Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 1064 The Golden Man: Titan, I have a task for you

The golden phoenix crashed into the universe. While the brilliant golden light was shining, light particles were scattered in every corner of the universe.

These light particles falling from the Phoenix are being integrated into the damaged universe bit by bit, bit by bit.

In the process of integration, some things that exist in the universe are also brought out.

A handful of fragments of consciousness were wrapped around her body by Sila, and began to circle around her body under the light all over her body.

And whenever Sila goes to any place, it can take away a handful of this tiny bit of consciousness from the dark universe, and take it away with it, keeping it completely in its body while fluttering its wings and flying high.

"Sheila, let's go and find him!" Standing on top of the golden phoenix, the girl in red clothes is only in a soul state, but this journey to travel through all the universes has not disappeared.

The bright road paved by Tiga and Nexus back then has not yet been completed.

Sheila’s journey is still far, far away.

But even so, Sila also felt that someone who helped her back then was in a completely different situation. It was precisely because of this that Silla separated from another universe and came here, heading towards This universe flew over.

It still remembered the help of those two Ultramen, so it came over.

When Nexus or Tiga needs its help, Sheila will definitely help.

Before going to that earth, before seeing that half body, Silla would fly around the universe, collect the consciousness belonging to Quan scattered throughout the universe to her side, and then take these consciousnesses to go Earth.

If he only relied on his own return, the speed would be too slow. It would take more than a hundred billion years for the fragmented consciousness of the entire universe to return to a person's body.

Do you really think the universe is small?

The phoenix sings and flies high, bringing new changes to this broken dark universe.

At the same time, Tiga, also known as Dagu, who was still staying in the Kingdom of Light, decided to go to that universe as well.

Because he could feel that the source was gradually returning. Although this feeling came inexplicably, he had this feeling and could feel that the source was reviving.

Therefore, he really didn't want to stay where he was, but wanted to go to the source immediately and see him return as soon as possible.

He wanted the source to return, and the first person he saw when he opened his eyes was him, and then he responded to him with an excited smile: Welcome back.

So Diga left the Kingdom of Light with Carmilla, passed through the Star Gate, and headed towards the Borderland Universe.

"Why! Why!" Blood oozed from his mouth. The unknown evil god looked at Lucifer, who was supposed to be the strongest evil god and the leader of the evil gods. His eyes were full of unwillingness: "Why are you doing this? You shouldn't be. Are you going to lead us against Grimd?!"

"Why would you kill us! We are the same race!"

Under the excitement, more pieces of flesh fell from the wound, and the abnormal blue blood was so conspicuous.

"Because you are too weak, so weak that in today's era, apart from being swallowed up by Grimm as bait, you can't play any role." Lucifer grasped the origin of this evil god: "I'm glad you didn't Reincarnated as an evil king beast, that’s why I came to find you.”

"Just leave this pure power of the evil god to me, and I will take your share to destroy Grimmud." He devoured the unknown evil god's body with magic wounds in a very short period of time. , and turned it into darkness. The evil god's origin was absorbed by Lucifer, and then stored in it.

The body assimilated by the darkness disappeared, Lucifer put down his hand and tasted the taste for a while.

And his body has become slightly stronger from its original shriveled appearance.

"It's not enough. I need a more powerful origin so that I can restore my original position." Obviously, Lucifer could no longer bear his long training period, so he began to hunt other evil gods and use the power of other evil gods. To replenish yourself, let yourself quickly get through the period of weakness and return to your original strength.

After absorbing the power of this evil god, Lucifer did not dare to stay where he was, and immediately disappeared into the darkness and left the universe.

The next moment, a bloody mouth pressed down from outside the universe, and its sharp teeth tore off parts of the universe, biting off one third of the universe.

This giant beast didn't even chew, but swallowed one third of the universe into its stomach.

After realizing that the delicious food that attracted him was no longer here, the giant beast swung its tail and turned around to leave.

That huge body makes the universe in front of Him only the size of a grape.

The giant thing with its swaying body left here, leaving only the damaged universe with teeth marks left here. It was eroded by the breath of chaos, making the entire universe countdown to destruction.

If the savior is still there, the savior can use the light of salvation to bring the universe back, but unfortunately

That fragrant delicacy was once again far away from him. Grimm was tireless and still pursued the past, wandering towards the attraction of this delicious food.

Lucifer is determined to eat it, even King Ao can't stop him!

"Huh?" The golden space was opened, and Tartarus stepped out and stood on this desolate planet.

In the distance, the towering warrior's summit was so conspicuous, and the power of the ring had already noticed his presence the moment he came here.

Below the Warrior's Summit, there are countless people who come from the universe to climb to the Warrior's Summit to gain power, and they are even quite large.

The reason why Tartarus asked in surprise was naturally because he sensed something was wrong.

"Ring? The essence of the blank transcendent was given to Rob by you." Looking at the ring in the distance, Tartarus already knew the information he wanted to know from the parallel world: "But Rob has already lost to Lu. Gossett, they also did not use the transcendent essence crystallized by you."

"You don't need it until you die, are you afraid that it will cause that kind of fluctuation and be noticed by me?"

Tartarus knew that the circle had a conscious existence, and therefore knew more clearly why he could not feel the existence beyond the crystal when he came to this universe.

When facing Lugoset, he never used it until his death, and if his power was not activated, it would naturally not be noticed by anyone.

"Titan." After o-50 left a trace of the portal, Tartarus left o-50, returned to the kingdom, and called the guards of another kingdom.

Little sword man!

"I need you to visit the outer universe." Tartarus said: "Tregear may not be telling the truth."

"Go and have a look. If you find any trace of Tregear, kill him. If not, kill him."

"Then look there and see if you can meet Yugennai who has lost his power, and then kill him." Tartarus, who can get some important information about the future from the parallel world, naturally knows that Yugennai is still alive. thing.

Although the parallel worlds he created will eventually end in destruction, the unchanged settings in each parallel world are enough for Tartarus to know many secrets.

In all parallel universes, there will always be the human form of Yusunai, so in the canonical world, Yusunai must maintain his human form and live.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. If you don't think of a way to kill him, the source will never be able to return. How can it be the style of Tartarus?

Taking advantage of his illness to kill him, Titan was sent out by Tartarus for this reason.

"My sword will destroy all the enemies of the kingdom!" Titan is incompetent. For the sake of the kingdom, let alone killing a person, he dares to do it even if it means annihilating the earth.

Just like he dared to kill Noah alone.

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