Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 1126: Thousands of tribulations, various forms, rebirth after tribulations; no gods, only hu

“Why does the savior have to be God?”

"Since when did I start to think that the savior is God?"

This is the question Yuan is thinking about, and Quan is also thinking about his question.

"Ultraman is not a god. Why did I forget this sentence? When did I start to put myself on a pedestal?"

God will not be the savior, that will never be possible.

The so-called savior means saving the world, saving lives, and bringing about miraculous changes. In any case, it has nothing to do with becoming a god.

Ultraman, on the other hand, has things that he cannot do. Every time he fights, he tries his best to do it.

What is God? High above, overlooking all living beings, silently responding.

What about your identity?

Savior? Ultraman?

What can be called God?

Just because of the name in the universe, because of the praise of countless people, because...can't you even see yourself clearly?

When did I start to become... so arrogant?

With a sudden enlightenment, a sudden awakening, the overlapping illusory figures began to gradually fit together. That is the right path to find the answer, understand oneself, and go on this path.

The answer is close at hand.

"Save the people of Dawn, save all lives, bring hope to the world, and hold up a sky for the suffering lives. This is the savior."

"And in the eyes of the world, a savior who can do this is almost like God."

"But the savior is just a savior. He comes from all living beings and goes to all living beings. The savior of mankind? No, it is something more." Yuan's eyes became brighter and brighter, and he found the answer. He abandoned his pride as a god and focused on the savior. He finally had a clear understanding of his identity.

"All that humans can do is to do their best."

"There is no god at all. For a person to live a happy and beautiful life and hold all the treasures, to himself, he is his own god."

"If suffering and tragedy happen to you, the first person the so-called savior wants to save is you."

"You are your own savior. If you can't save yourself, then what is it?"

Abandoning the contradictions of being a god, Izumi sets his sights on the savior, finally beginning to understand why he is only partially human.

This part is not only Yuanquan's indulgence of himself, but also an explanation of the past.

If you want to save others, you must first save yourself.

The road to redemption has already begun when he left his hometown and fought in the world of Tiga.

Therefore, what I represent is not only human willfulness, but also self-salvation and self-forgiveness. These are the true meanings of what I represent.

"I understand. It turns out that this is the meaning of my existence. Everything about me is the source's redemption of the past, proof of the road to salvation, and... moreover, proof of the existence of that world."

"This is the first half of my life represented by my fountain."

“The beauty of suffering, joy, anger, sorrow, redemption and exile, the grandeur of human life are proof of its transcendence.”

As soon as the words fell, Quan's body emitted a dazzling light, and the scattered consciousness began to gradually condense into one, becoming an independent core after the two parts of the body.

"God or whatever is not important at all. What I represent is not and is not this kind of thing, but the path after redemption. After saving myself, I embark on the path of salvation that brings hope to the whole universe and all life." road."

"Not a so-called god."

Yuan exhaled, denying the god he represented, and also denying the entity that separated him as a god.

Give me God? That can only mean that this is the reason for the split of the ontology.

The answer he couldn't understand and was looking for had been found by Yuan.

Denying the ontology is an inevitable action. Otherwise, wouldn’t it mean that the splitting of the ontology is right?

Instead of turning into a core, the figure solidified, and the overlapping phantoms became fleshed out. They were superimposed two by two, turning the two phantoms into a real person.

Someone who has disappeared for a long time.

"Ultraman Jack, thank you for clarifying our doubts." This was Yuan's voice.

"Uncle Xiang, we are now going back to our true nature." This is Quan.

"The traces of your existence under this starry sky will never disappear. Whether it's the universe or us, there will always be people who remember you, the source!" Jack nodded heavily.

"Just do what you should do!"

"It turns out that what is really important is not our negation of each other, but our own negation of ourselves." This is the moment when the road to fusion is truly opened and the call for the return of the body is begun. The final words made when the two merge. of communication.

It also belongs to the final exchange of two thoughts, the source and the spring.

"You and I were originally born out of differences. They were originally a denial of each other. But later we thought it was for us to understand each other, but in fact it was not right."

"To separate two individuals, the answer we need to find is not to deny each other, nor to pursue ideals. The first thing we must understand is ourselves and what we represent."

"It is not the meaning given by the source of the body when it is divided, but the understanding of ourselves by our two independent individuals and the meaning of their own existence."

"The ability to separate us means that the meaning given to us by the ontology is wrong, so we have to find the meaning of our own existence."

Does being a savior make you no longer a human being? Can’t humans be the saviors?

Just like Yuan's understanding of himself, Quan's understanding of himself. The so-called gods and humans are just the meanings given to them when the source split them into two.

That's wrong, that's not right.

At this moment, the answer the two of them came up with was as independent individuals, not gods and humans, but... always humans!


The diffuse halo of light burst out from the illusory figure toward the chaotic universe, one after another, endless.

In the mental image world, the Sea of ​​Stars is still shining, and it seems that thousands of lives in the Sea of ​​Stars are watching all this.

The light of Nexus standing behind the source and spring also dissipated immediately, hovering around the shadow, then shattered and scattered, turning into light particles, which were absorbed by the shadow bit by bit.

Jack's figure disappeared, and Jack's capsule also disappeared.

The next moment, the golden cloak brushed away the shadow of the speeding mental image, standing here as an independent third person.

What was happening in front of him was something he had never seen in the future. It was a brand new future, a brand new scenery that was not observed by King Ao.

"Source, after suffering many hardships and going through countless calamities, you finally found the answer."

"Like I said, I was really unprepared for your split."

No matter how you look at it, the source does not look like it will split. In the future observed by King Ou, such a thing has never happened.

And this kind of thing just happened to him.

Appearing here for the first time, King Ao really wanted to see how the source of rebirth after calamity was different from before.

"...Tsk, when I opened my eyes after being reborn, the first thing I saw was a bad old man like you instead of a beautiful girl. It's really unpleasant."

The brilliance is restrained, and all the light is contracted within the source body.

It no longer exists as ordinary light, it is a new life that merges into one, finds the answer, affirms itself, and breaks the original destiny.

That is the light of salvation, a light of salvation that has never appeared before the birth of the universe, when it was still the multiverse, from the ancient times until the last moment.

Until this moment, the savior who should have appeared a long time ago but disappeared again returned to his position and finally appeared completely.

A black and white plaid shirt, black hair, a disgusted expression, and that so familiar smile...

Minamoto and Izumi did not live up to Minamoto's trust, nor did they become like Ginga and Lukiel.

They succeeded.

Break it and then stand it up, put it to death and then live it.

The source, returns after all the calamities!

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