Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 1097: There will be a power outage in the town tomorrow, and the temperature will be 39 degr

PS: One chapter will be updated first, and one will be added later. So there won’t be any updates tomorrow.


When he opened his eyes again, what he could see now was no longer the familiar Izuku Fusui, but instead a strange room.

Yuan looked around. If he just looked at this room, he had some vague impressions, but this impression was only one-sided and did not exist in the whole.


He walked to the table, picked up the magazine, and looked at the news in the magazine. Yuan's eyes were a little dark.

Because that was information about the appearance of monsters in the past, and it was something from a long time ago for him.

After putting down the magazine, Yuan immediately saw a photo placed on the table.

In this photo, Source is smiling brightly, and Xiao Hui is leaning against him, smiling similarly.

Yuan didn't have the memory of Yuan Quan when he was a human. The reason why he knew it was because he shared these memories with Quan. As a third party, he watched all these pictures over and over again, and then he knew it.

But precisely because he was a third party, he was unable to empathize.

Instead of looking at the photo, he came to the door.

Unexpectedly, Yuan hesitated a little, as if he was afraid of opening the door. He was afraid that after opening it, he would see many things that he had never seen before.

But he took a deep breath, twisted the door, and chose to open it.

After a moment of blinding white light, what came into view again was a man standing in front of a tombstone, or in front of countless tombstones, with his back turned to him.

Looking back, Yuan could no longer see the door behind him, which meant that he had no way out at this time.

The beast's roar was faintly heard in the wind, and the faint trembling in the ground seemed to be silently explaining something.

Yuan didn't think about that, but focused all his attention on the man with his back turned to him.

"Are you Quan?"

Quan's consciousness, which is the cornerstone of the Borderless Universe, is flowing back into his body, so it is normal for Yuan to make such a conjecture, but he did not expect that it was not Quan who appeared here, but

"The reason why I separate gods and humans is because I cannot make a choice." Although he did not turn around, as soon as he said this sentence, Yuan's eyes widened and he looked at the man's back in disbelief.

Could this guy be?

"I am the savior recognized by the stars. I who responded to this legend want to become the savior and the one who brings the light of salvation to all the universe. In other words, I will become an existence like Noah."

"But at the same time, I will always remember why I became the savior. I can't let go of my identity as a human being. I am the proof of their existence. In that era, I was the only one left!"

"I have responded to the legend. After becoming a being like Noah, I should work hard for the future of the universe and run for the hope of all living beings."


Turning around, his face was exactly the same as Yuan's, but there was a lot of tangled expressions on his face.

This tangled expression made Yuan seem to be looking at himself.

"So you showed up."

"Become the savior to bring hope to all living beings in the universe. From now on, the mortal world of the human world will have nothing to do with me."

"But I want to stay here. I just want to keep everything that I am as a human being, and then return to my homeland, where I should go back."

"This is what I have been thinking about since I saved my hometown."

"Then have you found the answer?" Yuan spoke, because he knew what the words behind Yuanquan meant, that is, after the dust settled, he would pass on the light of Nexus, and as a human being, he would continue to live on earth.

In human years, in less than a hundred years, he will return to the embrace of the earth, and his soul will return to the sea of ​​stars.

It takes a human lifespan to get along with friends, leave, and finally say goodbye, and that is also the perfect ending of this life.

Send Saori back to the world of monster girls.

After reminiscing with Da Gu, I said goodbye to him forever.


This was a secret that he kept in his heart from the beginning and never told anyone.

"If I found the answer, there wouldn't be you and him." Yuanquan took a deep breath: "I can't find the answer, so I leave this task to you."

"Don't you think you're too selfish?! You can't even find this answer completely. How do you expect me and him?" Yuan took a step forward and became extremely excited.

"Yes! It's your words! It must be possible!" Yuanquan nodded heavily: "I know myself too well. I will waver between two choices and look forward and backward."

"As the savior and the fountain of humanity, you were born with this independent idea. You will not have such a possibility of wavering, but will always walk unswervingly on your own path."

"Tsk" Yuan curled his lips impatiently: "Are you really not afraid of disappearing completely if you do such a thing?"

"Then can you show up now? I mean outside." Yuan said.

"I sleep most of the day, and only have ten minutes of waking time." Yuanquan shook his head: "I believe Quan will come back soon. He has clearly understood my responsibility, but you haven't figured it out yet. Understand my wanton behavior."

"I know, I know, I'm studying right now!" Yuan waved his hand impatiently: "If nothing happens, just go to bed!"

The source smiled, and the whole world shrank into darkness in an instant, as if it had become an infinite point approaching zero. In this lonely darkness of consciousness, it was impossible to find it.

In the conscious world, it seems like a long time has passed, but in the outside world, it is actually just a moment.

After those milky white eyes flickered on and off for a moment, no one would know that the person who dominated this body had changed.


After returning from the conscious world, Yuan looked at his hands full of metal texture, then looked at the Ultra bracelet on his wrist, and the inexplicably smaller land and forest around him. Having had this perspective for a long time, he was completely able to Understand what is happening now.

"What the hell?" After thinking about it for a while, the curse words that reached his throat were finally swallowed.

After all, if you really cursed, it would be equivalent to scolding yourself, which is not worth it.

Now that he has used the fusion sublimator to transform, Yuan can only accept this fact, especially when Sagegu, who is not far away, has sharpened his sword and is running towards this side.

Nexus lowered his body and transformed into Ultraman again after a long absence. Moreover, he did not transform with the invincible power of Origin Nana, but only transformed into Ultraman with the fusion sublimation device, so his strength was naturally not as good as before.

After briefly browsing the precautions and skills required for this form, Nexus bent his arm in front of him and put his other hand on his wrist.

I instantly had a spark!

Flickering sparks flashed in front of Seggu's neck, and the sudden burst of trauma forced Seggu to fall aside.

Where the sparks flickered, huge scorch marks and cracks on the surface were clearly visible.

Taking back the bracelet, Nexus stepped forward and took advantage of the critical moment of Seggu's fall. He rushed up and straddled its back. He condensed an eight-point light wheel with one hand and aimed it at the spikes on Seggu's back. Just sawed it off.

After cutting off the dense spikes on Seggu's back, Nexus was overturned by the struggling Seggu and had to roll around on the ground and fall to the side.

While Seggu had just stood up and hadn't turned around yet, Nexus threw away the eight-point light wheel in his hand and hit Seggu's body, causing a roaring explosion.

This is Jack's eight-part nimbus, also called eight-part nimbus-burst.

Such trauma was neither painful nor itchy to Seggu. It turned around and locked Nexus's position, swinging the sledgehammer and running towards him again.

He pulled out the Cosmic Flare Sword from the Ultra Bracelet. The moment the sword appeared, the horizontal sword withstood Seggu's heavy hammer attack.

Nexus took half a step back and caught it firmly.

At this moment, Zero, who had dealt with Tyrant, also arrived at the scene.

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