Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 1256 Dracion/Regedo: Let me see what King Ao is doing (Subway old man’s mobile phone face)

Chapter 1256 Dracion Regedo: Let me see what King Ao is doing (Subway old man’s mobile phone face)

When I woke up in a daze, the world I saw when I opened my eyes was a world I didn't recognize.

But the chandelier on the ceiling was still the same, which reminded Yuanquan of some not-so-good things.

Yuan Mou covered his head, and there were still some vague impressions from the past in his mind.

At that time, the savior's personality was reversed and turned into the destroyer. His body was occupied by the second source, and his consciousness should have been suppressed along with the savior's personality.

But what is happening now?

The consciousness that is obviously suppressed still has its own self at this moment?

Yuan Mou, who had just regained consciousness, felt the stinging pain like electricity at this moment, which worsened the pain again. He covered his head with his hands and stumbled out of the room.

After opening the door, although he felt that the room felt familiar for a moment, his severe headache prevented him from thinking about it.

Shaking his body, he opened the door and walked out of the house.

He held on to the fence on the side of the road with both hands. No matter how painful it was, his instinct still made him choose to leave here.

The world in front of him was upside down, and everything had a double shadow, but even so, he did not give up.

"Hey, are we going to register today?"

"I always feel that you are hiding a lot of things from me, tell me! What are you doing with your hands behind your back!"

"Hey! I'm here, you idiot."

Every step he took, every step he took, a faint voice sounded in his mind.

It was intermittent at first, but then it became clearer and clearer, ringing and wandering in my mind.

The source of this voice was very familiar, but what she said felt strange to the source.

He knelt on his knees and rolled down the grass beside him. His body hit the trash can and was covered in mud. Pedestrians on the roadside avoided him one by one as if they had seen a god of plague, and did not dare to approach the source.

But along with this voice, there are many, many pictures, many pictures that do not belong to him, but belong to him.

That was everything he had never experienced, but wanted to experience.

"How many people are we going to invite to our wedding tomorrow? And there's more."

The pictures are getting clearer and the words are getting clearer, but everything about that person in my mind is gradually blurring.

Source does not want to be forced to accept the impression given by others and is very resistant.

"Are you OK?"

"Are you okay?"

The voice in his mind rang together with the voice ringing in his ears. He opened his eyes with difficulty and looked up at the woman who was looking down at him.

This face, the face etched deep in his memory, he saw again.

"Yuan?! Why did you come out of the house!" The girl seemed to recognize who the man was, and was very surprised. Regardless of his dirty body, she helped him up with difficulty.

"Why is it you?" But when he saw Xiaohui appearing next to him, Yuanquan was not happy at all, but instead became more anxious.

Xiaohui's soul shouldn't appear here, she...

"Did that guy Eryuan take your soul?"

"Something happened to Justis, but it doesn't matter. She will break out of the seal at the right time." Dracion knew about the incident the moment Justis was caught, but the follow-up He did not intend to send his men to rescue him, because he knew about the future development from Noah, especially when Gauss had an accident in the shadow universe, Saka and Reggio both had a conversation with Noah.

Of course, the two of them mainly wanted to ask what Noah was doing and why something happened to Gauss.

So Noah took a trip to the Shadow Universe. This trip was also a must.

As for King Ao, that can only be said to be incidental.

"Where did King Ao put the bishop? Or, what is he doing now?" Dracion originally thought that King Ao wanted the bishop because he wanted to use the bishop to help the new generation, so he gave it so simply.

But after Ao Wang took it away, there was no sound, it was like the connection was completely disconnected. No one knew where he went.

It wasn't until the freezing of time and space that swept across the universe and Noah's unbearably angry roar that Dracion finally understood what King Ao had done.

Anyway, this old man can't do anything serious, Dracion has long recognized this.

"The souls of the two sources are overlapping. Does that guy Zaki want to assimilate the original source by assimilating the two sources?" Although it is in the dream world, the dream world is not visible to others, but That's what a complete dream world would be like.

Ever since a crack was cut into the dream world by Diga holding the ancient holy sword, everything in that dream was no longer a secret to these mysterious people.

Among the many identities of Dracion who are famous in the universe, one of them is the prophet of the universe, so he can also see everything in dreams.

"For Yuan Yuan, everything in the past really makes him miss him very much, but it's a pity that Zaki counted thousands of people, but he didn't count one person." This was not what Dracion said, but a rare speech from Reggiodo. .

"He thought he knew everything well, and thought he had a perfect plan, but his downfall would ultimately begin with his miscalculation of that person's existence."

Dracion nodded, completely agreeing with Reggio's statement.

"In the next period of time, if something unexpected happens, you can take action." Reggio continued: "Although there are backup plans, the source of that world may not agree."

"Compared to the awareness and power possessed by the two current sources, although that source has no awareness and power, and his heart is relatively fragile, he has the happiest life of an ordinary person, so he may not agree to do it. What Ultraman."


Kingdom of Light.

"Libut, we are currently short of manpower. I have to temporarily transfer you from Max's team." Under the plasma spark tower, Zoffie stood in front of Libut wearing a red cloak: "You must go immediately Contact everyone in the Galaxy Rescue Team to inform them of the upcoming war, and then you have to travel to Taro's universe."

"Based on Tyro's Ultra signature, the Ultra Killer should be active. You need to find traces of the Ultra Killer."

"Yes! Captain Zoffie!" Libut nodded and accepted the task.

"in addition."

Before Zoffie could finish his subsequent words, at the gate of the Ultra Fighting Training Ground, Taiga, Titas and Fuma rushed out from inside.

The team formed by three people has already gained some fame in the newly promoted police force.

But Taiga's reputation is already very great. After all, he is Taro's son. He has received a lot of attention, and everything he does will be taken for granted.

"The three of them." Zofi was a little helpless. The three boys Taiga, ever since they knew that Membius was going to find Taro and go to the earth, they have been more active than anyone else and have been following Membius. Wandering around, I thought about asking Membius to take them there too.

But without the approval of the security team, it was impossible for Mombius to lead the outstanding juniors to attack without authorization, so Mombius did not agree to Taiga's request.

This also resulted in Membius being annoyed by Taiga and the others all day long, and he could encounter these three wherever he went.

"Taiga is also too curious about the earth, and also misses him dealing with his father very much, so he always wanted to follow Membius." Libut said with a smile.

"By the way, Captain Zoffie, Sola has often told me these days that the Science and Technology Bureau was bombed sixteen times in one day. In the past, it would only be bombed four or five times a day. How come it happened so suddenly?" Libut said curiously. He asked.

When it comes to this, Zuo Fei is quite helpless.

"Because there are two Hikari in the Science and Technology Bureau now." Zuo Fei spread his hands, feeling very helpless.

Libut understood immediately.

There is no need to say anything about what the two Hikari can do. It is a good thing that they did not blow up the entire Kingdom of Light.

"But we are used to the explosions." Zoffi waved his hand: "Libut, the situation is critical, go ahead."


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