However, just when Jiagra was about to throw the small iron ball, a "boom" sound came from behind, followed by a scream. Jiagra and Hikali were startled and turned their heads to look. Go and see this silver-blue Ultraman hit the building, hold his head, and fall to the ground with a scream.

"It's Zeta. It's okay. Mr. Jagula, let's continue."

"No, he seemed to be screaming terribly. Mr. Hikari, do you really not need to go over and take a look?"

Although his actions were interrupted by an accident, there seemed to be a better opportunity now. Jakura looked at the place where Ultraman fell and said softly:

"Even Ultraman can't handle this height."

"It's okay, it's okay. Zeta was probably thinking about something again. He was distracted and didn't pay attention to the front. It was just a collision. We have all adapted, you see."

Shikari raised his chin and motioned for Jakula to look, and then the Unicorn man saw Zett flying out of the Kingdom of Light while rubbing his aching body.

"Is it really okay to let such deficient...some sloppy soldiers go out to perform missions?"

Jakula couldn't help but complain, while Hikali said with a smile:

"Although Zeta is a bit rash, he is already an official member of the Space Guard. It's okay to go out to perform some ordinary tasks. By the way, Mr. Jagula, I just have some doubts and want to ask you. How do you feel now that you have received that light?”

Looking at Hikari who started to walk side by side with him, Jagula twitched the corner of his mouth and suddenly became a little unable to hold himself tight. He originally wanted to take this opportunity to make some small moves, but he didn't expect that the chance was completely lost.

However, he is also quite confused about this topic, and it is also a very serious question. After all, as far as the phenomenon is concerned, he does have his own light because of the light of Source Pleiades Nexus.

Just as Jagula and Shikari were saying this, on the side of Zoffi and others, Severn "quietly" came to Jonias's side and said softly:

"Jonias, can you tell me if you know something?"


Joanias, who was looking at the 0-50 planet battle record, was silent for a moment, looked at Severn and said softly:

"How should I put it? I'm just guessing here. Let's wait until the results from Hikari come out. Severn, you are also a veteran soldier who has experienced hundreds of battles. Your mental quality shouldn't be so bad. Be strong. "


Severn looked at the Ultra strong man and said in a faint tone:

"Can you be so calm when this kind of thing happens to you?"

"I don't know. After all, I have no heirs, so I can't understand your troubles."

Jonias thought for a moment, and finally answered honestly. At this moment, Taylor came back, holding Taiga in one hand and his old father in the other, and returned here quickly, and then said softly:

"Taija, is there something you forgot to tell everyone?"

"Well... I'm sorry, there were a lot of things going on before, I didn't think of them all at once."

Taiga explained in a low voice, and then quickly recounted his experience on the U40 planet. After he finished speaking, the father of Ultra sighed and said softly:

"I missed it. The device should be equipped with remote control and sealing functions. In that case, when Subaru kid steals the prop, it will be easier for you, Taiga, to handle it."

Taylor nodded and said:

"But Taiga, you still did something wrong. Subaru is a warrior who can fight against the Death Star of Belial. Even if you want to hold him back, you can't do it alone. You must always remember the power of your companions!"

"Taylor, you..."

"Forget it, Severn, this brain is inherited."

Zuo Fei and Chu Dai quickly stopped Severn who wanted to go over and reason, and looked over there, 'What's wrong? ''what happened? ’ ‘Did you say something wrong? ’ Among the three grandfathers and grandsons, Seven was silent for a moment and did not continue to dwell on this point.

It's very simple. Severn's mother and Ultra's mother are biological sisters, and Ultra's father is also Severn's uncle. After Severn's parents passed away, Ultra's mother and Ultra's father have been taking care of Severn. Therefore, Severn spent a lot of time with Ultra's father and Taylor, and knew what their temperaments were, so after thinking about it, he did not get entangled in this issue.

"Jonias, do you see something?"

"No, it's too clean. It's like someone specially left this data for us to see."

Jonias closed the information book in his hand, looked at the first-generation Ultraman who initiated the inquiry, and said what he expected. After all, if there was a problem, everyone in the Kingdom of Light would have already started to deal with it.

Could it be the ring of light at the top of the warrior?

Listening to the words of Jonias and the first generation, Hong Kai secretly thought in his heart that he had obtained the Orb Ring from the planet O-50, and had been completing the tasks issued by the Ring of Light at the top of the Warrior. , and more or less understand the temperament of that ring of light... Oh! right! ! !

Thinking of this, Hong Kai suddenly remembered something, looked at the father of Ultra in front of him and said softly:

"Dear Ultrafather, I have just received a mission from Warrior's Summit Light Ring. It is a rescue mission. According to the mission, there is a guy named 'Ultimate Lifeform Absolut Warrior Absolut Tartarus', whose home planet is facing a disaster of destruction. I am asked to try to resolve this crisis. May I ask if there are any relevant records in your Kingdom of Light?"

"Ultimate Lifeform...Absolut..."

Hearing this, Ultrafather, the Ultra Brothers, and Jonias all began to search for relevant memories from their memories, and then confirmed this ultimate lifeform. There is no connection between the extreme life forms and the cosmic people and cosmic monsters they have to deal with every day, so Ultra Father said softly:

"Since such a thing has happened, the Kingdom of Light will naturally help. Wait for the results of Subaru first, and then I will have people cooperate with your search."

"Thank you."

Just as Hong Kai expressed his gratitude to Ultra Father, on the other side, Gagra and Hikari had returned. This was not a surprising thing. For the matter of Subaru, Hikari specially prepared a set of special equipment there. If it weren't for the need to check Gagra's condition this time, they could have returned long ago.

But at this time, the expressions of the two were quite subtle, and Hikari and Gagra held a miniature first aid device from the Silver Crusaders in their hands, and they buckled it on Seven and Zero respectively in the strange eyes of everyone.

"Hey, hey, hey, you two, stop being so scary, okay?!"

Cero couldn't hold back and complained, while trying to look at what was written on Hikari's report form, while Hikari thought about it expressionlessly, and put a micro first aid device on Ultra Father. At that moment, the atmosphere between the crowd became solemn.

Ultra Father looked at the device on his chest blankly, feeling that Hikari underestimated him. When he knew that the child of Gen Subaru was the blood of Zero, he didn't use this, so why is he still...

"It's Belia."

Hikari ignored Ultra Father's thoughts and announced the result neatly after placing the micro first aid device.

In response, Zoffy snatched the report from Hikari's hand, and the Ultra Brothers piled their heads together, looking at the report with dull eyes, unable to come back to their senses for a long time.

Hong Kai immediately ran to the side of Gagra, staring at his best friend, and then found that Gagra was still confused, with no light in his eyes.

At this point, Gagra also understood why the Dark Ring went to Minamoto Subaru after defeating the Space Witch Thief. With his bloodline, the Dark Ring did not betray him on the spot, which was considered to be a face for the Space Witch Thief.

Seeing his bad friend like this, Hong Kai knew that the result this time was definitely not caused by Gagra. It is better to say that when Hong Kai heard this result, he had already reacted. If Gagra was causing trouble, how could it be such a result? It was just that he still held a little hope that when Gagra was messing around, things accidentally led to a worse direction.

And now....

Hong Kai and Gagra looked at each other. There is no doubt that this result is worse than they expected before. Next, we have to see the reaction of everyone in the Kingdom of Light. If it is not good... then we have to start preparing for follow-up actions.

As for Ultra Father, he felt joy unexpectedly at first. Belia was Ultra Father's closest comrade-in-arms. If it weren't for the incident with Leonix, maybe they would both be fine now. But later, due to various things, he had to be eliminated by Zero. In a sense, Belia was extinct.

And now, Belia's bloodline has been passed down, which can be regarded as a legacy left in this world, and it was passed on to such a good child. As his good friend, I can't help but feel happy for Belia.



After waking up from his brief joy, Ultra Father quietly and with difficulty covered his chest. Even with the Silver Crusaders' device, the energy lamp almost flashed--

You tell me, Subaru... is my grandson of Zero and my best friend Belia, the blood of these two people, this... this... how can we talk about seniority... No, no, this is not a matter of seniority...

Ultra Father pounded the pillar next to him hard, and the power released immediately shattered it.

What planet is this bastard who actually conducted such a crazy biochemical experiment!

"I, I, I TM..."

What about Seven and Zero next to him? Their first reaction was not shock, but subconsciously patting their ears to make sure they were not hallucinating. The father and son were staring at each other.

It was not until Ultra Father's punch that Zero finally woke him up. He could not hold back and started to talk nonsense. Why is this Belia still haunting him? He has been chasing him and beating him for the past two years. He finally eliminated him, so why did he appear in this place again? And... Me? And Belia? !

This is something that someone with no heart would do! Is it possible for Beria and I to merge our powers? ! No, it’s really integrated now, no, it’s not a matter of power fusion! Beria and I... Beria and I... What is this, fuck! ! !

I can't accept it! ! !

Just when Sero grabbed the corner of his head and bumped it against the wall, trying to wake himself up from this 'nightmare', Severn tremblingly grabbed Shikari's arm and used it as hard as possible. He said in a calm tone:

"This... how is the genetic ratio calculated?"

"...Looking at the blood tube alone, the Sero gene is dominant and Beria is recessive."

Hikali thought for a moment and said seriously:

"But considering that Subaru still has the light of Nexus, it may be under the influence of this light that the Zero gene became prominent. Therefore, I think that Subaru's initial genetic structure should be Zero and Beria takes half.”

"Oh, that's how it is."

Severn responded with a stiff tone, then remained silent for a moment, quietly unplugged the device from his chest, and with a peaceful smile, he fell down with the red light flashing above his head. As a warrior, there should be no such thing in his life. Avoid this option, but... this... let me, the old father, go, and let me hide in my dreams for a while before talking about it.

At this moment, Joanias coughed, looked at the 'devils dancing' in front of him, and said softly:

"What about that? Although it is not appropriate to interrupt at this time, but... from what I have learned, the child seems to think that Beria is his father, and he has the blood of the Kingdom of Light. Point, as if unaware...

132 Sero: Call me nephew!

? ? ?

The moment Jonias said this, he immediately felt that the atmosphere around him had become depressing. The Ultraman from the Kingdom of Light who were performing their own "performance art" just now, and the Ultraman next to them, Jagula and Hongkai all looked at him in unison. The scene was like a zombie coming out of the cage.

Especially Severn, who had just laid down, immediately grabbed the life-support device next to him, jumped up from the ground like a carp, and stared directly at Jonias.

But Jonias was very calm, and he said in a very calm tone:

"The last time he was discovered by me, that child Subaru confessed to me that he inherited the power from Beria and showed me the power of darkness. Although he did not say it explicitly, as far as he was concerned at that time From the looks of it, that’s how he thinks of his life experience.”

"This this...."

Hearing this, Severn scratched his head with a headache. If it had been before, even if it was Yuan Subaru who said such words in front of him, he would have to take it seriously... Let's replace Subaru with the father of Ultra. Even if the father of Ultra said such a thing, he would have to scold him, but... as far as the current situation is concerned... it seems that there is really no problem with him thinking so.

"No! No! This kind of misunderstanding is absolutely not allowed!!!"

Next to him, Sero, who had already banged his head into the wall, froze when he heard Jonias's words. Until now, Sero reacted, yelled, pulled his head out, and pointed at He said in an unacceptable tone:

"If Subaru thinks Belial is his father, then wouldn't I be considered his 'mother'? No, absolutely not! No, no, I'm going to find him now, I want to find him immediately He, let him...Gah!"

Just when Zero wanted to run away in a hurry, and threw away the blocking arms of the first generation and Ace, the father of Ultra calmed down Zello with a hand knife with an expressionless face, and he wanted to go to Subaru. My heart is good, but now is obviously not the time to leave.

"Father of Ultra, you and I want to talk about something serious."

Joanias, on the other hand, seemed to have seen nothing. Looking at the captain in front of him who was rarely really angry, he said softly:

"Come on, calm down."


The father of Ultra was silent for a while, then relaxed his tense body, looked at Joanias, and said in his normal tone:

"Okay, Joanias, if you have anything to say, please say it directly."

"Father of Ultra, it seems like you are not ready to meet that child yet. No, with the factor of Beria added in, you don't seem to know how to face that child."

Jonias looked at the father of Ultra and said softly:

"With all of you here, you can basically make a decision to represent the Kingdom of Light, so... please think about it now and consider the current environment of the Kingdom of Light, whether you can accept that child, or give that child If the child cannot grow up in a good environment, then let him come to our U40 star. As an outstanding warrior, I think the people of the U40 star will eagerly welcome him to settle down. "


Hearing this, everyone present immediately fell silent. No one expected that Jonias came to rob someone, but everyone also understood that Jonias also had good intentions. After all, the residents of the Kingdom of Light now have " The name Beria is indeed a bit sensitive.

"There is no doubt that Gen Subaru is an Ultra warrior from the Kingdom of Light."

The father of Ultra said in a decisive tone:

"The Kingdom of Light will not reject him, nor will it exclude him. This is his hometown, Jonias, thank you for your kindness."

"I understand. If you need any cooperation next, just tell me."

Jonias nodded, ended the conversation, and quietly stepped aside. Ultra Father also nodded in return, loosened his hand on the back of Zero's neck, threw it to Seven, and then looked at his son and said:

"Taro, go and give your mother the complete blood of Subaru. Let her see how to deal with Subaru's physical condition."

"Hikari has sent it to me after completing the test."

At this time, under a soft light, the figure of Ultra Mother appeared. This gentle woman looked at her husband and said:

"Subaru's physical condition is as bad as we thought. The power of confrontation and unstable cells can take his life at any time, and his life span will continue to increase. The steps are shortened, but... one thing is very lucky. "

Ultra Mother stretched out her hand, outlined a model with light, and said softly:

"We have made several plans to deal with Subaru's situation before, but the results were not ideal. Now... you see, Subaru's genetic composition is quite rough, just like the genes of Zero and Belia, which were randomly disassembled and randomly spliced ​​together, and it also provides us with a chance to save. "

Ultra Mother opened and closed her hands, and a new structural diagram appeared in front of everyone, and said softly:

"Whether it is Zero's bloodline or Belia's evil bloodline, we can use a new body based on its genes to initially improve and weaken the conflict between genes and power. After all this stabilizes, we will repeat this operation, make a new body, start a new stability, and finally let Subaru use a body that will not have problems at least in terms of life span and health. "

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