The Extreme Cold Grozam noticed Yuan Subaru's intention and immediately used the arm armor and the dagger on it to meet the slashing blow. However, what it didn't expect was that although it caught the sudden slashing blow, But when the figures crossed each other, light flashed on Yuan Subaru's body, and a clone suddenly appeared. With a ruthless mist hand knife, he swung out a network of intertwined blades, instantly cutting the Extreme Cold Grozam into several pieces. , then triggered a self-destruction.

"It's useless, it's useless, it's useless, I'm immortal!"

In the flames of self-explosion, Extreme Cold Grozam roared proudly. As long as there are still a few fragments, it can regenerate. This is one of the fundamentals of its establishment in the Gua Legion.

However, Yuan Subaru has no intention of killing it now. When Extreme Cold Grozam wanted to regenerate, Yuan Subaru immediately used the stone sealing technique Kai on it. Even if Extreme Cold Grozam realized that something was wrong, , but the body’s instinct is something it can’t stop.

Therefore, the moment Extreme Cold Grozam's rebirth was completed, it immediately realized that although its body looked unchanged from the outside, in fact, its body was completely out of control, as if it were a stone statue.

"You are immortal, right."


Looking at the giant approaching him, Jihan Grozam's soul couldn't help but tremble. Just as it was about to say something, Yuan Subaru had already put his hand on its head, and the fluctuations of thought power condensed on it made the beast The frozen star was so frightened that he could not speak, while Yuan Subaru whispered:

"Then you are really helpful. It just so happens that I have just experienced some wonderful things and I am in urgent need of a living target. You came at the right time. You can use your body and soul to repay the sin of invading the earth." Okay, if you bear with me for a moment, let’s start the first experiment, hum hum…”

127 Subaru, you are too reckless.

"Quick, quick, quick! Move faster!"

Outside the Meita area, the military troops of the TLT Black State branch are quickly in place. Although the terrain changes caused by the extreme cold have affected the deployment speed to a certain extent, they have arrived at the scene as quickly as possible.

"The damn spaceman is here again."

The commander-in-chief of the branch was sitting in the armored signal vehicle, looking at the fluctuating phase data on the screen, and said with a solemn face:

"And, are the space stations all rubbish?! Five, five monsters have all been smashed down, and their alarm was sent out just now. If you ask me, it's better to spread a circle of sensors around the universe. I... ..I...Why are you so quiet?”

The commander complained for a while. After not hearing the dissuasion from the chief of staff, he stopped unaccustomedly, looked at the middle-aged man next to him and said:

"What are you looking at?"

The chief of staff did not speak, but slightly raised his chin towards the window. The commander walked over and saw several humanoid ice sculptures standing on the road next to them. Those ice sculptures that had become fragile due to the power of the monsters were standing there. It trembled slightly under the vibration caused by the mechanized march, and finally collapsed and turned into broken ice.

Looking at these ice cubes, who would have thought that they were living people before this.

"It's really scary. If that cold current is allowed to rage, even if humans finally wipe out the monsters, your hometown and mine will be completely reduced to ruins."

The chief of staff said softly without much fluctuation:

"And last time, those big cosmic monsters that breathed out black smoke. If it hadn't been for the one who gave light particles to the world, God knows how many people would have died."

"Yeah, now that I think about it, we humans are really unlucky."

The commander also whispered with some emotion:

"First we were inexplicably entangled by alien beasts, and now there are space humans and space monsters causing trouble. But fortunately, we still have Nexus."

"To be precise, it's Yuan Subaru."

The chief of staff took a sip of water, looked at the looming golden light barrier, and said softly:

"Although the light of Nexus can be passed down, if he is really unfortunate enough to die in battle, will the capable people in the future really be able to do what he did?"

"...It's really a bit ridiculous."

The commander thought for a while, smiled bitterly, picked up the kettle from the table, shook it, listened to the sound of water inside and said:

"The cosmic beings are invading the earth, and the cosmic beings are protecting the earth, but we have difficulty having confidence in the successors of mankind. Is it because that child raised Nexus' standards too high, or..."

"It's better not to say such things."

The chief of staff interrupted the commander and said softly:

"Haven't you noticed? After the appearance of the giant monsters in the space and the Atlas people, TLT's propaganda mouth has been active. I have also inquired about it, and there is only one requirement for them - do a good job. You should be prepared to block news and suppress public opinion at any time. You should know who you are specifically preparing for.”

After saying this, the chief of staff sighed, looked out the window and said softly:

"Although I have no objection to this, and am even willing to help publicize and suppress those bad media, the above undoubtedly shows that TLT has no way to fight against the cosmic invasion in a short period of time, and can only put all its treasures on the inside. With Xexus, this responsibility is a bit too much for that child.”

"...Don't think so much, just focus on the battlefield in front of you."

The commander didn't have such an idea, but what can he do if he thinks about this kind of thing? Time, time, time, humans need time. Only after this period of time can humans have the strength to fight side by side with Nexus.

At this time, both the monitoring device and the images observed with the naked eye showed that the golden barrier was about to dissipate. The commander hurriedly ordered all units to prepare for battle. With the disappearance of the ultimate cross barrier, all Everyone saw the frozen star standing there.

But just when the commander was about to give the order to fire, his intercom was quietly taken away. The commander and chief of staff turned around in surprise and saw a young man with bloodshot eyes appearing in front of him at some unknown time. in the car.

"Don't worry, its soul has been destroyed, and it's just a walking corpse standing there now."

Yuan Subaru wiped away the nosebleed that quietly flowed out, and said in a calm tone:

"I have sent a report to the headquarters, and someone will come to collect it soon. Before that, set up a cordon and don't let anyone get close to it, and don't let anyone take pictures. Sorry, I still have this urgent matter to deal with here. , just take the first step, thank you for your hard work."

After saying that, Yuan Subaru turned into light and disappeared from the place, leaving only the commander and chief of staff looking at each other, not knowing what expression to show for a moment.

Yuan Subaru didn't care about this. He went straight to the TLT headquarters. There, the director had been waiting for a long time. Looking at Yuan Subaru's tense little face, he immediately asked him to sit down. Considering that Yuan Subaru emphasized confidentiality this time, so There were only two of them in this conference room, and not even the director's secretary could enter.

"Mr. Director, I got some information about the Gua Legion from the frozen star."

Yuan Subaru sat on the chair obediently, letting the director wipe the blood from his face, and said quickly:

"The power of the Gu'a Legion is indeed very large, but its composition is not what we imagined. The power of the Gu'a that actually has a legion is not as big as we expected. More than half of its members are just surrendered to the three Gu'a Just a motley crew of the Legion Commander."

Yuan Subaru knocked on his head to wake himself up, and then continued:

"Real legion members are more like supervisors on the battlefield. As captains, they lead the surrendered cosmic beings or cosmic monsters to carry out destructive actions."

Hearing this, the director couldn't help but frowned. If this was the case, this ancient A legion seemed to become more difficult to deal with, and the earth needed to change its follow-up plan to deal with it.

"But, Director, now there is an opportunity in front of us."

Yuan Subaru took a deep breath, his eyes flashed with a fanatical fighting spirit, and then he took out a strange timer from the Ark bracelet and said in a solemn voice:

"When this timer counts down, most of the Gua Legion's forces will gather near the GH-94 galaxy to carry out a plane breakthrough operation. For this reason, almost all the Gua team operating outside will put down their weapons. The mission was urgently called upon to participate in this operation.... Director, this is our opportunity.”

"Subaru, do you know what you are talking about?"

Hearing this, the director's hand shook suddenly, and he looked at Yuan Subaru in shock and said:

"Do you want to fight against the entire Gua Army alone? This kind of thing..."

"Director, sooner or later we will have to fight the Gua Legion head-on!"

Yuan Subaru interrupted the director and said in a haggard tone:

"We have been exposed. Now I don't know how many Gua teams passing by have locked our coordinates. After this large army battle is over, they will attack us. If it weren't for the bloodthirsty of the Atlas people, And the chain of events that caused this made us aware of the crisis in the universe, then maybe we..."

"Are you...sure this information is correct?"

The director was silent for a moment. He could not help but shudder when he thought that outside the earth at this time, there might be a team of Gua Legion passing by. He only gave up the attack temporarily because he was in a hurry. He looked at Yuan Subaru, although he knew this The child was not an alarmist, but he couldn't help but ask again.

"Yes, I got all this information from the frozen star man's head. There is no possibility of lying."

Yuan Subaru used a calm tone and said words that made people shudder when thinking about it. This is indeed true. Due to the interference of the black fog of the sky demon, Yuan Subaru once entered the memories of Titus and Fuma. , unintentionally gained experience in this area, so just now, he perfected the skills on the frozen star.

Facts have proved that the cosmic man is indeed immortal. His head was blown up so many times by the out-of-control telekinesis, but he still recovered and persisted until Yuan Subaru read all his recent memories as much as possible. For this reason , if Yuan Subaru really succeeds in this battle, it can be regarded as a hero.

"By the way, Director, let's put the matter of the Gua Legion aside for now. There is still a problem that needs to be dealt with."

Yuan Subaru called up a starry sky map from his Ark bracelet, pointed to the position on the earth and said:

"It should be at this location. There is a wandering planet coming towards us. According to the memory of the cosmonaut, this planet is inhabited by the Ilud people, who have a high degree of civilization and scientific capabilities.

And their existence is very special. An entire race is a living entity. They share a huge brain, and all thoughts originate from this brain. There is no concept of "individual".

The idea maintained by the Illudians is assimilation. They can assimilate other life forms that come into contact with them into them. Once they come into contact with the tentacles of the Illudians, the body of the creature will change. The brain of the assimilated creature will It will shrink and eventually disappear. "

After saying this, Yuan Subaru took a sip of water, looked at the director and said:

"The Iludians probably thought that they would not waste much time on us, so they approached us. The Frozen Stars who just attacked us happened to be at odds with the Iludians, so they temporarily changed their orbit and planned to attack us. The Illudians will destroy us before they assimilate the Earthlings... Director, what do you think we can gain from this Illudian civilization?”

"... Even if we can get something, humans don't have the energy to study it."

The director recalled the report he received this morning and sighed helplessly. In order to promote the development of earth science and technology, so far, there have been 17 senior researchers, more than 100 project participants, and nearly a thousand staff members. He died suddenly and collapsed at work.

They are all warriors who willingly sacrificed their lives. Their passing is a loss to TLT and a loss to all mankind, and this... is just the beginning...

"No matter how advanced the civilization of the Iludians is, the earth has already figured out the way forward in the future. I believe that we can go on even without them as a reference."

"Well, human beings can definitely go on until they find a bright future."

Yuan Subaru continued with an unquestionable tone. I don’t know why, but listening to what Yuan Subaru said, the director’s somewhat anxious and complicated thoughts began to calm down.

"In that case, let's continue to push forward as planned."

Yuan Subaru stood up and planned to hand the timer to the visitors so that they could decipher how much time was left after the time displayed on it was converted into earth time? Then he would go to the scientific researchers to continue the discussion.' Supernova' plan.

When he walked to the door, Yuan Subaru remembered something, turned around, and said softly:

"Mr. Director, if, I mean if, if time really runs out, I... will probably choose to go to the GH-94 galaxy and carry out a beheading operation. During the time I am away, if there is someone like When space aliens like the Atlas and Iludians attack, please hold on, I will come back as soon as possible to support you.”

After saying that, Yuan Subaru nodded towards the director, then turned into red light and disappeared from his eyes. The director stood there, silent for a long time, and finally sighed helplessly.


At this time, Yuan Subaru ran back again, lying on the door frame, and said to the director:

"Just leave that Ilud man to me. It can be used as an experimental target. Don't worry, it shouldn't be a big problem. I'm leaving this time. Goodbye."

After Yuan Subaru said goodbye to the director, he quickly returned to TLT-J, went straight to Wangchuan's location, explained the situation he just encountered, and then handed the timer to Yi Mi and Tatami, hoping that they could complete the time conversion.

"This... is okay."

According to the time of this timer and the coordinates of the GH-94 galaxy given by Yuan Subaru, the two visitors said with a somewhat solemn tone:

"Such a distance, Subaru, if you set off now, it shouldn't take you much time according to your speed, but there should be a lot of members of the Gua Legion gathered near the galaxy. By then, will you really have to start from there? Is it hard to hit it from the outside? "

"As long as there are enough energy-supply stone statues, it may not be impossible to penetrate."

Yuan Subaru thought for a moment, gritted his teeth and said:

"The Ultra Bomb should be able to clear a way for me."

"Subaru, you are too reckless."

At this time, the pigeon flew over from the side and said in a helpless tone:

"Don't forget, you inherited the light of Nexus. You need to take the power of space and time into consideration. The brain-computer interface terminal has been prepared. You are not in good condition now, so you can save time to prevent the machine from being overpowered by your telekinesis. The instinct is destroyed by resistance, come on, go this way.”

128 Jonias: Go to the Kingdom of Light!

Under the leadership of the pigeon, Yuan Subaru came to a very empty room. There were only capsules filled with wires in the whole room.

"After you lie down in it later, an iron hat will be put on you. When the hat is powered on, a needle will come out. The needle is not long, but it will be particularly painful in order to achieve a brain-computer link. Please bear with it."

Pigeon said while debugging the relevant panels:

"Oh, by the way, I forgot to mention that when you feel pain, the capsule compartment will be filled with liquid. The liquid is used to maintain your vital signs and maintain the connection status. Although it is uncomfortable, it won't kill you. Don't struggle."

"Yeah, I remember."

"Okay, let's go in."

After Pigeon finished explaining, he turned around and walked out of the laboratory. Yuan Subaru followed the voice prompts, opened the capsule compartment, and lay down quietly in it. To be honest, the capsule compartment didn't look big from the outside, but for Yuan Subaru , and still had quite a bit of room for movement. He stretched out his hand to put on the helmet, thought about it, and asked softly:

"Is there anything I need to cooperate with?"


This time it was Matsunaga Yoichiro who answered him. Obviously, he was a little worried about this brain-computer interface experiment. Otherwise, he should be in a meeting at the headquarters instead of here.

"To be precise, try not to make any other movements."

The voice of the pigeon also came from the side:

"Although you are not in good condition now, these machines can't withstand the impact of your telekinesis. It is best to enter the so-called meditation state, which is best for this experiment."

"I understand."

Yuan Subaru closed his eyes. He was really tired during this period. His body was a little sleepy due to cellular reasons. Now was the time for his body to catch up on sleep. By the way, he could go to the deep blue space to continue his skill development. Yuan Subaru had recorded his consciousness in the deep blue space and the condition of his body. He was very honest, just like a corpse.

At this point, Yuan Subaru couldn't help but feel curious. Before he didn't have the Ark bracelet, he hadn't noticed it much. According to Mr. Matsunaga, the Ark bracelet appeared after a period of signal loss. No matter how he called, there was no response, as if he was wearing a fake bracelet. Comparing the time, it was exactly when he was called out.

Magical, what is the principle of his ability to respond to calls?

Yuan Subaru tilted his head in confusion, and then entered the deep blue space. On the other side, after noticing that Yuan Subaru's consciousness fluctuations had stabilized, the pigeon also flew into a glass column filled with blue liquid. As the data appeared one by one, the knowledge transmission operation officially began with the visitor's muffled groan.

"Should I... tell everyone in the Kingdom of Light?"

At this time, on the planet U40, looking at the building being rebuilt, Jonias paced in place with a complicated mind. He felt that he should tell the Kingdom of Light about Nexus. Although he inherited Belia's dark energy, if he explained it clearly, the Kingdom of Light would not embarrass him.

But he had said before that he would keep the child a secret. If he really spoke, wouldn't he be breaking his promise?

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