"Senior Jagula, please wake up."

Obviously, Jakula did not fully understand what Yuan Subaru was talking about, and the child could only add helplessly:

"It is an enemy attack that triggers the pure white light and causes the pure white light to react like this. Generally speaking, it can only be said to be an attack from the original creation."

"I didn't notice this at all."

When it came to the green creation, Jagula suddenly became serious. He recalled it carefully, then shook his head and said softly:

"I've never encountered that kind of green ghost thing."

"Then it seems...it's an operation in the dark."

Yuan Subaru pondered thoughtfully for a moment, then looked at Jakula and said:

"In this case, I won't stay for long. I am afraid that the original creation this time has a big move and a big conspiracy. I have to go and see what is causing the trouble. By the way, Senior Jagula, you know Xia Chuan Is there an Ultra Warrior hidden in Yaohui's body?"


It seems that he doesn't know.

Jakula's eyes widened and he said incredulously:

"Isn't it possible? There is Ultraman in Yaohui's body? Impossible, this is absolutely impossible. If there is, we get along with each other day and night. How could I possibly... Could it be that I am old?"

As he talked, Jagula himself became less confident. Yuan Subaru had always been very reliable, and there was no possibility of making mistakes. It could only be him...

"That Ultra Warrior is still sleeping. He must have been injured in some kind of previous battle, so he is so unresponsive now. Senior Jakula, you don't have to think too much."

Yuan Subaru explained, then looked outside and said softly:

"Long time no see. I should have some fun with Senior Jakura, but since the original creation is involved now, let me get rid of this abominable thing first, and then I can have fun with Senior Jakura. Let’s go now, see you later, 88~~~”

After saying that, Yuan Subaru left Jakula's body without any hesitation.

As Yuan Subaru broke away from the pure white energy in Jakula's body, his consciousness returned directly to the TLT earth. Yuan Subaru immediately took the copy engine and got into the river of time. His consciousness Come, this time the opponent is hiding in time.

Yuan Subaru moved very quickly. It didn't take long for him to notice something was wrong. In the long river of time, he discovered impurities. In addition to the endlessly flowing and straightly connected timelines, there were more free time bubbles. This is something that can never occur naturally.

Let me go in and have a look.

Yuan Subaru's idea is very simple. Only by entering the situation personally can he find clues to the real murderer behind the scenes in the shortest possible time. But this time...

The round window with a diameter of twelve centimeters is inlaid with a reinforced plastic called isobutylene. All you can see from there is an endless world of darkness. The field of view is only ten meters at most.

This "Dragon Palace" is a 7,500-meter-class diving survey ship, but this investigation is scheduled to dive about a thousand meters. Even so, at this depth, one square centimeter exerts a hundred kilograms of force.

Forty minutes passed after we separated from the mother ship at sea. Co-Pilot (Vice Captain) informed:

"We'll reach the target in five minutes."

The Pilot slowed down the descent.

Yuan Subaru stood on the boat, staring at the pitch-black darkness illuminated by the searchlight. This was the first thing Yuan Subaru saw after entering this time bubble. Moreover, Yuan Subaru felt the hairs on his body stand on end and he was trembling.

So, am I directly replacing an existence in this time bubble?

And it is still a very special substitution, because this is something in the ‘past’, so next, I will feel all the feelings of the person involved at this point in time.

Interesting, interesting, could this... be a trap?

“It’s very cold”

This is what the captain said to Yuan Subaru in front of the window. At the same time, a piece of information appeared in Yuan Subaru's mind——

The three of us on board were inside a sphere in the middle of the ship that had a 73-centimeter-thick titanium alloy pressure hull. The only one sitting on the chair was the captain, while the vice-captain and I sat directly on the floor.

“As I heard, it’s great to wear your training clothes underneath.”

“Although this indoor suit is convenient for movement, it is a bit thin.”

Made of quilted special fibers, this indoor suit for deep-sea boats has the first purpose of keeping out the cold.

However, was the shiver Yuan Subaru felt at this moment just caused by the low indoor temperature? This is not right....


With a strange sound, the white seabed emerged in front of my eyes. The illumination range of the searchlight is very narrow. But it can be seen that the seabed is a gentle slope.

“It should be in this area”

The vice-captain looked at the instruments and said to Yuan Subaru. Then Yuan Subaru felt that his body was uncontrollable and he kept looking out of the window.

"Mr. Katsumi, can you see it?"


"Then as planned, go north along the slope at this depth."

This is the starting point of the wilderness at the foot of the submarine mountains. The mountain that was once an active volcano is now silent, sleeping on the bottom of the sea where light cannot reach.

Long-legged arthropods move slowly across the white sand.

The job of the person Yuan Subaru replaced was originally to observe these deep-sea creatures, so he took up the job in this "Dragon Palace", but...

"It's weird here."

the deputy captain suddenly shouted.

"What's the matter?"

"There are depressions everywhere"

"Is it a chimney?"

Chimneys, as their name implies, refer to holes in submarine volcanoes that will still emit smoke and release hot water at the end. They are not the chimneys of high towers.

"No, that's not the case. There are really large holes lined up. Very large, with a diameter of at least 30 meters."

Although it cannot be confirmed from the window, the monitors scanning the seabed surface should have shown it.

"Is it the remains of a crater?"

"No... I feel like there is a pattern..."

We can't stay here for long.

Minagawa felt this voice coming from the bottom of his heart, the fear in the heart of the person who was replaced.

But the mission had to be completed.

I can't leave!

Ah... What a poor worker.

Just as Minagawa was complaining in his heart, his body began to move. He turned around and said softly:

"Sorry, please turn the boat to the direction for a moment and a half."

"Can you see anything?"

"Maybe it's that"

"Ryugu" slowly turned its direction to the right.

In front of the searchlight, there is a bulge in the sand.

"That's it."

'Subaru' didn't answer immediately, but he thought it was probably there.

We must salvage something from this coordinate point.

Subaru's sight began to follow the mobile searchlight, watching the shadows on the sand, as if dancing.

As he approached the bulge, the urge to tremble came over Subaru again, and the vice-captain noticed Subaru's groan.

"What's wrong?"

Subaru felt confused, but his body still translated what he saw into words.

"Around there... did you see anything like footprints?"

"Eh? Are you awake?"

The vice-captain said with a smile.

"You see it this way because of the light. Look, there is a regularity in this seabed sand. It's like that because of the ocean currents."

What a reasonable answer.

At the bottom of the deep sea with hundreds of atmospheres of pressure, is there someone walking?

This time Subaru felt a smile. I think the person who was replaced also felt that he had such a stupid idea.

However, Gen Subaru felt his throat dry, and his extremely dry lips twisted into a smile.

This is not normal.

On the other side, the vice-captain skillfully manipulated the telescopic arm of the "Ryugu" and caught the "thing". If it floated up like this, it might collapse due to the change in water pressure, so "that" was transferred to the pressurized chamber used when collecting deep-sea creatures.

"Yeah, yeah. Now it's back to work. It's just that we picked up strange things."

The vice-captain who successfully recovered it probably felt relieved and started to talk.

"By the way, did you know that the 'Deep Sea 6500' found interesting things when exploring the island country trench?"

"Ah, that."

"——What is it?"

"A severed head."


A human head in the deep sea? No matter how hard it is to be corrupted...

"It's just a doll. The head of a human model. It was discovered by a team from Tsukuba University when they were observing the source of the earthquake in 1991. It's quite famous."

That thing is at the bottom of the island nation trench, at a depth of 6,000 meters...

Wait, who am I replacing? What is the purpose of this visit?

Listening to this past conversation, Minamoto Subaru was puzzled, but he got the answer immediately-

I was transferred from a national research institute to the Deep Ocean Research Society, which was established as a third department.

It is more like a "government agency" than a company, but it is funded by the private sector. Despite this, this is the first time I have been assigned such a mission.

The mission is to salvage "something" from a specific coordinate 20 kilometers off the coast of Ogasawara.

The thing discovered by satellite exploration is presented in front of my eyes as an image amplified and exaggerated by a computer, but before seeing it with my own eyes, I really can't believe that there is such a thing showing its face in the wilderness at the foot of the underwater mountain range.

But now that thing is in my hands.


"Thank you for your hard work."

The dark-skinned man who called himself Uchihara said to me while checking the inside of the aluminum sampling container.

'Subaru Gen' was ordered. He had to bring "that thing" that he had fished up from the bottom of the sea back to the head office by himself, and after half a year, Subaru Gen became a landman again.

Rinkai Shintoshin, though, is the head office of Deep Ocean Research in a brand new building built in Chiba Prefecture. Because there are people doing general affairs there, people like me who have completed practical work go to work places like Yokosuka.

At the head office, Uchihara, who was waiting for 'Subaru Gen' with the director, seemed to be a diplomat of a company that invested in deep ocean research.

The crew of the "Ryugu" called the thing stored in the sampling container a "plate".

It was indeed disc-shaped, but it was too thick to call it a plate, 5.3 cm. The diameter was exactly 72 cm.

"Thank you for not fishing it out in a damaged state."

"Can I ask you something?"

This time, the person who was replaced asked the only question that Gen Subaru wanted to hear.


"What is this? It looks very old, but it is extremely round. The hardness has not been investigated yet, but it is also very impressive. But it is not as heavy as metal."

Uchiharato stared at Gensuba with his slit eyes expressionlessly.

"There are patterns engraved around it. I am uneducated, which country's language is this?"

"--What do you think this plaque is, Mr. Katsumi?"

Uchiharato asked back.

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