Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 1054 Extra: Gumen and Lizi’s wedding day

Super eight world.

"What?!" Standing up from the chair in shock, Yuanquan looked blankly at the man he met in the orphanage, a man named Gumon Ikki: "Are you getting married?"

"Yes, Lizi and I have known each other for a long time, so we decided to get married." Hands clasped together, Gumen glanced at Lizi next to him, his true love, with loving eyes: "So I hope You can come and participate.”

"As you said, I will definitely participate!" Yuanquan held Gumen's hand and said with a smile: "If nothing else, it's just the friendship between you and me that we met in the orphanage. Of course I will help you."

"Which one of us will follow the other?" Hugging Gumen tightly, Yuanquan said with a smile: "It just so happens that Xiaohui and I are also preparing for our wedding, so if you don't mind, we can be together."

"Together?" Gu Men was stunned and immediately replied with a smile: "I hope it won't cause you any trouble."

"What are you talking about?" He punched Gumen's chest with a smile. Yuanquan turned his attention to Lizi. Then, he said something that made Lizi very shy.

"sister in law."

"It's not done yet." She hid behind Gumen a little shyly. It was obvious that she was already talking about marriage, but she was still very shy to be called such a straightforward name.

"It's coming, it's coming." Yuanquan rubbed his head and went outside with Gumen to discuss the co-organizing of the wedding.

"Xiao Hui, you have a chat with your sister-in-law, and we'll go out first."


Xiaohui came to Lizi's side. Her squinted eyes made her look like a little devil, and her attitude was the same as Yuanquan. After holding Lizi's hand, she called her sister-in-law.

"Sister-in-law, how did you and Brother Gumen meet?"

"Ah? What I said to him?" Lizi's face was filled with the warmth of memories in the past. It was the beauty that remained in the memory. It was the memory that made her smile when she recalled it when she was old. Those memories were made by her and A lonely door is formed together, a world composed of two people, small memories.

Just like the wind at night in summer, as long as it blows, it will feel refreshing.

"That's a long story." Coming out of the memory that was as intoxicating as wine, Lizi grabbed Xiaohui's hand, and the smile she evoked was the smile of the man she was about to marry the most beloved.

I can grow old together with him and be united forever.

"Xiao Hui, after I finish telling my story, can I listen to yours and his?"

"My story?" Xiao Hui muttered: "That guy has been with me since he was a child. From childhood to adulthood, I almost vomited when I saw his face, so I had nothing to say."

"But this kind of daily routine that you think is nothing, is the story I want to hear." Lizi responded with a smile: "In life again and again, we get used to each other's existence, and then we miss each other and care about each other."

"When you are old, you will be very happy when you reminisce about it."

"Because, those are the memories weaved with your beloved, enough to stay with you for a lifetime."

"Okay! I had Feiniao's wedding, and Dagu's wedding were all held together. I asked you to come together but you refused, but now you have to go with someone else!" The three groomsmen are all old acquaintances. They were laughing and scolding each other without any barriers at all.

Even if everyone has transformed into Ultraman.

"Huh, with you three, haven't all my limelight been robbed?" Yuanquan hummed dissatisfied: "Look, all the limelight this time must be on my Gumen."

"Speaking of which, you hosted a lot of friends this time, all of whom I don't know," Feiniao said.

"Don't tell me that my social circle is only you! How sad." Yuanquan rolled his eyes: "Those are my friends and colleagues I know."

After saying that, a man in a crisp suit took his female companion's hand and came to the source.


"Musashi?! And Ayano, long time no see." Yuan turned around in surprise and gave Musashi a big hug.

"Yes, after the last separation, I went to a biological research base abroad. It has been three or four years since we separated for a long time." Musashi said with emotion: "This is my lover, Ayano."

After both parties nodded, Yuanquan welcomed Musashi inside. In addition to Musashi, in the church, there were Tengiya who worked in a scientific research center, Hibino Mirai who worked in a coffee shop, and the enthusiastic Touma Kuai who delivered takeaways. fight

Sitting together in a corner were Mr. Hayata, Mr. Morohoshi, Gen's father-in-law and mother-in-law, as well as Hokuto Seiji, Higashi Kotaro, Feng Gen, and other members of the older generation.

Not far away, the passing high school boys and girls, the auditorium light and Shi Dong Meiling also passed by with a smile, and gave their deep blessings to the wedding held here.

In the world of Chao 8, human beings gather together.

It's like a dream.

Dressed in white, holding a bouquet in hand, she was a little nervous, but also a little happy. She was nervous because this was the first and last time in her life. I am happy because the person I want to marry is the person I love deeply.

In fact, there are some things that Lizi has not told Gumen, that is, before, when Ultraman Nexus appeared, Lizi looked at the figure of Ultraman and felt very familiar, and then... she did something. A dream.

In that dream, she was still herself, and she still met the solitary family, but the difference was that she was dead and existed as a controlled puppet, Faust.

What is Faust? Lizi didn't know it clearly, but she felt very heartbroken, very heartbroken, especially when she saw Gumen's twisted expression of pain, that kind of pain was like experiencing it personally.

After waking up, he could only stare at the darkness in front of him with sweat on his face. The clock was ticking and the darkness continued. With his eyes open, he seemed to be able to see from the darkness that there was also a pair of dark eyes staring at him.

As if there really is Faust in the darkness.

Lizi couldn't tell whether it was a dream or reality, but she was very scared, so she wanted to marry Gumen early. Maybe in this way, the gap in her heart and the panic in her heart would dissipate a lot. .

But Gumen gave comfort silently. When Lizi saw Gumen's encouraging eyes, she always felt that Gumen actually knew what happened to her. She always felt that in her dream, Gumen In fact, it is the solitary door in the dream.

Even if he was the one who proposed marriage, Gumen would readily agree.

"Sister-in-law, it's time for us to go!" Xiao Hui, also wearing white clothes, came to Lizi's side, holding Lizi's hand: "It's time to go."

"Ah good"

Do you really want to marry an orphan?

Her mind was filled with complicated thoughts, and Lizi suddenly became worried about gains and losses.

"Sister-in-law, don't think too much." Just when his thoughts were sinking deeper and deeper into the abyss, Xiao Hui's voice was like a beam of light, piercing the darkness.

"No matter what, marrying the person you like is a happy thing, and it is something you will not regret no matter what." Xiaohui's eyes were very firm, even if she usually disliked Yuanquan, she still At this time, she was very serious.

"Sister Lizi, you may also like Mr. Gumen."


"Xiao Hui. I didn't expect you to understand better than me." After gathering her emotions, Lizi said with a smile: "Yes, I like Gu Men. Marrying him must not be a wrong thing!"

"With your words, I feel relieved." But what sounded next to Lizi was not Xiaohui's voice, but the familiar gentle male voice whispering in her ear.

"Eh?" Turning her head sharply, Lizi was a little dumbfounded when she saw Gumen standing next to her: "What are you doing?"

"I'm very worried about you." Gumen said, "I know you had a nightmare. In fact, I had the same dream. I dreamed of you dying and leaving me."

"But that's just a dream, and dreams are false. They have nothing to do with you and me, or us in this world." Holding Lizi's hand, Gumen put it against his cheek: "Lizi, you said you wanted to get married, I’m happy because that’s what I want to say.”

"Let's get married."

Falling behind a little, Yuanquan and Xiaohui fought side by side, leaving the situation to their lonely brother.

"What if that wasn't a dream? I really leave you."

"As long as I'm here, things like that won't happen."

The lonely door opened the door, and as far as Lizi could see, the entire church was filled to the brim with no gaps. Although there were people sitting here that Lizi didn't know, for no reason, Lizi's eyes became sour, and she burst into tears involuntarily. Flowed down.

Although she didn't know these people, she didn't know why, but she felt happy that these people could come here.

"Happy wedding!"

"Let's grow old together and be united forever~"

Men and women, young and old, send their most sincere blessings to the two people who will get married today.

Mirai and Kaito held salutes and splashed streamers.

Mr. Hayata stood up and took the lead in applauding, causing the whole church to burst into warm applause.

Lizi's eyes were wet and red, and she couldn't help but take a step back, but she did not take this step back because there was a pair of strong arms holding Lizi back.

"Let's go." He grabbed Lizi's hand and a gentle smile appeared in Gumen's eyes: "Lizi, marry me."


Holding Lizi's hand, the two stepped forward together and entered the church. In an instant, there was thunderous applause and a lively atmosphere.

In this world, walking towards the palace of marriage, under the witness of countless people, some things that do not exist may be filled here.


As an Orven author, as an author who writes about the protagonist of Light of Nexus, there is only so much I can do.

Her departure was not the only one, the departure of Commander Gaia earlier also made people sad.

There is nothing we can do about it. Life, old age, illness and death, no one can save us. Sooner or later, Mr. Hayata, Mr. Morohoshi, these grandfathers of the older generation will leave us one day as time goes by.

However, Riko, also known as Nakamaru Shion, finally passed away after fighting cancer for so long.

Her life was very short, so short that it felt heartbreaking.

I can't do more, I can only make the wedding that originally belonged to her and Gu Men come true here, under the witness of countless Ultraman and countless human beings.

Pay tribute to everyone who fights against life, never gives up, and creates light.

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