Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 1132 Hui (April without you is coming, April with you is coming.)

This rain of light that stretches across the entire universe will eventually end.

And in the Sea of ​​Stars, the abundant light of salvation gradually became thinner, and gradually revealed a new attitude that was brewing in the light and belonged to the source.

King Ao has prepared everything and is waiting for the source to come out.

At this time, Yuanquan was in the Sea of ​​Stars and saw the person who had been waiting for him in the Sea of ​​Stars.

Under the shrine, under the wish-making cherry blossom tree, the girl smiled sweetly and looked at him with her hands behind her back, the nostalgia in her eyes almost overflowing.

"I'm sorry, I didn't expect that I would attract your attention like this." Yuanquan appeared behind the girl. There was a river between him and the girl, a sparkling river full of stars.

But it is this small river that clearly separates the boundary between the outside world and the Sea of ​​Stars, separating the two worlds and making it impossible for the source to set foot in it.

"The Earth told us that something happened to you." The girl shook her head and continued: "We are all very worried about you, so we were wondering if there was any way we could help you."

"It just so happened that the consciousness of the earth also wanted to help you, so we appeared together." The girl shook her head and continued: "Have you seen my counterpart in the parallel world?"

"Ah...she is very similar to you, but only very similar." Yuanquan shook his head. Even if he was a parallel world peer, he would not regard that Xiaohui as his.

"But when I saw that world, I was emotionally timid and disappointed." Disappointment refers to the fact that what one desires is not cherished by the other self, so it naturally makes people's blood pressure rise.

But the final outcome is good, and that's enough.

Maybe now, that guy has his wife and children on the hot bed.

It's really enviable.

"You who are running towards the future cannot return to the Sea of ​​Stars, nor can you come here." The girl explained the source: "Your life is not only for yourself, but also for all of us. You are the only one who remembers us. people."

"Source, live well."

"I know it without you having to tell me." Interrupting the girl's follow-up words, Yuanquan knew that it was because his original wish to hand over the light, become an ordinary person and then die of old age was already known to everyone.

Xiaohui's appearance here is her wish and everyone's wish.

"But if you just shut me out like this, wouldn't I be like a lonely ghost?" Yuanquan looked at Xiaohui and said word by word: "Carrying pain into the future is my realization. Can…"

"Then go ahead. I know that as long as you don't want to, you won't be the kind of person who will die easily." As she said that, the girl wrinkled her nose and said viciously: "If you come here without permission, Don’t blame me for kicking you back!”

"Hey! How many years have passed! Why are you still like this!" Yuanquan muttered dissatisfied: "Can't you be gentler to me? You always make me angry and then come to coax me. I always feel that you have something. A special hobby.”

"No way, it's just that you keep thinking wildly!" The girl's guilty eyes glanced around, not daring to look directly into the source's eyes.

...It always felt like after so long, his mind suddenly became enlightened.

"In short, you are not welcome here, and you should never come here." The girl made a big "X" with her hands in front of her chest, pretending to be a fierce threat: "If you come here without authorization, I will be like Just like Ai Si and Zas kicked Ked out together, they will kick you out too!"

"It's a joke, don't tell me. It's like I can't wait to get over. I'm not just talking about looking forward to the future." Pointing out a middle finger, Yuanquan said maliciously: "Besides, I have become a savior now. Like My girls can be arranged all the way from the earth to..."

As he was talking, Yuanquan suddenly noticed that Xiao Hui's eyes looked like he was looking at a fool, and immediately a big question mark appeared on his head.

"Jingtora has said everything. He said that no girl likes you at all. The only one who might like you is not a human being." Xiaohui showed compassion in her eyes: "It's so pitiful. No wonder you want to come over. Except I really don’t have anyone who likes you anymore~”

"I'm also unlucky. Do I actually fall in love with you? Well~ Who made us childhood sweethearts~ I can't watch you die alone."

"Stop talking nonsense! Just wait for me! Wait!" Yuanquan jumped like a cat with fried hair, turned around angrily, and left without looking back: "Just wait, I'll be there soon Go find a girl who likes me, I’ll go right away!”

Seeing Yuanquan leaving with a curse and gradually disappearing from his eyes, Xiao Hui's proud smile slowly faded away. It was not until her lover could no longer be seen outside the sea of ​​stars that Xiao Hui lowered her eyelids and looked at herself. toes.

...You must find the person you like, you must find a girl who likes you as much as I do.

Even if I'm not by your side, you have to keep going strong.

From childhood to adulthood, when I was most helpless, you would always appear by my side, hold my hand, and lead me towards the light.

Ever since I was little, I knew I liked you.

I want to hold those hands for a lifetime.

I want to always...always...

However, the lowered eyelids staring at the illusory toes always reminded her in the girl's heart, reminding her that there is a difference between life and death, and that heaven and man are separated forever.

After all, he is no longer from the same world.

The girl standing alone, in the reflection of the river water cast by the stars, lost the boy who had always stood beside her in the past.

He clenched his clothes unconsciously, his shoulders shook unconsciously, and he bit his lower lip to prevent himself from making unpleasant sounds.

He lowered his head to prevent the tears on his face from being noticed by anyone.

However, the dripping tears contain all the memories of the past, and the scenes emerge, dripping, falling, until they splash on the ground and dissipate into nothingness.

The tears splashing on the grass turned into smaller drops, each one carrying the girl's longing and the beauty of the past.

But at a certain moment, the boy would let go of the girl's hand and run forward alone.

At some point, the girl had to let go of her hand and stood there watching him leave.

He is the eternity in her life.

But she was just a passer-by in his life.

However, the girl who lowered her head suddenly heard the sound of footsteps stepping on water stains. Before she could raise her head, the boy crossed the boundary, stood in front of the girl across the sea of ​​stars, and then hugged her into his arms. middle.

The hand hanging helplessly to the side, which could only pinch the corner of the clothes anxiously, was covered by a pair of very familiar hands.

The five fingers were intertwined and held tightly, just like they had done many times before, many, many times.

"Didn't I tell you not to come over..." The girl's muffled voice sounded from the boy's arms.

"Whether I scold you, or don't want to, it doesn't matter, as long as I see you, I can't help but want to come to you." With his fingers clenched, Yuanquan lowered his eyelids, his eyes obscure.

Obviously knowing that she was trying to trick him away, knowing that as long as he left, she would be very happy.

But why turn back? Why at this moment, the brain and the body have reached an amazing synchronization.

The heaven and earth were silent, and the sea of ​​stars seemed to have stopped flowing. At this moment, there were only two of them in this world.

The touch in his hands gradually dissipated, and the familiar girl in his arms disappeared without a trace. The sea of ​​stars faded away, returning to the interior of the planet, turning into a place that no stranger could ever go to.

Yuanquan put down his hands and looked up at the distant sea of ​​stars.

He didn't cry, nor was he confused. The so-called crossing the boundary was because he didn't want the girl to show such an expression.

Even if it was only for a moment, he wanted to hold her hand again, even if he left, so that she would not be as helpless as before.

Look forward... don't look back.

Heading towards the sea of ​​stars and towards the future.

You just need to know that she is still watching you, you just need to know that she is still there.

Go forward and don't look back.


PS: Matching BGM: アゲイン (Again) - Yokoyama Katsu. Better results.

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