Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 1027 Ax: I unilaterally declare the origin of Nabi Izumi Nagengo

"It's so strange, why is the senior color black and gold, but this one...is..." I don't have the nerve to say the words "flashy", but compared to the simplicity of Kuro Nai, the color of Yuan Nai is really too rich.

From the appearance, there is a slight similarity between the two sides.

He stretched out his hand to hold the rainbow knife at the rainbow head mark above his head and held it in his hand. Aix did not dare to be careless.

The half body of the savior is right in front of you. Even if it is not the actual figure, it cannot be underestimated.

The moment the Rainbow Knife appeared, Yuanyuan Nai's eyes were attracted to it.

Quan Nai couldn't tell the power of this knife, but Yui Nai could clearly feel it.

Fantasy materialized, dream come true... these are all used to describe this rainbow knife.

As its name suggests, the sword has a dreamlike ability like a rainbow.

Overtaking Ex and rushing forward with his sword in hand, Yuanyuan did not take out the weapon, but waited for the arrival of Ex on the spot. At the moment when he was about to raise his hand to strike, he stepped forward and blocked Ike with his own hand. Si's wrist avoided the blade of the rainbow knife.

At the same time, Yuanyuan took a step forward again, and the power he had accumulated for a short period of time with his other hand suddenly exploded out, creating a violent burst of sparks on Aix's belly.

Ax screamed and was knocked out, landing on the ground not far away, shaking the sky with rubble.

"Dadi, be careful! It's coming!" Dadi wanted to slow down for a while, but Aix's fierce reminder forced Dadi to react immediately.

He could only block the rainbow knife in front of him in time and catch the cross storm that was coming instantly.

Although he was knocked out again and plowed a long way on the ground, fortunately, the material and strength of the rainbow knife allowed him to receive this attack steadily.

"Facing the savior, we can't be relaxed or careless at all. This is different from all the previous discussions. The savior is serious!" Aix knew about the splitting of the source into two, and also knew that there was a lack of confidence in Yuanyuan Nai. The concept of someone.

He will definitely not hold back in this battle.

A transcendent being acts as an opponent, and he is the kind who doesn't hold back. Aix really doesn't know how to win.

"Understood!" He finally struggled to get up from the ground. The next second, the huge feather of plate particles slashed past in an upright posture, flying past Beyond Aix, destroying all obstacles along the way, and It left a deep crack in the earth.

Aix turned around carefully and looked at the mountains in the distance that were shattered by the feathers of plate particles. The whole Ao felt bad.

"What are you afraid of? I keep my power at the same level as you. What are you hesitating about?" After initiating a terrifying attack, Yuanyuan slowly stepped forward and stood in front of Aix again. : "Show me your skills and give you a chance to collect data."

"What kind of power can you gain from this battle? What kind of data will be collected in the end? It depends on how much power you can force out of me."

"Understood!" Aix has indeed been collecting Yuan Nai's data. If these data are integrated, they will eventually condense into entities, and cards can be created by borrowing Xio's equipment.

In this way, Aix can also borrow the power of Origin Nai.

However, the collected data about Origina will determine the power contained in the card. If it is not displayed, it will not exist.

So this is also the reason why Yuan Nai said that Aix took action.

Aix is ​​somewhat sinister. Yuanyuan Nai said that he must use all his strength, so Aix naturally did not dare to show weakness.

As he ran past at top speed, Aix placed one hand on the rainbow headmark above his head, condensing the multi-colored brilliance and shooting it out.

These five colors of brilliance are intertwined and inclusive, vast and majestic.

Ax header ray.

When Quan Nai resisted this move with a ripple shield, he was not able to completely offset it, and Quan Nai did not dare to absorb it into his body.

But that's only for Senna.

But the aspects that Izuna is good at are beyond the reach of Izuna.

With a pointing finger, a four-color vortex appeared in front of him, swallowing up all the X head mark rays. In the blink of an eye, Yuanyuan Nai digested this power and converted it into four-color light and stored it in his body.

His momentum, which was constantly at the extreme, should have experienced a violent rise, but he was still able to suppress it.

It's just for discussion, there's no need to use it passively (forcing your true face).

"What?" He never expected that the power of the Rainbow Knife would be swallowed up so easily, and Aix's running movements deformed for a moment.

But he quickly adjusted, leaped into the air with the help of long-distance running, and struck down with a knife on the head.

Originai raised his head, absorbed the rays from Ax's head mark, converted them into four-color light, and then concentrated them on the hand knife formed by one hand.

The hand knife emitting four colors of light struck from bottom to top, hitting Ax's chest at a faster speed, and leaving a long and narrow knife mark on his chest.

One sword fell, and another sword rose again. He raised his other hand that gathered the four colors of light, and launched a second stage of pursuit, and then slashed down diagonally with one sword.

Ultraman X's chest was slashed with a brilliant x-shaped knife mark.

Being hit so hard all of a sudden, Ax flew back as fast as he ran.

The two knife marks on Ax's chest that fell to the ground could not be healed at all. Countless data escaped from the wounds, drifted in the air, and gradually decomposed.

"What happened...my wound cannot be healed." In the data space, Ax's anxious voice sounded: "There is a very special force that splits my body apart, and I am going to...disappear..."

As soon as he finished speaking, the light particles falling from the sky slowly entered Ax's body. In just an instant, they repaired the two wounds on Ax's chest and even filled up the timer that started to flash. .

After the four-color light particles dispersed, Aix was still a little confused as he collapsed on the ground.

what's the situation? Where are my fatal injuries?

"How long are you going to lie there?" Yuanyuan Nai's voice drew Aix's attention back. When he turned his head and looked over, he could just see Yuan Yuannai who was slowly retracting his palm.

"I cured you."

"But why..." Dadi and Aix can't understand this kind of operation, what does it mean? Can I do whatever I want if I know how to treat it?

"I won't hold back, because this is God's test." Yuanyuan glanced at Aix indifferently, and then said: "If you can't survive this test, it means you will be like this."

"Then, as a price, you will have no future."

"In the same way, if I didn't say stop this test, it wouldn't stop."

"You obviously have the same strength as me at this time, but you were seriously injured by three of my attacks. Do you know what the gap between us is?"

As he spoke, Yuanyuan Nai spread his hands and pointed his palms at the sky.

"I will severely injure you to make you understand this gap; then I will cure you so that you can continue this trial."

"I won't hold back, but if you're dying I'll pull you back."

"But if you are defeated by three moves, and then you are defeated by three moves without making any progress..."

Needless to say about the follow-up, the blasted mountain in the distance is the best follow-up.

Both Aix and Dadi were silent.

"Senior, I would like to ask, have you ever trained Yinghe and Victory?" Aix asked carefully.

How come this senior’s style is so similar to the person A Xiang mentioned!

I won't really meet the guy A Xiang talks about.

"No, I'm not him. Don't think nonsense." Yuanyuan Nai's voice had no fluctuations and was quite flat. It was so flat that even Ax couldn't help but wonder if he was too sensitive.

Of course, Yuanyuan didn't lie either.

What A Xiang is talking about is the source, what does it have to do with me, the source?

"Have you had enough lying on the ground?" The golden-red Storm Sword popped out instantly, frightening Aix.


Why is this guy not as gentle as Quan-senpai!

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