Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 1299 There probably won’t be any updates tomorrow. After driving ten hours to go to another

"Hmph hum... The red stars shine on the earth..." Slowly returning home humming an unknown ditty, Chaoyang seemed to be in a particularly good mood.

"Brother Huo Hai, Brother Yong Hai!" After returning home, his two brothers were nowhere to be seen. Although Chaoyang had some doubts, it was not the first time that the two brothers had disappeared while playing. It was normal to be away from home.

Then, when Chaoyang discovered that Minato Shio and Minato Zero could not be found anywhere, he felt something was wrong.

Is there anything that requires four people to do together? And you still haven’t told her about this sister?

"Really... they don't know where they are. Do I have to go out to buy dinner today?" He sat on the chair dejectedly, took out the small mirror from his bag, and laid his hands on Chaoyang. He muttered at the table: "But I don't really want to go out to eat today."

"Then what else do you want to do? Although the people from Planet Zarrab died simply, the money on that guy only circulates in the universe and cannot be used on earth." In the mirror, [Chaoyang] crossed his arms and said calmly: " If you don’t want to eat takeout, then you can only buy something to eat yourself.”

"By the way! Xiaoyang, do you know how to cook?" As if he suddenly remembered something, Chaoyang reacted immediately, holding the mirror in both hands and said with a smile: "Xiaoyang is like omnipotent. You are like a god, you must be able to cook too!"

"As for cooking... I don't have any problem." [Chaoyang] thought about it for a while. Although she had never done it before, she always seemed to be very proficient in this kind of thing, as if it was a natural instinct. Later, I suddenly found that I knew how to do it.

"Then leave it to Xiaoyang!" Chaoyang chuckled, completely unaware of the fact that he was a lying bastard.

Now that Chaoyang had made his choice, at that moment, the bodies of the person in the mirror and the person outside the mirror were interchanged.

After opening his eyes again, the Chaoyang standing here is already [Chaoyang].

"Thank you, Xiaoyang!" He clasped his hands together, and Chaoyang expressed his gratitude in the mirror.

"You are so lazy that you want to leave everything to me." [Chaoyang] sighed: "If you want me to help you with cooking, what will you do in the future?"

"Hey, let's talk about the future."

Dusk passed very quickly, and in just the blink of an eye, it became dark.

But just when the lights were about to light up on the earth, two streams of light flashed past the earth and intertwined with each other, showing no intention of shrinking back.

The stream of light dissipated, gradually revealing his original form. Etaluga snorted, glanced at the Ultra Warrior who was chasing closely behind him, dropped two energy bombs, and began to move quickly again.

The two brothers, who seemed to have merged into Ultraman Rob, smashed Aitaluga's attack with their swords, and then stretched out their arms to pursue him, not giving Aitaluga any chance to escape.

"Don't even think about running away! You guy!" Ultraman Rob had met Etaluga. Although more than a year had passed, the two brothers still had some thoughts about the situation at that time during the melee. Everyone who showed up was deeply impressed.

This guy who was all yellow all over his body was called Etaruga at that time, so the brothers were naturally familiar with him.

"I'll say it again, I'm not interested in you brothers at all. I'm here to hunt down traitors." Aitaluga turned around and questioned the brothers: "Don't think I'm really afraid of you."

"Etaluga! Release Jestis!" The two brothers said a name that caught Ataluga off guard, and this matter should not be known to outsiders.

"How do you know?" Rob's posture was reflected in those narrow eyes. Aitaluga's hand behind his back slowly accumulated strength, opening a magic mirror channel, linking the shadow universe, and connecting what happened at this moment. Tell all the things to the people in the Shadow Universe.

"Mr. Renren told us before he left." Renren heard the news from the future, and then told the brothers. Although not many people know about this matter, it has entered the shadow universe. The four Ultra Warriors all knew about this.

But Source, Dyna, and Gauss couldn't speak, so the only one who could tell everyone about this was Zero.

After Brother Rob saw Etaluga, they naturally wanted to rescue the sealed Ultraman.

"If you put forward other conditions, we can still consider it, but this..." Aitaluga's tone was strange and unpredictable: "But it is not impossible at all!"

"Don't think you are very powerful, Ultraman Rob. The guy who defeated you is coming." Pointing at Ultraman Rob, Etaluga raised his hands to the sky and shouted in a reverent voice: "Appreciate The horror of the shadow."

"We are everywhere."

"Wait a minute, Aitaluga!" It was too late to prevent Aitaluga from being absorbed into the sudden dark vortex, and Rob could only watch helplessly, just a little bit behind.

However, the dark vortex did not disappear. Even after absorbing Etaluga, it shook a few times as if it was indigestion, and then vomited out a guy holding a big sword.

"What an idiot. You didn't even know that you were led here by evil." Shadow Orb put the magic sword on his shoulder and smiled disdainfully: "The only value of your existence now is to be optimistic about Jestis' seal. .”

"You should know that your life is closely related to the seal."

After saying this, Shadow Orb turned around and faced Ultraman Rob completely.

It wasn't the first time he faced Rob, and it wasn't the first time Rob faced him.

"Aizen?!" Minato Yukai was very surprised. This posture and appearance are different from Ultraman Orb. Isn't this the dark Uub that Aizen has turned into?

"No, there are many subtle differences, and the feeling he gives me is more terrifying!" Compared to his younger brother, Minato Huohai noticed more, and could vaguely sense the terror of the person in front of him.

"It's a rare meeting, Ultraman Rob of the main universe." Shadow Uub said hello: "Since you were killed in the shadow universe, we have never met again."

"We...were killed?" Minato Huohai asked, "What on earth did you say?"

"Well, you two shouldn't know those things, and you don't need to know." Shadow Uub smiled: "But the way you just acted, the horror you showed after seeing me is not fake."

"Have you seen me?"

"It's just that there's a guy named Aizen Cheng who looks a lot like you." Minato Yonghai said.

"I see." Shadow Uub nodded, then opened the card box on his waist and took out a card from it.

"Then, as a thank you for letting me know about this, I'll put some water on it."

With a chuckle, Shadow Orb inserted the card into the Orb ring.


What should have been a colorful dragon god turned into a dark thundercloud and was born from the darkness.

The colorful dragon was gone, replaced by a demonic dragon wrapped in filth and darkness.

"Well... the cosmic white blood cells are naturally part of the universe, so whatever the will of the universe is, the role of the white blood cells will also change." Shadow Orb said flatly while rubbing the Orb magic sword.

"It's just a small courtesy, not a sign of respect."

"You call Lugset a small gift?!" Taking a fighting stance, Rob went up high and faced Cailong again.

No...it should be the Shadow Dragon.

A colorful dragon from the Shadowverse.

"Of course, otherwise, this is the one I gave you." Shadow Uub showed another card in his hand, and the picture on this card was the latest card he got.

Dark Tiga.

"Hmm~ Let's fight, make it more intense." In an unknown theater, Xie Tuo transformed into Kirisaki, eating popcorn and drinking Coke while watching the live broadcast with relish.

Then why else would he come to this universe?

The disaster is diverted to the east, and then the golden cicada escapes from its shell.

If you don’t watch this scene, you won’t watch it.

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