Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 1042 Chapter 1033: King Ao, who has put down the burden of the God of Ultra, becomes more an

"Xiao Lu, Xiao Lu, come here quickly." The kind old man with a white beard waved to a child not far away. With a smile on his face, he was running a roadside stall and had been coming and going for a long time.

Such an old man went out to sell things alone. Looking at his trembling appearance, it had to be said that anyone who saw it would feel a little unbearable, and many passers-by came forward to help him.

And this wandering child named Xiao Lu is the most hard-working child that the old man has ever met. Every time he opens a stall, he is always able to come over in time to help the old man set up the stall and then greet the customers.

In this way, the child's three meals a day will be fully included, and the elderly will even pay him some wages.

Because the old man also knew that this child was an orphan. In this area, he was rejected by many peers because of his unknown origin. He was born very lonely.

But even so, he still retains his kindness.

"Grandpa." He trotted all the way to the old man, and his dirty little face was wiped clean, revealing his delicate face.

"There will be a guest coming today. He is your brother." Touching Xiao Lu's head, the old man said with a smile: "He has traveled around the world before, and now he has finally returned from his adventure. You can meet him."

"Brother? Are you my relative?" Xiao Lu's eyes lit up and he looked at the old man expectantly.

"No, although he is not your biological brother, we are indeed from the same generation." The old man did not lie on this point.

Xiaolu is the son of Beria. According to the generational hierarchy, Geed is the same generation as the Ultra brothers. In other words, Zero still has to call him uncle.

As the sixth eldest brother among the Ultra brothers, Yuan is naturally also Geed's older brother.

Ao Wang said that this generation cannot be messed up.

You and Jed are of the same generation, and Ao's father is younger than me, so Jed calls me grandpa, and you have to call me grandpa too.

The inexplicably proud King O even straightened his rickety back.

"Is that grandpa's child?"

"Of course, of course he is my child." King Ao nodded and said with great certainty.

"I can't pretend I didn't hear this." Putting the travel bag on the table aside, Yuan sat next to Xiao Lu. The once cold and indifferent eyes were no longer that warm and plain at this moment. easy going…

It can be seen that he has changed tremendously, and he is completely different from the person he used to be.

"Go out for a trip. It seems that you finally figured it out. You have gained a lot." Seeing Yuan's appearance, King Ao nodded with satisfaction: "You are worthy of being the half-body of the savior. This understanding and consciousness are really not ordinary people." It can be possible."

"I used to be blinded by my own power, but now I finally understand who I am." Yuan was a little helpless. Once some things were figured out, many things dispersed, instead of being tight and helpless. Come down.

"Come on, let me introduce this person to you." King Ao turned away Xiao Lu and showed his face to Xiao Lu who was trying hard to reduce his presence: "This is Riku Asakura who has been here to help me. You can call him Xiao Lu.”

"Xiao Lu is a good boy, you have to take good care of him."

"Take care of him?" Yuan, who was smiling gently, was stunned for a moment, and then he realized what King Ao was saying: "Aren't you taking care of him? As far as I know, your favorite things are watching theaters, delivering babies, and managing children. Troubled boy.”

"Xiao Lu's father is like that. You personally taught him, and Xiao Lu will definitely grow up correctly."

What is the so-called correct growth?

That is when the signal ax sounds the alarm, and then the father bids farewell and the son roars.

"Originally, Mayor Asakura wanted to adopt Xiao Lu, but something happened to the mayor's family and nothing happened, so Xiao Lu is still wandering." After a pause, Ao Wang finally straightened his waist again. He bent down once, and bent even harder: "As an old man who is about to die, it is very difficult for me to take care of myself."

"Xiao Lu can't follow me, I even need him to take care of me."

"Yuan, you are Xiao Lu's brother, you have to help him and live with him!"

"Can you bear to let Xiao Lu live like this alone? He is very pitiful. I..."

"You have always been saying, why don't we ask Xiao Lu for his opinion?" Yuan interrupted Ao Wang's follow-up words. Yuan has seen this old guy look shameless a lot. If he didn't interrupt him, He can even lie on the ground and howl.

Is this the mysterious four?

He lay on the ground howling with anger, and then blackmailed the junior for his medical expenses.

"The Four Mysteries"

"Ultraman's Peak"


Source, who has known the true face of Ou for a long time, said that he can no longer look directly at the peak of Ultraman.

"Xiao Lu, do you want to live with me?" He squatted down and held Xiao Lu's shoulders with both hands. Under personal contact, Yuan Neng could feel the energy hidden in Xiao Lu's body, which was powerful and depressing. It belongs to the kind that has not yet been released.

But how old is Xiao Lu? This power will gradually become later and later as Xiaolu grows.

"Brother, who are you?" This was the first time Xiao Lu saw Yuan Quan. For some reason, the moment he saw him, Xiao Lu felt familiar, as if he had seen him somewhere before.

"Me? My name is Yuan. I am a wanderer who has ended his wandering and is currently preparing to settle here. I plan to find a job and realize some of my choices." After speaking, Yuan knocked on his travel bag: " If possible, I would also like to have the hero’s story spread across the entire planet.”

"The story of a hero?" Xiao Lu was a little confused.

"Ah...a hero who fights to protect the smiles of others."

Maybe, that would be a good fit for Geed.

He is the son of Beria, the most vicious and dark person in the universe. Geed was born with the kind of tinted glasses that would make people unable to trust him.

With Geed's identity, if Geed had lived in the Showa era and faced the Showa group of cosmic people with the ultimate mentality, Geed's fate might have been even more tragic than that of the Ultra Brothers.

"Brother Yuan, will you hit me? Will you drive me away? I'm very quiet when I sleep, I don't snore, and I'm very agile with my hands and feet. I won't cause you any trouble. As long as you take care of my meals."

"Moreover, grandpa is getting old. Can I help him for a long time? I will go back very early."

"I'll cook for you, I'll clean, I'll..."

Xiao Lu didn't have time to say the next words, because Yuan had already picked up Xiao Lu, held him in his arms, and stood up.

"Xiao Lu..." Sensible children always make people feel distressed. Such a sensible Xiao Lu, coupled with his life experience, compared with Zero's ultimate thorn, Xiao Lu will make people feel distressed. .

"You don't have to do that, you just have to enjoy the things you should have as a child."

"Go to school with your peers, play with your peers, grow up with your peers, and do what you want to do." Looking into the distance, Yuan continued: "Life may not be simple, but it will definitely be Someone holds up the sky for you and protects you from wind and rain.”

"Xiao Lu, you just need to stride forward and try to be a hero, your own hero."

"My own...hero?" At Xiao Lu's current age, it was difficult for him to understand the meaning of this sentence.

But this did not prevent him from looking at the source with curious eyes, waiting for an answer.

"That's right, you have experienced the hardships of life and still have the courage to face life. This is a hero." After lifting Xiao Lu up, Yuan continued: "Xiao Lu, do you hate me?"

"I don't hate brother." Xiao Lu shook his head, stretched out his hands to wrap around Yuan's neck, and showed his attitude with actions.

Yuan did not speak, but focused his gaze on Aou Wang.

King Ao nodded approvingly, Yuan was willing, and Xiao Lu was also willing, so there was nothing wrong with going in both directions.

"Xiao Lu, congratulations, you have a family."

The word "home" touched Xiao Lu's mind. He was used to living alone, used to being called a bastard by those people, and used to being treated with contempt by those people.

Xiao Lu thought he was used to it and wouldn't care anymore, but now...the word "home" touched him greatly, and the iron wall built in his heart gradually melted away.

"You...will you hit me? Will you scold me?"


"Will you... drive me away? Will you call me a bastard?"



"Don't use words like you, just use you." Yuan interrupted Xiao Lu's follow-up words: "Because, we are brothers."

Xiao Lu did not respond, and fell into Yuan's arms. His sobbing and trembling body showed that he was not calm at this time.

Yuan stroked Xiao Lu's back and tried his best to comfort him.

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