Ida Iryu picked up the bowl again and continued:

"I just know that you are not a human being."

When the woman heard this, a coquettish yet lonely smile appeared on her face, and she nodded slightly towards Ida Jinglong.

Ida Jingryu began to eat his second bowl of porridge, and the woman looked at him silently. Ida Jingryu didn't speak anymore, and time passed by quietly.

"It's noisy outside the city now."

The woman adjusted her sitting posture and said to Ida Iryu:


As the sun set at this time, darkness slowly surrounded Ida Iryu, and he asked the woman.

"Yes, it seems that a very powerful samurai was assassinated."

"This is not rare..."

"It's a spell."

After hearing this, Ida Iryu swallowed the second half of what he originally wanted to say.

"It seems that he was not killed by a ghost, but by a human being."

"Since it is a spell, it is indeed more likely that it is man-made."

"The world is terrible right now."

The woman sighed and repeated:

"It's really scary, and it's scary enough for us ghosts."

Ida Jingryu was silent. He wanted to take a closer look at the woman, but he could not see anything in the darkness that had come. Ida Jingryu was confused.

What is the purpose of this woman, no, this ghost?

Ida Jinglong had never encountered a ghost like her in his life.

Is this a hard-to-get strategy? still.....

Many conjectures emerged in Ida Jinglong's mind, and they appeared one after another and disappeared one after another. However, Ida Jinglong also knew in his heart that he was still seriously injured. With his current injury, no matter what happens, there is probably nothing he can do.

While Ida Jingryu was pondering, in the darkness, Ida Jingryu noticed something faintly moving.

In the corner of the hut that had lost its light, something stood up in Ida Iryu's hazy sight.

"Who are you!?"

Ida Iryu couldn't help shouting loudly, and then he clenched his weapon. As the footsteps approached, Ida Iryu could see clearly that there was a child standing in the corner, it should be a girl. Her tied hair reaches her shoulders, and her slender eyes reveal the same expression as the mistress of the hut.

However, the girl's eyes were lifeless.

Ida Jingryu concentrated on listening to the girl's breathing. However, he heard nothing.

"This is my daughter."

The woman in the hut said, and Ida Jinglong took over:

"It seems she has died elsewhere."

The woman nodded in the darkness. After the girl stood in the corner of the hut for a long time, she suddenly disappeared, as if she had never been there. After a period of silence, the woman squeezed out a sentence through her teeth.

"We ghosts and ghosts cannot go to the underworld after death. After we die, we will only turn into dust, trees, and rivers immediately."

"So, why is your daughter here?"

Hearing Ida Iryu's question, the woman's tone was full of helplessness:

"Because she was killed by a spell."

"Death from a spell?"

A flash of light illuminated the hut for an instant. It was lightning, and it was very close.

Ida Jingryu also clearly saw the woman's appearance at this time. After the light, a deafening sound resounded throughout the forest. The thunder should have fallen near the hut. Ida Jingryu was waiting for the next thunder, because he wanted to Take another look at the woman’s appearance——

At that moment, Ida Jingryu saw that the woman in front of him no longer had a human form, but the image of a monster transformed into a woman.

Ida Jingryu didn't wait too long. Not long after, the next thunderbolt cast light into the hut. Almost at the same time, Ida Jingryu's eyes had actually captured its true form.

In front of Ida Iryu's eyes was a white fox that was thin due to aging, and the fox's tail also had several branches...

It's a demon fox!

"Samurai, I have a favor to ask of you."

The fox's tone was very calm at the moment.

"Can I ask for help?"

"That's right. When you, samurai, were dueling with that evil spirit, I was observing from the sidelines. Just because I had the idea of ​​asking for help from you, I overstepped my bounds and rescued you from the forest."

"What do you want?"

After Ida Iryu agreed, the fox took a deep breath and said word by word:

"I want to ask you to kill me like that evil ghost!"

The third thunder struck, and the fox raised its face, staring at Ida and Jingryu with its slender eyes, eagerly waiting for the answer. Ida and Jingryu did not speak. He was waiting for the fox to explain the whole story, and the fox seemed to understand. His mind began to tell its story:

"This forest was originally owned by us foxes. Although now, even the trees here are eating dead bodies and are tainted with dirty nature. But a long time ago, this forest was filled with a peaceful and peaceful atmosphere. Before we turned into demon foxes What it’s like, we don’t know.”

"We only know that only two people in our group can live in this forest. If we are allowed by anyone, we don't know. In a word, it may be the two of us who live in this forest. "Destiny."

"The two of us are inseparable. Our demon fox clan will only give birth to one child after getting married. If it is a male, when it grows up, we will let it leave here and embark on its journey alone. Our ancestors from generation to generation told We do this, firstly, to allow our bloodline to continue in other lands, and secondly, to avoid too many demon foxes in the same area, causing them to hate each other and then kill each other."

"Because this is a tradition that has been passed down from generation to generation, the two of us will also abide by the tradition. If we give birth to a female, when it grows up, the two of us will merge into one and become a new male demon fox. After the change , and then get married to our daughter and reproduce. This is the life of our demon fox, no matter how time changes, this is the most normal and natural way of life for us."

"My husband and I gave birth to a daughter. She is the little girl just now. Every midnight, she will appear in the hut and stand there for a while. She has been in good health since she was a child and has grown up without any worries. Just now When my husband and I were about to become one, he came to this forest."

At this point, the fox's expression changed. Ida Iryu couldn't tell whether he was resentful or helpless, but the fox's tone was the same as before:

"At that time, he was just a child. Judging from his appearance, he seemed to be less than ten years old. I don't know where he heard the rumor. He wanted to come to this forest to take our lives. What he wanted was our demon fox. A family with a powerful vitality that can last indefinitely. Before him, there were many little mice who came to the forest and wanted to take away our vitality. They were either humans or monsters, but we knew the situation of the forest very well, and we only needed to use a little magic. , we wiped them out without any effort."

"But he was different. As soon as he chanted the spell, the forest that was supposed to help us demon foxes all seemed to go crazy. He killed my husband so easily that none of us could believe it. He took my husband's body and killed it so easily that none of us could believe it. Blood covered his body, and then he chanted a new spell. In a blink of an eye, his body began to change, and he transformed from a child into a solid adult man. "

"After the transformation, he looked at me and stretched out his palm. I could see it clearly with my own eyes. I saw a terrifying eye suddenly appeared in his palm. Before I could react, the eye on his palm suddenly appeared. Suddenly a black light came out, heading towards our mother and daughter. I protected my daughter and blocked the black light with my body. At that time, I no longer cared about my own life or death, just hoping that my daughter could keep her life. Life, I have nothing else to ask for.”

"However, after being hit by the black light, I was unscathed. I didn't know what he did to us, and I didn't know what happened. By the time I could see clearly, it was too late. The person in my arms was My daughter has no breath...Yes, he wanted to kill my daughter. He used a spell to let me live and only killed my daughter."

Speaking of this, the fox couldn't help but feel a little resentment in her tone. This unpleasant memory made her show a bit of her nature as a monster:

"I attacked him like crazy, but his spells were really superb. Not only was I unable to get close to him, but in the end I was immobilized by him and couldn't move. Kill me! I yelled at him. Now, I have no hope of living, and I have lost the strength to live, please kill me! I can only keep yelling at him."

"But he looked at me and scoffed: 'I want you to live'."

He continued:

"You have to live and taste all the pain."

With these words he left my forest.

Because of our nature, we monsters are unable to take our own lives. In the human world, we often commit suicide after the death of our relatives and friends, but we monsters cannot do this. We can neither commit suicide nor fulfill our destiny. We can only add years to our lives.

Later, the wandering evil ghost settled in this ownerless forest. However, ghosts and ghosts do not come and fight with each other for no reason. It usually goes down the mountain on its own to kidnap people and eat them. I have concerns, but fortunately, it understands the first-come, first-served policy, and there has never been any unpleasantness between me and it.

However, this ghost is extremely skilled in martial arts, and every time anyone comes to the forest to kill him, they all die at his hands. , these people imagine that there are many famous warriors. After this ghost eats its flesh and drinks its blood, it becomes stronger day by day.

However, you dismembered the ghost in the blink of an eye, and of course, you were seriously injured in the duel. Don't be offended when I say that. The ghost was seriously injured because of you, but fortunately he was not killed by you.

It dispersed its resentment, borrowed a few trees to escape and hide under the roots of the tree where it was dismembered by you. This ghost has a deep obsession, and it must be preparing to resurrect in the future. But is resurrection easy? Besides, we still need a body substitute, so I'm afraid it's hopeless.

Let's not talk about him anymore. I have made up my mind. You should kill us ghosts and monsters with your sword. I think I can die happily under your hands.

"I hope you can help me get rid of these years, no, it should be said that I will never recover from the pain in the future."

Ida Iryu closed his eyes and listened quietly to the fox's story.

"When you recover from your injuries and can wield the sword again, please be sure to help me."

The fox finally lowered his head deeply and begged Ida Iryu.

Thunder and lightning sounded again.

Neither Ida Iryu nor Kitsune spoke anymore.

Finally, Jingtian Jinglong broke the silence.

"I promise you."

After saying that, the fox lowered its head even lower.

Its thin shoulders kept shaking.

Not long after, the trees were agitated, but the agitation now was no longer the bloodthirsty agitation of the past. This time it was because they had lost their masters and were full of hesitation.

Jingtian Jinglong came to the lowland where he dueled with the evil spirit. He took a deep breath, and then he injected his strength into his dantian. Although it was not as high as his usual level, at this moment, Jingtian Jinglong's whole body was also full of strength.

Next, Jingtian Jinglong concentrated his mind and entered the realm of "nothingness". Jingtian Jinglong stood there, silently for a while, as if he had turned into a big tree.

The wind suddenly rose. The leaves were carried by the wind, fell off the branches, and fluttered in the air. Jingtian Jinglong drew his sword out of the sheath, and the sword drew flexible lines in the air as his hand guided it.

After the cut, Jingtian Jinglong put the sword back into the sheath.

The time has not come yet.

Jingtian Jinglong thought of this and turned to leave. After Jingtian Jinglong left, leaves fell to the place where he had stood.

When the leaves fell from the branches, there were a total of ten leaves, and nineteen fell to the ground. One of them was not cut into two pieces, just like when it fell from the tree, indicating that Jingtian Jinglong still needed some time to recuperate before he could recover to his previous strength.

So, Jingtian Jinglong and the fox demon spent several more days under the same roof. During these days, the fox demon took care of him wholeheartedly. Thanks to her careful care, Jingtian Jinglong's injuries recovered faster than expected.

When Jingtian Jinglong returned to the hut, the fox demon was preparing to cook dinner.

"I caught a big salmon today."

The fox demon said, smiling at Jingtian Jinglong.

"I know."

Jingtian Jinglong answered without emotion and sat down cross-legged.

"How is your body recovering?"


Jida Jinglong answered without reservation.

"About 90% recovered."

"In that case, you can swing the knife now, right?"


Hearing this, the fox demon stopped talking, and the aroma of roasted salmon soon wafted out of the hut.

Then, as night fell...


Jida Jinglong, who had already lain down to prepare for bed, heard the fox demon's call.

"What's the matter?"

Jida Jinglong closed his eyes and answered.

"I wonder how outsiders view us."

The fox demon's question was a bit unexpected to Jinglong, and he hesitated for a moment and said:

"Outsiders should think you and I are a couple."

"Husband and wife..."

"Yes, outsiders may think that we are a couple who live deep in this forest for some reason, which is slightly different from ordinary people."

The fox demon re-lit the extinguished paper-shaded lamp, and the dim light in the darkness slowly enveloped the woman transformed by the fox demon.

Long hair, transparent skin, her slender eyes, in addition to the charming charm, there is also a hint of helplessness.

"I'll tell you the truth."

The fox demon stared at the lamp and said quietly.

"Since you came, I started pretending to be a human and learning about human life. At the beginning, I actually thought it was quite troublesome. However, in the past two days..."

"In the past two days?"

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