Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 126 Punch monsters and kick demons, of course I am an ordinary human being (Fourth update pl

PS: I squeezed it dry, and I have one more chapter to spare in the evening. I only had time to catch up on so much last night, woo woo woo.


"It should have come to the earth with that meteorite. Damn it, do you think of the earth as your own back garden?" Koda wanted to imitate Nakajima and play with this thing, but the disgusting appearance of this thing still made Koda Dispelled that idea.

"There's nothing interesting about the dead guys. Make a mark and take them back as specimens when we go down the mountain tomorrow." We will definitely have to pass through this mountain tonight, but those guys mixed in the heavy fog, small maggots Nia is bound to attack them.

Maybe other team members have been attacked now. In this kind of search and rescue mission, without electronic equipment, a team may even die quietly without anyone knowing, without even a trace of intelligence. Communicate it.

Die in the oppressive atmosphere of despair.

"This mountain is like taunting anyone who wants to enter, always waiting for a feast." When something happened to Dagu and Horii, the victory team immediately dispatched a large number of ground troops for search and rescue, and Xincheng pilots also flew Yan No. 1 goes on patrol.

But now Feiyan No. 1 has lost contact, and all search and rescue teams entering the mountain have lost their traces from the satellite.

The disappearance of so many people gave Zongfang a very bad premonition.

Even if you were there in person, you wouldn't be able to tell anything just by looking at the mountain.

"Don't be pessimistic first, maybe... they are still alive..." Although Hui Jian felt anxious in her heart, she must not be pessimistic at this time.

If all the captains of the winning team are like that, it will really be over.

"What's going on over there with Yuan Quan? Has he entered the mountains too?" Hui Jian specifically mentioned Yuan Quan's existence because she already had doubts about Yuan Quan's identity.

In many ways he seems to be too aware of things that haven't happened yet, which is not something a human being can do.

It's just that Jia Jian Hui hasn't thought about Yuan Yuan for Ultraman yet, she just thinks Yuan Yuan is some kind of superpower.

"Yes, he has already led the team in."

"That's really rare. Don't I remember that I always like to be alone? Now I actually want to bring my teammates with me." Hui Jian made a joke. Maybe it's inappropriate to put hope in Yuanquan, but Hui Jian But he thought of the source of his amazing momentum that day when he exploded the sandbag with one punch.

If it was a person with superpowers, there should be some special method.


The dim sky originally made it impossible for people to see much, let alone the faint light that was stripped away by the clouds and completely disappeared after the sun went down.

The entire mountain looks eerie during the day, but at night it's pure terror.

But even in such a dark night, there are sparks of fire that light up the mountains in the dark night.

"Were you attacked because you were trapped in the darkness?" Crouching next to the search and rescue team members who had lost consciousness and even had their own life energy drained away, Yuan put the torch aside and looked around solemnly.

A search and rescue team of twelve people was formed, and the whole army was wiped out. No one left here. They all died because their life energy was sucked out.

Even their bodies have become brittle, and the slightest touch may crack these corpses.

"Were they attacked by those things we saw?" The four of them almost each held a torch, which illuminated the dark mountains with extra light.

Is it impossible to illuminate without a flashlight?

Use a Hypa gun to fire a laser at a tree and pull the trigger. The sparks will be enough to cause combustion. This is why each person holds a torch in his hand.

Liang checked the symptoms of the deceased one by one and saw that they all died without consciousness. It could be said that they were killed in their sleep.

But in this dark mountain, you shouldn't lose your vigilance and fall asleep, right?


"Because the electronic equipment cannot be used, we cannot detect the energy contained in the surrounding air, and we cannot take them away." Koda stood up and just finished reporting the situation, but he suddenly saw the deputy captain Yuanquan turning around violently. , pointing the Hypa Victory Gun in his hand at himself.

Just when Koda was a little confused, Yuanquan directly pulled the trigger and killed Magnia who was trying to sneak attack behind Koda.

As this small Magnia was killed, a thick white mist began to spread from another part of the forest. The biological factors contained in the fog made the evolution trustworthy in the source's arms begin to shine continuously. .

"Koda! Why are you stunned! Attack!" Pulling Koda back, Yuanquan grabbed a magnia that rushed out of the fog with one hand. This was the same guy who almost grabbed Koda's neck just now.

Discarding it on the ground, the Source added another blow with the Hypa Victory Gun, but more Magnia rushed out of the fog.

"The four of us retreat together, don't leave our backs to these guys." Koda also reacted quickly. Listening to the command from the source, he immediately and Liang went back to back, relying on each other to coordinate the attack, and attacked these horses flying in the sky. Ganya kills them one by one with a laser gun.

"Nakajima!" Nakajima, who was alone, was now in a very dangerous situation. Yuanquan had no time to shoot, and a ghostly figure appeared behind Nakajima in an instant.

The moment he jumped up, the small Magnia behind Nakajima was punched into the trunk of the tree by a straight fist.

Green juice burst out from under the fist, and the small Magnia was smashed to pieces with just one punch. The subsequent force even knocked down the trees that had received the blow from the source, and they fell down. .

Ignoring the suspicious green juice on his hands, Yuanquan changed his hand and immediately started shooting, covering Nakajima to prevent him from being caught up by these things.

Nakajima is also attacking the small Magnia behind the source. Soon, while fighting and retreating, the four of them leaned against each other.

"Monsters that can be killed by guns are nothing to be afraid of. Haven't you always been curious about why I dare to fight monsters and even cosmonauts to that point? This is the reason." Taking a deep breath, the thick fog gathered. There are more and more of them. No one knows how many such Magnias are lurking in the fog.

But one thing is very clear, that is, you must not enter the fog.

"Vice Captain, what should we do now?" Dodging Magonia passing overhead, Liang immediately fired and attacked. Although he was not yet the ace of the future Super Victory Team, the current Liang was not that weak. .

"Follow me." Although the electronic equipment cannot be used, Yuanquan still has another way to find Dagu, and that is to use the same induction between the giants of light. This is what he walked all the way in after crossing the river. s reason.

He was following the induction to Dagu's current location, but met the corpses of the killed team members halfway.

"Nakajima, make a mark. When this monster is eliminated, we have to collect the body."


They had to be wary of Magnia who appeared at all times, and they had to maintain their speed so as not to be overtaken by the heavy fog. They had to be extremely alert. The four of them did not dare to be careless and ran away at extremely fast speeds.

Looking from a distance, only four groups of fire can be seen escaping rapidly in the mountains.

Behind them, the white fog followed them like a shadow, biting at the back like a tarsal maggot.

Yuanquan fell at the back and cut off. With his strength, he cut off at the back. The small Magnia in the fog really couldn't get past him.

Even if the Hypa Victory Gun is changing its magazine, those small Magnias who try to take advantage of this opportunity to fly over will suffer a severe blow from the source himself.

In just that moment, countless Magnias died under the fists and feet of the source.

Not to mention anything else, just looking at the green juice stained on Yuanquan's shoes and the same liquid on his hand, you know that he will definitely not be able to have these clothes when he returns.

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