"Then you must not be given two salaries."

Shiori Hiragi said teasingly:

"At least I'll give you some overtime pay or something."

"Then go back and buy some snacks?"

Ishibori Mitsuhiko glanced at Hiragi Shiori, gently put his hand on Gen Subaru's shoulders, asked him to sit towards him and said:

"Subaru, stay away from this foodie. If he is infected with the gluttonous virus, he will become fat."

"Don't make up such lies in front of Subaru, what if he believes it?"

Shiori Hiragi yelled at Mitsuhiko Ishihori in embarrassment, while the boy complained with a black line:

"I'm not that easy to deceive either!"

"I didn't expect it to be quite lively here."

At this time, Wakura Eisuke, who was wearing fitness tights, walked in while wiping his sweat. It was obvious that the captain had just finished the additional physical training given to him today. He sat opposite the three people, dressed in a The tendon meat looks particularly attractive under the light.

And when he saw all the members of the night attack team coming, the young man couldn't help but think of Nagi Saijo and Eisuke Wakura. Looking at Minamoto Subaru's somewhat frustrated expression, he understood what he was thinking and said softly:

"In that case, it's good that Saijo can save his life. As for what happens next...it can only depend on her own destiny. Subaru, you are not a god either."

"Well, let's take the team off tomorrow, right?"

Sensing that the atmosphere was a bit solemn, Shiori Hiragi quickly changed the topic and said:

"Yeah...it's great. After working for so long, I can finally take a break. By the way, do you have any plans for tomorrow?"

"Go to the lab and help."

“Work on new skills.”

"Keep training."

"What's the difference between this and no vacation!"

Looking at the three men in front of her, Shiori Hiragi couldn't help but complain:

"Doesn't this completely lose the meaning of a vacation? In that case, I suggest that we go to the nearest amusement park tomorrow to have some fun!"

"forget it...."

"Agree!" X2


Yuan Subaru, who was just about to find an excuse to speculate, looked at the two teammates next to him who responded immediately, and was a little unable to react for a moment.

"Then it's settled, everyone, see you tomorrow morning."


"See you tomorrow."

What about...my opinion?

Looking at the three people who quickly evacuated the training ground after speaking, Yuan Subaru was speechless and raised his hand to interrupt. After thinking for a while, he didn't say anything. Let's relax.

But I have to work a little overtime tonight to catch up.

Early the next morning, Shiori Hiraki, who was wearing casual clothes, came and knocked on Gen Subaru's door enthusiastically. Gen Subaru now also changed out of the TLT action suit that he usually wears as regular clothes, and put on a simple T-shirt and trousers. , and his outfit made Shiori Hiragi frown slightly in her heart——

Compared with when Subaru first joined TLT-J, he has lost a lot of weight now. Although his face has not changed much and has a slightly childlike look, but looking down, he looks a bit skinny.

"Let's go, let's relax today."

However, Shiori Hiragi did not express her feelings. She pulled Gen Subaru and ran out excitedly. At the exit of Area C, the driver Eisuke Wakura and the co-pilot Mitsuhiko Ishibori were ready, heading towards After greeting them, Gen Subaru and Hiraki Shiori got into the car, then they buzzed the accelerator and ran towards the outside of the headquarters.

"There are so many people today..."

After arriving at the place, Shiori Hiragi looked at the long queue and whispered with a subtle expression:

"It's really unfortunate that the holiday coincides with the weekend."

"You... don't look at the calendar at all?"

Ishibori Mitsuhiko couldn't help but said:

"I thought you were already mentally prepared."

"I've been at the base every day, and I've long forgotten the time. I thought today was Thursday."

"Then your time is really messed up."

Wakura Eisuke said helplessly, turning the steering wheel with his hand and said:

"Let's go. I've applied for a pass from the branch. Let's go in through the other door."

"Oh!! As expected of the captain."

Shiori Hiragi and Minamoto Subaru clapped their hands, while Eisuke Wakura couldn't stand this treatment and showed a helpless expression.

"Just follow me next."

After getting off the car, Mitsuhiko Ishihori shook the paper in his hand, looked at the time and said:

"I checked the flow of people at each facility in this amusement park and made some route planning. I think it should come in handy."

"Oh!! As expected of Mr. Ishibori!" X2

"You two guys, do you only praise people like this?!"

"It's really noisy, but it's better to be more noisy."

Looking at the three people having fun there, Wakura Eisuke smiled, put on his big backpack, closed the rear door of the vehicle, and walked over slowly.


"That jumping machine just now was so exciting, Subaru, what do you think?"

"Stop your mind. We usually fly much higher than this. How can we get any excitement from such a height?"


"That carousel is so cute! Let's try it, let's try it! Oh!! That pirate ship looks so fun, ah!! And that roller coaster! Ishibori Amu, which one should we play first~ ~~"

"Shiori-sister, calm down, the people around are looking at us..."

"Stupid woman, go to the roller coaster first, there's no need to queue there."




"Well... why don't we just not go into this haunted house..."

"Subaru! Now is the time to show your masculinity, don't back down!"

"Shiori, while you're saying this, can you let go of my clothes first?"

"Mr. Ishihori, aren't you holding onto the captain's clothes too! Hey, captain, why do you look like that? ? "

"Well... I won't go in either... Hey! You three, don't carry me in! !"


"Ah... I didn't expect that there would be a scary prop falling from above at the exit. The designer of this haunted house is really bad."

After playing around, the night raid team lay on the lawn next to them where camping was allowed. Ishihori Mitsuhiko sighed and complained slowly, while Minamoto Subaru nodded in agreement, and Hiraki Shiori lay quietly on the lawn, watching Wakura Eisuke constantly taking things out of his backpack.

How should I put it? I didn't expect that the captain brought so many things. With the food they brought, a pretty beautiful camping site was completed!

Huh, in that case, I have to show my skills!

Shiori Hiraki proudly took out a piece of marinated steak from her backpack. It will smell delicious if it is heated a little bit. There are also chicken nuggets, shredded meat, and more....

"Your backpack is full of food. There is really nothing else."

Ishihori Mitsuhiko looked at the small pile of solid food and silently pulled Gen Subaru:

"Subaru, stay away from this glutton. If you get infected..."

"You have already played this joke last night. I won't say it again. Come and help! Subaru, what do you want to eat first?"

"Meat steak!"

"Okay~~Then heat up the steak first. Hehe, this is my masterpiece. You should prepare to swallow your tongue."

"Subaru, look, this foodie is starting to work..."

"Hate it, Ishihori, you can't get over this joke, can you?"

Soon, in the midst of laughter and joking, as the sun began to set, lunch was finished. After the four of them had their fill, they all fell into a state of Buddhahood. Their uniformly satisfied looks made the people around them think that this was a group of lay Buddhists from a temple coming out for an activity.

"Let's go. We've had a lot of fun today."

Hiraki Shiori stretched, stretched out her hand to pull up Minamoto Subaru and Ishihori Mitsuhiko next to her, and then pulled up Wakura Eisuke. As for the camping props, except for the electronic equipment, the rest were handled by the amusement park staff. Anyway, the logistics department would not take back those things, so the four people with backpacks much lighter returned to the car.

On the way, Shiori Hiraki took the lead in singing a folk song from her hometown, and Subaru Minamoto also sang a theme song from TV. In such an atmosphere, Eisuke Wakura also hummed a long old song. Ishibori Mitsuhiko's voice was unexpectedly brilliant. If it was in KTV, it would be the presence of a microphone master. Just like that, singing all the way, in the afterglow of the sunset, the Night Raid Team returned to TLT-J and ended today's vacation.

"I'm back!!!"

At the same time, Dark Zaki, with a banana peel still hanging on his head, reappeared in the dark area G. He threw off the garbage still hanging on his body, kicked Mizoroki Shinya, who was not much different from a corpse, and used him to open a deeper area.

Looking at the huge shadow that had already grown out of the dark realm, Dark Zagi laughed heartily. This reaction, this attitude... It seems that the body parts picked up this time are enough even if they are not used. In this case, it is time to start planning. The plan during this period can finally be implemented. Hahahaha, Nexus, your doomsday... is here!

"Beep beep beep beep!!!!"

The next night of the holiday, the siren of TLT-J suddenly sounded. Gensuba, who was still studying the 'Ultimate Cross Barrier', immediately turned into red light and flew to the place where the shock wave of the alien beast came from. He couldn't wait to verify the research results during this period, and didn't hear the shouting from Kirarasawa Yu behind him.

After arriving at the relevant area, Minamoto Subaru's expression changed. This place... is very close to the resettlement site for the survivors of Mikami Town. Dark Zagi won't...

Minamoto Subaru's face turned pale in an instant. He rushed to the resettlement site at high speed, but saw corpses all over the ground. Whether it was the police officers who were guarding, or the memory police and action personnel stationed here by TLT-J, they had all been killed. Their bodies were all bitten by wild beasts. The boy walked slowly inside, and the familiar faces all fell in a pool of blood.

Miss Tiger Yong from the candy store, the priest Miura from the shrine, Mr. Sasaki from the school, and Mr. Sagi from the hardware store...

Minamoto Subaru walked forward step by step in silence, with a dull look in his eyes to identify every old acquaintance whose face he could still see clearly. At this time, his ears moved. The boy who heard something still maintained his slow pace and walked towards the source of the sound.

"Don't come over here, don't come over here, you bunch of monsters, get away from me!"

On a rooftop, Sakura Kiyomi kept waving a flashlight. The four or five small alien beasts that were besieging her seemed to be particularly sensitive to light, so she was able to survive with difficulty. At this time, Sakura Kiyomi heard footsteps coming, and looked back in surprise, and saw the boy walking slowly towards her.

It was the little guy who came to talk to her when she left Mikami Town.

Sakura Kiyomi recognized Minamoto Subaru and waved his hand to tell him to run away. When she saw the boy still walking towards her, she couldn't help but shout:

"Don't you see how dangerous it is here! Run!!"

"Zaki, you are really mean."

However, Minamoto Subaru did not respond to Sakura Kiyomi. He raised his head, and the dull eyes made Sakura Kiyomi shudder. The hand waving the flashlight paused, but surprisingly, the alien beasts did not attack. It was not because they received some kind of command, but because they were suppressed by the terrible momentum of the boy.

"Do you think this will work for me?"

Minamoto Subaru, who once discovered the dark Zaki from Ishihori Mitsuhiko by intuition, how could he not see Sakura Kiyomi's state now? The dark Zaki attached to her deliberately did not control her mind as a means of restricting herself.

"My grandmother once taught me to think of everything in the worst possible way."

As he spoke, Gen Subaru took out the energy blaster, aimed it at Sakura Kiyomi, and fired the energy bomb without hesitation:

"So, in my mind, my grandmother is already dead."

"You guy..."

Just as the energy bomb was about to hit, a black aura emerged from Sakura Kiyomi's body, and she slapped the attack away with a slap, and Sakura Kiyomi's scarlet eyes immediately fell on Gen Subaru.

Has this guy gone crazy to this extent in order to make me disappear from this planet? !

This time, the feeling that Dark Zaki felt was completely different from the last time he fought against [Subaru Moon Miracle]. At least at that time, this guy would not use such a mental state to attack himself. Is this guy's humanity... disappearing?

Thinking of this, Dark Zagi suddenly felt uneasy. If this guy really lost his humanity, then his plan would not work.

No, no...

At this time, Dark Zagi suddenly figured out something. He possessed Sakura Kiyomi's body, originally intending to launch a surprise attack when this guy came to visit.

But this guy never came. Before, I thought he didn't want to expose his relationship with these people, so he didn't come. Now I think he might have thought that he would ambush here, so he didn't come, so that he could give up the trap he set here, or leave him here, wait until he has accumulated enough strength, and then come and beat him in one go.

It's possible, very likely, I guessed what this fit person was thinking!

Very good, very good, good boy, good boy, good boy, keep it up like this, you must keep it up, otherwise, my hard-prepared plan will be ruined! ! !

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