Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 1344 Rush!

Opening his eyes suddenly, Yuanquan did not see the ceiling this time. Instead, he saw the face of the girl who leaned over to face him, and the tips of their noses were almost touching.

As if she didn't expect Yuanquan to wake up, the girl met her eyes, and her entire face gradually turned rosy, and was filled with blushes at an extremely fast speed.

But before the girl could pull away, his arms separated from the quilt and hugged the girl into his arms. When she was caught off guard, Yuanquan's emotions completely burst out.

He woke up from his dream. Although he was still in a dream, it was very real.

Still in the midst of violent mood swings, he took the girl's slightly opened lips and declared his attitude and the emotions he had suppressed in a domineering and direct manner.

Although the girl was a little surprised, she quickly came to her senses and wrapped her arms around him, stroking the back of her head to comfort her.

She didn't refuse, and she never would have refused.

If things like this continue, given the current situation of the two of them and their willingness to do so, the subsequent development will basically be the kind of thing that we would like to hear and see, but cannot be written in this chapter.

But the problem is that I can’t write it, right? There’s a chapter ahead of it that’s still banned.

Learn from the past, brothers!

When the distance between each other was almost non-existent, and they were even close to each other, the source reacted, and the violent emotional fluctuations gradually dissipated, replaced by a restless mind and a ready-to-move physiology.

You know, since Xiaohui's death, he has never behaved in this regard.

He is not a fledgling himself, he even took off early.

At this moment, they are hugging each other, they are together, and she will not refuse at all. If she said she was restrained before, then now, with her clothes in messy clothes, the so-called restraint is just self-deception.

Take it one step further, she won't refuse.

The restless heart wants to be holy like a Buddha, and the surging desires want to calm down. Without doing something, it is impossible.

With both arms, he pushed Xiao Hui away, and the distance between them was opened again.

The source of determination and clarity in his eyes leaves no room for doubt.

Seeing Xiao Hui's confused eyes, Yuanquan hurriedly left the bed, gave himself a few slaps to wake him up, opened the window, and howled a few times.

Amid the neighbor's scolding, Yuanquan closed the window again. He didn't have the nerve to look at Xiaohui, but left in a hurry, trying to open the door and escape.

"Wait a minute!"

The moment her palm touched the door, Xiao Hui's soft voice was a little confused, but also filled with unquestionable certainty: "Stand there!"

Xiao Hui has always been sure of Yuan Quan. She asked Yuan Quan to stand there, but he actually stood there, motionless.

"You did such a thing to me, but you want to walk away?" Xiao Hui stood up from the bed, and her eyes regained clarity: "I didn't say I wanted you to leave."

"I'm not the Source you know. What I did just now..." He opened his mouth. Even though he knew that his words were very pale, Source still wanted to say: "I'm sorry, I couldn't control myself for a while."

"So, where do you want to go now?" After arranging her clothes, Xiao Hui smoothed her hair and walked step by step in front of Yuanquan, even forcing Yuanquan to lean against the wall, wishing she could blend in.

But in the face of Xiaohui's questioning, all Yuanquan could give was silence.

He would not tell his stories to Xiao Hui, nor would he let this memory be engraved in a false world.

"Actually, I already believe that you are not the Yuanquan I know." Being close to Yuanquan's chest forced him to retreat. Even though he was close, Xiaohui did keep a distance from Yuanquan.

Hearing Xiaohui's words, Yuanquan opened his eyes in surprise.

He had just planned to close his eyes and wait for death.

"When you were talking to me just now, my eyes and yours looked at each other. At that moment, I saw your heart." Xiaohui raised her head: "I do exist in your eyes, but this I am not me, but I belong to you.”

"When you look at me, there is no love or any emotion. In your eyes, I am just a phantom of her in your heart, right?"


"So at that moment, I understood." Xiao Hui took a few steps back so that Yuanquan did not have to remain in this state of being almost integrated with the wall.

"Then why didn't you stop me later?" Yuanquan couldn't understand. If Xiaohui had recognized it at that moment, why didn't you resist at all and even wanted to go further?

"Because I don't believe it too much, so I want to be more sure." Although she couldn't hide the disappointment in her eyes, Xiao Hui still spoke: "If it is my source and has reached that stage, he will never push me away. mine."

"I want to make sure about this, and even if it comes to that, I want to get answers."

Yuanquan was silent, Xiao Hui was right, if the Xiao Hui in his arms was his Xiao Hui, at that point, he would not back down at all.

"After you pushed me away, I knew what you had been saying, that you are not the source I know, is true." The disappointment in her eyes was hard to conceal, Xiao Hui really didn't want this to come true, because that It means that her source no longer knows where to go, which means that she may lose him forever.

So at that time, she went a step further because she wanted to be sure, but she also... didn't want her judgment to be true.

But that was the fact, the source pushed her away and allowed her to move from fantasy to reality.

She didn't know at that moment, if the source in front of her continued smoothly, whether she would choose to believe that he was her source.

But the truth is, he pushed her away.

He persisted as always, and she recognized the reality.

At that moment, Xiao Hui returned to reality and realized a fact that she couldn't think about. That was her source. Where had she gone?

If you want to find him, where should you look for him?

Xiaohui didn't know, but the familiar stranger in front of her might have the answer.

"So, can you tell me? Your identity, your past, and... the me in your eyes." Taking a deep breath, abandoning the noisy thoughts in her heart, Xiao Hui looked at the familiar stranger in front of her and spoke. : "I want to know the story between you and the other me."

"...Do you have to listen?" Yuanquan was making his final struggle: "That's not something worth talking about."

Although Xiao Hui didn't answer, her eyes were firm and nothing could change it.

"I'm sorry, I guess I still can't say it." This is a wonderful world constructed by Zhaji. For Er Yuan, Yuan Yuan does not want to reveal his past here.

Although he felt that it might not be a secret to Zaki, he just didn't want to, that's all.

"My story was forgotten by me on the other side of the Sea of ​​Stars. The person who stays in the past is not me, nor her." Yuanquan said: "So we all..."

"But if you don't speak out, how can I help you leave this... false world in your eyes?" Xiao Hui gave Yuanquan the last trump card, causing Yuanquan to fall into silence for an instant.

But this silence did not last long. Soon, Yuanquan let out a long sigh and put down the hesitation in his heart.

"...Sigh... No matter where you are, no matter whether it is my Xiaohui or not, in the end... I can't do anything to you?" Yuanquan rubbed his head and said with self-deprecation: "That is really a... somewhat long story."

"Yes." The girl smiled, waiting for the story to unfold.

Dreaming in a dream is an illusory reality, and seeking truth in a dream is a person's persistence. But when the false person in the dream is also looking for the truth, then the world will produce a kind of self-denial.

But it won't hurt anything unless...

That person is very important.

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