Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 1227 Some people are passionate and want to fight, but some people just want to kill people

The brothers did try to track Aizen Cheng and secretly film evidence that he directed and acted, and they did succeed, but this kind of success was only half the success.

Because the photo was indeed taken, but it could not be posted, because no one believed that Aizen was Dark Uub. At most, they would think that Aizen was a big fan of Dark Uub, so they did not hesitate to spend a huge price. Come support Dark Orb.

Just like fans ranking their idols.

This is normal.

So although there is evidence, no one wants to believe it.

The brothers were a little frustrated after realizing this.

When the world doesn't believe this, the only ones who can stop Airancheng are themselves.

Kotaro Higashikata and Kirizaki did not participate in the daily special training for the brothers. After the source left, Kotaro Higashikata, who was completely unsupervised, completely released his true nature and roamed as much as he wanted on the earth. There was no one at all. Being able to take care of him, Higashi Kotaro dragged Kirizaki around the city during this period.

I don’t know where this guy’s money comes from. Not only does he spend time outside every day, but he even brings large and small bags of takeout to Saori when he returns home.

Of course, the main reason was that no one dared to let Saori cook, especially the Minato brothers. After the source left, the Minato brothers felt scared when they saw Saori.

Because for a long time in the past, the two brothers were food tasters when Saori was cooking.

That period of double mental and physical torture, which can be called hell, was the period of time that the Minato brothers feared the most and were the most frightened.

Higashi Kotaro has never encountered such a thing, but as the prince of the Kingdom of Light, he has the sixth sense to save himself, otherwise...

After three or four days of expedited special training, the brothers made great progress with the help of Axus.

Leaving aside the use of weapons, their physical strength alone can greatly improve their ability to resist attacks and their reaction speed.

Naturally, the test of the results of this one-month special training will not be conducted as a human being, but as an Ultra Warrior.

Although the Ultra Warrior's huge body would cause the earth to shake with every move he made, this was not a problem for Saori.

She is Axus, an Ultra Warrior transformed by merging the powers of Nexus and Ax, so she raised her hand to release her own Meta Domain.

It is not a meta realm like Nexus, but it unfolds in the form of data. With Nexus as the center, the digital blocks are jumping and changing, covering the world, and in the blink of an eye, we have arrived at another brand new world. .

This is a combination of the data realm and the meta realm.

Similarly, this is also to avoid Airancheng's detection.

"Is it a different space?" The two brothers maintained their transformation posture. As a top student, the younger brother was extremely interested in the formation of this space: "From the form just unfolded, it seems to be a data posture, but there are some other things besides this. Something I can’t figure out.”

"I really want to know what kind of crystal this guy got."

"Okay, now is not the time to think about this. What we have to do is graduate from her and then stop what Ai Rancheng is doing." Rosso didn't think so much, but focused on the present: "You also I don’t want all of this period of struggle to be in vain at this moment.”

"Of course, I think about defeating this guy all the time, and then taking a good look at who she is." Blu raised his hand, and after fist bumping with his brother Rosso, the two brothers rushed towards Ike one after the other. Seth.

"Flowing water!"

"Explosive flames!"

Rosso stood at the front. At the beginning of his transformation, he exchanged crystals with Blue and switched to the water attribute. He threw a water ball out with the intention of wrapping Axus in it.

Blue, who was lagging behind, pushed forward with both hands, released an explosive impact ray, and rushed towards Axis with a slightly lagging posture.

Instead of drawing the sword, he also used the power of the attribute, using the thunder attribute to create a huge noise that shattered the water ball. At the same time, he spread his other hand and used the same fire attribute to crush the explosive blast with a more powerful attitude. The ray completely controls the power of this flame in his hands.

Then it rotated at high speed and was recondensed into a fireball.

This is Jayton's gatekeeping skill - a one-trillion-degree fireball.

The palms of his hands were in the shape of claws, and Axus threw out the one-trillion-degree fireball without looking at the trajectory. Instead, he raised his hands to the sky, and thick clouds accumulated inexplicably above the Meta Fields.

Quickly switching to the earth attribute, Rosso smashed his hands on the ground, erecting an earth wall to withstand the one-trillion-degree fireball, and both of them perished.

Blue, who also switched his attributes, used the wind attribute to disperse the smoke and moved at high speed, creating a purple whirlwind with Blue's head mark.

Before Rosso could do anything, he suddenly felt a trace of water stains on his metal face. He turned his head in confusion and saw the sudden dark clouds and violent flashes of thunder over Axus.

"This...why does this happen?" Rosso was stunned. We are not on earth now, are we? How do you make something like this?

Is Aix's data space such an inconvenient thing? It integrates data and expands the Metafield in the form of data. The internal situation is completely supported by data.

These thunderstorms and storms are naturally written with corresponding data, so they can be embodied in space.

The power of the thunder lingering in his hands, Axus swept with one hand, and the thunder's critical strike swept over him.

The thunder attribute is an additional attribute that is different from earth, water, wind, and fire. It is not an attribute within the four elements of o-50.

But it was also the first time that this violent power was displayed for them to see.

The brothers' bodies exploded with countless sparks, and they screamed and fell down.

"Tsk, I've used the same trick against you before. At that time, you just resisted and the lights flashed, but now..." Seeing that although the two brothers were lying on the ground howling, the timer was still in a full state, Saori knew that this month of special training had brought about earth-shaking changes to the two brothers.

"Eh? That's it. I didn't seem to feel any pain at all." Blue groped his body belatedly, only to find that he barely had any hands on him, and he immediately shouted in surprise.

"It seems that the training we have endured in the human posture has been well reflected in our bodies." The two brothers, who did not feel the pain, stood up and made fighting gestures again.

"Very good, that's enough." Saori nodded. She had great expectations for Rossobulu, whom she had trained with her own hands.

It was Yuanquan who did such things before, but now, it was her turn.

The two brothers looked at each other. Rosso squatted in front of Blue, circled his hands, and gathered the power of the flames to form a circle.

Blue, on the other hand, gathers the power of water between his hands.

"This is a special move we have specially prepared for you." Blue said confidently: "Although we thank you for everything you have done for us, we are also serious about defeating you!"

"Take the move!"

"Brother Ray!"

Although Rossobulu might really be able to learn the special move of brother ray from Leo and Astra, the brother attack they have figured out now belongs to their brothers themselves.

Brother Leo's belongs to Brother Leo, and what belongs to Brother Rob belongs to Brother Rob. Things like light skills, especially brothers' light, all depend on the bond and compatibility between the brothers.

Needless to say, there is no need to say much about the brotherhood between Rosso and Blue. Although their brothers are rough, they have great potential.

The ray of water and fire merges into a fusion of red and blue. The two originally incompatible attributes of water and fire are kneaded together and turned into a ray of light. Once this power hits the enemy, the attributes of the conflict will be If the power breaks out, the power will naturally be terrifying.

Saori shrugged, looked at the brother's light, and directly activated the teleport to disappear from the place, appearing behind the brothers.

Rosso/Blue:? ? ?

"Don't think about killing with one hit until you are sure that the enemy cannot avoid your high-cost special attack." Standing behind the brothers, Saori said calmly: "And you want to do it with passion. Are you willing to play against others?"

"A real battle cannot be controlled by the impulse of rising blood."


The brother's ray penetrated the Metafield, penetrated the digitized wall, and directly bombarded a large mountain in the outside world, blowing it to pieces.

"The power of brothers working together is very powerful."

"You are ready to go."

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