This January, this divinely assisted guide suddenly passed away.

The cause of death was an unexceptionable accident. He was caught in a landslide at the place he was visiting. The whole story of the accident was captured by the camera. To avoid confusion, these images were sealed and will never see the light of day again.

There is no possibility of making it public.

He struggled to escape from the rocks and died on the way. He was a great politician rarely seen in history. His blood was not red, but dark blue.

He was an alien in disguise. It is still unclear when he was replaced. However, he was in power and was indeed ready for invasion.

Since his death, the invasion plan of these Protomeus has surfaced. Politicians, religious figures, company employees... They replaced the identities of the original owners after killing them, cleverly seized the original owners' positions, and then waited for the opportunity for their compatriots to completely invade the earth.

TLT agents immediately received orders to search for and destroy the Protromaeus who were posing as Earthlings.

The one who attacked me was the third alien found in my country. He was posing as a government employee and was hunted by E tonight. After fighting with her, the alien who was wounded and fled met Nishijo Nagi, that's about it.

However, it can't be said that it has come to an end.

"Well, although it's still early, there is a mission I want you to try. This is still a bit difficult for me, maybe you can do it?"

After listening to E's words, Nishijo Nagi drooled and nodded.....

That day, E gave Nishijo Nagi a photo of a man in his fifties and explained:

"Ichijo Reiji, the president of the company, is a man who made his fortune by developing new energy."

It is said that Ichijo had contact with the leader of the G Republic mentioned before.

Confirm whether he is really an alien, and if so, quickly eliminate him - this is the next task issued by TLT.

"Although I have also infiltrated Ichijo's company. The defense there is quite strong. However, although I am fully confident that the guy is an alien, I would like you to start with his family members and launch an offensive."

Ichijo's wife has long passed away, and he lives with his only daughter named Sayuri. Sayuri is a college student and is in the same grade as Sumire.

"Contact Sayuri and spy on her family information. This is the entry-level infiltration search."

This is the task given to Nagi Nishijo.

Sayuri is petite, a rare beautiful girl with a faint fragrance. Yes, she is not a so-called college student. Nagi Nishijo thinks that no matter who sees her, they will definitely describe her as a "girl". With her long black hair, she looks like a doll.

She doesn't seem to have many friends, so she and Nagi Nishijo, who approached her after class, quickly became good friends.

The Ichijo family holds considerable assets, which means they are very rich. However, Sayuri is not the kind of girl who shows off her wealth. Sometimes, she seems to be ignorant of the world and suddenly makes unreasonable moves. This is what is called a naive person.

"I don't have a mother."

One day, Sayuri said while looking at the distant sky at dusk.

Nishijo Nagi had learned about this from the information from TLT, but she listened to her silently.

"She died three years ago in an accident. At that time, I was with her, and my mother would never come back... I was left to live in this world."

Sayuri said that she had thought about following her mother to die for a while, and she felt guilty for being the only one who survived.

However, her father who was on a business trip overseas came back, which changed her mind.

"Dad, he was really sad about mom's death. At that time, I felt for the first time that it was not only Nagi Nishijo who was sad. For dad."

Seemingly filled with an air of innocence, Nagi Nishijo could not look away from her profile reflecting the dusk.

She was very happy to be able to open her heart to Nagi Nishijo so much. Sayuri, like Nagi Nishijo, had lost her mother. However, Nagi Nishijo realized that it was for this reason that she must complete the mission. At this point, Nagi Nishijo went beyond the position of doing the mission. The two hearts of Nagi Nishijo undoubtedly resonated.

Then, at the same time, anger towards the Protromaeus people surged in her heart like a gusher, making her think that she had to live. The father she relied on was an alien who deceived such an innocent girl and secretly prepared means to invade the earth.

Never forgive.

"Hey, at that time, the country where your father was on a business trip was G Republic?"

"Yes. But what happened?"


It was true.

In order to hide her indignant expression, Nishijo Nagi had to bite her lips tightly.

After that, Nishijo Nagi and Sayuri maintained a close relationship. Nishijo Nagi did not forget her original mission and reported to E every day.

"It seems to be going well. But don't be careless."

The little sister said while eating chocolate as usual.

"No matter what happens, you must report to Nishijo Nagi. OK? You must not act on your own."

Not long after, Nishijo Nagi was invited to attend the tea party of the Ichijo family.

Finally, I can go to Sayuri's house and achieve my goal of meeting Ichijo Reiji.

"Ah, look, do you see it? That's my house."

In front of where Sayuri pointed with her finger, there was a solidly constructed foreign-style mansion. Surrounded by a green courtyard, the door that shuts out visitors made a sound and opened as the car approached.

Ah, finally here.

Saijo Nagi took a breath and entered a battle-ready state.

"My little girl has been causing you trouble all this time."

The man who smiled and extended his hand was Reiji Ichijo.

She seems to be much younger than she looks in the photos. Strong appearance.

The hand he extended out a step late was immediately grasped tightly. Saijo Nagi was surprised by the warmth of his hands. There's nothing wrong with that. Because even for aliens, blood flows.

"No way, we are each other."

Saijo Nagi replied like this. She couldn't help but worry that her expression was too stiff. Even so, it would be regarded as nervous because she was not used to a luxurious mansion.

The man who entertained Saijo Nagi heartily in front of him was an alien. He looked like he was from the planet Putromeus. He was a ruthless invader. Even though he was wearing human skin, once his true nature was exposed, he would be a cruel invader. The slender hands that put the cake into the mouth would easily break the heads of people on earth.

Saijo Nagi talked about various topics with them, and Ichijo's inner intellectual brilliance was evident.

Nagi Saijo tried to bring the topic to the direction of new energy that he specializes in - how uneconomical is a civilization that relies on oil? What are the benefits of new energy to the global environment? Its effectiveness and so on.... They chatted away.

"By the way, the president of Republic G has passed away."

Saijo Nagi changed the topic here, wanting to hear a response.

"He is a good friend of mine. It is such a pity that he was involved in such an unfortunate accident."

A heartfelt, mournful expression was captured by Nagi Saijo.

This straightforward answer was different from what Saijo Nagi expected, making it somewhat difficult for Saijo Nagi to understand. Is this describing your honest feelings as a fellow cosmic being? Or does he really not know that the president is an alien? Saijo Nagi couldn't understand.

"I'm going to peel an apple."

Sayuri left her seat.

"Aiya, it's something like Sayuri's going to attack, which is something that never happens in a hundred years."

"Don't mention this kind of thing in front of others!"

Sayuri left her father, who was smiling silently, and walked towards the kitchen as if she was angry.

This is a scene that makes people smile. How does it look like a real family?

According to what I have seen before, there seems to be no sign of being a person from the universe. If these are just cleverly mimicking people on earth, then let’s stop there. However, seeing this family composed of father and daughter, Nagi Saijo Doubts arose about him being an alien.

Shadows began to appear in Saijo Nagi's always upright heart.

"Sayuri, are you having a good time in college?"

When Saijo Nagi was looking in the direction of the kitchen where humming was coming from, he suddenly came and asked.

"That kid is a little afraid of strangers. Even so, he can't stand the loneliness, so I'm quite worried."

"Really, you look very happy."

"That's great. By the way, the fact that I asked you about the situation must be kept secret. In case she gets angry again."

He put his index finger in front of his mouth and smiled mischievously. The fact that this was like his ideal father turned into a friend who deceived Sayuri made Saijo Nagi feel quite guilty.

"Perhaps you have heard that the child's mother passed away in the accident. Only the child was left."

Saijo Nagi listened to the words he was brewing.

"At that time, I heard about my wife's obituary overseas and had to consider things such as life without her. However, I could not bear the burden of despair, and soon I returned to China half-dead. This child was waiting there. Me. Although I was obviously deeply affected by the death of my mother, this child actually inspired me.

He listened sadly to the song his daughter was humming. Said softly.

"This child is the apple of my eye."

Saijo Nagi lowered his head. This man really loves his daughter deeply.

At this time, Sayuri's scream of "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" was heard.

"What happened!"

Ichigo kicked off his chair and ran towards the kitchen. Saijo Nagi was shocked by this speed of reaction. As he passed by, the expression on his afterimage that Nagi saw was as sad as the end of the world.

"It's nothing. It's just that my hand was slightly cut by the kitchen knife."

"Be careful."

The voice of the father who was worried about his daughter kept coming.

Saijo Nagi didn't bother to pick up the tea cup that was knocked down by the momentum of his getting up, and once again fell into contemplation about whether Ichijou was really an alien.

"Hey, what do you think?"

Saijo Nagi asked E while wiping his sweat with a towel.

After meeting Sayuri, practicing with E became a daily chore. How to operate a gun, how to fight... Although Saijo Nagi was confused at first, he has recently grown to a stage where he is "very good".

"No matter what, I don't think Ichijo is an alien. Is the TLT information wrong?"

"The information should be accurate, he is an alien."

she replied nonchalantly. Saijo Nagi was furious.

"What the hell is 'should'? Is it really believable?"

"Okay? Our agents are part of the TLT. Therefore, there is no way to distrust the intelligence coming from the TLT. That's the way it is."

E's words discouraged Saijo Nagi. As a result, nothing can be believed.

"But for this reason, if you want to believe something, you have to confirm it yourself."

Saijo Nagi lowered his head, and her mysterious voice came to his ears.

"What you see with your own eyes is the undoubted truth."

Saijo Nagi smiled. Sure enough, E thought about his problem seriously.

"But don't get me wrong, I think that guy is an alien."

The warmth that appeared in E's eyes was fleeting, and he became cold again.

"You still don't know how good those guys are at mimicking human beings. Once you become careless, your life will be at risk."

"My life is at stake..."

"Didn't you almost get killed? That's what aliens are like. Let me give you a piece of advice. Don't trust anyone. Okay? Don't trust even me."

"Sister too?"

"Yes. If you suspect that I am an alien, please attack me firmly. Only in this way can you be considered an agent."

These words weighed heavily on Saijo Nagi's heart.

Is the so-called secret agent a job that even the people closest to you cannot trust?

E took out the box and put the chocolate into his mouth.

"...Hey, E, why do you like chocolate so much?"

Saijo Nagi suddenly asked. As far as the mission of an agent is concerned, there is no way to compensate for the sweetness of chocolate, after all, it is bitter.

"...It's a relic of a lover."

After a brief silence, she finally spoke.

"Nagi Saijo's lover was also an agent. He especially liked chocolate, and he always carried this box full of chocolates when he walked. But, he was killed by aliens. For this reason, I made up my mind to Become an agent. Your first task after becoming an agent is to kill the alien that mimics him."

She stared at the darkness outside the window. At this moment, her lover was probably appearing in her eyes, and he was probably smiling.

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