Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 1163: Zero: I am invincible if I abuse vegetables

He used the King Sword to construct a shield in front of him. Although he withstood the first round of attacks, the subsequent continuous bombardments could not be blocked.

The shield formed is always just formed, and it is not as hard as the Palagi Holy Shield.

The cloak was raised, and the edge of the tail wing released a slashing wave the moment it floated, swinging the cloak out.

A sudden blow fell on the white dragon near the left, and the slashing wave cut it off in the middle, destroying one of them.

This silver cloak inherits the transcendent power of the stars. It is composed of pure light particles and has many attack methods.

But Galateron was blessed with the dual blessing of magic and technology. The magic circle at the end of its tail opened, linking the surrounding environment, completely wrapping the Emperor Beyond Ged.

All the white dragons launched an attack together, and in an instant, the dense array of magic rained down from the sky like a waterfall, covering Zunhuang beyond Jade's body.

This was an unexpected act of generosity. Geed activated his superpower to superimpose his own existence into another space, leaving only the projection in this world.

Therefore, although these attacks combined with magic and control technology bombarded the earth on a large scale, they were not able to cause damage to Geed.

On the ground, Kesia's last remaining bloodline was running away in embarrassment as countless mechanical minions surrounded and blocked it.

Although Laiye helped, he was still being chased to the sky and had no way to go to the earth.

It was Jagula who really attracted the most attention.

Jakula, who had turned into a demon, intercepted most of the enemies with the Snake Heart Sword in his hand, which seemed to be like one man taking charge of the enemy.

But even so, Jakura's endurance limit is about to reach.

Apart from Jagula, Zena was the most eye-catching. He was flying in the crowd with heavy strikes, and every punch could smash the body of a mechanical soldier and make it deeply dented.

"If this continues, this planet will be on the verge of destruction." Why was Gilbaris able to accurately find her location this time? This is something Ai Liu didn't understand.

She has lived on this planet for tens of thousands of years, and has been on this earth since human beings were still in ancient times.

After so many years of peace and quiet, why did Gilbaris find this place exactly this time?

The universe is so big, is he so sure?

Or... is it actually because of the Gigabit Fighter?

"There's really no other way." He reached into his arms and took out a Nexus card. Jagula absorbed the power in it. The Snake Heart Sword gradually released a red light that became brighter and brighter.


After absorbing enough power, Jakula swung the Snake Heart Sword and released a ten-meter-long crescent-shaped red sword energy. With just one blow, he destroyed all the mechanical soldiers falling from the sky.

A huge explosion exploded from his sword. Jakula turned around and struck again, destroying the mechanical soldier behind him.

After two attacks, the light on the Snake Heart Sword had become increasingly dim. Jakula knew that there was still one last blow, but he did not rush to release it. Instead, he kept it in his hand and wrapped it around the sword to increase its power.

Each subsequent cut of the Snake Heart Sword will have its own armor piercing, and the object it cuts will be blown up by the explosive energy. The duration is seven minutes.

This wasn't the first time Jakula had used this move. Of course he knew the upper limit of its endurance.

Of course, Hongkai also understands very well.

After all, the person who has been hit the most by this move is Hong Kai.

"Even just three Ultra Warriors can't defeat Gilbaris. The difference in numbers is too big." In the sky, red magic arrays appeared one by one. Every time the magic arrays appeared and disappeared, they represented a Galbaris. Tron fell from the sky.

An entire planet has invaded the earth. The white dragon produced by the factory on the virtual planet Kesia is running at full power. How can the earth be able to withstand it?

The speed at which the three Ultramen were eliminated couldn't even keep up with the speed at which the White Dragon was created.

This is a desperate fact.

Blind defense is not a characteristic of Cero. The Holy Shield collapsed and turned into the Bow of Palagi in an instant. Cero knew that he did not have time to accumulate power, so he fired the Bow of Palagi directly.

Meteor-like bows and arrows penetrated all the way, flying from the ground to the sky, punching through an empty road.

Zero followed closely and followed the path opened by Palagi's Bow to the sky.

"We can only give it a try." Gritting his teeth, Zero raised his hands high, and his own form transformed into bright silver in the blink of an eye. Obviously, he had activated the glorious posture, which was also his transcendent posture that was awakened early.

The vortex of cause and effect emerged in the palm of the hand, and the terrifying power of Shining Cerro spread to the entire earth in an instant. The power of cause and effect reversal formed a reincarnation, including the virtual planets Kesia, Gilbaris, and even the earth.

The vortex rotates counterclockwise, turning the established effect upstream into an uncertain cause.

What Zero has to do is to turn the entire battle situation around in an instant.

All white dragons that come to the earth will self-destruct, whether they are mass-produced machines or specialized types, they will collapse on their own.

Countless parts and main parts are scattered all over the place, as if they have been restored to the unassembled state before leaving the factory.

Obviously, it was Zero who modified the cause of the birth of the white dragon, erased the birth of the white dragon, and gave it a new cause.

The cause and effect of Galatron's birth and subsequent invasion of the Earth was modified by Zero so that Galatron had not yet been assembled.

Because of the change, the effect will naturally change accordingly. Since Galatron has not been completely assembled, what is reflected in the outside world is naturally the parts of Galatron scattered all over the ground.

And Gilbaris is equivalent to throwing these parts onto the earth.

Zero originally wanted to directly modify the cause of Gilbaris's birth, but he felt that the cause of Gilbaris's birth was very huge and exceeded the limit of time that he could maintain the glorious posture now.

If there is no way to complete the reversal within a limited time, then we can only settle for the next best thing.

Destroying all the white dragons that came to the earth in an instant, Zero slowly fell to the ground from mid-air. The vortex of cause and effect dissipated, and he also withdrew from his glorious posture.

Although the timer has not flashed yet, he seems to be a little exhausted at this time after spending most of his energy.

"Zero, are you okay?" Orb, who had been beaten by several Galatrons and was unable to fight back, suddenly found that all the Galatrons had been turned into parts. Looking at Zero's shining appearance, Naturally, we also know who did it.

"Gilbaris's cause and effect is too great, I can't directly target him." Cero reluctantly spoke, still a little unwilling.

"It's enough to be able to do this." Uub said, raising his head and looking at the red sky: "That guy...should be a little bit shy now."

"Don't be careless. Our opponent is not a monster or a cosmic man, but a planet and a civilization." Geed emerged from another space and stood next to Zero, gathering golden and silver light with one hand. , slowly passed into Zero's body.

It can relieve his highly depleted physical strength.

"Ultraman Zero, you are actually able to briefly cross the realm of transcendence and reach your future state." Gilbaris is indeed a bit of a stickler. He does not look down on ordinary Ultra warriors, but transcenders...

Each transcendent's ability is different, who knows whether it will pose a threat to him.

As for Zero, if it weren't for the fact that he was time-limited, I'm afraid he would really be stuck here.

It was a simple matter for Gilbaris to rebuild Galatron once it was gone.

All the white dragons that came to the earth were destroyed, but the planet Kesiari was still producing continuously.

The magic circle unfolded again, and the specialized Galatron walked out of it, once again standing in front of the three Ultra Warriors.

It is so difficult to face a planet and a civilization as an opponent.

Except for Orb, the three Ultra Warriors present, Geed and Zero are all expected to surpass them.

But that's the future, not now.

But the future is promising, which means that is the case now.

"Hand over the red steel and I can leave this planet now."

"That's the bottom line."

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