Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 1194 Tragedy is about showing the beauty and then tearing it apart, so I will show you the b

"We're here!" After opening the door. Minato Hokai and Minato Yonghai entered the apartment together. The two brothers looked at each other and walked towards the living room.

Because as soon as they came in, they smelled the aroma of the food. However, the brothers were more concerned about confirming Saori's identity, so they were not tempted by the aroma of the food. Instead, they each looked at each other and became determined. mutual determination.

With a determined look and a resolute face, after coming to the living room and seeing the girl sitting cross-legged on the sofa, lying on her back, all the courage and determination suddenly leaked out.

"What did you two do last night? I heard from Chaoyang that you slept all day." Saori opened his eyelids and lazily didn't want to move: "You didn't make it for lunch, but luckily you made it in time at night."

"We played games too late last night." Minato Yonghai found a reason for himself. He looked like he met the boss's younger brother, with a clear conscience.

"I can still understand you playing games, so does Hokai?" Saori turned his gaze to Minato Hokai, but before Hokai could finish his words, Yonghai hurriedly intervened to smooth things over for his brother.

"Because it's boring to play games alone, so I asked my brother to play with me, so..." Yong Hai smiled awkwardly, and the smile on his face never stopped.

"Forget it, Chaoyang is in his room, and you two brothers' rooms are also here." Saori didn't know why Yuanquan wanted to leave a room for the two brothers, but he insisted on doing so, and she didn't Reason to block.

"I've been sleeping all day, and I'm very energetic now." Huohai smiled and shook his head: "I'll go to the kitchen to help my uncle and father."

After saying that, Huohai went directly to the kitchen. After saying hello, he put on his apron and started busy.

Saori's eyes were fixed on Huo Hai for a long time. After Huo Hai's figure was obscured by the wall, she turned her head and looked at Yong Hai.

"Your brother is really a good person." After a pause, Saori continued: "I heard that as an older brother, sometimes you have to pay something for your younger brothers and sisters, although Huohai usually doesn't say that , but I know he must have given up a lot."

Saori knew these things, especially two years ago, when she was still studying in school. One day after school, she saw Minato standing by the wall, staring blankly at Students playing baseball on the playground.

The school uniforms they were wearing and the sports they were playing were all things that I once wanted but had to give up.

He is the eldest brother and he has to pay for the family and his younger brothers and sisters.

"." Yong Hai didn't say anything. He didn't know how much his brother had to pay to make him have enough food and clothing, so that he could pursue his dream with peace of mind.

He always knew.

But he was very sensitive in his heart and was afraid to face this matter.

Because he didn't know what kind of expression to use to face it. No matter what, he was indeed enjoying the benefits brought to him by his brother's sacrifice.

"Your dream is being chased by you. Is there still a chance for your brother's dream to come true?"

After saying this, Yong Hai lowered his head, turned around and walked away, heading towards the room with the sign hanging his name. Then he slammed the door and closed himself in.

Seeing that the alliance between the two brothers was easily disintegrated, Saori couldn't help but look proud.

Sample, although I exposed some flaws, I still have no problem handling you two brothers.

"I can't see that you still have the potential to be a talker." This was the source who suddenly appeared next to Saori with a plate of dishes. He was still wearing an apron and glanced at the door to make sure that Yonghai was not stealing. After hearing this, he continued to speak: "My elder brother has no opinion, but he is cautious; my younger brother loves to show off and is sensitive at heart, but he is very smart."

"Although both brothers have some shortcomings, they complement each other and complement each other."

"What about Chaoyang? What's her character like?" Saori narrowed his eyes and said suddenly.

"Chaoyang, you are full of enthusiasm and natural. You are happy every day. Sometimes you are very silly. You are quite similar to me." Yuanquan's eyes softened a lot: "Although she looks different from Xiaohui, she is the same as you before. They look similar."

"Me?" Saori pointed at herself: "How does Chaoyang look like me? I was not like her before."

"I'm not talking about the time when you were three free, but the time when you were in guys. You at that time are so similar to Chaoyang now." Putting the dishes on the table, Yuanquan continued: "But everyone It will change, you belong to yourself now, Saori, too."

"Don't think that if you say something nice, I will let you go tonight." He raised a finger and shook it in front of his face. Saori shook his head slightly and continued: "Wait until I sit on your hip bones and break them."


"That's why I'm saying that you are nothing like you before!" Yuanquan yelled in a self-defeating tone, and Yuanquan turned around angrily and walked towards the kitchen, not wanting to say anything more.

Saori supported his head with his hands and watched the source leave.

If I were still the same as before, the distance between us would have remained the same until now.

Source, you are right, everyone will change, but I change because of your changes.

I know you won't come to me, so I take the initiative to come to you.

No matter what, I promised Sister Hui that I would stop you from dwelling on the past.

You say you've come out, but I don't think you've come out at all.

Thinking of this, the girl secretly clenched her fists.

"Oh, that's right." Just when the girl made up her mind, Yuanquan poked his head out of the kitchen and said cautiously: "Please go out and buy some candy."

"Sweet and sour fish is needed."

"Hmph, don't think that if you make my favorite sweet and sour fish, I will let you go tonight." With a habitual arrogance, Saori put on her slippers and walked to the door: "I am sweet and sour fish." If I want to eat, I won’t let you go.”

"I want it all~"

The girl grabbed a handful of air, as if to show her determination.

Yuanquan burst into laughter and pointed at Saori with the spatula in his hand: "The money is in the drawer in my room. If you want to eat something, just buy it."

“But definitely no lobster.”

"Are you allergic to lobster?"

"Chaoyang doesn't eat lobster."

"You!" Saori turned around angrily: "You already know her preferences? You have never done that before."

"When you first showed up, your favorite thing to eat was strawberry sundae, even if you didn't eat, you would eat it."

"Later on, at guys, your favorite thing to eat was pineapple buns, and you liked them no matter what flavor they were in."

"Later, I went back with the future. There were no pineapple buns in the Kingdom of Light. Although you couldn't eat them, when you came back, you stuffed them full in your own extra-dimensional space."

"Later, more than half of it was left uneaten because you finally had enough after eating every day and couldn't eat anymore."


"Stop, stop, stop!" Saori crossed his hands on his chest and made a big X.

"Stop talking, I know you know me very well, that's all. It's my fault, my fault." Saori clasped his hands together, bowed and begged for mercy, then immediately turned around and opened the door to go out.

Yuanquan did not withdraw immediately, but moved his ears. Listening to Saori's surprised cheers and excited joy outside the door across the wall, he couldn't help but smile.

You obviously asked me to stop talking, but secretly you are so happy because I keep all your treasures?

"Uncle Yuan and Sister Saori have such a good relationship." Minato came out of the kitchen with a plate of dishes: "I heard from Sister Saori that uncle came from the battlefield before?"

"Ah, that's right. After coming off the battlefield, I became an administrator inexplicably. Until now, I'm still an idiot." The so-called administrator naturally refers to the savior. Even if I really want to give up my job, I'm afraid I can't do it now. It's possible.

I still have to take shifts with Noah.

I don’t know where Noah is now, free and happy.

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