Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 1001 The first generation: Quan! Belial created Dark Nexus, and even Zero couldn't defe

The next few developments of the plot basically have nothing to do with Quan. Looking at the battle of Aix from a third party's perspective, it feels very different.

In the past, it was he who fought so hard to protect the world, but now, this experience has finally happened to others.

It should be said that new warriors always have to go through such a journey before they can grow up.

When Dimaga appeared again, Izumi had no intention of intervening.

X and the Earth went berserk because Dimaga was injected with the energy of the dark thunderstorm. After transforming into Dark Dimaga, they defeated X and the Earth with overwhelming power, and even exploded X's data body. , collapsing it into data flow and dispersing it, achieving the true first death of Aix.

Later, Dimaga wanted to destroy the city, but Izumi turned into an Ultra Warrior and appeared to fight with him. He controlled his own power so that he could not destroy it, but also pretended to be evenly matched. appearance.

Dark Dimaga couldn't please Quan Nai, and Quan Nai wouldn't give him a chance to wreak havoc. Therefore, Dark Di Maga finally retreated and chose to leave, waiting for the next comeback.

Dark Thunderstorm energy comes from Gliza, which has the ability to greatly enhance the quality of monsters and demonize them.

The dark thunder force entrenched around the star is spreading towards the earth after affecting Mercury and Venus.

Griza's break is just around the corner.

Quan Nai knew this Griza quite well. After all, it was an existence that was sealed by the source back then. It appeared immediately after the barrier of the universe was broken.

No one knows what level it has reached now when it is wreaking havoc in the universe.

After repelling Dimaga, Quan Na also disappeared. Instead, Quan walked out of an inconspicuous place with his pocket in his pocket.

"Only the Rainbow Knife can purify Gliza's dark thunder power. Only the Rainbow Knife can achieve such a miracle without harming the demonized monster itself." Needle, but it can also do what the Cosmic Needle can do. Although the Rainbow Knife's effect on Glizza is not as special as the Cosmic Needle, it does work.

The same is true for the Rainbow Knife to Aix.

It's like Ax may not be able to completely kill the alien beast, but he can turn the alien beast into a flash doll and defeat it in a new way.

As for the Rainbow Knife, it doesn't target Grizza, but it does have an effect on Grizza.

Both of them belong to the category that are not special attacks, but can still produce effects.

X-Transcendence is a new power that only comes after getting the Rainbow Sword. As for what the Rainbow Sword itself is like, Izuna has long wanted to know it.

This is also the day that Izuna has been waiting for for a long time.

But there is one more thing that Quan also needs to confirm, and that is whether this Griza still has the Cosmic Needle in his body.

Although that was a setting added in Zetari, according to the post-setting overriding the pre-setting, Grizza should indeed have the Cosmic Needle in his body.

So Izumi wanted to try it out to see if this Gliza existed.

Ax's defeat is nothing, and Dadi will naturally solve it. It is precisely because of this failure that Dadi and Ax not only obtained the Rainbow Sword and the Transcendence Type, but also pushed the state of one mind to the next level. 1000%, even to the point of expressing to each other that they are together for life and death.

It was an emotion that transcended friendship and belonged exclusively to the two of them.

So Izumi had no intention of disturbing the story between the two of them. Instead, she had a secret meeting with the doctor. After getting the key to his private car from the doctor, Izumi drove the car and left the city, heading towards a certain place. Depart from the ruins.

The ruins are not far away, just outside the city, but they are buried deep underground.

If the underground entrance had not been exposed due to the frequent activities of underground monsters, it is estimated that humans would not have known that the land beneath their feet still had such a relic.

Quan stimulated his own light energy, which resonated with the same light power and received feedback, that is, the other two light powers. From this, he successfully entered the interior of the ruins.

I also saw the huge Tiga stone statue with its lower body covered and leaning in the collapsed ruins.

Although he had no feelings for Diga, Quan still looked at the stone statue with a complicated look.

"Ultraman Tiga." Affected by Yuanquan's memory, Quan could still recall everything he had experienced in Yuanquan's memory, so his tone became slightly complicated.

The stone statue of Tiga is here, and a bluestone is enshrined on a small altar not far away. Izumi can also feel the light energy of the first Ultraman flowing.

This is a relic that will be discovered in the future. Here, there are the red balls belonging to the first generation, the stone statue of Tiga, the divine light rod of Tiga, and the Warcraft-Sai that was defeated and sealed by the first generation and Tiga in the ancient times. Gegu.

The first generation used the red ball, and Diga used his own body to suppress it here, sealing Sagegu so that this seal would not be affected by the barrier.

But once the bluestone is displaced, Seggu will wake up in an instant and appear again.

Quan came here precisely because he wanted to see if he could meet the real Tiga here.

Because it is said that Tiga in the X movie version has the consciousness of the real Tiga, Quan doesn't know whether this is true or false.

If it was true, everyone would be happy, but if it was false, he didn't care.

...Who allowed Ultraman Tiga to have three screenwriters, who were backstabbing each other all day long, so that Quan himself could not determine which of Tiga's settings was true and which was fake, so he could only try them one by one.

Coming under the stone statue of Diga, Quan stretched out his hand to touch the stone statue of Diga. Quan could not feel the existence of any light energy in this stone statue, as if it was really just a stone statue...

...Does it need to be activated with a divine light stick?

Quan did not look for the location of the divine light rod, but came to Qingshi and injected part of his own light energy into it.

Within a moment, the bluestone released a slight red light, piercing the groove marks on the bluestone, and using this as a support, the avatar of the first generation appeared above the bluestone as the light entangled.

"Are you... the source? Or the spring?" The Kingdom of Light already knew that the source was split into two, so after distinguishing the characteristics of the injected light energy, the first generation crossed the universe to meet the spring, and the first sentence he spoke was this .

"I am Quan Nai, currently staying in this universe." Quan nodded: "You defeated Sagegu in this world with Ultraman Tiga and sealed it, leaving the bluestone here..."

"Sagegu is only sealed instead of being killed. This is a hidden danger." The first generation said: "It is a seal, and it will be unlocked one day. And if Diga and I were not here at that time, then this world The only ending is destruction."

"...You are thinking very far-reaching." Izuna admitted the first generation's statement that the seal will be broken one day. This is a wise saying!

If he couldn't be beaten to death, who would choose to seal him when he had nothing to do?

"Diga and I are waiting for the third Ultra warrior who connects the light of heaven and earth." The first generation continued: "With the power of Diga and I, we cannot completely defeat Seggu, and we must have another Ultra warrior." Special warrior."

"Is that Ultra Warrior you? Quan."

Hearing Chudai say this, Quan waved his hands one after another, but did not dare to respond: "It's not me, it's not me, it has nothing to do with me, I just passed by and found you and Tiga, so I just came to take a look."

"The one who links the light between heaven and earth should be this one, Ultraman X." As he said that, Izumi used light energy to construct the image of Ultraman X so that the first generation could see: "This is what you want. People who are waiting.”

"Really?" After seeing Aikes, the first generation was relieved: "Then it seems that Seggu's end is not far away."

"By the way, Quan, Belial created a dark Nexus just like you, did you know?"

spring:? ?

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