Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 994 Diga is still on the way here

The existence of the Star Gate in the vast underworld has allowed the Diga Universe to connect with the outside world. Naturally, there are also doors to other universes.

Dagu didn't know where the source was, so he could only choose to use part of the light remaining in the source's body when he merged into Gujia as a guide to lock the opponent's position.


Disappeared, literally disappeared, and the light that carried him as a part of Ultraman could not be felt by Dagu no matter what.

It's as if the person carrying this light no longer exists in the universe.

It was as if...he was already dead.

But the Fountain will not die, not in any case.

I made a promise with him that they would walk side by side together. No matter what the future looks like, no matter how much both parties go through, there will always be another person beside one person.

So Yuanquan must still be alive, he will never die so easily!

The crystal on his forehead flashed with light, and the composite posture changed into an aerial form in the blink of an eye. Diga showed speed again and rushed directly into the star gate, turning into a blue phantom.

Camilla followed behind Diga, entered the star gate with Diga, and left the universe.

Lina chose to stay at the Mars base, taking care of the children, silently offering her blessings to Camilla and Dagu, just like before, watching him fight, and then... looking forward to his return.

Inside the Stargate Tunnel.

"Eradicate anyone who wants to leave the universe!" The double-barreled Vulcan cannon was quite shocking, and the steel-cold body was like a nightmare. Although he was clearly in the Star Gate Tunnel, the intimidation of the unparalleled Iron God was still so terrifying.

"I don't have time to fool around with you!" The king's cloak extended from the armband and instantly turned into a golden umbrella, which was held by Diga in his hand. The sharp front section was like a stabbing sword, very sharp.

"Anyone who stops me from finding the source will die!" Holding an umbrella, Diga rushed forward in an aerial posture.

But it's not right to say it's an aerial type, because golden shadows, like stripes, are looming on Tiga's purple body.

It's not obvious, but it's there.

Three consecutive Vulcan cannons were released one after another. Even though so much time had passed, Impeleza's firepower was still so terrifying that it even covered all the positions where Tiga could get close in a short period of time.

Diga held up the King's Umbrella, like a shield in front of him, blocking all attacks.

This rotating umbrella is an unobstructed wall that can block all attacks.

After approaching Impeleza, Tiga jumped out from behind the umbrella and fired the long-charged Rampal light bomb instantly. The pure white light stream instantly hit Impeleza's body. In just a moment, the machine was destroyed. Impelaza was destroyed and exploded into pieces.

After clearing the obstacles in front of him, Diga accelerated again. After years of training, Diga had already figured out how to play the air type.

At this moment, he was so determined that no one could stop him.

But Imprezza is only a forward, even part of an inconspicuous army of obstacles.

The second person standing in front of Diga was another Ultra warrior.

The first generation of machinery and the mechanical Saivin.

At the same time, the brilliant light and shadow of the star gate collapsed, which meant that Diga had left his own universe and stood outside the big universe.

Although this is not the first time it has appeared here, it still gives people an unspeakable shock every time they see those bubble-like universes.

And it is different from before. The star gates that appeared in the new era connect all the universes together. From a distance, they look like benzene rings or molecular structure diagrams. On a microscopic level, they construct the structure of the universe. exist.

If you think about it carefully, you will come to the conclusion that the so-called universe is nothing more than a molecule, but a tiny part of it that constitutes the whole.

And life is an even smaller existence within these microscopic molecules.

For life, the universe is already very big, but for some higher beings, the universe is also very small.

For a life, jumping out of this world and coming to the outside world is just going from one world to another, and there will still be no change.

However, it will form absolute suppression for those beings who still cannot escape.

"Let me help you!" Just as Diga was about to go up with an umbrella and fight two, Camilla's voice sounded from behind him.

The dark giantess stood beside Diga and faced the powerful enemy with him.

"Didn't I ask you to stay on Mars?" Diga asked.

"I will never be willing to let you go to other universes alone." Camilla was tangled in her heart, her heart trembling: "What if...you leave my side again? I don't want to lose you."

"I can't lose it anymore, let alone 30 million years, I don't want to lose it even for three days or three hours!"

There was a time when we turned against each other, and there was a time when we said goodbye without saying goodbye. Although we are happy now, the past is not completely invalid.

Camila still remembers those things and is afraid of those things.

"...Camila..." Diga's tone couldn't help but soften a little: "Okay, then let us fight side by side, break through these obstacles, and find my best friend."

"Let's go see him together!"


Although Diga was very passionate, Camilla definitely didn't think so.

Now she is probably complaining about what kind of plane Yuanquan is doing and why something happened again.

I just want to spend my life with the person I love most without going anywhere, but you are causing trouble outside and making our life difficult.

If it weren't for Da Gu's sadness, I would have torn your head off sooner or later!

Tiga approached the mechanical Seven, and Camilla approached the first generation of the mechanical machine. The battle took place again outside the big universe.

In the world of Aix, when the atmosphere between the two sides finally eased, the sudden energy explosion and the sudden appearance of four cosmic beings made both sides more vigilant.

Because this is the emergence of a third party force.

After the smoke and dust dissipated, everyone could see clearly what was happening over there.

Standing on the top of the children's slide are the Babars, the Kemers in vests, and the Jetons in suits (a type of cosmic being very similar to the Kemuls, and have nothing to do with the space dinosaur-Jetons) ), and Dada wearing nothing at the end.

"Clang, clang, clang! We are the Dark Army! Strong! Big! Unparalleled!" The Kemer people made a half-crouched pose, raising their hands to draw a bow and shoot an arrow at the sky.

"Dark! Black! Army! Regiment!" This was shouted by the Jayton star who was posing in the same pose and Dada who was standing in the middle in the pose of a white crane with wings.

"Sa! Bow down to our strength!" The condescending Babar stroked his orange hair, making him look like Sailor Moon.



Doctor (spreading his hands): Just look at it and let me tell you! There are not many normal cosmonauts living on earth! That's what I said!

"In short, hand over the shark and whale!" Not hearing the expected exclamation, Babar lost his face and stopped posing. Instead, he asked directly: "That's what we will get next. Thing, as long as you cultivate this, sharks and whales will have few rivals in the universe!"

"What do you want the shark and whale to do!" A'Du asked.

"Then you still need to ask? Of course it's to carry out the plan of um..." The words of the Jetton star were interrupted, because Babar had jumped down from the slide and fell on top of the Jetton star.

"Shut up!" Babar doesn't dare to say something like invading the earth. Do you think that Nexus doesn't exist? Do you want me to be killed by him? !

"We just want the shark whale, and we spent a lot of effort to snatch it out of the auction house!" Babar stretched out his hand and said aggressively: "Bring it here!"

"No! The Sand Whale is my good partner!" Balki gritted his teeth: "Let's do this. You tell me how much you spent, and I'll give you the money!"

Babar: Huh?

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