Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 1248 1237: One Hikari is enough to defy the heavens. I dare not even think of what two Hikar

"If you want to defeat the Shadow Universe, one problem is inevitable, and that is the Destroyer." If there are two blue-skinned people in the same laboratory, the level of happiness will naturally be doubled.

"If you want to defeat the Destroyer, if the Savior does not awaken himself, there is only one way left, and that is an opponent that can rival him." Hikari typed on the keyboard, adding something that Source Source had discussed with him. A plan was brought out and showed to Shadow-Hikali: "And this thing is the best thing I can think of."

"Plan Heisei? What is this?" Kage Hikari came over and looked at this highly confidential document, as well as the detailed information on the Ultra warriors recorded internally, and was a little stunned.

"I have stored here almost all the rays of Ultra Warriors during this period of time, except for the last three that have not been collected, and these rays are all prepared for this plan." As he spoke, Hikari spoke again After adjusting the computer data, Ultraman Orb's transformation posture was displayed.

There is also the triangular bracket of Dracion's gift to the source, which is also highlighted as the plan unfolds.

"There are still some final things missing, as well as the light of the last three Ultra Warriors from the Heisei era, so this plan can begin." After clicking on the folder at the top of the plan, shrinking it and gathering it in front of the two of them, The perfection of this thing is revealed.

A golden dial has the portrait of the first Ultraman in the center, which means the beginning. Around the dial, there are portraits of many Ultra warriors starting from Tiga on the unfolded dial.











"The Milky Way."





After naming these Ultra warriors one by one, Shadow-Hikali pointed to the last three vacancies on the dial and said, "Then here is..."

"Rosso, Blue, Gricho." Hikali named the last three Ultra Warriors whose positions have not yet been collected: "According to the source himself, they are the end of the Heisei era, and this is also the end of the Heisei era. The final ending of a force.”

"This is the gift he prepared for Zero."

"For Zero? What's the name of it?" Shadow-Hikali looked at the dial and felt that it was something very cool.

"The source calls it: Chonghuang."

"Yes, I understand." After receiving Ultra's signature from the Kingdom of Light, although Higashi Kotaro didn't say anything, he was already roaring in his heart.

Nima's! I knew it! Something happened again!

How do I explain this to Miss Saori? What do you want me to say? !

"Either you go tell Sha..." He turned his head and wanted to throw the pot to Tregear, but the moment Higashi Kotaro turned his head, he found that Tregear beside him had been wet for a long time.

It can be seen that Tregchia had predicted this event early and was very quick to do so.

Higashi Kotaro's toothache worsened.

Anyway, it's better not to say anything. Anyway, in Ultra's signature just now, Hikali said that he would also come here to collect the power of light from Rosso and Blue.

But who is the Gricho that Hikali is talking about? I've never heard of such a person.

Higashi Kotaro, who couldn't figure it out for a while, decided to make a show of it.

If Grigio is really the Ultra Warrior of this universe, she will definitely appear, there is no rush.

Compared to the changes in the Kingdom of Light, what is happening on this planet is truly incomprehensible.

That beautiful sword Saki wants to blow up the earth and kill Rugoset together. Let’s not talk about whether Rugoset will be killed by the bombing star’s attack. Just talk about the fact that there are so many Ultraman here. , why do you have to blow up the earth?

Let's go up together and attack Lugoset. Can it still survive?

At worst, I can just let you take revenge.

But adhering to the idea that local matters should be solved by locals, Higashi Kotaro only told Saori about this matter and said nothing to others.

However, the growth of the two local Ultra Warriors with attributes made Higashi Kotaro somewhat impressed.

During the time they were fighting on Earth, their growth was almost visible to the naked eye. From when they came, they would be beaten violently by Black Orb, to now they can fight vigorously against the monsters that beat Black Orb, which is indeed extraordinary.

Especially his ability to play with attributes opened up Higashi Kotaro's horizons.

What is this? There is no such gameplay in the Kingdom of Light. I have never seen it before. Wow, cool, cool.

Compared with the amazement brought by playing attributes, Rosso and Blue later merged to form Ultraman Rob, which made Kotaro Higashi lose any interest.

After all, they are combined. The remaining things Kotaro Higashi played with many years ago cannot give him any expectations. There is even one kind of thought: This is it? a feeling of.

How come there are two together? Back then, I always started with five.

There are only two, so noobs.

However, Saori still did not reveal his identity, and the teachings to the two brothers did not need to pass. Instead, he followed Chaoyang, and both of them met the beautiful sword Saji.

Chaoyang itself is a combination of truth crystal + transcendence crystal. For the three first-generation Rob brothers and sisters, she has extraordinary appeal.

Of course, this is also because Miken Saki has a hole in her heart.

Although she couldn't understand Chaoyang's existence at first, she soon got along with Chaoyang and became good friends.

The kind of friend who is willing to trust everything.

However, after later learning about his brother's identity and the thoughts of Meijian Shaji, Chaoyang was caught in the middle and found it somewhat difficult to make a choice.

Saori also tried to persuade Miken Saki several times, but to no avail.

So much so that Saori's patience is gradually being worn away, and he may not know when he will make a show of victory, with the loser listening to the winner or something.

Considering Saori's character, she can definitely do such a thing.

During this period, Chaoyang's identity was even exposed, and she was found to be not Minato's biological sister, which caused some trouble.

However, Yuanquan had already prepared for this matter before leaving, and informed Saori early. Therefore, when Minato was confused and doubting his life, Saori came to the door and revealed Chaoyang's identity to Minato.

However, Saori hid part of it and did not say it. She just said that she should be regarded as the daughter of the source, and she was indeed the sister of Minato Yukai and Minato Houmi.

Although Minato was very doubtful about the existence of the same, it was also a rude move made under shock. After he came to his senses, even if there was no blood relationship, the companionship for so many years could not be faked. Chaoyang had long been His daughter.

Therefore, this storm was passed quietly.

Then there was the beautiful sword Sage who announced that the earth would be destroyed and Rugoset would come.

To people on Earth, they would just think that the new president of the Aizen Group, Miken Saki, was crazy.

But as far as the people in the universe are concerned, they all know that what Miken Saki said is true.

Because Lugoset is really about to return to orbit and return.

Although there is Ultraman Rob on Earth, is Ultraman Rob useful against Lugaset?

Because of this, people in the universe are basically dragging their families with them and preparing to leave the earth.

At this time, the brilliant golden man sitting on the moon finally opened his eyes again.

"As expected of a strong man in the Shadow Universe, he is really powerful." After a long period of training, Tartarus finally recovered from his injuries. Tartarus stood up again and looked at the moon and Lugoset in the gas state.

"Hey, just in time, let me see if the Transcendence Crystal is really on you." Crossing his arms, Tartarus became even more eager for the Transcendent after the battle with Lu Guang.

Although he can indeed fight the Transcendent, what he wants is not a fight, but victory, definite victory!

There is no point in fighting without victory.

All it takes is an opportunity for him to ascend to the level of transcendence.

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