Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 1292 Hikari: Am I rough? Another thief broke into my laboratory again and again!

The challenge from the shadows not only challenges the Ultra Warriors of the Kingdom of Light, but also many other lives in the main universe.

You must know that this is not a single target, but a duel between all beings in the universe and all beings in the universe, affecting everyone and every existence, so when this war begins, it is destined to never stop.

Even though the Kingdom of Light is well prepared, it must dispatch more manpower to maintain law and order in the universe.

The shadows from the shadow universe attacked them in the main universe and started a violent battle.

Some people were eliminated and replaced.

Some people successfully protect themselves, but they are also trapped in it and find it difficult to break free.

The collision of two large universes has affected all universes, and it has not stopped at all, and there are even signs of getting worse.

But these are actually just small fights. Even if they affect the entire universe, they are just small fights. The real war has not yet begun.

But even if it has not started, some things have to be prepared in advance.

And another thing happened, which forced the two sides who were originally preparing for a war to shift their attention to another existence.

Grimed, who has regained most of his power, seems to be preparing to start annihilating the world in accordance with the prophecy, bringing an end to all the great universes.

The swaying beast of the end, although its course of action is slow, has a clear goal. It intervenes forcefully as a third party and with an absolutely powerful attitude.

His arrival makes the battle of light and shadow become insignificant.

That is the common enemy of all living things. As long as you don't want to fall into annihilation, you must resist this Grimm.

According to the equation in the calculation, this person's goal is a universe that no one could have expected, a universe that seems calm and nothing happens.

"It's really troublesome." Quan relaxed his shoulders in boredom. Quan, who was lying on his back and looking at the sky, was very bored: "Meilihua, are you having fun?"

"This... no matter how much you want to ask me, my answer is only... no." Mei Lihua really has nothing to do with this old man. You must know that this old man followed the president to conquer the world and founded this non-governmental organization. -The veteran of E.G.I.S. As a junior, she dare not say anything.

And this is a classic old Lezi person. Not to mention her, even the president is often teased.

"Where's Yuuki? And Ayu, haven't you met someone from the universe or something?" Quan spoke again.

"No, they are simply conducting an escort mission, and they will not encounter space people every time." Mei Lihua explained: "And although creatures like space people are common, they are not that common..."

Before she could finish her next words, Merika saw her president, Kana Sasaki, walking in holding a stack of magazines and humming an unknown ditty. She seemed to be in a very good mood.

"President, you went to publish in the newspaper again." Mei Lihua recognized what the president was doing at a glance, especially the magazines she held in her arms.

"Yes, don't you think that person's story needs to be reported?" Sitting in her seat, Miss Sasaki, who still retains her charm, opened the magazine in her hand, revealing a certain Kamen Rider.

"The unknown Kamen Riders who walk in the darkness of the city are heroes who fight to protect human beings from being invaded by space beings. Today's society needs such existences." Miss Sasaki closed the magazine in her hand with a look on her face. Admiration: "Kamen Rider has been active in the city since I was young. After all these years, he is still protecting mankind."

"I'm really curious, curious about his identity, curious about his face under the mask, curious about why he did this, curious about where he got such powerful power." Miss Sasaki looked like a fangirl, looking very interested. Hua didn’t even know what to say.

Quan on the side did not move at all, and even looked up to the sky, closed his eyes and began to snore.

"So, President, you are going to arrange for Yuki and the others to follow and photograph this person during the battle? And then publish it in newspapers and magazines." Meilihua raised her hand feebly: "President, can you do this? What did you get?"

"Nonsense, our Igesis' initial financial difficulties were solved by following and reporting on this guy." As he said that, Sasaki Kana pointed at Izumi: "Izumi was the one who followed him in the first place. He can always get first-hand information. The photos, and the shooting angles are extremely subtle, large and very good.”

The president lady crossed her arms and looked very happy: "I didn't know Yuyuki and Ayu now, and even Quan doesn't have any shooting skills. It's really a headache."

"After all, I'm old, and my skills are not that strong." Quan raised his hand, and the passage of time left countless marks on his face, whether it was the wrinkles at the corners of his eyes, or the... Some white hair silently warned everyone that he was already a middle-aged man in his forties.

His energy and physical fitness are no longer what they used to be.

Lu Guang extracted all his power, and Quan completely turned into an ordinary person. In this way, although Er Yuan could not discover him, he could not withstand the passage of time and was carved by time.

"I know you are getting old, so I didn't count on you." Miss Sasaki patted Izumi on the shoulder. This veteran who started her business with her early on, if nothing unexpected happens, she should be prepared to support him for the rest of her life.

"Hehehe..." He calmly took out a card and placed it on the table. Looking at the pattern belonging to Hikari engraved on it, Quan was speechless.

Kamen Rider-Sword.

But in fact, it was the armor developed by Hikali himself, combined with the Hunter Knight-Sword Rider created by Arbor Armor.

His original intention was for Lu Guang to go to Hikali in the banned time and space and buy a set of third-generation armor for him to use. Who knows that Lu Guang directly grabbed Hikali's exclusive armor?

But I have to say, it’s really useful…

And what Lu Guang said is right, even if Quan loses his power, he will never sit idly by when he encounters the wanton behavior of people in the universe.

And having lost all his power, he is already an ordinary earthling, completely powerless.

He needs to have a new power, a powerful enough power.

So the Hunter Knight-Sword Rider was taken out by Lu Guang in a big way.

The fact that the Hunter Knight has become a so-called urban legend in the past twenty years is closely related to Miss Sasaki next to him.

What a wonderful photo...it was basically a selfie of him wearing a Hunter Knight, and then taking a selfie. How can it not be high-definition!

But he really didn't expect that he would actually come to this universe, this... TV that belongs to Taiga.

This universe is completely different from the outside universe. Here, time passes very fast, even as fast as nearly 20-1.

In other words, only one year has passed in other universes, but basically twenty years have passed here.

The reason for this is still due to the challenge of the shadow. The collision between the big universe and the big universe caused the collision of the laws of the two big universes. The originally unified timeline once again became multifarious, some fast and some slow. It simply cannot be calculated anymore.

The inconsistency of the timelines also caused a lot of confusion. The entanglement of different timelines also caused fundamental changes in everything.

In the absence of the Four Gods and the absence of a savior, another corresponding existence needs to be born to sort out this chaotic timeline.

It must be part of the greater universe.

However, judging from the current situation, if such an existence really appears, then there will definitely not be only one, there must be two.

But these things have nothing to do with him. At the moment, he is just a Kamen Rider who is facing retirement at an advanced age. He can't do much about Ultraman's affairs.

It is better to think about when Hiroyuki will be able to make up his mind, and when Taiga and the others will be able to recover is more important.

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