Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 1073 Dagu: Mr. Mr. Trustee, an enthusiastic citizen, please stay.

This is a day when no monsters appear, nor does Ultraman appear. There are no giant creatures, only people living in and out of this city, running for life and working hard to make money.

At a glance, there are almost everywhere such social beasts here.

However, in the news broadcast on TV, reports about monsters and Ultraman are mentioned from time to time, as well as the analysis of the so-called experts, they are all silently telling people that this world is not an ordinary world. fact.

At first glance, there may be many people who keep the appearance of earthlings on the outside, but in fact this is just the appearance. There are many cosmic beings on this planet who mimic the appearance on the inside.

Maybe the number is not that much, but it should not be underestimated.

Of course, not only cosmic beings, but also giants of light have become humans and live on earth.

If you were living in a huge country all over the world, you might never be able to meet one while maintaining your human form.

But if you live in a city, no matter who you are, you will feel that this world is really too small.

As a result, Dagu, who was conducting interviews on the street with a microphone, was wearing a formal suit and talking calmly in front of the camera, looking calm and calm without any stage fright.

It’s just facing the camera. Dagu’s previous job was to fly planes and fight monsters. Now facing the camera is too easy for him.

The morning news broadcast probably consists of interviewing random people on the street and asking them for their opinions.

This kind of work is extremely easy to create famous scenes.

For example, "Are you happy?" "Are you going home for dinner today?" "The Big Wild Goose Pagoda"... and a series of famous scenes.

And that famous scene among famous scenes is: Geneva! Get your money back! It is also a classic among classics.

This is Dagu's first day on the job, and he is basically familiar with the work process. Moreover, his excessive friendliness, gentle smile and handsome face make those who are stopped by him basically not angry, even Some girls looked at Dagu shyly, and some bolder ones even directly asked for his contact information.

All these things made Carmilla, who was watching the live TV broadcast at home, eyes burst into flames. She wanted to fly over and declare her sovereignty on the spot, saying that Dagu belonged to her.

This also led to the fact that a week later, Dagu almost won the championship with a crushing attitude and became the most popular reporter among the citizens in the praise of the interviewers of the TV station.

And this only took a few days.

However, this inevitably makes Carmilla a little emotional, but fortunately, Dagu, as the giant of light, will purify Carmilla's darkness at scheduled times every day, so that Carmilla can't help but be immersed in the world of light. ban.

This has become a fixed behavior every day, and sometimes it happens more than once.

It can only be said that Carmilla’s darkness is too heavy!

And in this kind of work, sometimes surprises will happen. For example, a person who was randomly pulled over was Mr. Liu, an ordinary citizen. Dagu casually said in the morning street interview half a month later, that is, next month. A man I stopped on the road won the lottery.

When he came into contact with this man's clothes, especially when he turned around, Dagu felt a mysterious feeling.

This feeling is something that ordinary people can't give him, not even people from the universe can give him, because this feeling is somewhat similar to what he used to be.

That is, in a person's body, there are two forces of light and darkness at the same time, and they are bound by something.

"Hey, it's the famous and popular Mr. Dagu. Am I the interviewee today? I'm really lucky." Wearing black and white clothes, the man caressed his chest with one hand and said elegantly: "Please allow me to introduce myself. .”

"My name is Tregear."

Dagu's eyes shrank and he suddenly looked at the man who claimed to be Tregear.

"The Treggia I know is not like you." After realizing that the man in front of him contained deep malice, Dagu did not dare to be careless, and even vaguely wanted to protect the cameraman behind him.

"Why, can't we have the same name?" Heito said with a weird smile, spreading his hands: "Mr. Dagu is so famous now. The person everyone wants to meet most every morning is Mr. Dagu. I can be You are truly lucky to have been chosen."

"Come on, Mr. Dagu, if you want to ask me any questions, I will tell you everything." He raised his hands in a gesture of surrender, but although he made such a gesture, Dagu knew that this guy was Pretended.

But no matter what, even if he knew that this guy was not a normal person, Dagu still had to maintain a semblance of peace in front of the camera.

"The question I want to ask today is" opened the note in his hand, Dagu was stunned when he saw it for the first time.

Because this problem is something that has never happened before.

"What kind of problem is it?" Tregchia said with a bad smile. Dagu didn't know the content on the note, but he knew it clearly.

". What do you think of Ultraman Geed? What does those monsters that keep appearing have to do with Ultraman Geed?" Looking at Tregear calmly, Dagu handed over the note. The content is read out.

"Oh my, this is really a good question." Deliberately pretending to be thinking, Tregear approached the camera and took the microphone: "If you want me to take a look, Ultraman Geed, It’s like a clown on stage.”

"When someone needs him, the curtain is raised, the applause is announced, and he comes on stage."

"Those monsters are like insignificant side characters who died in heroic stories of justice. No one will remember their names. Their only function is to set off the greatness of Ultraman Geed." One-hand Holding it high, Tregear looked regretful.

"Just like the legendary savior, he came when the world fell into despair."

"Okay, thank you for your answer. Let's go interview the next person." Dagu didn't give Tregchia a chance to speak further. He snatched the microphone away, pushed the photographer and left immediately.

Tregchia did not resist, but smiled as he watched Dagu push the photographer away without any intention of stopping him.

Anyway, what I want to say has been said. Anyway, what I want to convey has been conveyed.

"What did that person say?" Xiao Lu, who heard everything Tregear said in the base, was furious.

This guy's statement means that the meaning of GED's existence is completely false? Are those monsters cooperating with his acting?

That guy looks quite handsome, but what he says is really irritating!

Sure enough, Da Gusang is more handsome.

The sulking Xiao Lu kept hammering the duck doll in his arms, sulking alone.

In other places, more people saw Tregchia's interview, including Yuan, including Ou, and naturally, Dek Fushii.

When Da Gu appeared on the morning news, his identity was no longer a secret. Although Yuan was surprised that Da Gu would appear here, it was not unacceptable.

As for Fushii Dek, he had never seen it with his own eyes. He couldn't tell Dagu's true identity just by watching TV, so he didn't recognize him.

But Tregchia's words today cheered him up and made him a little interested.

"Tregear, who are you?" Izuku Fushii put down his legs and looked at Tregear on the TV with interest: "Do you know Lord Beria's plan?"

Although he was not sure who Tregear was, Fushii saw in Tregear that he was not from Earth, and he seemed to vaguely know some inside information.

Then he is also a variable?


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