After the funeral, Mengzi was told that her father died of oxygen poisoning while investigating the cosmic creatures discovered in Antarctica. This cosmic creature eventually became a monster and was subdued by GUTS and Ultraman Tiga.

Up to this point, Mengzi still had no mood swings.

Later, another thing happened that made Mengzi finally wake up.

Realized that my father was dead.

——That was the mother’s suicide.

Yumeko Fukudome.

People often joke with her, saying that this name brings blessings and dreams.

But now, both of her parents have left her, leaving her with only this ironic name. On the bus heading to Moriki Academy, Mengzi finally shed tears. She didn't know why she was crying, but everything around her seemed to be filled with sadness.

After arriving at Moriki Academy, Yumeko met Haruna.

Haruna has a beautiful face and is a very cute little girl.

Her parents were also killed by monsters.

As the days passed, the relationship between the two became more and more harmonious. They agreed to be GUTS members together when they grow up.

"It was the monster that caused us to lose our loved ones. We must avenge the monster with our own hands."

They can usually see or hear reports about GUTS members from newspapers and news, but neither of them knows what the daily life of GUTS members is like, and how to study to join GUTS and become a member. It happens that GUTS is just right. Two team members are determined to come to Morimu Academy to offer condolences.

Both Yumeko and Haruna jumped excitedly.

There are so many things they want to ask and know. They thought over and over and decided early on what they would ask the team members when they met.

‘Clang. ’

But at this time, another pebble hit the window, and there was an urging voice.

"It'll be okay."

Yumeko said to Haruna.

"The teachers usually know how much we are looking forward to participating in this event. Even if something happens and the teachers are angry, they will not stop us from meeting the team members."

Mengzi's explanation didn't seem to convince Haruna, she still looked dubious. When Mengzi became anxious, her tone became stern.

"Haha, it seems you are a coward!"


"A timid person like you will definitely not be able to become a GUTS member in the future."

"I-I'm not a coward."

"If you're not afraid, then stop being so nagging and let's leave quickly!"


"Hmph, you're just timid. Forget it, I'll go alone."

After saying this, Mengzi turned over from the window and jumped to the balcony. After putting down the rope ladder for escape, Mengzi saw Kentaro below, only moving his mouth but not making a sound, urging her "Really slow". Mengzi grabbed the rope ladder and prepared to get off. building.


At some point, Haruna followed Yumeko to the balcony.

Mengzi looked at Haruna and smiled. Seeing Mengzi's smiling face, Haruna nodded and stretched her hand towards the rope ladder.

"Let me go down first."

"You two are so ink."

Kentaro muttered while looking at his watch.

The hands on the watch pointed to two forty-three in the morning.

Considering the time it will take on the road, if we set off now, we may only be able to make it to the forest in time at three o'clock.

"You are still a man, why are you so long-winded?"

"Ha, what you said is considered sexual harassment!"

"Nonsense, sexual harassment is something men do to women."

"Don't you understand? Sexual means gender in English. It does not refer to men or women."

"It's just you, Ghost!"

"It's you who are uneducated!"

Whenever Kentaro and Yumeko meet, they will definitely quarrel like this.

Haruna was full of envy for both of them, because Haruna felt that their quarreling like this proved that their personalities were compatible. Both Yumeko and Kentaro have very stubborn personalities. If they really hate each other, they will never say another word to each other.

At Morimu Academy, most of the children are only children. But in Haruna's view, Yumeko and Kentaro are like a pair of biological siblings who have a very close relationship. Although Kentaro is short, he is the king of children in the academy. He has entered the kindergarten since he was two years old, and he and Haruna and the others are different, Kentaro's parents are still alive.

Although they are still alive, the two were divorced when Kentaro was born. Kentaro was raised by his mother, but later his mother developed a mental disorder and began to abuse Kentaro as a baby. Kentaro's grandmother and grandfather couldn't stand it and sent him to Moriki Academy.

Since then, nine years have passed, and Kentaro's mother has never seen him. It is said that she has started a new life with another man. Although his past is so miserable, Kentaro is a cheerful and energetic young man. Haruna's personality is relatively introverted, so she sometimes treats Kentaro

The characters of Lang and Mengzi are very envious.

The three of them came to the forest together. When Haruna first saw the dark forest, she was still a little scared. Although they did not come here to test their courage, in Haruna's original imagination, this place was a scary place after all. However, although the forest seems a bit dark and gloomy during the day, at night, the trees and everything here seem to have fallen asleep and become less scary.

Looking at Yumeko and Kentaro again, they were uncharacteristically silent at this moment and became very quiet. They were frightened by the slightest movement. Haruna even thought they were a bit ridiculous.

Unexpectedly, the two usually arrogant people were so nervous that they dared not speak.

Haruna was thinking this, when suddenly, Mengzi stretched out her hand and pointed forward.

"What's over there?"

In front of Mengzi's finger, some light leaked from the gaps in the branches.

"There seems to be a sound..."

After Kentaro finished speaking, Yumeko and Haruna also listened carefully.

Sand, coo sand, sand, coo sand.


Three people, you look at me, I look at you.

"Is it...a ghost?"

Kentaro asked with a trembling voice.

"I don't know either! Weren't you the one who said there was a ghost in the first place?"

With that said, both Yumeko and Kentaro's fears reached their peak.

For a moment, the two people's minds went blank.

I have absolutely no idea what to do next.

"There must be someone there."

Haruna said while listening carefully.

"There is someone, who could it be?"

After Kentaro asked, Haruna was also shaking her head.

"I don't know either. Please listen carefully."

Yumeko and Kentaro also followed Haruna's example and concentrated on listening to the voice again.

Sand, coo sand, sand, coo sand.

"It seems like... digging a hole."

Haruna whispered.

"Dig a hole?"

"Well, what we heard should be the sound of digging."

"I'm just telling you, there can't be any ghosts in this world!"

Kentaro finally relaxed a little, but the two of them couldn't relax for a while.

"Further forward is the stage."

Haruna's words made the two of them nervous again, and Yumeko and Kentaro looked at each other again.

"I'm going to take a look."

Haruna seemed to say this very casually.

"Are you okay? I need to go over there and take a look!"

"Mengmeng and Kentaro are right here, don't run away, I'll go and take a look alone."

"Do you really want to go there alone?"

Just as Mengzi finished speaking, Haruna nodded slightly, already pushing aside the branches and walking forward.

at this time....

The hole has been dug very deep.

"I think it's enough to dig it like this."

Miyuki said with a relaxed look, Nomiya looked at it and it seemed that it was enough to bury his wife.

He threw away the shovel and finally got out of the pit after a lot of effort. The shirt on his body was soaked with sweat and mud.

"Just throw her in and bury her!"

As Miyuki urged, Nomiya didn't have time to breathe for a moment before he picked up the sack containing his wife's body. He waddled to the edge of the pit and threw the sack down.

‘Boom! ’

The sack fell to the bottom of the pit, making a dull sound. At this moment, the trees seemed to start swaying and cheering. Nomiya had no time to pay attention to the surrounding sounds and picked up the shovel again. He had to hurry up and bury the pit.

As long as the hole is buried, everything will be over.

It's all over...


Nonomiya and Miyuki heard the sound of someone pulling back branches. They both couldn't help but take a breath of air and looked in the direction of the sound.

! ! ! ! !

I saw a little girl standing there, about eleven or twelve years old, with a handsome face. She was Haruna who walked into the depths of the forest. She looked at the two adults in front of her with confusion.

To this....

Why did she appear in the forest in the middle of the night...

Nomiya and Miyuki were speechless for a moment, staring at Haruna blankly.

"What are you doing...?"

Haruna asked timidly.

This question brought Nomiya and Miyuki back to reality.

"Nothing done."

Miyuki put on a fake smile as she walked over to Haruna.

"Little sister, what are you doing here in the middle of the night? Who is with you?"

Hearing Miyuki's question, Haruna was stunned for a moment, then slowly shook her head.

While the two were talking, Nomiya looked around carefully.

It seemed that no one else was following except this little girl. However, he still couldn't believe that such a little girl had the courage to come to the depths of the forest alone at this time.

"What are you doing with that?"

Haruna asked, pointing to the hole Nonomiya dug.

"What? Which one did you say?"

"That pit."

Then, Haruna asked something that would endanger her own life.

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