Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 1023 Parallel World Peer: Takuji Kawakubo (Ikki the Solitary Gate)

"Button button button..."

"Here we are! Please wait a moment." The middle-aged man wearing an apron walked out of the kitchen step by step. After taking off his apron and wiping it, he opened the door.

The moment he opened it, Kawakubo Takashi's eyes were dazzled by the sudden brilliance.

But he was surprisingly not very angry.

He felt something vaguely familiar.

"You two are..." Looking at the two men standing at the door of his house, these two men looked exactly the same, only wearing different clothes. Tuoji was very sure that he had never seen these two men before, so he was a little confused.

"I'm sorry for taking the liberty of visiting." When Yuanyuan Nai was present, he was the one who made the decision among the two, so at this time, it was Yuan Yuanna (called Yuan in human form) who spoke first.

"Meet me? I'm not a famous big shot, what's the point of meeting me." Tuoji didn't hate these two people, and he could even feel a slight sense of familiarity in them.

This feeling of familiarity comes inexplicably.

But Tuoji's first impression of the two brothers was pretty good.

"Because I have some doubts, I want to come to Mr. Tuoji for confirmation." Yuan put his attitude very straight: "Mr. Tuoji, my name is Yuan, and he is Izumi. He belongs to the xio Japan branch and works in the logistics team. Expert on monsters.”

At this time, Izumi's identity is particularly important. After all, Minamoto has no foundation here, but Izumi is different, and Takuji's wife Tachibana Sayuri serves as the deputy captain of XIO. Of course Takuji has heard of Izumi's existence from Tachibana Sayuri.

"So it's you. Sayuri often mentions you to me." When he mentioned Izumi, Takuji's eyes immediately lit up, because he was really familiar with Izumi. Sayuri had introduced his team members to him many times, so Takuji was very interested in Izumi. The memory of the unique monster expert is still fresh.

After all, he is a man who can maintain peace between the earth and the people in the universe, and even changed XIO's internal battle plan. He has brought so many changes that no one cares.

Takuji led Minamoto and Izumi into the house and placed the two brothers on the sofa. He himself went to make two cups of tea, gave each of the brothers one cup, and then sat across from them.

"Actually, it's not that we two brothers are coming, but that one person is coming." The atmosphere became slightly calmer, and Yuan spoke first, breaking the increasingly rigid atmosphere: "Mr. Touji, you may not know that you exist. , is important to someone.”

"No, there is such a thing, and it is very important between people. Even if it is for invisible people and unrelated people, it is the same." Tuoji responded with a smile: "But speaking of it, I do You two brothers feel a little familiar, but I'm pretty sure we haven't met before."

"It's really strange. It unexpectedly makes me feel a little moved, but...what am I being moved by?"

Tuoji brushed his hair away from his eyes with some distress and put his hands on his knees: "I can only say that this is the first impression between people."

"Although it's the first time we've met."

"It is indeed our first time to meet, but..." Yuan paused and added: "We are here to meet you on behalf of someone who can't come here for the time being."

"When he comes back, he will visit you again."

"Yes, I'm very welcome." Tuoji responded with a smile: "By the way, do you two have any tasks to perform here when you come to Canada? Xio's team members, if they work in the Japanese branch, generally will not come here Canada is so far away.”

"There's no important mission. I'm just walking around and looking around. After all, not all space people live in Japan." Yuan handed the situation over to Quan. He, as the client, knew better about xio's matter.

"After I came here to visit some cosmic people, I wanted to come and see you, and by the way, I could tell the deputy captain about your current situation."

Speaking of his wife, Takuji couldn't help but smile. There was no need to elaborate on the relationship between the husband and wife: "Sayuri should be fine now that she is in the team."

"The vice-captain is calm and reasonable. He is very good, but he is often busy with work. It is not easy to come back to see you and the children." Quan said: "Because of this, the vice-captain often complains about himself."

"There is nothing to be sorry for. She is like this. She always feels that she owes us a lot." Tuoji shook his head: "Xio's job is to protect the earth. I understand this very well. She can't go home because she wants more. People can go home.”

"As a husband, I have nothing else to do to help her. The only thing I can do is to take care of our children." After saying that, Tuo Si turned around and shouted: "Xiao Xun, Xiao Man, come quickly, come home." The guest is my mother’s colleague.”

Accompanied by the crisp sound of running feet on the wooden floor, the two girls chased from the backyard and came here, standing on the left and right next to Tuoji.

"Dad, is mom back?"

"Is mom here?"

Facing the expectant looks of his two daughters, Tuoji was silent for a moment, then continued to smile and said, "Mom is not back, but my colleague is here on a mission, and he brought the latest news about mom."

As he said that, he turned his two daughters in front of Yuan Izumi: "These are the two daughters of Sayuri and I, this is Xiaoxun, and this is Xiaoman. Come, let's meet our two brothers."

"Hello brother Yuan!"

"Hello, brother Quan!"

Although it was their first meeting, the two girls had a good impression of Yuanquan. Rather, they were very curious after seeing Yuan and Izumi.

Quan was quite familiar with her. He took Xiaoxun and squatted down to talk to her at eye level, telling her mother's story to Xiaoxun.

Yuan stared at Xiaoman with big eyes and small eyes, while Xiaoman also stared at Yuan with a pair of watery eyes.

"Ahem...I don't work at XIO. There is no news about your mother. You go find your Uncle Quan." Seeing Xiao Man's big, watery eyes becoming more and more filled with water stains, and about to fall, Yuan immediately withdrew his gaze, troubled. Dongyin pushed the spring out and suffered.

Xiaoman nodded and moved closer to his sister, in front of Quan, and listened to the eloquent elder brother blowing nonsense.

"It seems that you are not used to raising children." Tuoji saw everything, including Yuan's embarrassment when facing the child.

"I... have no experience in this area." Yuan Nai, who has always given people the feeling of being omnipotent, finally admitted that there was something he couldn't do. Although his face was still expressionless, Tuoji could see this guy's attitude at that moment. Embarrassed.

"By the way, what do you mean when you say that someone wants to come to see me but can't come?" Tuoji asked again.

"It literally means that Quan and I are not important. He is the one who wants to see you the most." After a pause, Yuan tried something exciting: "Do you know about parallel worlds?"

"I know, the parallel world is..." Tuoji noticed the key point of this problem and looked at Yuan in surprise: "Do you mean to say..."

"Yes, we came to see you, but we are not meeting you." Yuan nodded and said: "In this world, your name is Kawakubo Takuji, married to Tachibana Sayuri and pregnant with two daughters, but in another parallel world To the world, your name is not Takuji Kawakubo, but Ikki Gumon."

"It's the legendary giant, Ultraman Noah's successor."

"The legendary giant...Noah..." When Tuoji heard Noah's name, he felt dazed for a moment.

At that moment, he seemed to see what Ultraman Noah looked like.

"It can also be called Ultraman Nexus."

"This name... I seem to have heard of it somewhere?" Hearing this, Tuoji frowned and responded, "Isn't this the name of the black and gold Ultraman?"

"His name is Ultraman Nexus."

"But you are also Nexus." Yuan said, "And besides the above, you also have another identity."

"For me, this identity is more important than the above."

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