt. But Diga obviously would not make such a mistake. He was shining with brilliance. He stretched out his hand to touch Yuan Subaru's eyebrows, and a ray of light was transmitted to the young man's mind.

Immediately, Yuan Subaru's eyes also flashed, and Diga's figure seemed to be reflected in them. At the same time, behind the young man, several afterimages vaguely flashed past.

"Although the so-called clone skills have problems with energy equalization and consumption."

Diga folded his arms and said slowly:

"But you are special. Ordinary Ultra warriors do not have as much light energy reserves as you, nor do they have such good telekinesis power. With a little bit of my personal understanding, I have figured out such a skill for you."

As he spoke, Diga waved his hand, and two clones appeared behind him as demonstration models.

"Although you have a lot of light energy, most of it is usually unused. So in my calculations, without affecting your normal combat status, you can separate five with your normal combat power. clones, but these clones can only last for three minutes. After three minutes, they will automatically dissipate. If you feel it is necessary, you can clone again. As for the specific operation and usage, I won’t go into details. You can explore it yourself later.”

After saying this, Diga pondered for a moment and said softly:

"To be honest, skills like clones cannot be said to be heresy, but after all, they are still some inconsequential skills. Just think about it for a while. Your main advantage lies in light energy reserve and telekinesis. Your training focus should still be on On this, by the way, speaking of this, I just remembered something I’ve always wanted to teach you.”

As he spoke, Diga slapped his palms and nodded as if he suddenly realized something. Then he stretched out his hand, and dark power surged out of it. This made Yuan Subaru's eyes widen, but Diga threw the dark power from his left hand. When he turned to his right hand, the dark power was immediately transformed into pure light energy, exuding light in Diga's hand.

"Compared to the clone technique, this energy conversion technique is what you should learn most. I believe this skill can help you overcome many difficulties... What's wrong? Surprised?"

At this time, Diga noticed Yuan Subaru's widened eyes, and a smile could not help but leak out from his words. He dispersed the light energy in his hands, folded his arms and stood there, and two people suddenly appeared behind Diga. Tao figure:

A dark evil spirit, full of violence and killing.

A bright golden light represents life and hope.

"I was the giant of darkness in the past and the giant of light today. No matter who says it, I will not deny it."

Diga said, dispersing the projection behind him, looking at Yuan Subaru with a smile and said:

"And this is irrelevant to me. Darkness and light are nothing more than two manifestations of power. If I want, I can use the power of darkness to save the galaxy, and I can also use the power of light to destroy the world. So, little guy, don't symbolize power. As long as you can control it, you can use it. The key to the problem is what you want to do with it."

"I understand. Thank you, Senior Tiga."

"Then come on. This energy conversion technique is not difficult or simple. You can try it slowly."

Just when Yuan Subaru was learning skills from Tiga, three rays of light suddenly flew across the vast universe and stopped on a desolate planet. Standing in the middle was an Ultraman wearing a cloak, a beard, and a crown. He just stood there, and the indescribable kingly demeanor naturally spread out.

And standing next to this king were two strong Ultra Warriors, Leo Ultraman and Astra Ultraman, who served as the guards of the Ultra King among the Ultra Brothers.

"My Lord, what's wrong?"

Leo and Astra first carefully looked at the planet and found that it was just an ordinary planet with no trace of civilization. So the two brothers looked at each other, and Leo, as the elder brother, asked:

"Is there any problem here?"

"No problem here, but...Grizza appeared."

The King of Ultra raised his head slightly, as if his sight fell on the endless place.

"Grizza!!" X2

Hearing this, Leo and Astra looked at each other in surprise. The Void Monster Grizza is a completely empty existence. It is completely [nothing] and [non-existent]. It is a life form without any material and energy reaction, but it feeds on life energy. It is easy for it to destroy the civilization of a planet.

"Well, the chaotic space turbulence caused the distortion of space, which in turn gave rise to the appearance of the Cosmic Cavern - Gliza. Leo, go and assist the Ultra Warriors on that planet. This is not a powerful enemy that he can deal with alone."

"Yes, King!"

Leo looked at the portal opened by the King of Ultra in front of him, nodded, and told his brother that he had to do the work of a guard even if he was alone, and then stepped directly into it. The King of Oger looked at Astra and said:

"Let's go, we have things to do next."

"Yes, King!"

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