In an instant, the mother body Sphia, who originally looked a little thin, became stronger, as if wearing a suit of armor. It can be seen that for the opponent Yuan Subaru, the mother body Sphia took out Quite a serious attitude.

In response, Yuan Subaru stretched out his hand towards the mother body Sphia with an expressionless face. Pure white light lit up in his palm, and then he swung it down out of thin air, as if tearing something off.

This strange move made the mother body Sphia fall into confusion for a moment. He didn't understand the meaning of Yuan Subaru's actions, but it didn't matter. It was a good thing for the enemy to be stupid, and he could do it too... Well! ?

When the mother body Sphia was thinking about how to attack and kill Yuan Subaru, he suddenly noticed something strange coming on him. Before he could analyze what was going on, he saw the Sphia spheres fused to his body. It exploded in an instant, and all of them lost their vitality. In the blink of an eye, they returned to their unstrengthened state.


This is....

what happened....

I can't understand it! ! ! !

The logic organ of the mother body Sphia was suddenly stuck. He couldn't even find any clues that could be used to analyze why he lost most of the battle before the fight started.

Of course, if [Contrast] this magical method was not possessed by Yuan Subaru himself, Yuan Subaru would not know how to deal with it when faced with it.

When the brain of the mother Sphia was in chaos, Yuan Subaru suddenly appeared in front of him, and a big slap hit his face. The speed was so fast that the mother Sphia had no ability to dodge. He could only watch helplessly as the terrifying force was transmitted from the palm to his head, and then the sight of the mother body Sphia began to spin crazily.

To be honest, the mother Sphia really didn't feel the pain in her head, but her neck suddenly lost feeling at this moment, and she was afraid it was about to break...

I didn't want to talk to you at first, but you actually dare to send it up yourself! ? Then you can’t blame me!

Yuan Subaru looked at the mother Sphia in front of him, whose head was spinning like a top. He was somewhat helpless, but he had to say that this guy was quite resistant to being beaten. What he did just now seemed like a simple slap in the face. , but the energy contained in it, as well as the impact of the explosion, can force the Dekai back to the human body, which is still no problem.

With this kind of strength, it feels like Dekai still needs some time to develop before he can compete with the mother Sphia.

While Yuan Subaru was thinking, he stretched out his hand to stop the spinning head of the mother body Sphia. The timing of Yuan Subaru's attack was really perfect. If it were delayed for a while, the monster's already extremely slender neck would be unable to bear it. Completely disconnected.

"Be honest with me!"

But as soon as it stopped, the mother body Sphia started to be dishonest and wanted to escape from Yuan Subaru's hands. Can Yuan Subaru endure him? Naturally, without saying a word, he started a telepathic attack, starting the battle directly in the monster's mind.

It has to be said that the mother body Sphia is the main hub that controls tens of millions of Sphia spheres. It is still very powerful in terms of mental and telekinesis. But unfortunately, his opponent this time is Yuan Subaru, who is already in the world. He is gifted with telekinesis. After practicing the "Unified Concept Method", he has achieved the unity of "body" and "soul". Under this premise, no matter how powerful the mother body Sphia is, Unable to resist Yuan Subaru's telekinetic attack.

Very good, it is already a waste.

After a while, Yuan Subaru breathed out a breath and wiped the sweat from his forehead. After this period of telepathy attack, the consciousness of the mother body Sphia has been completely wiped out, and now she is just a simple puppet. Oh, How did this matter develop like this...

Yuan Subaru sighed helplessly. He obviously just wanted to rescue the people on Mars, but it turned out to be a good thing. He was forced to help the novice Ultra Warriors clear the level. Now he has to help set up all kinds of messy settings. This abandoned matrix Sphia can still continue to play a role in training.

To be honest, setting up this kind of thing is quite troublesome.

Well, but this can be regarded as indirectly completing the mission of supporting Mars.

Yuan Subaru muttered in his heart while continuing the operation at hand. With his high-precision calculations, it would be no problem to build a relatively complete logical framework. Next, the mother body Sphia will follow the instructions. As he has set up, he will continue to train Ultraman Dekai. When Dekai can defeat this mother Sphia puppet, I believe he will basically become a warrior who can stand alone.

Of course, while training, you will also avoid the places where humans live on Earth.

Okay, at this point, we have basically solved Dekai’s problem!

Yuan Subaru stretched beautifully, and then with a casual kick, he sent the mother body Sphia back to the time and space wormhole.

Then, Yuan Subaru turned around and returned to the earth, waiting to see how Dekai dealt with Agamus' matter.

And just when Yuan Subaru returned to Earth, a person also came to the Earth in the parallel world. That person was dressed like a prodigal. Apparently he sensed something was wrong and returned to Earth's Hong Kai.

At this time, in the hands of Hong Kai, the Ultra Fusion Card of [First Generation Ultraman] is shining brightly, which means that his past is undergoing some kind of 'change', and the arrival of this Ultra Fusion Card It was at the beginning of the 20th century on earth that Hong Kai, who came to the earth here, saw signs of Demon Kingmon's resurrection in the aurora sky. After all, this precursor to Demon Kingmon's resurrection brought about abnormalities in the sun's light, which would The permafrost in the tundra melted, and the monsters trapped inside began to wake up.

Therefore, Hong Kai immediately went to the tundra zone. At that time, Hong Kai was already ready for the battle. He vaguely felt that his movements might be too slow.

Sure enough, when Hong Kai rushed to the place, the monster Dinosaur King II, who had escaped from trouble and regained consciousness, had appeared near Lake Baikal and was carrying out sabotage operations.

And this [legendary evil dragon] also caused the local people to panic and run for their lives. In such a chaotic situation, Hongkai didn't care about hiding his identity and immediately transformed to fight with the dinosaurs that attacked the lakeside settlement. King II fought and defeated him, but because of this, the young nobleman at the time, Prince Morozov, took a photo of Hongkai, which became an unexpected secret treasure for this young nobleman.

At the same time, after the fall of Dinosaur King II, a young man in a black cloak appeared there holding a dark ring. There is no doubt that this person is Jagula, and Jakura also got the card of Dinosaur King II, and he was satisfied. He left here with a smile.

But this time things are not over yet...

Time came to 1908. In the Rupasika Empire in Eastern Europe, it was a turbulent era with frequent fighting between the royalist party and the revolutionary army. Natasha, the daughter of a royalist party member, escaped the chaos and came to be surrounded by forests and springs. Surrounded by the land of Rusalka, life is lived in solitude.

The girl named Natasha had nothing to do, reading the news in the old newspapers left here, and saw the old news about "The monster was wiped out by the mysterious giant". At the same time, she read the news from the old newspapers. In the clear photo, Natasha could see the young man holding part of the monster, who looked like Hong Kai.

Natasha didn't pay too much attention to this at the time. After all, the news was more or less made up. In addition, the news was from a long time ago, and its credibility was even lower.

However, what Natasha didn't expect was that one day not long after, she was packing herbs in the forest. Suddenly, with a roar, the figures of the giant of light and the big monster appeared in the sky, and the two started a fierce battle. The monsters Chaogob and Orb resurrected from the valley of the fjord flew to Rusalka while fighting from the distant coastline.

In response, Natasha looked up blankly. She had never expected that she would encounter such a thing. At the same time, she also discovered that although the giant defeated the monster, it seemed to have been seriously injured and fell helplessly. In the process of falling, it turned into a human-like light phantom, and then fell into the forest.

So, Natasha took action immediately, and finally found the injured young man Hong Kai at the end of the forest. Natasha used water to clean the unconscious Hong Kai's face, and then Natasha discovered that this young man was related to the one published in The young man in the newspaper is very similar.

But regardless of whether he was alone or not, Natasha could not leave the young man here alone. Therefore, she carried Hong Kai on her back and transported him to her mountain hut with difficulty, waiting for Hong Kai to wake up.

Finally, Natasha, who was sitting by the bed and dozing off, waited until the young man woke up, and she immediately asked:

"Who are you? Can you tell me your name?"

"....have no idea."

However, Hong Kai's answer surprised Natasha. This was not a disguise, but in the fierce battle, Hong Kai had indeed lost his memory as Ultraman Orb.

In this regard, Natasha expressed quite helplessness, and this kind of amnesia situation was obviously not something that someone like her who had only received primary medical training could handle, so Natasha advised Hong Kai and hoped that he It would be better to go to a hospital in a big city, but Hongkai said that he just needed to let him rest here for a while.

This answer made Natasha very dissatisfied, but at this moment, Hongkai suddenly held Natasha's hand, and Natasha felt an incredible warm feeling. Then Hongkai said something, and she didn't hear it at all. , just nodded blankly, and vaguely agreed to let Hong Kai stay.

The clear water and air in Rusalka also allowed Hong Kai to recover at a speed visible to the naked eye. Hong Kai ate up the mushroom soup made by Natasha with relish, then lay under the sun and fell asleep with a smile. , during this time, Hongkai, who stayed here, rescued children in danger, cut firewood for the elderly in the village, and quickly became involved with the villagers.

At the same time, the girl Natasha, who had been lonely before, also connected with the people in the village through Hongkai. Hongkai used an instrument she had never seen before (Orbu harmonica) to play the songs of her hometown for her. Natasha taught Hongkai the lullaby spread in her hometown. The two played together in the forest, and Natasha was gradually attracted to Hong Kai, but the girl also instinctively felt that "he will leave here one day."

One night about a month later, the eerie aurora appeared in the sky again.

The light monster Pritzker appeared from the aurora and began to attack the village. Natasha's family was also among the villages being attacked. Therefore, Hong Kai stood up and began to fight against the monster. He ran and transformed instantly. He became Orb, and during the battle with the Pulitzer Demon, Hong Kai regained his memory as Ultraman. At this time, Uub was sucked in by the Pulitzer Demon, but he wielded Orb from the inside. The sword defeated the Pulitzer Demon. Although he defeated the monster, Hong Kai's physical strength was greatly exhausted.

On the other side, Jakura was also observing everything secretly. When the monster was defeated, Jakura held up the dark circle and got the card of the Plitz Demon. At this time, the time was ripe for Jagula, and he put the cards of the light-attributed monsters—Dinosaur King II, Super Gob, and Prizzi Demon—into the dark circle.


【Awaken! Magajedon, the Demon King of Light! 】

At Jagoura's call, a terrible monster appeared in the forest again. Hong Kai wanted to run to the forest and continue fighting, but his physical strength had not recovered yet and he fell to the ground before taking two steps. At this time, Natasha She ran over, trying to stop Hong Kai and take Hong Kai away from here, but Hong Kai rejected her idea. He handed the Orb harmonica to Natasha and told her that he would definitely come back, so be patient. Wait for him to come back.

Then, under Natasha's watch, the Giant of Light appeared again on the other side of the forest, and started a fierce battle with Magadon. In the end, Ultraman Orb used Orb Calibur to kill him. Use the skill [Orb Supreme Holy Sword] to destroy Magajedon.

Because of this, Orb obtained the Ultra Fusion Card of [First Generation Ultraman], but in the battle just now, the girl Natasha was involved in the explosion due to Hong Kai's carelessness, which left Kai with a The considerable psychological shadow caused him to lose confidence in protecting all life on earth, resulting in him being able to only use the power of two Ultra Warriors to fuse and transform for a long time.

But later, Hong Kai also learned that Natasha did not die in the battle between him and Magadon. It was Jagula who saved the girl... Wait, my memory... Damn it. ...

Just when Hong Kai fell into memories under the influence of the Ultra Fusion Card, he suddenly felt that his memory was in a state of confusion. A second ago, he was still thinking that Natasha was carrying him back. He arrived at the village, and the next second it was Jagula who carried him and threw him to the village.

Then, before Hong Kai could adapt to this strange memory change, another change occurred. This time, two young men dressed in quite modern clothes, who looked like two brothers, carried him out of the valley... .

This kind of memory change is definitely abnormal. Hong Kai has clearly felt that someone is tampering with his past. However, such memory changes make it difficult for Hong Kai to concentrate and use [Ultimate Zero]. The power to travel to the past.

It's so bad, I'm so confused as to how I got targeted...

Hongkai felt quite aggrieved at this time, as if someone was madly destroying his back garden in the courtyard, but because he couldn't find the key, he was locked in the house. He could only look through the window, angry and unwilling. Looking at him, he couldn't even scold him.

Um? ! Wait, my memory is...normal.

Suddenly, Hong Kai felt that his headache disappeared, and the immediate effect was incredible. At the same time, his memory returned to normal. It was Natasha who saved him, and his misunderstanding that Natasha died in the battle was not affected. Modification, as if everything I just experienced was a dream.

What exactly is going on?

Hongkai's head was full of questions. He really couldn't figure out who it was that was the person or monster that had such strange powers. In his memory, he didn't remember anyone having to deal with people with abilities related to memory and time. .

In short, let’s go to the ‘past’ first and have a look. Such passivity is really unpleasant.

Hong Kai sighed tiredly, took the Orb Ring, transformed into Orb, and borrowed the power of the Ultra Fusion Card to return to the 'past'.

On the other side, the brothers Minato Hokai and Minato Yongkai climbed up from the ground in disgrace. Just now, they faced a green, spider-like monster. The monster seemed to want to To influence and modify this 'past' time existence.

Moreover, this was not the first time they had encountered this monster. Before, when the two brothers were fighting another monster, they accidentally went back to the past and saw Hong Kai in [Ishtar Civilization]. 】At that time, Minato Hokai and Minato Yongkai thought that the monster opened the time and space channel and wanted to go to the dark circle, so they hurried to the ruins and wanted to squat there.

However, the brothers stayed there for a day and a night, but did not see any trace of the monster. At that time, Minato and Yukai realized that they had guessed the wrong direction, but at this time, the pair The brothers really didn't know where to look for clues to the next step, so they could only go back to the village and continue to think about it helplessly to see if they had overlooked something.

At this moment, Minato Hokai and Minato Yongkai noticed something. They stood up suddenly and looked around, only to realize that the strange vibration they felt did not come from a certain direction on the earth, but from the sky. , the sky is trembling, as if there is a fierce battle, which is intensifying in the interlayer of the sky that they cannot see!

In this regard, Minato Hokai and Minato Yukai could only hold their transformers nervously. Although they had come to the past, the problem of the time limit for transformation may still exist, so they must choose carefully. Transform opportunities to gain the greatest opportunity.

Minato Houmi and Minato Yuumi were lying directly on the ground. They looked like they were sleeping, but in fact they were staring at the sky without blinking. Now, the vibrations were visible to the naked eye. No matter when, It is quite normal for the sky to break. Minato Hokai and Minato Yukai stood up nervously, waiting attentively for the moment when the battle came.

Finally, four minutes later, a crack appeared in the sky. This crack was like an ant nest that caused a dike to burst. It quickly filled the entire sky with spider web-like cracks. Then the entire sky exploded and collapsed. What they had seen was That monster was having a heated fight with the spider-like green monster.

But that was secondary. What worried Minato and Yukai more was that the monster they had seen actually emitted pure white light. This light energy reaction was very familiar to the brothers. After all, it can be said that they are in contact every day. Every time they enter the dream world, the white frame that first constructs the dream battlefield is composed of this pure white energy.

And that was undoubtedly Senior Yuan Subaru's energy. Was it Senior Yuan Subaru's people who were fighting with them during this period? !

This result shocked Minato Yukai and Minato Minato. What does it mean to beat up my teammates? This is it. If you said you had stated this earlier, wouldn't we have no need to fight? !

After a period of crazy psychological complaints, Minato Hokai and Minato Yuumi immediately transformed into Ultraman Rosso and Ultraman Blue and participated in the battle. To the great surprise of the brothers, When they were close to the green spider monster, they all felt a strange flow of energy inside their bodies, as if some mechanism had been triggered, and that part of the energy started running automatically.

Then, Minato Hokai and Minato Yongkai saw the surface of their bodies also light up with pure white light...

So it turns out that it was the energy of Senior Gen Subaru that caused a hostile reaction against this monster? !

Minato Kai soon realized something. He understood that this monster made of green energy was the old enemy of Senior Yuan Subaru. His pure white energy was born to restrain this strange monster.

"Anyway, let's put aside the previous misunderstanding and concentrate on dealing with this monster."

Minatokai caught the monster falling from the sky and suggested softly:

"Since you also have the energy of Senior Yuan Subaru, I believe you should also understand why pure white energy has such a big reaction."

The monsters that Minato and Yuumi saw were naturally transformed from Gricho. She did not expect that these two Ultra warriors also had Subaru's energy. For a moment, Gricho My mood became extremely complicated. How should I put it? It was like feeling that something that I thought only belonged to me suddenly became...

Forget it, don’t think about this anymore, let’s fight first.

Grigio didn't want to struggle with this issue, at least now was not the time to think about it. Therefore, she broke away from Minato Huohai's support, moved her body, adapted to the injured state, and then opened her posture again, Minato Although Yong Hai still didn't understand what was going on and how he turned his enemies into friends, he decisively chose to fight side by side out of trust in his brother.

What Grigio and the others didn't expect was that after seeing the three of them forming an alliance, the menacing green spider on the opposite side suddenly stopped charging and looked like he was thinking, and then seemed to give up. After fighting against these three people, he turned around and opened a time and space tunnel, disappearing from the sight of these three people.

"Follow me quickly."

Minato Hohai hadn't figured out what was going on, but Grigio hurriedly urged them and took the lead in rushing into this seemingly unstable time and space tunnel. Minato Hohai didn't think much, and pulled his brother to follow. Rushing in, as time and space changed, Minato Hokai and Minato Yongkai felt the pain of spinning around.

When they woke up, they had returned to the original timeline, and the monster was guarding them. But for some reason, Minato Yukai and Minato Yukai always felt that this monster seemed very strange. I want to take the opportunity to give myself a beating, not a hostile attack, but a vent of anger with no meaning...

"Undo the transformation, we should have a talk."

After Grigio said this, she immediately transformed back into her human form, and the Minato brothers followed immediately without delay.

"My name is Miken Saki."

After finding a quiet place, Grigio said the name she now uses to blend into the earth's society, then waved her hand and said softly:

"You two don't have to report to our house. I know everything about you."

"very clear?"

Minato Yonghai's eyes widened and he said in a solemn voice:

"Then you already knew that we were Ultra Warriors?"

"Didn't I say that? I know everything about you. Okay, let's stop this topic. Let's talk about when did you come into contact with Master Yuan Subaru? Could it be the last time and space chaos phenomenon? ? Damn it...I was busy dealing with some other things at that time, and you guys took advantage of this loophole..."

"Please don't say that...we are like mistresses..."

Looking at the beautiful Sword Sha Ji in front of him who was biting his nails and with jealousy written all over his face, he sighed helplessly, then nodded and said softly:

"Yes, it was that time and space chaos incident that brought us into contact with Senior Yuan Subaru and got help from him. Speaking of which, Miss Mei Jian, can you tell us what happened to that strange spider monster? thing?"

"I don't know much about that either."

Meijian Shaji said expressionlessly:

"When I was studying the information and items left behind by the last time-space chaos incident, I accidentally reached the experimental conditions and noticed the monster wandering in the space-time mezzanine. However, the original target of the monster was not me, so I I had no intention of continuing to track him, but just like you just did, Master Yuan Subaru's energy suddenly reacted, so I decisively continued to track him."

Speaking of this, Miken Saki's face suddenly turned foul. She looked at the Minato brothers with evil eyes and said in a deep voice:

"In order to track this monster, I spent a lot of effort and a lot of money to get this relatively stable space-time tracker from the Universe Technology Organization. I have just started it, and you two rushed to Come here and make trouble for me, I tell you, if I find that the time and space tracker is malfunctioning after I go back, you two will sell your bodies to me in exchange for repair costs!"

"But...but we can't blame us entirely for this!"

Hearing the unkindness in Miken Saji's tone, Minato Yonghai subconsciously shrank his neck, and then retorted confidently:

"Who asked you to fight with us before? We thought you were an enemy. Since you are an enemy and you have made such a big noise, we naturally have to stop you!"

"Is there a possibility..."

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