Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 1019 King Ao: I am the mastermind behind the detailed timeline and interference in the futur

ps: This chapter has a lot of information, so pay attention to it.

So since then, some things that should have been completely extinct have the possibility of reappearing in the future.

King Ao nodded. He had always seen what Hikari had done. The miracles that Mebius would achieve in the future were also the past that he had always wanted to see again.

Although time will not turn around, the thoughts that carry memories can travel through time.

"The next thing is this..." After trying his best to maintain the timeline belonging to the source, King Ao took action directly, using his own king's power to deprive the timeline of his life and began to divide it into details.

If the timeline is not reset, then refinement is part of what should have developed on its own.

But since everything has been reset and the future has even started from scratch, then after the future is destroyed, the reason for the refinement of the past timeline will no longer exist. In this case, a paradox will arise.

Therefore, King Ao acts as the mastermind behind the refining of the timeline in the historical records belonging to the past in the reset timeline. Borrowing this characteristic of Ultraman Noah's existence at any second, the two mysterious forces work at the same time. , to correct the timeline that would have caused the paradox.

Timeline before reset:

Source: Has the timeline been refined? Split into countless pieces? what is this? who is it!

Multiverse: It's you.

Timeline after reset:

Galaxy: Lord Savior, the current timeline of the universe has been refined. Only two timelines have unknown possibilities. When the timelines are unified, then...

Source: Who did it?

Galaxy: I don't know.

(Ao Wang stood in the future timeline and clicked a like, and said that the mastermind behind the scenes is this king.)

All this is to make the past match the present and to prevent paradoxes from arising.

Similarly, it was these mysterious people who had already promised to help Nai in the future.

After the timeline was refined, countless timelines suddenly evolved. These timelines were similar but different, like independent parallel universes that would never intersect.

In King Ao's bright red eyes, we can see that there are sources in these countless worlds, and these sources are derived from the first one.

Pulling his hands towards both sides, Ou completely unfolded all the parallel worlds and called out another mysterious name.


The next moment, the light of miracle suddenly broke through the timeline and fell on countless parallel worlds.

Although these miraculous powers are shallow after being dispersed, they come from Saka after all, so the birth of that miracle is always possible.

But miracles are not always possible.

In the parallel world, the red ball flows through the major parallel universes, setting off rounds of war and destruction. Every time the red ball destroys a world, that world will become doomsday. Correspondingly, this parallel world will also It will wither and die, and this timeline will disconnect on its own, turning into scattered light particles and no longer existing.

But this is just the beginning. More and more parallel worlds are destroyed, and more and more timelines wither and die. In King Ao's eyes, these worlds that have long been solidified will eventually be destroyed.

The red ball facilitated the early arrival of this destruction.

But King Ou is concerned about more than that. In these destroyed parallel worlds, every source eventually became Ultraman Nexus.

But it's not like the origin. He was transported to the Tiga world before he became Ultraman Nexus. The sources of these parallel worlds will turn into Ultraman Nexus due to various possibilities, and then become a certain capable person who is consumed to death, and return to silence with endless regrets and helplessness.

After the destruction of these worlds, the light of Nexus will undoubtedly dim, eventually turning into a glimmer of light and being completely swallowed by darkness.

As these parallel worlds become fewer and fewer, the curtain of destruction on the other side of the origin has also begun.

It is obviously the origin of everything, but the development here is the slowest.

After the last parallel world was also destroyed by the red ball, the red ball loomed for a while, and finally, it was caught by a pair of black palms.

With the appearance of this darkness, the world observed by Ao Wang turned into darkness in an instant, covering the entire timeline at an extremely fast speed, and then, the timeline was refined again.

And this time it is not the king's power of King Ao, but the people in this timeline, their own choices.

"Zaki..." After the dark giant showed all his features, King Ao couldn't help but sigh.

Zaki seemed to have noticed something, and his red eyes looked around the universe, seeming to feel something, but in the end he found nothing.

Zaki held the red ball and put it to his ear, as if he heard something interesting. Then, he followed the red ball and transferred to another universe.

With the addition of Zaki, the originally destroyed timeline was once again subdivided, and in an instant, countless possibilities evolved again.

This time it is the possibility of re-evolution, which has a completely new change due to the addition of Zaki.

Therefore, when such huge variables suddenly appear in the world of origin, the universe where the origin is located has another possibility.

What would happen if the source received not the light of Nexus, but Zaki's gaze?

From this, besides the origin, a second timeline belonging to the origin was born.

It is not a tributary of time, but it is the same origin as the original universe of the subject.

This is the possibility.

This is when the miraculous power given by Saka comes into play.

Based on this happening, the world in King Ao's eyes suddenly became more colorful, and more parallel universes were born, even more than before.

And the endless brilliance at the beginning was completely destroyed, and only endless darkness remained. Until now, the two origin universe timelines are parallel. What Ao Wang saw in his eyes was half light and half darkness.

The distinction between Jing and Wei is clear.

As a result, the huge parallel universe was born, and from this, there may be light and darkness, and they are no longer distinguishable from each other.

When there is endless light, it is the most extreme despair; after destruction, the most brilliant light is born out of the infinite darkness of despair.

Then, it became the current pattern, creating a world of mutual light and darkness.

That is, real time, the real past.

Now, the first original universe timeline has started again and is going a long way.

As for the second two-source universe that was born from this, it became a quantum superposition state, a strange state of existence but not existence.

Maybe... as a certain dark giant said, it will be an eternal shadow that cannot fade away.

And this two-origin universe, which exists but does not exist, exists as a shadow under the original universe.

"Regedo...his next journey depends on you to push him." To maintain and manifest the two original universe timelines, to maintain the timeline that should have collapsed due to paradox, Austrian The king spent a lot of effort.

Mirai Nai asked him to take action at this moment, naturally because this time is extremely important.


Although there is only one word, this word seems to travel through the long river of time, and the beginning, process and end of time echo throughout the world.

Then, the restarted Origin Universe finally came to an end, and that was the moment when the Source was transported away from its hometown and came to the Tiga Universe.

From here, the story really begins, and Ou no longer needs to continue to maintain it.

Because the existence of Gu Jia will fix this timeline, his appearance is an unchangeable fact. No matter what happens, Gu Jia will inevitably appear.

Because from the moment the source appears in the Tiga universe, it represents the emergence of Gu Jia.

Have you ever seen someone who made a mysterious appearance and was stopped?

Letting go of his hand, King Ao stopped releasing the power of the king. The paradox will no longer happen again. The path to the past and the present has been connected, and the past and the future have been completely connected.

King Ao turned around and focused his attention on those two people.

Next, it's up to you.

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