like this....

As Nexus's light flashed, the vertical guillotine whizzed out. This Guvira wanted to use the long horn on his nose to pick it out, which made Yuan Subaru feel a little expectant when he saw this scene. Thinking about this Is the thing a variant? It has its own unexpected power.

But it turned out that Yuan Subaru thought too much. He just couldn't run away, so he tried to fight to the death.


Yuan Subaru crossed his arms, feeling very bored. He planned to go down and chat with those two rare living people to see what was going on. But at this moment, black mist suddenly flashed across the sky. , when Yuan Subaru looked at it at first glance, it felt like a metal human mouse wearing armor, and the projection of a cosmic man appeared in the fog, and two powerful energy thunder bombarded the body of Guvira, It was reduced to ashes.

"New Ultra Warrior, get out of here immediately. This is my testing ground, not the place you should be. Otherwise, you will die!!"

With these harsh words, the projection disappeared so quickly that Yuan Subaru didn't even have time to trace its origin.


Yuan Subaru clicked his tongue in dissatisfaction, then canceled the transformation and walked towards the little robot. At this time, when Yuan Subaru was fighting with the monster, the driver of the little robot also found the 'little robot' in her mouth. Wu', a child who looked like a very bored child, looked at Yuan Subaru walking over. The woman dressed as a field force looked at Yuan Subaru and said in a solemn voice:

"Are you also an Ultra Warrior?"

"Well, I was called here by Dyna's call. Do you know Dyna? He sent a cry for help on your behalf. You should have seen him."

Hearing the word "Dina", both the female warrior and the child in her arms were a little excited. Yuan Subaru seemed to know that he was right, so he smiled and said:

"Can you tell me what's going on? You can't let me come, just kill such a little monster and go home."

"plz follow me."

The woman stood up and carried the child into the cockpit of the small robot. At the same time, she waited for Yuan Subaru to sit on the shelf at the back, but after seeing Yuan Subaru flying directly on the spot, she said nothing more. What, just turn on the power and guide Yuan Subaru towards their base.

Surprisingly, although there was a conversation on the road, Yuan Subaru learned that this woman was a member of the Earth Defense Force, but after arriving at their base, he found that it looked more like the Earth Defense Force base than the Earth Defense Force base. It's a kindergarten. Several women whose muscles don't look as developed as Shiori Hiraki's are taking care of a group of children in the warehouse, and...


Gen Subaru looked more carefully at the movements of the women wearing the so-called Earth Defense Force. How should I put it, they didn't look like soldiers who had undergone serious training. Their steps were superficial, and the steps of TLT-J Logistics Retirement Master Musashi were walking. are more stable than them.

The most important thing is that they don't have the kind of... murderous feeling that the members of the Earth Defense Force have in their bodies. Let me tell you something, don't look at Sister Shizhi who usually smiles heartlessly. Picking up the gun, the momentum is really hard for most people to withstand.

Have I been scammed.

Yuan Subaru began to think about this problem seriously, but now that a group of children saw the woman driving the small robot and the child named 'Xiao Wu' coming back, they all ran over and shouted happily, and he temporarily pressed down With this doubt in mind, these people started to reunite, while he looked at the surrounding environment, thinking about where he could lure them to if they had a falling out, without harming these children. Take these guys down.

"Are you the new Ultra Warrior summoned by Dyna?"

At this moment, the female adult who looked like the leader here came over and asked in a cautious tone. Yuan Subaru withdrew his gaze, nodded and said:

"Well, my name is Gen Subaru, and I am Ultraman Nexus. What happened here? Why are you the only ones left in the whole city? Where is Dyna? Why can't I feel his light?"

The woman Yuan Subaru asked this series of questions was a little confused. Unexpectedly, she started to get down to the topic. She pondered for a while, and just when she was about to say something, she saw Yuan Subaru waving his hands towards the children who were surrounding him. , said softly:

"Okay, okay, kids, the adults want to get down to business. You can go somewhere else to play."

"Risa, take the kids to play in the back."

Hearing what Yuan Subaru said, the female captain turned back and whispered to the gentle-looking woman next to her. Risa nodded and greeted the children softly and walked away.

"It was done by the aliens from space - the people from Star Baxter."

The female captain explained to Yuan Subaru softly:

"At the beginning, only birds, cats and dogs disappeared, and then humans. I don't know how the Baxter man did it. In short, he took away most of the people on this planet in almost an instant. Asuka said..."

At this time, the female captain saw the puzzled expression on the boy opposite her, and immediately realized that this new Ultra warrior might not know the name of Dyna's human body, so she quickly changed her words and said:

"Dina said that those people were captured and imprisoned by the Baxter people, and they used people's fear, anxiety, and despair to cultivate the new monster Jayton. We were lucky enough not to take them away, but the communication on this planet is All the similar things have failed, we..."

"Do you have any information about the new monster Jayton?"

Yuan Subaru heard that the female captain seemed to be taking the topic away, so he interrupted her and asked directly:

"Did Dyna lose the battle with that new monster?"

"Well, wait a moment while I sort out my thoughts."

The female captain could now see that the new Ultra Warrior's focus was entirely on monsters, cosmonauts, and Dyna, and she didn't really want to hear other questions, so she quickly sorted it out. After organizing the relevant information during this period, he said softly:

"To be honest, I don't know much about the new Zeton. I just heard that Dyna said it was a very dangerous monster. As for Dyna... he was petrified in order to prevent the birth of the new Zeton. Already...."

After hearing this, Yuan Subaru understood the situation here to some extent. Looking at the sad female captain in front of him, he said softly:

"So where is the stone statue of Dinah, let me go and have a look."

"No way...."

The person speaking at this time was not the female captain, but a female team member who had been listening to the conversation not far away. She said a little lost:

"That monster can't even defeat Dyna, and it's impossible for anyone else to defeat it."


Yuan Subaru responded softly, then turned his gaze back to the female captain and said:

"So, where is the direction?"

"Didn't I tell you that it's impossible to win?"

And I don’t know if Yuan Subaru’s reaction was too dull, or if he was too unable to accept Dyna’s defeat, the female teammate suddenly lost control and shouted at Yuan Subaru, looking at her as if she wanted to come up and grab her clothes. Yuan Subaru said helplessly:

"Should I not fight if I can't win? What are you talking nonsense about? I am Ultraman Nexus, an Ultra Warrior who protects mankind. A battle that you think has no chance of winning is for me. It’s not certain, so where is the direction?”

After hearing Yuan Subaru's question for the third time, the female captain replied softly:

"It's just to the east. I'll take you there later..."

"No, I'll go by myself."

Yuan Subaru waved his hand and said softly:

"I don't know what Dyna's fighting is like, but my fighting style is very rough and brutal. You may all feel the vibration here later, so if you feel it or hear it later, Don't be afraid of violent explosions. That's my normal operation. Just listen to the firecrackers going off, and don't be curious to follow them. If you are affected, I may not be able to save you. "

How should I put it? Although it sounded a bit awkward, the young man's calm look inexplicably made everyone present feel at ease. However, before they could breathe a sigh of relief, they heard Yuan Subaru say:

"Okay, last question, who are you guys? I don't think you are really the Earth Defense Force."

"...What a keen intuition. Even though you have only been here a few minutes, it still feels like you have been ambush among us for several days."

As soon as Yuan Subaru's question came out, everyone's expressions changed slightly. After a little silence, the female captain continued with a wry smile and said softly:

"Is this the power of Ultra Warriors?"

"No, it's not the power of Ultra Warriors."

Yuan Subaru tugged on the Night Raid armband on his arm as if to show off, and said with a smile:

"It's because I came from the Earth Defense Force on another earth."

"That's it. No wonder we can't hide it. Yes, we are indeed not an Earth Defense Force. Almost all of us are amateurs and are real fakes."

The female captain sighed, admitted frankly, and said softly:

"We were originally just ordinary maintenance workers, office workers, nurses... we were just people who luckily survived the capture by the Jettons. At first we were just waiting to die, but then we met these children."

The female captain cast her gaze towards the back of the house and said softly:

"They mistook us for the Earth Defense Force and wanted us to protect them, so... I took advantage of it, lied, and have been struggling to protect them until now..."

"But what's fake is what's fake."

Yuan Subaru took the words and said softly:

"Those responsibilities should not be borne by you. You are just ordinary people, but ordinary people who deserve admiration. Next, leave all your responsibilities to me. After all, I am not just an Ultra warrior who protects mankind. , and is also a member of the Earth Defense Force, which is supposed to protect humanity. Okay, I’m going...huh?”

Just when Yuan Subaru turned around and was about to leave, Ultraman noticed something. He looked back unexpectedly and saw the child named Xiao Wu running over carrying a small schoolbag and pushing a bicycle. Obviously, he was discovering Yuan Subaru. As soon as I was about to leave, I immediately wanted to follow.

"Xiao Wu, it can't be done."

Seeing this child, the female captain quickly grabbed his shoulders and said seriously:

"Big brother is going to fight monsters, you can't follow him."

But Xiao Wu didn't say anything, he just looked at Yuan Subaru stubbornly, holding the handlebars tightly with both hands. No matter how the female captain tried to persuade him, he would hold on tightly.

"I'm sorry, this child has a good relationship with Dyna, so..."

Seeing this, the female captain had to explain to Yuan Subaru on behalf of Xiao Wu who was silent. The boy nodded and said softly:

"The bond between the child and the Ultra Warrior is good, but the bond is the bond, it's not good to get yourself and others into trouble."

Yuan Subaru smiled and stretched out his finger towards Xiao Wu, the fingertips glowed red, and as this finger turned in front of Xiao Wu, the sullen little stubborn bull softened and fell asleep directly. The boy smiled slightly, waved to everyone, and turned into a red light and disappeared in front of everyone.

"Found it."

Soon, Gen Subaru discovered a strange phenomenon. In a rather vast open space, there was a huge meat-like cocoon squirming, which looked to be 500 meters high. In this meat, you could faintly see the yellow glowing part of Jetton.

Moreover, this meat cocoon stretched out sharp tentacles shaped like the feet of a giant insect from its body, grabbed things that looked like colorful marshmallows and stuffed them into the yellow part, as if it was eating.

Considering that this was an enemy that Dyna couldn't take down, Gen Subaru didn't transform and rush up to fight directly, but carefully observed the surroundings with telekinesis. After all, the scope of this wasteland is quite large. If the enemy arranged sneak attacks, tentacles, and mines below, there would be plenty of room. Maybe Dyna was defeated by this.

However, after a telekinetic check, Yuan Subaru did not find any traps. This wasteland was just an ordinary wasteland with no means. However, he unexpectedly found Dyna's light. In the crater not far away, there was a crystal-like thing of Dyna's light. If Yuan Subaru guessed correctly, it should be the backup plan prepared by Dyna to revive himself.

But the question is, where is the stone statue of Dyna? Is it hidden by the Baltic people?

Yuan Subaru tilted his head and thought about it with some doubts, then thought about it seriously and decided to go up and try it out. Anyway, he couldn't find the enemy's lair, so he would just take this meat cocoon first!

Thinking of this, Yuan Subaru took out the Evolution Truster. Just when he was about to shout "Nexus", the severe pain from the back of his head made him lie on the ground all of a sudden.

Damn, is this repair coming from my own light? This pain can be felt so clearly in the state of light particle aggregation...

Subaru gritted his teeth to prevent himself from making a sound, and after enduring the pain, he pulled out the Evolution Truster and shouted:


"You Ultra Warrior who is looking for death, since you have lived enough, I will help you!"

At the same time, the voice of the Balt Starman sounded, and the new Jetton in the meat cocoon made a roar that was familiar to Subaru, and then fired powerful fireballs from the huge yellow luminous organs on the chest and back, whistling towards Nexus, but they were detonated one by one by the feathers of particles in the air.

But this is not over yet. The energy of this new Jetton seems to be endless, and it continuously fires fireballs like a rainstorm. In just a blink of an eye, almost everything in Subaru's sight is covered by blazing flames.

This is quite exaggerated.

Yuan Subaru didn't panic at all. He raised one hand to his chest and waved it downward. The dark power surged up. Then, he clenched his fist and punched the fireballs. A ball of dark energy flew out.

But halfway through the energy flew, it suddenly split itself into Nexus head energy bodies equal in number to the fireballs. The Nexus head energy bodies opened their mouths with black smoke and swallowed the energy in the fireballs. Then they merged into one. A huge Nexus head energy body with black flames all over its body fell from the sky in a terrifying manner and swallowed the 500-meter-high meat cocoon, causing an earth-shaking explosion.


At this time, in the warehouse base, feeling the vibration under their feet and hearing the explosion like a landslide, the women hurriedly hugged the frightened children beside them. The female captain swallowed her saliva and murmured:

"This really made such a big noise..."

In the center of the battlefield, Yuan Subaru's expression was still very solemn, because when he reviewed the battle against the fused three-headed dog before, he thought about the light energy defense barrier launched by the fused Jetton. If the light energy level is large enough, it can still burst it.

But the energy of the head energy body just now, if it was placed in the fused three-headed dog, it would be enough to burst three Jetton heads, but here...

Looking at the meat cocoon after the smoke dissipated, Yuan Subaru carefully opened the defense posture.

It was unscathed.

"Hahaha, Ultraman, it's useless."

The voice of the Baltman sounded again, and he said in a proud voice:

"Behave yourself now, and let my Jetton send you away in one breath. That's my kindness to you, hahaha!!!"

Listening to the Baltman's laughter, Yuan Subaru silently took out the golden-red lightsaber, wiped it on the sword, and killed the meat cocoon.

Seeing this, the Batman snorted coldly and said nothing more, letting Jetton continue to attack. However, this time, Gen Subaru dodged the sharp tentacles of the insectoid feet that could attack him because of the distance, and also avoided the inside of the meat cocoon with a tricky twist. Gen Subaru noticed that the light emitted from the tentacles on Jetton's head was petrified immediately. I think Dyna was turned into a stone statue because of this.

However, I am close to you.

Gen Subaru did a front flip to avoid the tentacles that flew over to lock him, and at the same time, he held the sword in his backhand and suddenly slashed at the meat cocoon with the help of the flipping force.

In response, Jetton in the meat cocoon continued to unfold the barrier slowly, and also emitted a petrifying light, predicting the position of Nexus and trying to take him down in one fell swoop.

But what Jetton had never expected was that the lightsaber was indeed blocked by the barrier, but only half of it. The golden sword body that was slashing was blocked outside the barrier, but the mixed red sword light passed through the barrier and formed another sword blade, slashing towards the cocoon.

At that moment, in the surprised eyes of the Batman, the cocoon was cut open by the sword blade. Although Jetton in the cocoon immediately released a fireball, shattered the sword blade, and forced Nexus out, a wound was also carved on Jetton's chest.

"You deserve to die!!"

The Batman screamed, and he hurried to check on Jetton's condition and found that the wound had some kind of magical power that was preventing it from healing, which immediately made the Batman furious.

Then, the colorful cotton candy-like things were driven down from the battleship in the sky by the Batman, and turned into four huge monsters -

Magnetic Monster Antonra, Two-headed Monster Pondon King, Missile Super Beast Barrowken, and Bodyguard Monster Black King.

These four monsters have been strengthened and transformed by the Batman, and their combat power is several times more than their original strength. These monsters are also what the Batman intends to use as his subordinates after completing the evolution of the new Jetton, but now, they can only appear in advance.

I have fought Antonra, and I remember that the ability of the two-handed Pondon King is to continuously launch flame bombs and beams from its two mouths, and can create a huge tornado around itself for long-distance movement or faster destruction.

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