Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 1175 Orb: I have to find a way to get a savior card for free

At the moment when Orb turned into Hong Kai, the source released a healing light that enveloped Hong Kai. Countless light particles penetrated Hong Kai's body, and in a very short period of time, Hong Kai's injuries were healed. He was healed and had the physical strength to transform again.

This kind of healing is all-round healing and does not change based on the severity of the injury. It resets a person's state from the root to the very beginning.

This is also my ability.

Of course, the source himself doesn’t know who this ability comes from.

This ability comes from the future of a certain being in a certain universe who may become a transcendent. The source can be used, but there is no way to know who the ability comes from.

The burning pain and pain like tearing limbs all over his body slowly dissipated, replaced by waves of coolness. Hong Kai opened his eyes, and his injuries seemed to have recovered, and his physical strength was completely back to where it was at the beginning. state.

"Eh?" I originally planned to howl a few times to see if I could ask for a savior card, but I didn't know that I was healed before I could start howling. For a moment, I opened my mouth. Hongkai couldn't help but closed his mouth, completely pretending that it didn't exist just now.

"It's really amazing that I can recover from such an injury in an instant." I knew my own move. The light wheel hit me accurately, and I was very lucky that it didn't cut me open.

It's just that he was injured and blown up, so it's not a problem.

"Okay, how long do you have to squat on the ground?" Seeing Hong Kailai lying on the ground with no intention of getting up, Yuanquan knew what this guy was thinking, so he didn't give him a good look at all, and even predicted in advance, He was cured first, saving him from howling.

Sample, you want to use my card for free? There are no doors!

"I have already felt the power of Trinity. Next, let's use Uub's original power." Yuanquan did not intend to let Hong Kai speak. He always controlled the initiative in his own hands and did not give it to Uub at all. Any opportunity to take initiative.

"...Okay." Taking a deep breath, Hong Kai stood up from the ground.

He didn't panic. Anyway, in the next period of time, there would be many opportunities. As long as you find the right opportunity, you may not be unable to blackmail a savior card.

That's the savior's card! God knows how long Hong Kai Jia Gula has been coveting the card of Quan Nai in his hand.

But because of the relationship between the two, Hongkai can't do anything like taking things by force, so he can only be envious.

But now, there is an opportunity in front of him, and he must not miss it!

Transformed again, the Trinity form is no longer, replaced by the original form of Orb, which is the black pants form holding a big sword.

As soon as it appeared, the power of the four elements of Orb's Holy Sword instantly spread throughout the interior of the K-76 planet. The four elements of earth, water, wind, and fire appeared one by one and became active. It seemed that at the moment Orb started his original life , reawakening the originally dead elements of the K-76 star.

The source noticed this subtle change. Compared with the statistical power of Trinity, Uuborihara seemed to control some kind of power.

Not in terms of strength, but in another aspect, complete strength.

"Earth, water, wind, fire, light and darkness... I see, native Uub is a warrior who manipulates attributes, and has all attributes. The so-called cards are also the embodiment of a single attribute, and are used by Uub." So Uub You can use plural cards, because the form represented by plural cards is the power of a certain attribute, or a derived attribute.

The more cards Orb has, the more elements he can manipulate.

This is the secret of Orb's original nature.

But... it's just manipulation instead of control, which proves that Orb can still only pile up quantity, but cannot reach the passing line of quality.

This kind of power comes at a price.

Orb's Holy Sword rotated, and the ring began to select attribute attacks. Under the rotation of the anti-human Holy Sword, the attribute chosen by the Holy Sword in the end was fire.

"Uub's Holy Sword!" Selecting the fire attribute from the four elements, Orb turned the holy sword and built a ring of fire above his head. The disturbance sword was outlined, and he pointed the sword at the source.

"I asked you to use your ultimate move when you come up, not this kind of move." He knocked the fire ring away with a casual slap. Yuanquan crossed his arms and said calmly: "I don't want to have any close combat with you. This The sword is more like a magic weapon than a sword."

The ring was so huge that it was a problem to swing it. The sword was so short that it looked like a decoration.

It's more like a magic weapon than a sword.

The ring of fire was broken, and Orb did not dare to be careless. He directly took out all the cards in his hand, then read and loaded them, and began to construct core abilities with Orb's Holy Sword as the core.

The card turned into the corresponding power body, and even Beria mingled with the Ultra Warriors, and still stood beside Zoffie, looking like a Warrior of Light.

"Uub's Supreme Holy Sword!" Turning the tip of the sword again, drawing a circle, Uub guided the holy sword down and pointed directly at the source.

All the phantoms of the Ultra Warriors released light skills simultaneously. For a moment, colorful light skills burst out from the ring and rushed towards the source.

After releasing the Supreme Holy Sword of Uub, Uub, who maintained his unbridled attitude, suddenly remembered something.

If senior uses the dimensional tunnel to deflect my attack again, wouldn't I...

But Yuanquan did not choose to dodge, but instead formed an "L" shape with his hands, and after a short period of energy accumulation, he released the light technique.

Although it seems that there is no forward motion, the source has actually moved forward in a very short period of time, so in Uub's eyes, all he can see is a purple horizontal line drawn in front of the source.

Orb always felt a little familiar with this purple horizontal line, but for a while he didn't remember what it was.

The hands formed into an "L" shape released golden light, blasting out in a mighty manner, heading straight for the Supreme Holy Sword of Orb.

When faced with an attack like the Orb Holy Sword, most people would definitely have to come up with the best tricks to counter it, instead of such a normal special move, which is not even their own.

But this is what Yuanquan uses.

Not only is it used, but it is also released in an idealistic state.

"This is Zaipelli Ao ray!" The two rays of light collided together, and after an unexpected stalemate, Orb finally figured out what the purple horizontal line was.

But when he thought about it, he still couldn't believe that it was the Zeppeli Ao ray.

Why is it golden Zepeliao? Isn't this supposed to be pure white?

"Do you know why I said that You have limitations and can never reach the Beyonder?" Standing on the left, facing the wave and facing an evenly matched source, he spoke: "Because the cards you want to collect are not enough."

"Not to mention the Diga cards, you have to collect Dark Diga, Composite Diga, in addition to the ancient power - Diga, Diga - Shining (the shared form of Chao Bali), and the most The strong Shining Tiga, and the super ancient light that appeared before - Shining Tiga.”

"There are seven of Tiga's cards you want to collect."

"And you only have Normal Tiga's composite three-state card. Although it is very strong, is that enough?"

"What I am using now is the ancient power - Tiga's Zapeliao ray, the golden Zapeliao, with which I can be on par with your Orb Supreme Holy Sword. What can you do?"

Stimulating stronger light energy, Zipellio's light became stronger, and the thick golden beam gradually pushed the Orb Holy Sword back. Although the speed was slow, there was no doubt that it gained the upper hand in the confrontation.

"Another example is Gauss, Normal Moon, Solar Corona, Cosmic Corona, Solar Eclipse, Miracle Moon, Gauss-Future. There are also six cards. How many have you collected?"

This is like a certain game that divides various Ultraman forms into R cards, SR cards, and SSR cards.

As a player, Orb, how many SSRs has he collected?

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