Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 109 The Red Light of Completion (1): The Unchanging Changes of Times

Realizing that the Balrog Warrior had looked over, Diga ran away without saying a word. He flew away very fast.

Switching to the air type is really a helpless move. Fighting with the compound type on the ground has exceeded the limit that Diga can bear. As a last resort, he can only try to use the air type to fight in the air.

But the posture change of the Balrog Warrior that followed made Diga understand why Nexus didn't let him switch forms.

When Tiga turned into an aerial form, Kirialod also changed his posture, with wings growing on his back. His entire body became slender, and he could fly in the air even faster than Tiga. quick.

If the Balrog Warrior hadn't wanted to stop Nexus's Cross Storm just now, I'm afraid that just now, the Balrog Warrior would have caught up with Tiga and launched an attack.

But it was precisely because the Fire Demon Warrior stopped the Cross Storm that Tiga was given a chance.

It was no longer Tiga who was not very familiar with the battle between giants in the original work. He had been fighting with Nexus for a long time, and he already knew the timing. Tiga immediately released Rampal's light bomb and successfully hit the target. He entered the Gate of Hell and produced extremely high output.

The Flame Demon Warrior roared, and anger rushed into his heart. Right in front of him, at the moment when he was careless, Diga actually dared to launch an attack, and even hit the door!

The killing intent locked onto Diga's body, and the Balrog Warrior rushed towards Diga like crazy, but before he could fly far, he was intercepted by another Ultraman.

The body flying from the side kicked the Balrog Warrior away with a bottom-up kick.

Nexus flew in the air and stood in front of Diga.

"I'll do it." This sentence sent to Diga through telekinesis means that Nexus wants to take down the Balrog Warrior.

He also had his own considerations in doing this. The Fire Demon Warrior made a special evolution for Tiga, which can be said to restrain Tiga until death.

The Hell Warriors are a specialization for Nexus, and they are also enemies that Nexus cannot defeat.

In that case, what about changing the opponents of both sides?

This is the only chance of victory that Nexus can think of. Although it may be a more miserable defeat, if he doesn't try, there is really no hope at all.

Diga nodded, immediately switched back to the composite type and fell to the ground. He watched the Balrog Warrior being attacked in succession but remained indifferent. The Hell Warrior standing in OMO on the ground also saw the opponent he would face next.

Ultraman Tiga.

In the sky, Tiga's aerial form couldn't even fly with the Balrog Warrior, let alone the Mach 3 flying speed of the juvenile form.

Although it has evolved once, it has not evolved to a speed that exceeds the level of the Balrog Warrior specialized for Tiga's air type.

It was impossible to fly past the Balrog Warriors by flying in a straight line, so Nexus chose to move around, using constant adjustments to his body shape and position to maintain the distance between him and the Balrog Warriors.

Although they are still being pulled closer, at least they won’t be able to catch up for a while, right?

Nexus' weapons began to emit light particles, which transformed into photon blades. The crescent-shaped photon blades hovered in the sky, and as Nexus detoured and turned, he launched attacks on the Balrog warriors again and again.

However, the Balrog Warrior is very fast, and the hit rate of the Photon Blade is not high. Even if there is no way to hide, the Balrog Warrior will release the Flame Hell Bullet to destroy the Photon Blade.

Generally speaking, the two sides are hovering in the sky, and there is no difference between the front and the back at all. It just depends on whose attack will hit whom.

Air combat has always been Nexus's strength, but it also depends on the experience of the human body.

Yuanquan was not in the habit of fighting in the sky, but when he started air combat, he seemed to be self-taught in many operations and precautions. He understood them completely, and he gradually became more familiar with them in the battle with the Balrog Warriors. I'm familiar with it and playing better and better.

Especially when the flying speed is not as fast as the opponent, there is a special way to deal with this. The longer the battle goes on, the stronger Nexus becomes.

But this fell into the eyes of the Balrog Warrior, making him even more furious.

You must know that it originally had full hatred for Nexus. It can be said that when its opponent changed from Tiga to Nexus, it was still secretly happy in its heart. Because instead of dealing with Tiga, it wanted to smash Nexus' head.

But now he is obviously faster than Nexus, but he can't catch up. He is even faintly suppressed in the air battle. This makes the Balrog warrior half angry.

Therefore, he no longer focused on targeting Nexus, but instead focused on the TPC ground troops in the city, including the captain of the victory team, Hui Jima, and others, all of whom fell into the eyes of the Balrog warriors.

The demon in the sky brushed the flickering core of his chest with one hand, and waved out the Hell Bullets condensed in his palm, aiming at the people in the city.

Nexus noticed that the target of the Fire Demon Warrior's attack had changed, and immediately flew into a dive. The sonic boom cloud could not catch up with Nexus' figure. During the dive, he stood in the city faster than the Fire Hell Bomb, and opened up. He held up the aqua shield with both hands, completely blocking the Hellfire bullets.

All that was left for the people on the ground was a tall figure with an open shield.

"Nexus..." Hui Jian stared blankly at the huge giant in front of him. Did the god-like existence even swoop down from the sky for their safety?

"Yeah!" No one knew what Megumi was thinking, but Munakata nodded at Nexus's back, and then continued to do what he should do now.

"Shut up those people immediately. Although religious belief belongs to personal freedom, we can't control that much now."

"If they don't shut up, then add some bad news, anything will do!" Although the gate of hell in the sky was closed a lot due to Diga's attack, it is still a hidden danger.

Those people around the world who are still chanting words such as the coming of angels and the judgment of demons are still providing power for that door.

Zongfang no longer wants to use gentle methods.

When necessary, coercive measures must be taken.

Even if he really wanted to blame him, Munakata would admit it.

The attack of the Flame Hell Bullet ended, Nexus gathered his shield, and the Balrog Warriors swooping down from the sky at extremely fast speeds came into his eyes.

Does this guy still want Nexus to meet him?

Otherwise, if it fell at this speed, the terrifying impact would be enough to kill everyone behind Nexus.

Since there was no choice, Nexus did not choose. He swiped across Nexus' weapon with one hand, and the gathered light particles formed a gamma light wheel, which was thrown out by Nexus with one hand.

The high-speed rotating light wheel soared into the sky, flying towards the Balrog Warrior.

Behind the scenes, human eyes were focused on Nexus's back, with passion, reverence, gratitude, and various other emotions contained in those eyes.

Nexus seemed to see something else in front of his eyes. A long time ago, before his world was destroyed, Nexus stood in front of everyone like this, protecting the humans behind him and standing up. Blocked everything.

Just like the dream at the beginning.

But in the dream, he was the one looking at Nexus's back and being protected.

Now, he has become Nexus and protects those behind him.

As in the past, the times remain unchanged.

Just like a hundred generations of inheritance, bonds are formed from generation to generation. Even if they have been broken, there are still new bonds that connect the bonds together, continue to last, and shine again.

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