Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 1285 Plesser: King Ao, just wait. If you wait for me for another hundred years, I will defin

After the meeting, Eryuan met with Lu Guang alone.

After everyone else went out to do errands, he had more important things to explain.

"You know what I'm most dissatisfied with." Er Yuan looked directly at Lu Guang, with no hint of joking in his eyes: "I also know that your heart is different from what you show."

"But you have to understand, whether it's you or me, all the noisy thoughts can be put to the end. The most important thing is to focus on the present."

"Don't let me down, go kill Auditorium Light." He took a few steps forward and patted Lu Guang's chest. When the latter remained silent, Er Yuan continued: "There is already such a big trouble as the Phoenix Brave , I don’t want to see an auditorium light who has figured it out standing in front of me again.”

"Of all the new generations, he is the one I am least sure about."

Although Auditorium Light usually hangs out among the new generation Ultra Warriors, he seems to be the same, but in fact, among the new generation, his upper limit is the highest, and his strength is extremely unstable. When he is weak, he can fight with the early monsters. There was back and forth, and when he was strong, it was difficult for anyone to stand in front of him.

Lu Guang didn't care about the lower limit of the auditorium light, but he didn't want to see the upper limit anyway.

"I understand." Although he still had his own thoughts in his heart, Lu Guang did not feel disgusted with killing Auditorium Light.

For him, the existing individual of the auditorium light is just the answer he needs.

The answer can be yes or no.

After all, he has given him a chance. During this period of time, can he figure out whether the next meeting will be the moment of death for both parties.

"I set the time for this battle twenty years later. I need nearly twenty years to integrate my three powers into one and get rid of the repelling influence of the future of Nirvana on me." Er Yuan said grandly. He spoke out his weaknesses and seemed not to care whether Lu Guang was an undercover agent.

Of course, he doesn’t seem to need to believe it?

"Until then, this war does not need to start, and everyone else except you must abide by their duties."

"People from the main universe like to fight, and you can't get away with it if you go up alone." Er Yuan knows this better than anyone else that the Ultra Warriors from the main universe like to fight, "Don't act rashly until I come out of seclusion. "

"I will inform everyone." Lu Guang nodded.

"Well, go ahead." Er Yuan also waved for Lu Guang to leave. With his hands behind his back, he looked at everything dark in the shadow universe.

This lightless world looks so peaceful. The once irritable and turbulent heart can only feel peaceful now when seeing such a scene.

After the street light completely receded, another voice suddenly sounded in this lonely and deserted environment.

"He is not a trustworthy guy." This rich voice sounded very strange, as if he was in this space, but also seemed to be far away: "Yinhe and Luji Albon are one, although he is not Light, but completely different from the others.”

"I know." Er Yuan nodded: "That's why I gave him a try to see if he really wanted to kill the auditorium light."

"And as long as he kills the auditorium light, no matter what he thinks in his heart, he will be a hero and I can naturally tolerate him."

"That clone, Quan Nai, seems to have disappeared early in the morning." The voice sounded again: "I've been looking for him for a long time but I haven't found him. Do you think Lu Guang will help that guy?"

"The origin has been swallowed by me, so what's the use of the clone even if it's still there?" Eryuan sneered and said, "He doesn't appear because his existence has become unstable."

"Because the origin is being digested by me, he cannot escape the fate of disappearing."

"Speaking of which, where are you now?" Er Yuan raised his head and asked about the thoughts coming from above his head: "Plese?"

"I'm not very convenient right now." In the ruins of the temple, Plesser, who was sitting in the center of the ruins with the Damascus Golden Sword, reached out and used his staff to turn a space battleship into molecules, and then interfered with the surroundings with powerful force, forcing the surroundings to change. become a restricted area.

"I can't get away at the moment, so you have to protect yourself."

"Then can you tell me what exactly you are doing now?"

"Uh, I'm guarding the door of a person who has been trying to sleep, and eliminating those guys who keep coming to disturb his sleep." Plesser's face was a little twitching, but he was completely grateful to God for being able to save his life, no matter what No matter what request Noah made, he could only nod and agree.

"It will take about a hundred years before I can be free again."

"a hundred years?!"

"Is this the Kingdom of Light?" Ax and Victory helped Uub out of the tram, and Jakura also got off the train, clutching his chest.

Coming to the Kingdom of Light for the first time, both Jagula and Hongkai were a little curious.

"Sorry to trouble you, Mebius." Seven and the first generation wore red cloaks and welcomed everyone's arrival.

"It doesn't matter, this is my duty." Mebius shook his head. He did not get off the train, but still stood in the tram with the image of Hibino Mirai: "I will go to the universe where the Milky Way is, Among the new generation, he is the only one who has not come yet.”

"When you go, please pay more attention to the news about Taiga, Titas and Fengma." The first generation stepped forward: "After the war, we can't find any trace of the three of them. They seem to have disappeared. Same."

"Although they have great potential, they are still children and have no combat capabilities at all." Severn followed closely: "Taylor has already gone out to search, but I think I still have to leave this kind of thing to you."

"I will pay attention in the gap of time." Mebius was doing nothing wrong, just looking for Taiga, it was not too difficult.

The tram roared away, and at the same time, the first generation and Seven also turned their attention to the several new generation warriors who were constantly sizing them up.

"Victory, X, Orb, and Jakura." The voice of the first generation attracted the attention of the three Ultra Warriors and a demon, and Severn spoke shortly after.

"Everyone should know what happened during this period. I think everyone has also fought against the enemies of the Shadow Universe."

It's okay that Seven didn't say it. As soon as he said it, everyone's minds flashed to the enemy who had suppressed them and even defeated them.

Not even an enemy, but another self.

"I heard that they all came from the Shadow Universe." Aix said: "Senior Yuan borrowed my rainbow knife before, saying that he was going to the Shadow Universe to investigate the news."

"I'm sorry, the source can no longer return. He was suppressed by his other self in the shadow universe, and his status was reversed. From the savior to the destroyer, he is no longer the source you are familiar with." Although the facts are cruel, but The new generation of warriors must know this.

Because in the next battle, we can’t lose even one!

The warriors of the new generation are all related to the source to some extent. Whether they have been taught or led, they are all familiar with the source.

To a large extent, this savior that everyone is familiar with is everyone's most solid backing.

But now, this backing has disappeared. Not only has it disappeared, but it has even become an enemy and will soon come to deal with them.

"Have you thought of any way to deal with the other one of you?" When he said this, Severn focused his attention on Hong Kai: "The other one of you is much more terrifying than the power you have shown."

"He can even withstand a war by himself. He is indeed very powerful." Severn joked: "But you don't seem to have shown similar strength."

"I really can't do that." Hong Kai has no intention of hiding anything. His skills are inferior to others, so he can just admit it openly: "I have to say, that guy is worse than me."

"I can't find a way to defeat him in a short period of time." Hong Kai shook his head.

"I have no idea."

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