yes. The enemy I am fighting is not a fellow human being, but an invader. I should not continue to fight here.

Ikki Gumon felt the warmth of Saita Riko's hand, and at the same time gradually returned to his true nature.

They wanted to move forward along the snow-white corridor, but the enemy saw Ikki's swift movements before and took precautions. They ambush and fired bullets from around the corner. The bullets that were chasing after them hindered the two of them. If you keep pressing this, you will be hit.

no solution anymore.

Leaving those guys to Saita Riko to deal with, Ikki Gumon put his hand on the door next to him. Sure enough, the door wouldn't open. He fired two or three bullets at the key part, knocking it away, and the door still opened.

He pushed Saita Riko inside, and then used the open door panel as a shield to fight the pursuing troops. Bullets were fired into the door panel one after another.

Gumon Yihui smacked his lips in his heart, if they wanted to fight each other to the death, even I would have no chance of winning. If this continues, it would only be a matter of time before they are finished.

"The solitary door!"

The cheerful voice of Saita Riko came from inside.

"I found the stairs over here!"

Great, I am still blessed by the goddess of luck. She hasn't abandoned me yet.

Ikki fired a few random shots at the troops, then closed the door and hurried to Riko Saita's side. Indeed, there was a flight of stairs leading underground in the darkness.

Ikki Gumon groped for memories and frowned.

"It's really weird."


"Such a staircase should not be recorded on the map."

So, where does this staircase lead to? However, there was one thing that I was very concerned about when I got the map. As far as I could see, there was no hiding place for the invaders in this facility.

If that's the case, is this the secret entrance connecting those guys' base camp?

Ikki turned his attention to Saita Riko, and she nodded vigorously to him.

There were footsteps coming closer and closer on the other side of the closed door. Perhaps it was a psychological effect, but it felt like there were more people than before.

I had no time to hesitate.

Ikki Gumon tightly grasped Saita Riko's sweaty hand, and then rushed into the deep and cold darkness with all his strength.

Ikki Komon has always referred to the invaders who dominate the world as "those guys". What exactly are the so-called "those guys", where do they come from, and how do they rule the world? In fact, Komon Ikki Men Yihui still doesn’t know at all.

Those guys manipulate information so skillfully and have the world at their fingertips. It can indeed be described as an idealized invasion, because the people on Earth have become slaves of those guys before they even realize that the planet is being invaded.

No one in this world has ever seen a ruler. Even Ikki and Saita Riko, who are closest to the secrets of the world, are the same.

Next, I might finally be able to see with my own eyes what those guys look like.

Ikki Gumon had such a premonition that he almost believed in it.

The two of them were walking through the dark corridor at the moment. The end of the stairs leading to the underground was this random corridor. However, whether there was any problem with calling this place a corridor, Gumon Yihui couldn't say for sure.

If you want to ask why, it's because this place is obviously not man-made.

So what should be used to describe it?

I'm afraid it's best to call it a huge anthill. Although it is a roughly hollowed-out cave, it is as vast as a maze. The walls are not bare soil, but have a texture comparable to insect skin. The walls are also covered with paste-like mucus, which pulls threads from time to time. The baby dropped to the floor.

From before, Saita Riko had been afraid to keep her body close to him, never leaving him. Even Ikki, alone, couldn't help but feel horrified when he saw this scene.

He felt that rather than walking through the corridors, it would be more appropriate to say that he was forced to walk through the digestive organs of animals. There was a damp smell all around, like the rancid smell of some biological decay.

Inside the cave, there is no such thing as an electric light. However, the surface of the wall continues to emit a faint light, which ensures the possibility of seeing in the dark. It is impossible to deduce the answer to the question of what kind of system supports its operation.

Ikki Gumon is convinced of this.

This is the lair of those guys.

The footsteps of the pursuing troops disappeared at some point. They must have been devoured by some branch of this maze.

"Is this okay? Set up the detonation device and let's go out."

Although Saita Riko held Gumon Ikki's wrist and insisted, he shook his head and refused.

"No. You can't go out without confirming what those guys look like."

If you only see the shadows of those guys and don't know their figures, you must not go back home.

I want to use these eyes to take a good look at the true form of the thing that has caused us so much pain, and then annihilate it. Ikki Gumon had hot and strong thoughts in his heart.


Gumen Yihui just opened his mouth but hesitated. Moreover, even if the detonation device is installed, I don’t know if I can get out of here alive, my Lizi.

Above, there are too many killer troops gathered like before. They must be ready and waiting for Gumon Ikki and the others. Escape is quite difficult. The worst-case scenario is to blow up this place and fight those guys to the death.

However, Gumon Ikki gave up this idea. Why are you venting your anger? You promised to protect Lizi. I at least have an obligation to take her away from this nightmare alive, right?

Even if it means sacrificing my life.

But it doesn't matter, I am blessed by the goddess of luck.

We have walked a long way, we will never be able to leave this maze.

When this feeling of uneasiness began to arise in their minds, a metal door appeared in front of the two of them. However, its height was only as high as Ikki's height, but its width was very wide. For some reason, the switch-like thing was Place it on the floor, press the switch, and with a gasping sound, the door opens.

Inside, it seemed like a spacious cave. The continuous darkness ahead beckoned to the two of them.

"What's this?"

"It's definitely connected to where those guys are."

Finally reaching this point, Ikki Gumon subconsciously strengthened his grip on the detonating device. As soon as he stepped into it, he saw something at the end of the cave from a distance. Gumon Yihui seemed to see a certain figure walking past there quickly.

what is it then. Could that be the figures of those guys?

As if being manipulated by something, Gumon Ikki staggered closer.

at this time.

‘Cuckoo Cuckoo’

there's noise. There was indeed a sound coming from the front of the road riding on the weak wind.

‘Goooooooooo! ! ! ’

The closer you get, the more sources the sound comes from. There seemed to be a lot of squirming sounds.

‘Gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! ! ! ! ’

Saita Riko was so frightened that she covered her ears, as if she would be swallowed up by the sound if she didn't do so.

"Riko, wait here."

Ikki put his hand on her shoulder and said calmly, I am the only one who can bear the burden of the truth. After leaving Saita Riko there, Ikki walked towards the voice fascinated.

And his breathing began to become violent and disordered as he couldn't bear the confusing thing that was waiting for him.

He was soon reaching the end of a road that started out no bigger than a football.

Not even close.

At this time, the whispering sound was so loud that it almost drowned the ears, pouring into the ears like a roaring wave.

arrive! This is the exit of the cave! !

However, what he saw here immediately made Ikki stand there shuddering. He felt cold sweat flowing down his back, because in front of him, a huge hemispherical space opened up underground. How many kilometers of space is amazing.

Then...the walls, ceiling, and floor were all crowded together. Individually, they were a combination of a human-sized spider and an octopus.

There are, tens of thousands. Because there were so many of them, when those guys moved, the wall looked like undulating waves. At this time, they squirmed at the same time. In Gumen Yihui's ears, it seemed like there was some kind of sad cry!

At this moment, an ominous green light appeared and penetrated into Ikki's ears, and then...


Ikki screamed at the top of his lungs. Even though he had fought countless vicious invaders so far, he couldn't stand this gruesome situation.

Countless pore-like caves were dug out in the space, and those guys came in and out in an endless stream. Gumon Yihui was also in one of these caves. Those guys noticed Gumen Yihui's screams and moved the gorgeous Colorful eyes were focused on him, and those guys made strange noises like they were scratching the glass, messing up Gumon Ikki's head.

Is this the kind of guy who is manipulating us from underground? !

Ikki Gumon pressed his head and couldn't help but retreat. His spirit couldn't bear it, and his knees were trembling.

At the same time, accompanied by strange noises, the whirlpool of those guys' spiritual energy rushed towards Gumon Ikki's brain. If we were to use human language to describe this energy, it would be malicious, a malice that cannot be imagined using common sense.

Ikki Gumon felt terrible dizziness and staggered, almost dropping his briefcase, but he came back to his senses because of this.

Yes, we must eliminate these guys!

Ikki Gumon recalled his mission and opened the box with trembling hands. Throw this into those guys and blow them up!

At this moment, the personal terminal on his wrist glowed, a communication connection came in, and Ikki Gumon shouted hurriedly.

"TLT, this is Ikki."

"Ah, Gumon Ikki."

The voice of the commander that I missed so much sounded from the personal terminal.

"Right now, I am observing the invaders in this world with my naked eyes. From now on, I am starting to eliminate them."

"Yeah, thank you for your hard work. But you are really stupid."

Ikki's hand, which was about to install the detonating device, suddenly stopped.

"It's you who are going to be eliminated."

Hearing the calm and thorough commanding voice, Gumon Ikki made a hoarse voice.

"How is this going?"

"Haven't you discovered it yet? So humans are really..."

Conductor Kira Zeyu asserted contemptuously:

"Your mission ends here, Gumon Ikki. From the beginning, TLT was organized to use human hands to eliminate invaders other than us. Because except for us, there is no one who rules this earth. necessary.”

Ikki Gumon was shocked like a wake-up call. Is the organization he has always believed in and obeyed just a part of the invader? Is the unremitting fighting on which life depends thus far merely aiding aggression?

"Are you...ruling this earth?"

"That's right. Besides, Gumon Ikki, we cannot tolerate your willful actions. You know too many secrets. You have seen things that you cannot see. Please die here."

"I won't let you succeed!"

Ikki Komon quickly operated the detonating device.

"I'm going to blow this place up! Then you guys will..."

"Use an explosive device?"

Ikki Gumon stopped again. His eyes widened because he saw that the device refused to operate and showed no signs of operation.

"You are so stupid, Gumen Yihui. Do you want to strike first? I arranged for fake detonators to be given to you from the beginning. What you have on hand now are useless rags."


"Although you think your progress is going well, you have not escaped from my grasp so far. It is easy for us who control the world's information to control human actions. You came here not to put me to death. You were led on the road to hell by me.”

After hearing this sarcastic remark, Gumon Ikki threw away his briefcase and covered his face with his hands.

"Okay, this is the last communication."

The giant monster was approaching from the other side of the cave step by step.

"Ikki Gumon. Just die here."

As soon as the voice fell, the communication on the personal communication terminal was closed.

The monster made a harsh sound and rushed towards Ikki. But now, Ikki no longer had the strength to stand up——

After I found out about the existence of those guys who rule the earth, I thought I would fight against them until the end. I thought I was approaching the secrets of the world. I thought, today all this can come to an end, I can drive those guys off the earth.

But, that's not the case at all. I thought I was only one step away from those guys, but in fact I was not even one step closer. I'm just a puppet at the mercy of those guys! ! !

Gumon Ikki was destroyed by despair and suddenly fell to his knees helplessly.

It was impossible from the start.

It is impossible for a small human being like me to have the strength to fight against such a terrifying guy...

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