Saitian Riko soothed her chest. The monitor screen reflected a dull female face. She was broadcasting government propaganda in a cold tone.

The night on this street is like the deep sea.

For some reason, Saitian Riko suddenly thought.

Whether it was the buildings standing like tombstones or the pedestrians walking on the street, everything was slowly sinking to the bottom of the sea.

And the floating monitors that shuttled between them were floating slowly like deep-sea fish.

As she thought about this, Saitian Riko suddenly had difficulty breathing. It was like a feeling of being submerged in the sea water.

I know nothing about this world.

Saitian Riko began to realize this. The same is true for the file called Poseidon that I saw before. There are still many things in this world that I don’t know. And the world keeps running through mechanisms that I don’t know.

It’s not me who is wrong. Maybe it’s this world that is wrong.

Saitian Riko trembled all over. Go home early. Just as she was about to take another step, she let out a heart-wrenching scream.

This was because she felt the eyes of the huge announcer on the floating display that was about to go away turn to Saida Riko before leaving.

As soon as she got home, Saida Riko crawled into the bed alone, curled up like a timid kitten.

It's okay, it's okay.

She persuaded herself gently. This is a habit she developed since she was a child. When she encountered something sad, when she encountered something unbearable, she would do this.

I am always alone.

But, even being alone is nothing.

Since she was a child, Saida Riko's parents raised her in a strict and less loving way. There was basically no partner to open her heart to.

She had to freeze her heart with ice.

Unconsciously, she had this idea. If she blocked her heart and couldn't feel anything, it would be okay. Loneliness or sadness, it's much more comfortable if you don't feel it.

That's how Saida Riko walked along the path paved by her parents or society with an expressionless mask.

Even though she had almost no play time due to the strict education, she didn't feel anything.

Although she was assigned to the Ministry of Science as she wished after graduating from university, most of the work there was quite monotonous clerical work, and she didn't feel anything special.

So Saida Riko got into bed again.

Compared with the past, there was no change.

However, she gradually began to notice the meaning of the nightmare that had been bothering her since the past.

The deep and cold darkness that attacked me in the dream.

Could it be the world around me?

From that day on, Saida Riko began to fear those eyes that were always staring at her, as if they were going to stab her to death. No matter where she was, the signs of being watched by someone never disappeared.

Whether it was colleagues at work, pedestrians on the road, or the announcer on the floating display, everyone seemed to be watching her, which made Saida Riko shudder.

On this day, she was walking on the way home from the Ministry of Science again, her body shivering with fear.

With a ticking sound, she felt the touch of raindrops on her skin. When she looked up at the dusk sky, the low and dense dark clouds suddenly dropped heavy rain.

This is exactly what I feel, Saida Riko thought, while opening her umbrella. Even I want to cry if I can.

I am being watched....

She found out about this. The reason is that she saw the documents related to the Poseidon Project, and someone who manipulated the project was watching her who knew the secret.

Pedestrians holding umbrellas passed by Saida Riko one after another. There was a pair of glowing eyes under the umbrella, staring at her, and she couldn't help but have such a feeling.

She dragged her heavy steps and tried to cross the crosswalk.

The sound of a car approaching from a distance sounded one step away.

There was no sign of stopping.

Surprised, Saida Riko turned her head to look.

It was a black car. It was approaching here. It seemed that it was not even going to step on the brakes, and rushed straight towards Saida Riko who had stopped at a very fast speed.

I have to run away!

Saida Riko tried desperately to run away. However, her feet seemed to be firmly nailed, unable to move.

This metal beast roared and approached. Someone's wailing came from afar.

I'm dead!

She closed her eyes tightly, and at this moment, she noticed a black figure appearing in the corner of her vision.


A strong voice came from her ear, and it seemed that someone pushed her from behind. At that moment, Saida Riko moved away.

The figure who ran as hard as he could pushed Saida Riko to the edge of the road. With a snap, the umbrella she was holding was crushed under the wheels.

The two fell on the asphalt road.

At the same time, the car passed through the place where Saida Riko was a moment ago like a bullet.

After the deafening brake sound, the car, which was about to change direction, hit the wall of the building. The car was seriously damaged and a roar came from the body.

Saida Riko's face showed a look of fear.

"Are you okay?"

Hearing this voice, Saida Riko opened her eyes wide.

The person standing there was facing away from the light of the street lamp, and his figure was outlined in the backlight. That look with the light on its back is simply...


"Are you okay?"

It was with great difficulty that Saita Riko finally saw the appearance of her benefactor. He was a vibrant young man wearing a black windbreaker and about the same age as Saita Riko.

He seemed to have saved his own life, as he was frozen in fear.

" Thank you."

Saita Riko finally made a voice. She was aware of the rain falling from the air directly onto her skin. The pain in the body gradually recovered. The fear returned to her along with a sense of reality. Seeing the damaged umbrella, she couldn't help but feel chills running down her spine.

If I didn't get help from this person, now I would also...

Seeing this tragic situation, crowds began to gather and watch from a distance.

"Are you driving to reincarnate? What are you doing?"

The young man said angrily, walking towards the car that crashed into the building.

The tracks left by the wheels are clearly visible and extend all the way to the wall. The car that was crushed by the wall was spitting out tongues of fire.

The young man peered into the driver's seat through the cracked glass.

There was no one there.

"That car is a self-driving car."

The young man explained this to Saita Riko.


"I think someone must be controlling it from a long distance. That car drove in front of you, but it didn't intend to hit the brakes or turn the steering wheel. That means..."

"Are you trying to say that it was planning to kill me from the beginning?"

Saita Riko took the initiative to answer the young man's unspeakable words. The young man looked surprised and nodded in agreement.

"Do you have any clues that someone is targeting you?"

A lot.

Saita Riko immediately recalled it. That's the one. All because of reading that document. Someone wants to completely silence me who knows the secret. Are the documents I'm looking at so important?

"Yes, there is, but..."

However, can this matter be fully revealed to this young man?

Seeing Riko Saita who lowered her head and didn't dare to say anything, the young man nodded as if he understood the implication.

"I understand. Anyway, you'd better be careful in the future."


Saita Riko answered bluntly.

"It's raining non-stop." The young man looked out. "It's almost time for me to leave. If you have an umbrella, take mine."

After he said this, he was ready to put down his umbrella. Saita Riko stood up hurriedly.

"This, how can this be done! You saved my life, even the umbrella-"

However, he thrust his umbrella into Saita Riko's hand.

"It's okay. I'm used to being rained on. After all, I'm an outstanding rain man. I might have caused this rain."

Facing the man who was about to leave, Saita Riko shouted without thinking.

"Well, thank you for your help!"

Hearing these words, the man turned around.

"My name is Riko, Riko Saita."

"My name is Gumon Ikki."

With just these words, the man rushed onto the rainy street. The majestic figure without an umbrella moved forward as if tearing apart the rain curtain. Unknowingly, Saita Riko was fascinated by it.

I will definitely meet him somewhere.

Saita Riko had this weak premonition for no reason.

Ikki left alone, and Riko Saita also waited for the next meeting with expectation, but what no one noticed was that the scrapped car actually disappeared without anyone noticing. It turned into a ball of green sludge and disappeared in front of everyone like some kind of sea monster.

And Riko Saida is still waiting for the relevant report on this car accident to see what the police can find out, but in her knowledge, the scrapped car has been cleaned up, and the wall of the building where the car hit has also been cleared. After the repairs were completed, everything returned to daily life, and the incident was completely covered up.

Someone is manipulating the information.

Saita Riko feels that this has been revealed for sure, but where does the continuous information from the floating display come from? Who made it? Was it because she had seen the plan that she caused such a disaster? Saita Riko had no idea about this, and she began to subconsciously doubt everything.

Of course, Saita Riko was also desperately trying to return herself to her previous daily life, but she couldn't. Because once the flame of doubt is ignited, it cannot be extinguished so easily.

And that night, Saita Riko fell into the same dream again.

A nightmare that gradually sinks into the deep darkness.

Tonight, the cold darkness once again clung to Saita Riko. She struggled painfully, but even so, the darkness still bound her tightly, depriving her of even her breath.

Even this time, Saita Riko felt that the darkness in her dream had become more...

The vitality is up.

Well, Saita Riko can only be described as this.

The sticky darkness was like the tentacles of an octopus, exuding the moist breath of the deep sea, which made people nauseous. In the darkness, Saita Riko vaguely saw that the words in the Poseidon Plan seemed to come alive. He stood up and floated next to him, murmuring in a low voice, saying things he couldn't understand and couldn't help but want to listen to.

At this moment, she sensed the existence of something different, just like the sun showing its face from the horizon, the darkness was dispelled, the world slowly began to be filled with light, and inspiring and powerful voices came from all directions.

At the same time, a dazzling white light suddenly descended on the world. Beside her, the darkness that had finally wrapped her tightly also screamed and disappeared.

The light was too dazzling, and Sai Tian Lizi covered her eyes. Unconsciously, her body became warm.

Then, she woke up from the dream.....

When Sai Tian Lizi just woke up from her sleep, she heard the sound of raindrops. Did it rain? Sai Tian Lizi was a little confused, looked up, and saw the bright sun.

So where did the sound of water come from?

Sai Tian Lizi got up and looked puzzled, and saw that the cup she had placed on the bedside table had fallen over, and the water in it was dripping along the corner of the cabinet to the ground.

Looking at the dripping water, Saida Riko began to feel inexplicably frightened...

Just like that, a few days later, Saida Riko opened the door and looked out, and then she realized that it had started to rain at some point, and this time it really started to rain. She looked at the raindrops hitting the asphalt road in a trance, and the sound that reached her ears was mixed with sounds other than the sound of rain.

Tick, tick, tick...

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