What I didn't expect was that when Taiga rushed to U40, the planet was facing an attack by the Zeton Army. Taiga naturally joined the battle. Then, after receiving Jonias's instructions, Taiga and U40 The local Ultra warrior, Titus, went to the Valley of the Heroes to retrieve the legendary Sage's Sword, which embodies the ultra-scientific power of the Ultra people.

At this time, Taiga and Titus were under siege by the Jetons. Although they had seen it and each seized the opportunity to encounter the Sage's Sword, they failed to pull out the sword and the battle fell into a trap. An anxious state.

The explosion coming from the central battlefield also made them turn their heads in surprise. After realizing that something might have happened on the central battlefield, they immediately tried to break through the siege of the Jetons again, and then tried to pull out the Sage. sword.

Of course, although the self-destruction formation was large, it was only a sound. In order to avoid alerting the enemy, and also because the surrounding area had been almost destroyed by the battle, Yuan Subaru did not immediately expand the Metafield to let this Jettra, the cosmic terror man, is wary.

The moment the self-destruction occurred, Yuan Subaru immediately deployed the ultimate cross barrier, sealing the space terror man Jett and the self-destruction clones in that small space.


Yuan Subaru somewhat underestimated the power of the explosions of these clones. This time, these clones used an improved [Ultra Bomb], which first activated light particles from inside the body. When the enemy saw the surface of the clones igniting fire, , which means that its internal intensification has been completely completed, and the conflict between light and dark energy has begun as Yuan Subaru expected.

In addition, these clones are all separated from the youth form, and they can also be superimposed with pure white light, so...

The ultimate cross barrier failed to withstand it. Originally, Yuan Subaru thought of relying on the virtual state to brave the aftermath of the explosion and go up and strike a blow at that monster. But now, Jonias saw Nexus. His body flickered several times frequently, as if it was about to dissipate. He quickly went over to hold it up and transferred some light energy, and then Nexus' body stabilized.

"It's a bit slanted, a little bit has this extra power..."

Is this a mental injury?

Listening to Nexus' disjointed voice, Jonias once again used his healing skills to make Yuan Subaru feel better. Then he looked at the center of the explosion, looking at the weapon that could summon the Zeton Legion without limit. , the Space Terrorist Jet, who survived as a human shield, looked at the miserable state of it with only half of its body left, and couldn't help but clicked his mouth.

Let me tell you something, I may not be able to withstand the explosion just now... What kind of explosive genius is this...

"Damn Ultra Warrior, he actually used such a despicable move..."

Jet, the cosmic terror man, roared low and used all the remaining energy to summon Zeton. Then he let a Zeton hug him and fled quickly. Jonias looked at the astonishing number of Zeton. , then looked at the current situation of U40, thought about it, and decided to deal with these Jettons first, rescue the people of U40, and then pursue the pursuit of the Space Terrorist Jetton.

But at this moment, Jonias heard a beast-like roar coming from his arms. Nexus, who was still confused, straightened his body, raised his lightsaber high, and blood-red flames suddenly filled the air. Lifting the sword, he swung a killing blow at Jayton who was escaping.

Looking at Jet, the cosmic terror man, who was slashed by the lightsaber and turned into dust in the air, Jonias looked at Nexus in shock as his body staggered from side to side, and finally fell back into his arms. .

Jonias knew very well that the Ultra warrior who was still dazed just now had locked the position of the cosmic terror man Jett entirely by his senses. This almost terrifying battlefield intuition can only be developed in cruel fighting. , what is the origin of this Ultra Warrior...?

111 I wish you good morning, good afternoon and good night

Ahahaha, this Ultraman Jonas' head sometimes grows, sometimes shortens, and sometimes it can be divided into several. It's quite fun...

It's funny. The ultimate cross barrier plus the backlash from the clone's self-destruction are a bit overwhelming. Next time, I have to pour more energy into the ultimate cross barrier to prevent this thing from being unable to hold on and exploding.

Yuan Subaru covered his head and shook it vigorously to wake himself up. Jonias on the side looked at the movements of Nexus, who had degenerated into a juvenile body, and said with concern:

"It's okay, the battle is over, you can rest a little longer."

"It's not a big problem. It's enough to rest for so long. Is this...the Kingdom of Light?"

To be honest, Yuan Subaru didn't know much about the Ultra systems in other universes, but here was a humanoid Ultraman and a gigantic Ultraman, which made him subconsciously think that he had come to the legendary Ultra World. country.

Hearing this, Jonias shook his head and said softly:

"No, this is the U40 star, but the Kingdom of Light is not far from us. If you have something to do, I can send you there."

"No, no, no, what am I going to do there? I just haven't seen the market very much, so I just want to ask if I'm curious."

Yuan Subaru held his head, waved his hands quickly, and refused. At this moment, a gust of hot wind blew by, turning over the wreckage on the ground. At this time, with the blessing of Nexus, he suddenly saw a Although the text on the drawing was incomprehensible, the image of Nexus printed on it, as well as his face before degeneration, made the young man realize that this was the format of the reward order. !

Wait, did something happen to me? It shouldn't be, how do they know that I... am Severn? Or Leo?

Yuan Subaru was a little panicked, thinking about where he had exposed his flaw, but after thinking for a moment, he remembered that the only two Ultra brothers he had interacted with, and both of them had been exposed in the fittest form in front of them. They looked like they were injured, so it was entirely possible for them to collect their own blood without them noticing.

No, when I fought with them, I didn't either...could their telekinesis level be able to sense the dark energy under the light of Nexus?

It's not impossible, at least I can do it myself now. In this way - collecting blood, returning to the Kingdom of Light, and launching a wanted arrest on myself after analysis, the motivational relationship seems to be perfect.

So the question is, does Jonias know this? Is he stabilizing himself now and waiting to be dealt with later.

In an instant, several ways to break out of the encirclement flashed through Yuan Subaru's mind, and the young man placed the last option on directly lifting the support and returning to the deep blue space.

After experiencing so many battles, Yuan Subaru has realized that this world is full of wonders, only you can’t imagine it, and there is nothing that others can’t do. One day, what if his father Beria, who has been eliminated, pretends to be dead again? After jumping out, he could accept this fact calmly, and then decide whether to send him back again depending on the situation.

Therefore, you have to be careful. The deep blue space can be regarded as your biggest support. If it is tracked there and causes any damage, then you may be really distressed.

While Yuan Subaru was brainstorming crazily, Jonias was still thinking about why Taiga and Titas hadn't come back yet, but he didn't know about the 'reward list' yet. Let's not talk about this 'reward list' yet. U40 was invaded by the Zeton Legion just after receiving the single. Jonias was not responsible for the diplomatic docking with the Kingdom of Light. After all, if there was a big event, it would be more convenient to directly send him an Ultra signature.

As for Yuan Subaru...

No, I have to find an excuse to run away. I can't stay in this place.

Yuan Subaru had already begun to prepare to leave the U40 star, run farther away, and then end the support state. At this time, Taiga and Titus, who saw all Zeton disappearing in the Valley of Heroes, did not know for a moment whether they should or not. It was time to continue drawing the Sage's Sword, so I ran back and asked Jonias.

At this moment, Yuan Subaru and Taiga met again and locked eyes.

It's him!

Taiga naturally recognized Nexus, who had fought alongside him, and at the same time, he remembered his grandfather's instructions. However, he didn't expect to meet again so soon. He was a little panicked and said hello to Yuan Subaru. , the other hand also quietly hid behind his back, took out the prop given by Ultra's father, and prepared to activate it.

But....where are my props?

Taiga was stunned for a moment, and scratched the air with his hand hidden behind his back in confusion. Finally, he looked back in confusion. He could clearly touch the prop one second ago, but why it disappeared the next second.

So, when Taiga turned around, he saw Nexus who was putting a miniature ultimate cross barrier on the prop.

No, wait, why two...

Seeing this scene, Taiga looked in front of him in surprise and saw that Nexus standing next to Jonias turned into light particles and dispersed. It was just a clone.

"This...should be some kind of communication device."

Yuan Subaru looked at Taiga with a complicated mood and said softly:

"Is it sent to the Kingdom of Light?"


"Is it because you saw me?"

"Well, well, since you've already guessed it, why don't you come back with me."

Taiga thought for a while and answered honestly:

"My grandpa seems to be paying close attention to you. He probably wants to ask you something."

"I'm very busy right now and don't have much time to go to the Kingdom of Light with you."

Looking at the solid props that had been sealed, Yuan Subaru breathed a sigh of relief, looked at Taiga and said:

"If I have time later, I will consider visiting your Kingdom of Light."


Although grandpa has already said how to deal with this situation, the props have been taken away by Nexus. Taiga was at a loss for a while. After thinking about it, he decided to go ahead and grab the props back first. , and then hold this Nexus and wait for grandpa to come over. Although this is a bit rude, as long as he waits for grandpa to come over, even if there is a misunderstanding, it should be resolved!

Thinking of this, Taiga immediately rushed towards Nexus, using the grappling skills he learned from his father, he wanted to grab Nexus's wrist first. At the same time, he also shouted to Titus. , and Jonias came to help.

Hearing Taiga's call, Titas looked at Jonias hesitantly, and Jonias shook his head helplessly, tilting his chin slightly, indicating that Titus should continue to pay attention to the situation over there.

Then, Titas saw that compared to Taiga's fancy grappling skills, Nexus leaned back directly, then flew up with a kick, and kicked Taiga away.

Then, the Nexus turned into light particles and dissipated, and the heavily sealed Ultra Father prop fell to the ground with a "bang".

"This is..."

"The moment you appeared, this Ultra Warrior had teleported away. Whether it was the one standing next to me or the one who appeared behind you later, they were all his clones left here."

Jonias picked up the sealed prop, squeezed it hard, and crushed the four layers of the Ultimate Cross Barrier. Looking at the remaining layers, he raised his eyebrows, said nothing more, and threw it to Taiga and whispered:

"Give up, he should be using the super acceleration skill that imitates Seiya. During the time when the clone was entangled with you, he didn't know how far he had run."

"That... Mr. Jonias..."

Looking at the seal in his hand, Taiga looked at Jonias unwillingly. He was the strongest warrior of U40 Star. Maybe...

Jonias understood Tai Tiga's thoughts, shook his head and said:

"Tiga, you don't understand, although that Ultra Warrior's strength is not as good as mine, but with his magical methods, it is not difficult for him to escape from me."

After saying this, Jonias looked at Tiga and said softly:

"By the way, do you know why Ultra Father wants to find that Ultra Warrior?"

To this, Tiga shook his head blankly, and Jonias sighed helplessly and said:

"In this case, you should go back to the Kingdom of Light first and tell your grandfather about this matter. Titas, you go with Tiga, so that you can take care of each other on the way."


Titas nodded and looked at Tiga on the side. The two young Ultra Warriors exchanged glances, flew into the sky at the same time, and flew towards the Kingdom of Light.

After the two men disappeared, Jonias put his hands behind his back, looked at the starry sky and said softly:

"Excellent clone skills, very good telekinesis control, who did you learn these from?"


"Hmph, do you really think you can hide it from me?"

Jonias raised his foot slightly and stepped on the ground. Then, Nexus, who appeared gray, rose from the earth, smiled at Jonias and said:

"As expected of Mr. Jonias, your perception is really excellent."

"There's no need to praise me like that. I was just bluffing. I just felt that you, a little kid, were full of strange ideas. It's unlikely that you would do this. How dare you run out in front of me so blatantly. "

Regardless of the rather subtle expression of Yuan Subaru, Jonias turned around, stretched out his hand, took the "reward" he had just found on the ground, looked at it, looked at Yuan Subaru and said:

"Tell me, what's going on, why would a warrior like you let the Kingdom of Light issue this to you. "

"....It's like this, you see. "

Yuan Subaru was silent for a while, took a deep breath, switched between light and darkness, and Dark Nexus appeared on Jonias' body. The tyranny and madness suppressed by reason made the face of the strongest warrior of U40 star change slightly.

"This dark energy is really powerful. No wonder the Kingdom of Light cares about you."

Looking at Nexus who switched to light energy smoothly, Jonias said softly:

"But the Kingdom of Light will not kill you just because of the dark energy. I think there may be some misunderstanding between you. Otherwise, I will go with you. I believe that the Kingdom of Light will not do anything to you."

"What if I say that my dark energy comes from Ultraman Belia?"

? !

Hearing this, Jonias's steps suddenly stopped, and he turned around in astonishment, looking at Nexus in front of him seriously, and at the same time fell into silence.

After experiencing all the disasters caused by Belia, to be honest, the Kingdom of Light and everything that has this name is in a state of dissatisfaction and vigilance. At this time, there is such an Ultra Warrior who possesses such rich dark energy and is extremely good at fighting....

"To be honest, after you said that, I don't want to let you go."

Jonias thought about it and whispered helplessly:

"I can understand your vigilance against the Kingdom of Light, but as the old saying goes, the Kingdom of Light does not kill all dark energy holders with one stick. If you don't want to be wanted again, you should go to the Kingdom of Light and resolve this misunderstanding."

"Mr. Jonias, I understand this truth, but... your life span can be calculated in thousands or tens of thousands of years, and you can ignore the time wasted when traveling between the universe, but I can't. "

Yuan Subaru looked down at his hands and said helplessly:

"My life span is not as long as yours, and even if I have the ability of [super acceleration] and can reach the Kingdom of Light within my limited life span, then let me ask, in your concept of time of immortal species, after I arrive in the Kingdom of Light, I will go through the so-called process of proving my innocence and then return to my planet. How long will it take. "

Jonias looked at the young Ultraman in front of him, and he was whispering in a bitter tone:

"By then, will the people I know still be alive? When I am not there, can they resist the invasion from the aliens? Can I still return to my homeland... Mr. Jonias, I think you can understand my troubles. "

"I will keep it a secret for you, and...you can accept this. "

After listening to Yuan Subaru's words, Joanias sighed helplessly, and his whole body lit up with light. Then the light energy was condensed into the five-pointed star energy lamp on his forehead, and the shining star light flew out from it and landed on Nai. Xexus said in his hand:

"Although your body is not here, I can feel that your light is not stable. I think your body must have similar problems. My light may be able to help you a little. Wait until your planet is stable. When you come down, you can come to me. I will accompany you to the Kingdom of Light, and I will be your guarantee. I think it won't be too difficult for you to come there, and the medical technology there is excellent and may be able to solve your lifespan problem. "

"I...fight for it."

Yuan Subaru held the light of the star and sent it into his energy core, smiling and saying:

"But what I can guarantee is that even if the Nexus Competent you see in the future is not me, there must be my belief in that inherited light, and it will prove it for me. I have lived up to your trust and help today, Mr. Joanias, I wish you good morning, good afternoon, and good night.”

112 Spaceman Attack

After saying that, Yuan Subaru turned into light particles and returned to the deep blue space. Then he woke up from it. Looking at the Evolutionary Truster in his hand, the young man gently pulled it out and knocked on his head. Then, Qiao The light of Nias was transmitted to his body.

Immediately, Yuan Subaru felt a warm air flow on the surface of his body, and slowly penetrated downwards. The comfort from the inside out made him unable to help but let out an uncontrollable low cry.

On the other side, Matsunaga Kaichiro looked at the report in his hand and said solemnly:

"Is this the conclusion you have reached in the past few days? Didn't you say that Yuan Subaru's cell activity has decreased, which may be a good thing?"

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