Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 1182 King Ao: I’m careless, there is someone among the mysterious four who is better at fish

Outside the Rob Universe, the source is passing through the star gate and preparing to return to the Rob Universe.

This shuttle should not have any accidents, but accidents happened.

Outside the tunnel, a huge one-eye looked at the source in the star gate. The size gap between the two sides was so huge that even with only one eye, his size far exceeded that of the source.

"Grimmed..." The moment he saw this eye, Source was keenly aware of his identity.

Outside of this chaotic universe, there is no one with such a huge body except Grimd.

But... why did Grimmd behave like this?

Logically speaking, He should not be like a machine, persistently carrying out his prophecies as if to complete a task.

Why is there such a human side?

Could it be that Grimmd actually...

Blinking his eyes, Grimd wandered around and left here again, heading towards the depths of the chaotic universe.

For him, the reason for watching the existence in the star gate is not because of curiosity, but because he wants to find the energy to replace the evil god part of the prophecy and help him as a substitute to complete the prophecy.

Obviously, a certain savior in the Star Gate at this moment is not qualified to become the energy that Grimmd values, so Grimmd will leave and look for it elsewhere.

This is also because the source has shed the light of salvation, causing his own strength to decline. Therefore, in Grimmd's eyes, he is not qualified to replace the prophecy, and the source is not yet in his eyes.

Of course, if it was the source of the savior's gesture, then Grimmud would have recognized it at a glance.

After breaking away from the star gate, he looked at Grimmd who was walking away. The source of his milky white eyes reflected Grimmd's back.

"What kind of power should Grimmd value? Is it the power of Absolute, or the eternal core, or..." Going forward, the source doesn't know what it is, because He only knew about the Telika part, and he only knew part of the settings of the Telika part.

Before Trigga's plot even came out, his world was invaded and eventually destroyed.

Therefore, he had no idea whether there was anything behind Teliga that could arouse Grimud's interest.

"But according to the development of the plot, it should be during the Taiga theatrical version that Grimmud will be killed." That is the theatrical version of the new generation - the top of the new generation, where Grimmud's There was also Lingga's appearance, so that was Grimud's final ending.

And Taiga's theatrical version should not be far away.

Withdrawing his gaze, Yuanquan no longer thought about Grimd's goal and location.

After all, Ao Wang himself is not bothered by this matter, so why is he worried?

Grimmud is not something that a non-mysterious being can deal with.

Turning his body, the source locked the location of Rob's universe, transformed into a rainbow light and leapt out.

Gauss Universe, the place where Dracion's supreme will resides, welcomed a very distinguished guest today. He is an existence on the same level as Dracion and the same level as Regedo.

The king's cloak floated, and standing on the ground that flowed like mercury, King Ao raised his head, his red eyes staring at the indescribable light above.

It seems to be light, but that is only because the concept of Dracion's manifestation is light, so it can be considered to be light.

"Dracion, it's been a long time." That's what King Ao said, his tone was serious and he didn't mean to joke.

This is indeed a very exaggerated thing for Ao Wang. After all, the old fisherman no longer fishes, and he belongs to Ye Qingjie.

But only King Ao knew that he didn't joke because Dracion... was too boring.

He had joked and chatted with Dracion before, but no matter how beautiful and connotative his words were, Dracion had no reaction at all, his emotional fluctuations were almost non-existent, and his voice was as flat as ever, no matter what you said What, it's all like that.

As time went by, King Ao lost interest in being funny in front of Dracion.

After all, when faced with a piece of wood, no matter how funny and humorous a person is, he cannot make the wood bloom.

"The last time we met was when Noah returned to the material world. It's not a long time." Dracion's tone was calm and did not change in any way because of King Ao's arrival: "You will come to me, Are you looking for Reggio?"

"That's right, even if Regedo doesn't want to show up, it's still the same if I come to you." After all, both parties are of the same level. What Regedo can do, Dracion can do it, no matter who he is. Same.

"I refuse." However, Dracion did not give Prince Ao face: "You have no need for my help."

"I have it! Who says I don't have it!" King Ao's voice became louder unconsciously: "I really can't handle Grimd by myself, and I can't intervene in the battle between Yuanyuan and Eryuan, so I'm Didn’t I come to you for help?”

"I refuse, for the reasons mentioned above." The Supreme Will will not give King Ao any preferential treatment. Although Dracion has no emotions, he will never indulge King Ao so casually.

"I really want to ask, why can you help Regedo but can't help me?" King Ao was still puzzled. This was the reason he still couldn't figure out.

Why! Everyone is a mysterious person, why should I not be worthy of help?

However, this question that had never been answered before was answered positively by Dracion today.

"Because you rested long enough."

King Ao:? ?

"Regedo asked me to tell you, don't bother him if you have nothing to do, and don't come if you have something to do." After Dracion said these words, the supreme will disappeared, then dissipated into nothingness, and disappeared from this space.

King Ao:? ? ?

no! What's going on between you and Reggie?

I have been touching fish for so long, and I have never seen anyone touch it more thoroughly and directly than me.

You Dracion is so hardworking and uncomplaining, how much benefit has Reggio given to you!

I'll give you double!

"I really have something important to say when I come here this time. It's related to Grimd and Er Yuan." King Ao said seriously and thoughtfully, but Dracion didn't mean to show up at all, and He just disappeared without paying any attention to King Ao.

The top fish-catching monster of all time never thought that one day he would meet a guy who could fish better than him.

Damn it! Where did Reggio find Dracion? It’s really enviable...


I, the King of Austrians, am ashamed to be one of the Four Mysterious Austrians!

"Last night, a really big, big monster appeared, and then..." He opened his hands and tried desperately to say something, but Minato Hokai really didn't want to hear those things.

"Brother, if you have time to care about that, why haven't you gone to school today?"

"Classes are suspended! With such a big monster, why should we have classes!" Minato Yonghai waved his hands: "Anyway, brother, you will know as long as you turn on the TV and see the news!"

"I'm not in the habit of watching the morning news." He rolled his eyes and turned around, not bothering to say anything to his brother.

"We're back!" He raised his hand and pushed open the door, Chaoyang shouted energetically: "Hey, last night..."

Before he finished speaking, Saori pushed Chaoyang's shoulder. After Chaoyang suddenly woke up and subconsciously covered his mouth, Saori crossed Chaoyang and came to the room first.

Hearing the voices of their brothers and sisters, the two people who came out didn't have time to brake. When they opened the door, they saw Saori at the front.

The happy face just appeared on his face, and then it became mute and became silent.

"Yo." Raising his hand, Saori greeted the two brothers enthusiastically.

However, as if the two brothers had discovered something terrifying, their bodies trembled and they both took a step back.

Saori swung his hands, but his movements were slightly stagnant.

"It's Sister Saori, are you sending Chaoyang back? It's so early today!" It had to be Huo Hai. At this moment, he had an idea and diverted his attention directly.

The desire to survive is full.

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