Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 1122 [Feng Yi Tian Xiang]: Gyus, sally go!






That was the voice that Ultraman and Hibino Mirai heard when they raised their heads.

That was the sound that sounded in my ears when I once defeated a strong enemy on the battlefield and walked towards everyone.

care, care, happiness, joy

It is the joy that can be shared in all kinds of ways, with one's friends and with one's best friends.

Whether we return in triumph or fail, no matter what, we all bear it together.

The sound was very distant, but very clear, as if it was ringing in the ears, but it became distant in an instant, making people confused.

Shock appeared in Future's eyes, and his constricted pupils made him subconsciously turn his head and look at the intersection over there.

And there, except for the broken earth, there is nothing else.

Hallucination? Could it be that I miss myself too much and that's why I hallucinate?

Out of the corner of his eye, he was attracted by a burst of light approaching him. This light, warm and glowing with brilliant gold, appeared next to him, right next to him.

The back of the hand holding the amulet was suddenly covered by another hand. It was a familiar feeling, as if I had had a similar experience before.

Turning his head suddenly, Mirai saw the glowing Aihara Ryu standing next to him.

"Finally let us meet again, Future." Countless light particles gathered together to outline the person in Future's memories.

That best friend, the one who laughs, cries, willfully, impulsively, cares about others, and gives up on himself.

Those friends with all kinds of problems that humans have, good and bad, now appear beside me across the years and regardless of space.

"Long Sang." Her red eyes finally couldn't suppress her inner emotions, and the tears sliding down her cheeks made Mirai's face at this moment sad and happy.

"I have not forgotten you, Mirai." Another glowing hand was folded on Aihara Ryu's hand. Sadaharu gave a thumbs up and appeared in front of Mirai.

The swaying amulet sways little by little in the future's hand.

During the collision, the crisp sound seemed to be playing a piece of music of reunion.

"Sadaharu, you're here too." Pursing his lips, Mirai tried hard to control his emotions, but in the end he couldn't help it.

"How about it, let me tell you, I will keep your gift forever." Zhenna smiled sweetly, still looking like the familiar girl in the future memory, the genius girl.

"Okay, okay, I got it." Zheping's hands were also superimposed, and Zheping patted his chest with the other hand, and said somewhat exaggeratedly: "Although I have always believed in science, there are some things that are not scientific. does not matter."

"Long time no see in the future."

"Marina, Teppei, long time no see." The amulet in his hand was as heavy as a stone. Only at this moment did Mirai finally know that the memories he had collected were not in vain, but that he could really see everyone again.

"I'm sorry, I don't have a gift to protect you in the future." Mu Zhimei was the last to join in, and she seemed a little ashamed: "The amulet you gave me, I..."

"After all, that happened two hundred years later, Mu Zhimei, that has nothing to do with you." Future comforted Mu Zhimei: "As long as I see you and see you again, that's enough."

"I never expected that after countless years and so many things, we would finally be reunited." Saori turned his head away and quickly wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes with his free hand.

But the tears can be wiped away, but the red eyes cannot be faked.

"Actually, we all know that from the moment the future finds us, we have been paying attention to the future." Jinna focused her eyes on the distance: "Thanks to the power of the Phoenix, we have the opportunity to appear in person."

"That is the phoenix transformed from the light of the human soul, the maximum of human light." This voice came from not far away, Yuan covered the wound on his chest and came here again.

"In the future, this is a bond that belongs exclusively to you." Looking at the scene in front of him, Yuan said, "A person will die three times in his life."

"For the first time, it was the moment when we breathed our last breath that we judged death from a biological point of view."

"The second time, during the funeral, your identity will be completely erased from then on."

"The third time, when no one remembers you anymore."

"The real death is when the last person remembered in this world dies. That is a person's complete death. So in the future, your life and its existence itself will be the proof that they have lived."

"That's right." Captain Qishui, who appeared next to Yuan and was glowing with light, looked at everyone with a smile: "We have died long ago, but the proof that we have lived in this world is still there. We are united together. The bond and friendship, the future, is what you have been carrying at this time."

"So don't doubt yourself and don't wallow in sadness, you are proof of our existence."

"So." Aihara Ryuu looked around. From their resolute expressions, Aihara Ryuu saw the expressions of consciousness in the past, determined to save the future and make the final battle.

The blue knight's aura appeared on Aihara Ryu's wrist, and it was in a state of returning to its original position after being pulled out.

Once upon a time, everyone gathered together, as survivors, calling for the future that had been shattered and collapsed by Ampera.


The future at that time was the one being called, the body of thoughts called by everyone's thoughts.

But now, time has passed and thousands of years have passed. The future that was once called is no longer glowing. Instead, it is calling the former living beings in the form of the same shining body of thoughts.

The situation is changing like a reincarnation.

Just like in the past, everyone remembered the future, so they called him back, but now it has changed, and it is the future that calls everyone back.

"Guys!" Qi Shuishui took a step forward and shouted loudly, just like before: "Sally go!"

"GIG!" The light of everyone united again, and that light, like a blazing flame, appeared again in this world after tens of thousands of years.

Raising their hands high, their movements were exactly the same. At this time, everyone was the light of Möbius and an indispensable part. Under the shining of the infinite Möbius strip, they shouted loudly that we are together. name.


"That is the light of oneness between man and Ultraman. It is a miracle of complete trust. Its posture and power transcend infinity. It is a legend that was not recorded for a while. Its name"

Accompanied by the whisper of the source, the infinite Möbius strip suddenly appeared in the sky, and the loud sound of the phoenix resounded.

Silla fell from the sky and hovered above the city. The fire of friendship rushed out from the ground and turned into the shadow of a phoenix. In the flames, a gesture that transcended infinity was revealed again.


As Minamoto's words fell, Phoenix Mebius restrained the flames that shot up into the sky. The master of man and arcana, the bond between man and light, the Phoenix Hero who was determined to never appear again, reappeared.

Reborn in Nirvana, open up the future, the brave man who will never fail!

Silla passed in front of the Phoenix Mumbius, and the golden light reflected Mumbius's posture, which was extremely sacred.

At this moment, Yuan, who had just let out a sigh, saw Silla flying several times around Phoenix Menbius, suddenly changing direction and rushing towards him.

Then without saying a word, she bumped directly into him.

But Yuan was not knocked away. Instead, Silla's huge body completely entered Yuan's body.

The next moment, Yuan's body was wrapped in blazing flames. Almost in the blink of an eye, it was burned into a ball of ashes, which was blown by the wind and scattered all over the ground.

This sudden change made everyone who was already stunned by the appearance of the Phoenix Warrior even more confused.

What's going on?

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