In this way, in the intense practice, the earth spent another month. During this period, Yuan Subaru's growth in technology and knowledge can be said to be rapid. At the same time, he also looked for a carrier suitable for "transformation".

After trying to transform nuclear bombs, nuclear power plants and other things that can generate a lot of energy, Yuan Subaru and TLT assistants subtly discovered that alien beasts... especially those alien beasts that have only flesh and blood proliferating after their consciousness or instincts have been wiped out, are relatively excellent "transformation" carriers.

After submitting this result to the TLT meeting, everyone was also laughing and crying. They didn't expect that the enemy that had not been completely eliminated until now has now become the supply resource for their main combat power.

And based on this foundation, the number of Yuan Subaru's stone statue reserves has increased rapidly. As of now, nearly a thousand supply stone statues have been accumulated. Yuan Subaru believes that if these stone statues are thrown out as bombs, they can also kill several dark Zagi.

The embarrassing problem at present is that Yuan Subaru does not know what level his current combat power is in the universe. Is he good at fighting, relatively good at fighting, or very good at fighting? This makes Yuan Subaru a little anxious.

At this time, Yuan Subaru thought of the huge darkness sleeping under the ruins of Luluye in Yuan Dagu's world, and wondered whether he should go over and take the monster for a try.

But he thought about it again and decided not to. The huge darkness was still quite scary. If he couldn't bear it, wouldn't it be a big pit for Dagu? He should find other monsters first and try his hand.

By the way, I don't know how Dagu has been practicing the stone statue sealing technique during this period?

Yuan Subaru, who was eating with big mouthfuls of rice, thought of Yuan Dagu's practice progress. When he was in the deep blue space before, he had taught Yuan Dagu [Saijia Super Acceleration] and [Stone Peak Sealing Technique]. For the former, Yuan Dagu said that his light energy could not bear such tossing. For the latter, Yuan Dagu said that he could try it, and then he was busy dealing with these things and had no time to find him in the deep blue space.

Forget it, let's focus on the present now. Dealing with the crisis on the earth first is the most important thing.

Yuan Subaru nodded to himself, decided on this order, and then planned to go to the deep blue space after dinner to continue to develop skills.

But this time, when Yuan Subaru was using his current knowledge to try to let Nexus use the power of time and space, he heard, he heard, heard the cry for help from the deep blue space. Yuan Subaru rubbed his fists and looked forward to the opponent this time being a powerful person, so that he could judge his own strength.

Gensuba, who was ready, immediately responded to the call and moved forward to the unknown universe.

On the other side...

Hmm...I'm really unlucky...

In another universe, a cosmic man wearing golden armor, a white skirt, red gems inlaid on both hands, with a face similar to that of the Ultraman family, and a red mark on his chest, covered his chest and staggered forward a few steps, took a deep breath, raised his hands, and wanted to guide the red gems in his hands to glow, but the severe pain that came immediately made him groan and had to interrupt this skill.

"No...I can't die here, bastard...I'll remember the bastard who attacked me!"

The little golden man who had struggled through the pain held the stone next to him, with hatred in his eyes. Not long ago, his home planet encountered a major crisis and there was a precursor to destruction, so he began to look for a solution in the universe.



Not long after he went out, he encountered a terrible space-time crack, where two extremely powerful beings seemed to be fighting. Naturally, he chose to avoid it immediately.

However, the guy in the crack who used dark energy actually found him and dragged him over with an inescapable force to use as his meat shield. If it weren't for the sacred figure throwing him out, he would have been dead by now.

Although he was not dead at the moment, his condition was quite bad. Not to mention the injuries he suffered in such a terrifying conflict, the dark energy of that bastard was extremely corrosive and deterrent. At the moment he was locked by it, his brain went blank for a moment.

And with the infusion of dark energy, his body also changed immediately. If it weren't for his relatively good strength, he would have been transformed into a puppet and thrown out as a weapon.

But even though he was not turned into a puppet, his energy was drained away, and the remaining energy was dormant because of the strange dark energy, as if it was sealed. Whenever he wanted to activate the remaining little energy, his injuries would be involved, causing him to fail again and again, and to waste his limited physical strength in vain.

"Damn it, damn it... I... I have to live!!"

The little golden man thought he was well-informed. He knew very well what happened on the planet he landed on. The terrible terror was about to be born, and he had to find a way to escape as soon as possible.


How can I leave in this state?

The little golden man sighed, looked in the direction of his home planet, and stared silently. He was dead before he could accomplish his mission. He hoped that others could find a way to make his people... Humph, are they here already? !

The little golden man felt the vibration coming from underground, his face changed slightly, and he realized something. He took a deep breath and planned to give it a try. After all, whether it was the wound aggravated by activating energy or being caught by this monster, the result would be death. In this case, he might as well give it a last try!

In an instant, the tentacles that emerged from the ground danced wildly in the air. The little golden man let out a powerful war cry, wanting to launch a dignified attack on the tentacles that were hitting him.

But at this moment, bright light particles fell, and on this dead planet, the little golden man felt such a warm feeling for the first time. He subconsciously looked back and saw a child emitting soft light who appeared at some point. He smiled and nodded at him, and then the soft light bloomed outward and turned into a ball of light. The child hugged the little golden man from behind and quickly left the planet that was about to be destroyed and stayed on the satellite not far away.

"Thank you for your rescue. I will remember this kindness."

The feeling of escaping death made the little golden man stunned for a moment, but immediately, he came back to his senses and politely thanked Yuan Subaru. Yuan Subaru also lifted the Nexus state of waiting for others, smiled and waved his hand, saying that you are welcome, and at the same time he was secretly looking at this alien.

This alien was different from those he had seen before. It was a bit like the ancient Egyptian god in the painting book. The whole body was mainly black and gold, and it was an image similar to wearing a crown.

The breastplate above its abdomen is in a V shape, like a bird's beak. This V extends all the way to the shoulders, simulating the head and wings of a bird. At the same time, the broad shoulders and the curved waistline form an inverted triangle, giving people the first impression that the overall figure is very fit and well-proportioned.

The pattern in the center of the chest is a somewhat abstract geometric straight line pattern, and the lower body is a split skirt. The overall look gives people a sense of luxury, but because there is no extra decoration on the body, it is also a bit simple.

"Um... do you have any questions?"

The little golden man noticed Yuan Subaru's sight at this time, and asked nervously in his heart. After all, the current state is really too bad. If this mysterious man who looks like a child has any intentions towards him, then there is really nowhere to escape.

"Nothing, I just think you look so handsome in this suit. I'll remember the style and make myself a suit of armor to try on."

Yuan Subaru's eyes lit up as he answered, and the little golden man was speechless. A lot of solutions flashed through his mind just now, but this one was unexpected. He was silent for a while, and thought of an answer urgently, and said softly:

"I'm afraid this won't work. You're too thin and can't support it."

"Well... that's right."

Yuan Subaru looked down at himself, patted his stomach with his hand, and Touching his cheek, he answered somewhat disappointedly. Seeing Yuan Subaru like this, the little golden man coughed and said softly: "This is actually not a big problem. If I can go back, I will find someone to design a suit for you, which can guarantee handsomeness." "Oh... this is not good. Your suit looks quite expensive. Add to that the design fee. What if you don't accept gold or something? How long will I have to wash dishes to make enough money?" Facing the little golden man's suggestion, Yuan Subaru was a little embarrassed and counted on his fingers. Okay, after saying that, he suddenly realized something, looked at the little golden man seriously and said:

"By the way, do you aliens recruit child laborers? You won't deduct wages because they are child laborers."

"Wait a minute, I can't follow your thinking."

The little golden man covered his head, waved his hand and said:

"You saved my life, it's just a set of clothes, why do you think I won't pay for you?"


Yuan Subaru tilted his head slightly and said softly:

"But I didn't plan to ask for anything in return for saving you, you You helped me find a designer, and I didn't think about giving you the commission. That's already shameless. "

"No, you saved me."

The little golden man stared at Yuan Subaru, and found that he was really not pretending, so he said helplessly:

"Shouldn't I repay you?"

"You asked me for help, isn't it natural for me to save you? People helped me make clothes, isn't it natural for me to pay? You, don't confuse things. "

Wait, what's wrong with this kid's brain circuit, why can't I keep up.

The little golden man didn't care about his chest pain and stuffiness, and covered his head with both hands, and began to sort out what kind of logic this was. He was such a big man, why was he still... Ugh!!!

Before the little golden man started to think, the sudden comfort almost made him lose his voice and make a shameful sound. He looked back in surprise and saw that the child opened his hand to him, and a pure white light came out of it.

After this light flowed into his body, it was like a cracked field encountering a sweet rain, and began to absorb every bit of water crazily. This warm and pure power was the first time that the little golden man had seen it in all his years. He could only say that this time he really learned a lot, but this pure white light seemed a little immature... Wait, what's wrong with this light? !

121 Ultimate Life Form·Absolut·Tartarus

The little golden man felt something was wrong. He felt that he might have felt wrong, so he felt it again. Yes, this light was very immature. I'm afraid it wasn't just after it was born. As for how long... How should I put it? Compared with his long lifespan, it should be the time it takes for him to move his hands subconsciously.

No, wait, is your apparent age your real age? No, you look older than your actual age! !

Because his current physical condition is really bad, his body is instinctively sensitive to this external light, and the Little Golden Man was very cautious before to prevent this light from causing any harm to himself, coupled with his own special energy and foundation of knowledge, this kind of The accumulation of conditions made him realize that something was wrong just by receiving pure white light, and realized that the mysterious person who was healing him was really a child.

"By the way, I just forgot to ask, what is your name?"

At this time, Yuan Subaru asked curiously while transmitting energy to the little golden man. He had just been paying attention to the appearance of this cosmic man. If he hadn't opened his mouth to call him, he would have forgotten that he had not asked. his name.

However, what surprised Yuan Subaru was that the cosmic man's reaction to this question was a bit big. He suddenly raised his hand, and in a chant-like tone, he slowly lowered his hand and pressed it on the mark on his chest. said:

"I am the ultimate life form, a warrior of the Absolut people..."

After saying this, the little golden man suddenly turned his hand outwards, pointed at himself with his thumb and continued:

"Absolut Tartarus."


Yuan Subaru could see that this cosmic person was introducing himself very solemnly and politely. I can only say that there are still some cultural differences, such as this's so long...Yuan Subaru was confused. Opened his mouth and said softly:

"The ultimate life form Artanis..."

"The ultimate life form, Absolute Tartarus."

Seeing Yuan Subaru trying very hard to repeat his name, Absolut Tartarus patiently repeated it. Yuan Subaru pursed his lips and recalled it carefully before continuing:

"The ultimate life form, Absolute Losric... No, it's the ultimate life form, Absolute Tartaroth!"


"Absolut Tartarus!"

"Yes, that's my name."

Tartarus nodded with a smile. How should I put it, teaching a child to speak is quite meaningful. When he speaks correctly, the sense of accomplishment that comes from it...well, it's a bit refreshing.


"Ultimate Life Form·Absolute·Tartaros Ultimate Life Form·Absolute·Tartalos Ultimate Life Form·Absolute·Tartaros Ultimate Life Form·Abso Leut Tartarus..."

"Okay, okay, you have read it very well."

After listening to Yuan Subaru counting on his fingers for a while, Tartarus quickly interrupted him, feeling that if he continued to talk, he would feel that it was not his name.

"Okay, Mr. Ultimate Life Form Absolut Tartarus"

" don't have to shout out everything..."

Tartarus usually didn't feel that when this child called his full name so seriously and seriously, he felt an inexplicable sense of shame. He quickly waved his hands and said softly:

"Call me Tartarus... No, you can call me whatever you feel comfortable with, as long as I can understand that you are calling me."

"Okay, Mr. Tartarus."

After solving the problem of addressing, Yuan Subaru looked at Tartarus and said softly:

"I would like to ask, is that planet your home planet?"

"No, I just landed on it in distress."

Tartarus shook his head, looked at the dead planet, and whispered, but when he thought about it, if he didn't find a way quickly, his home planet would be in a similar situation sooner or later. The tribe would become wanderers in the universe, and Tartarus couldn't help but feel heavy.

The somewhat depressed state of mind of this ultimate life form could not be concealed from Yuan Subaru's perception. The young man tentatively asked what was going on. Tartarus thought about it for a moment, but did not hide it. He simply explained the whole story. , Yuan Subaru raised his head slightly, seemed to have thought of something, snapped his fingers, looked at Tartarus and said:

"In that case, why don't you go find Mr. Dracion and ask?"

"Dracion? The all-powerful prophet of the universe?"

Naturally, Tartarus had heard of that powerful and mysterious existence, but that person had always been elusive. It could be said that he was the only one looking for others, and no one else was looking for him. Moreover, as far as the rumor was concerned, With your style, if he sends someone to find you, you can basically think about your funeral.

"Yes, that's the one."

Yuan Subaru nodded and said seriously:

"Mr. Dracion is so powerful, he must know how to save your home planet."

"But it's hard to find..."

Tartarus subconsciously muttered to himself, saying that if Dracion could really be found, it might be a way out.

"This is very simple!"

However, what Subaru said next surprised Tartarus. He looked up, looked at the child, shook his finger, and said confidently:

"Mr. Dración is acting to protect the stability of the universe. If you want to meet him, why not deliberately do something big and make it scary, such as pretending to blow up a galaxy or a massacre. As long as you can attract the attention of that person, you will win. Mr. Tartarus, I recommend you to choose the former. I have some experience in explosions..."

Shut up quickly. Listen to what you are saying.

Tartarus was full of black lines. He couldn't complain. Let's not talk about whether your suggestion can be realized. You are so young, why are there such dangerous ideas in your mind? What did your parents teach you all day long!

"That... kid, have you ever thought about a question?"

Tartarus interrupted Subaru's idea of ​​creating a cosmic explosion, and said with a subtle expression:

"Is it possible that when we were doing things, Delacion wanted to kill us and would not give us a chance to meet."

"This... should be okay... no way..."

Subaru was stunned, grabbed his hair, thought about it, and said softly:

"Mr. Delacion is a good person. He didn't kill me last time and let me go."

No, you have a criminal record? !

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