Ultra-dimensional Star Master

Chapter 684: 2 flutters

"Light magic, starlight shining, law...spark fire." Ivy hesitated and changed the domino law to the star fire law.

The reason is that the small world that was cut out is too small. There are no stars, moon, and sun, and it does not have any guardian stars. This is almost a devastating blow to the Star Mage. It all depends on the stars contained in it. Although Ivey had no problem in a short period of time, who knew that the final result would be smooth?

They all knew that this was a trap, so they planned it according to the plan of making everyone the enemy, hiding their trump cards and putting away their strength.

A single spark can start a prairie fire. In magic, the flickering stars can almost be regarded as non-existent guardian stars, connected to become the sparks of one-dimensional laws. This is a hidden magic that lies thousands of miles away. Even after the magic is cast, the laws can still lurk, making the magic seem Rekindled, to the surprise of the enemy, and with greater vigor.

Ivey's magic was very low-key, and a few soft stars in the sky poked their heads out, looking at the bright-as-day effect in the town that was almost illuminated by magic...

The corners of Ivey's mouth turned up, but it was not a smile. His eyes were cold, because he knew that "a lot of people came" to the town. Of course, those people were not ordinary people. As for why they came here, it didn't matter. In his opinion, it was just an excuse. Obviously, these people were deceived, and he was able to eat Gua Luo'er at the right time.

Let these people worry about it first. Since it is a conspiracy, don't take any chances. Their tossing, like tossing fish in a net, will only bring the conspirators the joy of a bumper harvest. Of course, this kind of trouble was not all in vain. It at least helped Ivy do some proper tests. He carefully observed the starry sky above his head - even though there were only a few stars, he also carefully observed it. And thus gained a God's perspective overlooking the world.

Ivy soon understood that just like scooping ice cream with a small spoon and turning it in a small bowl, a hemisphere was born, and the starry sky above the hemisphere formed the entire sphere. In any case, they are small enough that poor people like them only have a desperate time after the apocalypse.

This small dug-out part will soon fall apart when attacked by the laws of the world. Everything inside, including everything inside, will "heat death" and turn into tiny particles of dust, evenly distributed in every space.

If there are only two men and women in love, in this end of the world, blending together regardless of each other, it is really a kind of romance. If the Celestial Dragons and the Untouchables merged together like this, it would really be a kind of equality. But now, there is only the despair of crying for father and mother.

Ivey remained calm, because panic could not solve the problem, it could only make it worse. He was like a ghost flying in the night sky, swimming in the trough of silent magic... He soon touched normality, and then quickly retracted his hands.

It hurts.

This corrosion is particularly noticeable at the edges.

It took him 0.01 seconds to make a judgment. If he couldn't break out, it was not a barrier that couldn't be broken. They were breaks in space. Running wildly would only make things worse. Damn it! Before he finished thinking about it, a headless man bumped into the edge fault like a headless fly. The whole space seemed to move. If it wasn't Ivy's imagination, it means that this space is too small. Can't withstand any impact. but……

It hurts, it hurts, this feeling is absolutely unmistakable. It's a pity that the unlucky guy can't realize it. A small part of his body has rotted away. It's not the kind of rot that oozes pus and grows maggots, but the layer on the edge of the body is disintegrated like weathering. This It's very good and has saved the appetite of many people, especially Ivy, who is also a chef.

Ivey can feel that the space is vibrating and the corrosion is intensifying, and he knows deeply that this "heat death" will get faster as it goes later. So, will it really be explained here this time?

What about teleportation? Can two space breaks be connected? Even if it cannot be connected as a whole, what about ignoring it? Assuming that this space break does not exist, but is a continuous space, using space folds, or a high-speed shortcut space travel across the upper dimension, well, it is actually a detailed explanation of teleportation.

This is probably the most likely self-rescue method that Ivey has thought of, and it is also the only hope at the moment. As for other people crying for their fathers and mothers, especially those ordinary people who have no ability, I am afraid that they really have to "let nature take its course" at this moment.

Many times he is very Buddha-natured and happens to be not a Buddha. Everyone, I can't help you. If fate comes and I meet the instigator behind it, whether it's for everyone or for myself, I will make him pay the price, but now, I'm sorry, my ability is limited, goodbye.

Ivey closed his eyes and used his huge mental power to carefully feel the cut off space in front of him. This is the preliminary preparation for teleportation. It is different from the usual battles, which are all flashes of randomness, but now they are serious and go all out.

Ivey's forehead was already sweating, and he tried his best to "ignore" the impact of this space fault. As long as he thought this place was smooth, or just an intermittently connected space, he could teleport to the opposite side. Get out of this prison. UU Reading www.uukanshu.net

Magic is actually a very idealistic thing. As long as you can use magic to tell some truth, the magic has a high probability of being successful.

But soon, he was disappointed. The huge cosmic scar in front of him, he mobilized the huge mental power in his heart to repair it - of course, not to repair the cosmic scar in the real world, but in the magical world, that "convincing" himself, or a mysterious force The "rhetoric" of strange power has completely lost its effect at this moment.

It was as if the potential energy of the powerful fractured space was in front of him, reminding him of his own insignificance all the time. Distract him, make him unable to ignore it, make him despair.

Shouldn't it? No matter how big the problem was in the past, I could make up for it. What happened this time? Someone didn’t make a trap for me that would kill me, right?

Failed, unable to connect to the outside, and he himself became a member of an isolated island.

There was a bang in his mind, and many of the mental powers that he didn't want to touch were pointing to one point at this moment. The huge soul calculation power was thinking about one question: Is he really going to die this time? What is it like to die? Could it be another beginning?

Fortunately, after 0.1 seconds, reason began to prevail.


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