Ultra-dimensional Star Master

Chapter 727 Sisters connecting hearts

That kind of warm, expectant, and cautious light shines in Ivey's eyes.

It feels like there is a way.

"Actually, you have one..."

"I have a dream that every one of us living in the shadows can finally come to the sunshine. Maybe we still prefer the shadows, but the sunshine is our freedom. We can not like it or go there, but we can enjoy it. Sunshine is our freedom. I have a dream, so that our shady transactions can be done in public, just like those inferior advertisements, harassing people's nerves... I have a dream, so that all entrances can be , becomes smooth and interconnected, and the resources in everyone's hands can be traded freely, regardless of where they come from... I have a dream..."

Li Hei's arms were waving. He didn't count how many dreams he had. He threw out verbal checks one after another, catering to the tastes of the audience.

And this time, as Ivey sees it, he may be surprised. This is the headquarters of the ghost city he once visited. Brackets, temporary.

There are many ghost markets, and they also have various competitions. The one Ivy went to is one of the largest ones. The boss is good at management, very powerful, and far-sighted, and has achieved remarkable results in the industry. He never expected that this boss was now his acquaintance, or rather, a teammate. Parentheses, temporary.

The temporary label is very good and safe. If it comes together, it will go away.

The headquarters of the ghost market is also temporary, and this "temporary" needs to be a little more exciting. But thanks to the highly developed magic, in a different space, with a coordinate, you can build a small world. The cost of building this simple "public version" of the small world is not high. They have a unified magic structure, and the models undergo unified research and development to maintain their advanced nature. However, because the audience is too wide, they fall into the hands of many people. , the so-called secrets and the so-called safety have become a joke.

But the ghost market doesn't care. It takes one shot to change the place. In order to deal with encirclement and suppression, robbery, or other sudden dangers, these fixed costs can be lowered as much as possible. What they care about most is mobility, so some safe high-capacity space equipment is their favorite. At the same time, it also follows the strategy of elite soldiers. There are many experts, including those trained by themselves, partners, hired, or just recruited temporarily to make up the numbers. The good and the bad are mixed. But as long as the quantity is large and the control is sufficient, anyone who makes an idea about them needs to pay close attention to the cost to see if it is worth it.

Li Hei is very good at running the ghost market. He paid attention to his all-round packaging operations and even grew some beards for the sake of image and called himself: Black Beard in order to leave his reputation in the industry.

Having deceived these people enough, he called his assistants and ordered: "Prepare a batch of those high-grade alchemy materials in stock for me, as well as those top-quality ones..."

"Boss, no, those are the things from the ghost market auction house. They are guaranteed by the reputation of the auction house. They don't belong to us in the first place. Look, boss..."

"You don't know what's good to see? I said, now is a critical period for us. If I, your boss, the owner of this ghost market, can show off my skills and shine in the King of Weapons Competition, we will Life will be better now. What is the most expensive thing in the wizarding world today? Talent! Okay, stop talking nonsense and bring it to me!"

"Boss, it's not that I won't carry out your order. It's very troublesome to get that thing from the treasure house of the auction house. The procedures alone are only 80 if not 100. Do you think..."

"Damn it, some inconsiderate person made these rules. We were made to pee ourselves to death. I said..."

"Boss, these are the rules you have personally formulated, and you have emphasized more than once that you cannot violate these rules even in person. You also made us swear an oath..." the follower said nervously.

"Damn, what a pervert, what happened to me back then? Did I eat something unclean?" Li Hei couldn't help complaining.

"So, boss, what do you want to do? Could you please tell me?"

"Xiao Bai, don't be so stubborn. It's all me and the boss makes the decision anyway. Just implement it..."

"You still have to go through some procedures. This is what you did back then... Well, also, my name is not Xiaobai..."

"Then your name is..."


"Okay, it's almost done. I'm telling you, Li Taibai, don't give up. You want me to fire you, right? Give me that thing quickly!" Li Hei finally got angry.

The usually very clever follower "Li Bai" didn't say anything, and even held back his best complaints. Living under a low eaves, he had to lower his head and adapt to each boss. This is exactly what service personnel like them should do, and even more Besides, this boss is obviously mentally disturbed, so let’s not get into trouble yet.

However, the problem of the treasure house is really difficult to solve. UU Reading www.uukknshu.net Even if the boss himself goes there, it will probably be like that. The bosses back then were very cautious, fearing that if they were accidentally kidnapped by other forces, the things they had worked so hard for so many years would be taken away from them in an instant.

The stinky daughter-in-law will see her parents-in-law sooner or later, and it depends on how she eats porridge and meat. Li Guangming made up his mind and walked towards the treasure house with firm steps.

Ivey also walked again, but his steps were obviously hesitant and entangled, and he couldn't tell the direction. According to the rhythm, both parties must have arrived at the agreed place.

Just waiting for this meeting of the century.

Before coming, Ivey had told Lin Yufei about the matter through other contact methods and obtained her consent. In this way, the problem that the sisters need to solve, the most important thing in their lives, suddenly becomes active at this moment.

Both of them felt it was important. It was about the fate of their lives, but they personally handed it over to the hands of a man who had nothing to do with it. It can simply be said that they fell deeply in love with this man together. However, everyone knows that this is impossible. It's not like Ivy is greedy for their bodies. As for their interesting souls, how can they have a chance to appreciate them?

Which leg do you have to take first when entering the door? Lin Yufei, as a sister, was also extremely nervous. What was worse was that she felt that her younger sister had an advantage over her. At least her younger sister still had someone to accompany her, but she could only go to the meeting alone. In the end, she just walked along the way. . It made the casual passers-by chuckle.

Laugh, laugh, if it were that notorious guy, would he kill you? Lin Yufei complained quietly.

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