Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 1240 The second source is connecting... Connecting...

Sero paid the price for his disobedience.

The mottled spots entangled in the source were also stained on Zero's body the moment he touched them, and they spread very quickly. In the blink of an eye, they followed the fingers all the way up and spread towards Zero's body.

The timer suddenly started flashing, and Zero's energy consumption began to be consumed very quickly.

At the critical moment, the comatose giant raised his hand, grabbed Zero's arm, and used his will to force the mixed light to seal it, so that it only existed on half of Zero's arm.

"Sero, turn on the light immediately and start to reverse the cause and effect." Without raising his head, the voice of the source came from under the prone face: "The modified cause and effect is that you have never touched me."

"I will use my power to help you complete this reversal of cause and effect, quickly!"

Zero was still hesitant at first, but Yuanquan's unquestionable attitude made him make up his mind.

The vortex of cause and effect rolled up instantly, but this time when the light was turned on, Zero felt very strenuous.

This kind of difficulty comes not only from the suppression of the outside world, but also from the various spots in my body.

After the Source Assistant used his own power to help Zero resist the oppression of the universe, except for the infected arm, all other parts of Zero had suddenly become glorious.

Knowing that the situation was critical, Zero immediately activated the reversal of cause and effect and began to change his own state.

Although it was difficult, I still succeeded after spending most of the energy in my body.

The stained arm also lost its spots and turned into a shining light.

Zero immediately exited after entering the light. At the same time, the source also released its transformation. The man lying on the ground in the huge pit struggled to stand up, and the thick darkness gurgled along his body like syrup. And down.

The red stripes engraved on his body were highlighted even more evilly.

"Master..." Zero stretched out his hand, but in the end he still didn't touch it.

"It seems that he cares about me more than anyone else." Sitting cross-legged on the ground, Yuanquan said: "Sero, you are an existence without the concept of control in this universe. Although you will be suppressed, you will not It was replaced by pollution, so the next thing will be left to you."

"Without my shelter, I think Musashi and Asuka should be in the same state as me at this moment."

Zero was silent, because what the source said was indeed true, but compared to his master, the two of them were in slightly lighter conditions.

"Go help Hikali, break the seal, and then we'll leave together."

"Yes! I will do this, for sure!" The master became like this in order to save himself. Zero understood better than anyone else, and felt that the burden on him was very heavy.

Among the people who finally came back, only Zero was the one.

He remained the same size as his body and sat on the chair as soon as he came back, with his arms folded across his chest and his pale yellow eyes showing no emotion.

Everyone also knew the conversation between Yuanquan and Zero through external surveillance, and they also fully knew that Yuanquan's condition at this time was so bad that he could not move at will.

"We'll set off immediately. I'll prepare the spaceship." Hikali also knew that the situation was critical and immediately prepared to take the four elders to set off.

"No, just tell me the location." With that said, Zero raised his arms and put on the ultimate armor in a burst of brilliance.

"I'll take you there directly."

"What is this?" A native of the Shadow Universe who had never seen the ultimate armor shouted in confusion.

"This is the ultimate armor. With it, we can go anywhere we want, anytime, anywhere."

"...There is even such a thing..." Hikari held his forehead, but since there was such a thing, it would be difficult to get through without using it, so he informed Zero of the coordinates, and Zero also used the Holy Armor of Ultimate Armor. The sword opened the dimensional tunnel and entered it first.

Hikali and the Four Elders followed closely and headed to the ruins of the Earth where the solar system is located.

Earth ruins.

It is rumored that the planet was destroyed by alien beasts, and there are also rumors that the master came out of this universe.

But no matter what, the destroyed ruins here have been exposed here for countless years.

Since the disappearance of the Master of the Universe, Borderlands has been established here.

Now someone finally came here to visit again.

Zero put down his arms and looked at the distant scenery without seeing any familiar scenery. There was only a barren and suspended continent, and he fell into speechlessness for a moment.

It's not that he has never been to Earth, but because he has been there, he is shocked by what he sees at this moment.

"We don't have much time. The first generation, Seven, Jack, and Ace, put on your armor and inspire your power of light. We open the seal and release the plasma sparks!" The long-term despair has dissipated and even ushered in With hope, Hikali also became rarely excited.

The four elders looked at each other and immediately put on the armor. Then they raised their hands, stimulating the weak power contained in the armor to create some shimmer that condensed in the palms of their hands.

With the radiance of the four Ultra brothers flashing, ripples suddenly appeared in the calm dark universe, just like the ripples caused by a stone being thrown into a calm lake, and the entire space began to change.

The seal will be released soon.

Not long after Hikari and others left, Musashi and Asuka dragged their weak bodies to the pit where the source was.

Although there was no direct contact and they were just looking at each other from a distance, the two of them could still feel a rather terrifying and unfamiliar aura from Yuanquan's body.

"Although the savior is the savior, he is still under the management of the big universe. Even the person of the savior is under the supervision of the big universe, so he still cannot ignore the big universe."

"Being close to a mystery is only close in the end. After all, it is still not beyond the scope of the big universe." Yuanquan continued: "So, after changing to another universe, I became like this."

"The same goes for you."

"After all, we were careless." Feiniao could still laugh and said cheerfully, "But fortunately, we are not completely wiped out. We still have a little chance."

"The will of the universe... is really terrifying." Once the universe makes a decision, it is unimaginable what will happen under this decision and who will suffer.

Musashi would sigh like this because they were the targets at this time.

"It would be like this in another world. In ours, I can be regarded as the protagonist of the new generation and the savior of the universe. I have very high authority, but here, it is of no great use." Yuanquan also laughed out of pain. The sound comes.

"We..." Before he could finish his words, the person who interrupted Asuka's words was a giant black dragon falling from the sky.

With a black and red body, narrow eyes and a skirt that symbolizes the strong, from the moment it arrived, it announced its arrival with a dragon roar.

"Tsk, Lugoset... If my guess is correct, Lugoset's responsibilities in this universe should not have changed, but..." Source raised his head and said.

"It's just that civilizations like the planet under our feet will be judged by Lugoset as civilizations that should be destroyed." Feiniao continued.

"Because this is a dark universe, a world without light. To the big universe, civilizations that breed and exist with light are cancer cells that need to be eliminated." Musashi also spoke.

"Luggeset is still performing his duties, but..."

"The fault is not him, but the world." A dazzling light suddenly bloomed, and the giant of the new generation, another Ultra warrior with fighting ability left here, appeared in the light.

"Seniors, leave this guy to me!" The moment he landed, Victory went straight to Rugoset. An iron mountain support hit Rugoset's chest, pushing it away from here.

With Victory's strength, it shouldn't be difficult to deal with Rugoset.

Even if you can't beat them, Galaxy still has the answer.

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