Ultra-dimensional Warfare

Chapter 737: Dawn (Part 2)

Detailed conditions After the dying Sahak family left, Mina took the initiative to communicate with He inexplicably one by one and outline them.

Although these conditions do not seem to be comprehensive, they are considered good as far as the current situation is concerned. What's more, after this war is over, the East Asian Federation is expected to send a negotiating team to discuss relevant matters with Orb. He is still very confident about this.

After mutually confirming that the conditions were correct, Mina said goodbye to He inexplicably.

Although the Patriarch had already handed over the position of Patriarch to Mina before, Mina still went to deal with matters related to the handover of Patriarch. What's more, because of the sudden decision made by the Sahak family, He inexplicably planned to stop the mass accelerator's self-detonation. Miner needs to go personally and arrange personnel to protect the mass accelerator.

Because the Patriarch of Sahak had already decided to secretly save the mass accelerator while going to Huangquan with the lion, Mina had to go to the town in person when the preliminary work had been completed.

After Mina left, He inexplicably, whose only mission was completed unintentionally, also returned to Phoenix Gundam. After sitting in the cockpit and thinking for a while, He inexplicably connected to the communication with the Archangel.

"Captain Maru, in addition to the Mountain Tiger team led by Mu, um, two more Mountain Tiger teams will be added to the Dawn Society area where Mu is located. The remaining Mountain Tiger teams will all leave the frontal battlefield and gather on the island where the Mass Accelerator is located. Finally, the surface fleet headed by the Archangel turned to block the water passage between the Atlantic Federation and the island where the mass accelerator is located."

What an inexplicable series of commands instantly made Maru unable to react. After a while, Maru slowly came up with a general idea. "Commander, Commander. You mean we want to specialize in mass accelerators?"

"No, it's acceptance." Maru's question was inexplicably denied, and then he said: "That's right. Assemble a skilled mechanical maintenance team as quickly as possible. I will use it later."

"Huh?" Ma Liu quickly responded. "Yes, Commander! Do it now."

He inexplicably raised his hand and closed the communication with the Archangel.

"It's a dramatic development!" Zhen Zhen seemed to sigh after processing the monitoring data. Originally it was ready to forcibly attack the control quality accelerator system. But I didn't expect that when things came to an end, its preparations turned out to be in vain. Although I really don't care about these, it is inevitable that there will be a sense of loss similar to human beings.

"Well. Although I know the follow-up plot, I didn't expect such a change to happen. But overall, it is still beneficial to us. After all, compared to the Atlantic Federation that lost its troops yesterday, we can be said to have picked up one. Great bargain." He kept pressing his inexplicable hands on the keyboard, and a group of data was also displayed on the monitor screen throughout the week. It seems that this is debugging the program.

Soon after, Ho inexplicably pressed a button.

"Okay. Really, package the program."

"To understanding."

In the shadow of the cliff, under the golden horn, a burst of condensing light appeared.

Accompanied by the diffusion of fluorescence, the golden body slowly lifted into the sky and flew towards the other side of the island.

——Separator line——


Although there was a roar in his ears, and the black shadow in front of him was dancing frantically, Kira felt that what was happening now was so strange. It was so strange that he couldn't react at all, what kind of situation was it?

At dawn, the enemy launched another attack.

In order to face the enemy, Kira attacked immediately. But while attacking, Kira also felt a little regret.

Just last night, after the life and death duel, Aslan, who had reunited with him again, was not moved by him, but after a brief exchange on the purpose of the battle, Aslan was under the protection of the Gates. After re-boarding the Justice Gundam, he left with Gates.

Before Aslan left, he left a message.

"The purpose of the battle, I don’t understand. But I understand very well that the war is now being launched to protect my family and my friends. Lacus, and even what you said in your mouth, I understand, but I I won’t agree. Kira, I won’t attack you or your allies until this battle for Orb is over. Then, goodbye."

"Why can't you understand me?" While Kira thought about it, Freedom Gundam, who was advancing at full speed, soon encountered the new three small strong who deliberately came to block.

It is not the same as yesterday. Without the cover of Justice Gundam, even if Kira is already familiar with the attacking routines of the new three strong, it is inevitable that he will fall into a dilemma like yesterday and be beaten by the new three strong.

If Kira can drive the Assault Gundam like before and dare to kill the killer, maybe he can turn defeat into victory. But no matter what, Kira no longer wanted to kill at this time, so his attacks were almost all directed at non-lethal parts. And this point was even more clearly seen by the new San Xiaoqiang.

After seeing through Kira's attack routine, there is no need to communicate, nor gestures. The specially trained new three small strong naturally began to suppress Freedom Gundam constantly, looking for the right time to launch a fatal blow. In this way, the new San Xiaoqiang, who had not spared the damage of the body, directly took the initiative to face the attack and went straight when Freedom Gundam launched an attack. The appearance of being undaunted to death immediately made Kira feel restrained, unable to use all his abilities.

"Cut! What a good person!" The pilot driving the Gundam forcibly took the initiative to face the beam sword of Freedom Gundam, but was forcibly avoided by Freedom Gundam, then said mockingly.

"Yes! Yes! Good guys! So, what do we do?" After Forbidden Gundam actively faced the two beams shot by Freedom Gundam, and twisted and refracted them, its pilot agreed in the same way.

"Haha! What else can I do? Such a good person, of course, sent him to hell!" After the pilot of Calamity Gundam controlled his body and landed on the back of the corresponding Captive Gundam, his face twisted and shouted.

"Yes! Go to hell!!"

"Yes, yes! Send him to hell!"

However, before the new three Xiaoqiang launched an offensive again, they were interrupted by a communication. After listening to the communication, the new three Xiaoqiang complained uninterestingly, and faced Freedom Gundam back.

As they retreated, a black-painted body appeared, and appeared in front of Freedom Gundam. And its appearance shocked Kira.

"Then, that is the Assault Gundam?!" Although there was doubt and uncertainty in his tone, Kira had already recognized the black machine in front of him. That's right. This new body is the Assault Gundam that Kira has been driving. But now, including the IWSP Assault Gundam from Artesia, there should have been only two Assault Gundams, and there was a third one. And the one in front of me looked extremely weird.

Kira couldn't tell what a weird situation this was. His instinct told him that he didn't want to fight the black Assault Gundam in front of him. It seemed that the person driving this black Assault Gundam had something to do with him. But no matter what Kira thought, she couldn't come up with a reason.

Suddenly, the shadows danced.

Several beams of light fired from the two beam rifles in the hands of the black assault, and they rushed towards the Freedom Gundam at a tricky and weird angle. Kira, who had a warning sign, didn't dare to take it hard. With both hands linked together, Freedom Gundam burst out with a powerful thrust, directly rising with continuous rolling and gala, and dodge the shot from Black Assault Gundam.

The fast movement of Freedom Gundam did not dispel the enemy's desire to pursue. I saw that in the cockpit of the black assault Gundam, between the murmurs, the black assault was also full of thrust, stubbornly biting at the six o'clock direction behind Liberty Gundam.

"Kill! Kill! Kill..." The murmur gradually increased in pitch, rising to a muttering sound. Soon, at the moment when Black Assault Gundam completed a rapid change of direction, and the moment when Freedom Gundam was bitten again, the muttering from the little cherry mouth immediately upgraded to a shout.

"Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill all! Don't let the adjusters go! Kill!!!"

The shout quickly turned into a scream, a murderous scream.

As if infected by the pilot's extreme murderous aura, the Black Assault Gundam suddenly discarded the beam rifle in his hand, took two beam sabers directly from his waist, and suddenly pushed the power of the thruster directly to overload.

Under the powerful thrust of this overload, the Black Assault Gundam actually caught up with the Freedom Gundam in this blink of an eye. Two rays of light cut through the void, and slashed directly towards the back of Freedom Gundam with the sound of wind.


The eyes that used to be agile at this time have become crazy territory at this time, and the beautiful face of the past has been distorted by murderous aura at this time.

However, what will usher in the next second is not a picture of the target being cut off, but a picture of a burst of dazzling light.

It turned out that at the moment when Freedom Gundam was about to be cut off, Kira quickly controlled Freedom Gundam to draw out the beam saber, and instantly turned his body over, blocking the Black Assault Gundam's beam saber offensive with the beam saber in his hand.

"Who is it! Who are you?!!! Why do I think I know you!!" Kira's voice rang through the public channel at the moment when the beam sabers were connected and the light and dark flickered.

However, the pilot of Black Strike Gundam did not pay attention to his voice. Instead, he frantically operated on the operation panel, constantly increasing the power of the beam saber, and even overloaded it.


The one who is not afraid of death, vows to kill the target in front of him, and the one who is capable of killing the enemy, but has the heart to keep his hands. For a while, the two airframes froze in this way.

Just when Kira was hesitant to kick away the black assault that made him feel strange, the communication from the rear was suddenly connected.

"Kira. Retreat to the mass accelerator. We are leaving Orb." It was Kagali. Her face was not so good at this time.

"Retreat?" Kira was taken aback for a moment, then made a decision. Immediately controlled the freedom Gundam, suddenly kicked the black assault Gundam in front of him, turned around and ran. In order to get rid of the Black Assault Gundam, Kira pushed the power of the thruster to the maximum.

And when the black assault kicked by Freedom Gundam just wanted to catch up, its energy was almost consumed by the previous overload chase and beam sword chase. In desperation, the black assault could only choose to retreat.

However, also because of the entanglement of the black assault, the new three small strong after leaving the post of blocking Liberty Gundam, they have done a series of meritorious services, greatly speeding up the advancement of the Atlantic Federation. This allowed Yazlar to see the possibility of being able to completely suppress Orb in a short period of time.

"Hey! The Nemesis is coming back for supplies. You go to the mass accelerator first, and the Dawning Society will leave it alone. Let the MS from the East Asian Federation take care of it!" Xiaoqiang ordered.

However, he soon learned that the first opportunity he thought had already been snatched away.

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