Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 1143 Hikali: I can forgive you for stealing a few things, but I can’t tolerate it if you loo


"My third-generation armor database! No!!"

"My capsule device, my capsule device ahhh!"

"It's broken, the ninth-generation armor map is gone! It's gone!"

Walking in the laboratory that had a big hole punched through, looking at the devastated base, Shikari felt so sad that he couldn't help but cry.

It’s all gone… Everything I worked so hard to save is gone…

"Um... don't be too sad, Director. We fought desperately to seize this from those people." Seeing Hikali's sad look, the onlookers finally elected a representative and handed over something. To Hikali.

Hikari raised his head and saw what was in the hand of this fellow human being at a glance, and... it was a capsule that had been left behind in a hurry.

Even this capsule is Shikari himself.

Taking the capsule from his fellow tribesman, Hikari took a deep breath, untied the Den King belt wrapped around his waist, and then handed it to the fellow tribesman next to him.

"Give it to Membius, it belongs to him."

"What about you, Director?" Taking this from Hikari's hand in a daze, the Blue Clan female Olympus spoke again.

"Then you still have to ask?" The ferocious and twisted look of Hikali could even be seen on the metal face. He popped out the knight's lightsaber with a "pop", pulled out a belt from his waist, and then wrapped it around again .

"Am I, Hikali, the kind of person who just ignores things being stolen and just pretends it didn't happen?" The belt named Sword Rider began to change, and armor suddenly appeared covering Hikali's body one by one, and soon... Wrapping him into a true knight.

Knight armor - sword.

"I can forgive you for stealing one or two from me normally, but it's too much to rob me completely." Having one or two taken away could be said to help him test the performance of the experimental product, but Hikari couldn't bear it after he was completely robbed. Such grievance.

Furious, he put on his knight armor, flew directly into the sky, and chased towards the Kingdom of Light.

Don’t think that I, Hikari, can’t track those things. These unknown cosmic beings, I, Hikari, will definitely hack you to death!

"Why should I be a student, but you are not!" Pouting dissatisfied, Yuanquan and Saori walked side by side on the street after landing on this earth.

Saori is naturally the kind of being who can naturally attract others' attention, and Yuanquan... I guess everyone who sees him will think that he is an uncle.

There's nothing I can do about it, he looks older...

"You can tell just by looking at everyone's reactions. With my face, no one would trust me as a student." Yuanquan was actually quite helpless, after all, he was already quite old.

Moreover, his appearance was not fixed when he was very young, but it took many years to solidify.

This also makes him look like an uncle in his thirties, rather than a young man in his twenties.

On the other hand, Saori...no one has any objections to her being a high school student.

"I don't care, I don't want to be a student." Saori didn't care: "Besides, we haven't determined our identities since we came here. How can you be so sure that I can become a student?"

"This earth welcomes me, so it seems that it has already arranged an identity for me." Source said this is normal.

As the savior, the planet will naturally welcome his arrival. Even if he does not show that attitude, his character cannot be false.

"Earth, has your identity been arranged for you?"

"Yeah, I'm..." Before he could finish his words, Yuanquan saw a boy riding a bicycle passing by him, and a boy carrying a bag panting after him.

However, the boy on the bike had no intention of stopping.

The moment he saw these two people, Yuanquan stopped, because these two people were the protagonists of Rob TV. The one riding the bike and wearing a blue gown was his younger brother Minato Yonghai, and the one running after his younger brother was unusual. The one who is embarrassed is the elder brother.

Coupled with Minato Chaoyang as the younger sister, the three siblings and their father and mother together form a story about the family.

(To be honest, even Rob, who seems plain among the new generation, completely killed Levi's with his description of the same family theme.)

"Are these two Rob brothers?" Looking out, Saori also saw the two teenagers leaving, but from them, Saori did not feel the power of light. In fact, the two of them were completely ordinary people.

"I guess I haven't obtained the Rob crystal yet, and I'm still just an ordinary person for the time being." The Rob brothers of the previous generation fell from the universe to the earth and lost their lives. Since then, Rob has disappeared from history.

In the new generation, apart from Orb, there is only one TV show that tells the story of the pure-O-50 series Ultraman.

"Then have you sensed your transcendent aura?" Saori raised his head and asked.

"I vaguely sensed it a little bit, but not much." At this point, Yuanquan's face also looked a little strange.

What? Is the rebellious period coming?

I am not aware of the transcendent essence that is separated from me?

Or is this the reason why transcendent essence becomes transcendent crystal? Because he turned into crystal, he became rebellious.

"I estimate that there are many people who want to get the Transcendence Crystal, but before the Transcendence Crystal is used, no one can find it." Rubbing his chin, Yuanquan thought to himself: "It seems that O-50 also knows the crime of harboring a jade. Ah, wouldn’t the Transcendence Crystal appear before Brother Rob was strong enough to deal with those crises?”

Because of the additional variable of himself, Rob might be different from what he saw on TV.

This Transcendence Crystal is something that the original force does not have at all, so Yuanquan is still very curious about the current changes in Rob.

"Before coming to Earth, I heard you say that the Transcendence Crystal is most likely in the hands of the beautiful sword Saki. Who is this beautiful sword Saki?" Saori took the source's hand and sealed it between the mountains.

"She must be the sister of Brother Rob from the previous generation." She tried to take her hand out calmly, but what she got in return was a deeper fall. Yuanquan paused, but in the end did not forcefully refuse.

After all, we have all been lying together... This is no big deal...

"I also want to ask her about some things, such as... how did the previous Robb die." Although in the original work, the death was caused by fighting Lugoset, Lugoset's loss of control was due to the action of Heitu. He killed his hands and feet, causing the white blood cells of the universe to go crazy.

But here, there is no Heituo at all. Even Lugoset was defeated by Yuanquan and Zero early, and there is no chance of encountering the Rob brothers.

But the two still died.

… Could it be that the will of the universe is causing trouble again?

For the big universe, Lugoset is indeed an infinite monster...

Reminiscent of what happened to Lai Ye in Gedri, as well as what happened to Galaxy TV and X TV, Yuanquan has reason to believe that it was the universe that forcibly brought back the distorted fate.

You can always trust the universe in this regard.

"Let's go, follow them, let's go to school." Shrugging, Yuanquan said that not only did he not want to be careful, he even wanted to communicate with these two.

Watch out for Brother Rob?

I'll go meet them right away!

"Tsk...Rob hasn't appeared yet." This evil agent who arrived on Earth in this universe came to this conclusion after spending a period of time learning about the history of this world.

It seems he came too early.

In the Ergen universe, the Rob brothers were killed early, and even Miken Saki and Minato Chaoyan were thrown into the dream world by Zaki in a bad way.

Probably he wanted to use living people to make up for the gap pierced by the ancient holy sword.

Therefore, Xietuo cannot be said to be familiar with Brother Rob, but he is definitely not unfamiliar either.

"Tartarus, where are you now..." Xietuo squinted his eyes. Tartarus must be in this universe, and he will never let go of the Transcendence Crystal.

But it seems that he has never appeared on earth.

Or... Tartarus is also in anthropomorphic form now.

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