Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 1360 King Ao: In order to heal the Milky Way, I have exhausted all my strength and am now ex

Suddenly so many Ultraman appeared, attracting the attention of the city and even Taiga.

However, there are no dedicated reporters like Guyari Lunwen and the other three in Taiga Universe, so the scene where the three Ultraman appear will not be broadcast, and basically only people in this city can see it.

But it's enough.

"That's... Victory and the others!" Holding the triple spark sword and taking a few steps back, Taiga felt the surging breath of multiple light energy and looked down. It was at this glance that he saw the tower standing on the earth. Six Ultra Warriors.

In the current situation, six Ultra Warriors have appeared, which can be said to be a complete boost.

"Who are these Ultramans?" Hiroyuki didn't know Victory and the others, so he still had doubts.

"He is our partner." Taiga said happily.

"Everyone, let's go!" Victory gave the order, taking the lead and leaping forward straight towards the sky.

Aix followed closely behind, and the new generation of warriors jumped up one after another, fighting with the chaotic evil gods in the air.

"Taiga!" Among them, Victory took the initiative to come to Taiga: "Let's be together."

"Ah! I understand!" Taiga responded with great momentum.

Victory took out the Knight Flute Sword and switched to Knight-Victory stance.

The warriors who also use swords are much better at using swords than Taiga.

The new generation of sword masters is not just talk.

At the same time, in the Kingdom of Light, Hikali was also quickly mobilizing data to locate the location of Taiga Universe.

Shadow-Hikali, on the other hand, pulled Gridqiao and talked to her about what was going to happen next.

"We will teleport you to your brother immediately, and then you will face the ultimate powerful enemy in this era together."

"Belonging to the end of the Heisei era, the monster who is destined to end history at this moment, Grimmd."

"Eh? Do you need me to go?" Grigio pointed at herself with some uncertainty.

"Yes, the new generation of warriors is indispensable. You and your two brothers are the ultimate in the Heisei era, and Taiga is the number one in the new generation. When you gather together, you can summon warriors who will exist forever in the future. exist."

"Whether our era and this universe will end here depends on you." This is a huge responsibility and burden, and it includes a heavy history that no one can easily ignore.

Even if it was Grigio, it was the first time she took on responsibility that she had to carry the whole world on her back. To say she was feeling uneasy was because she had a big heart.

"Although I don't know if I can do it, but... I will try my best!" Gricho nodded heavily, holding her hands in front of her chest to cheer herself up.

"The positioning has been completed, the space wormhole has been opened, and the light of Cerro is being highly depleted." Hikari's voice sounded: "Maintenance time: seven seconds!"

"Gregio, go quickly!"

In just seven seconds, there was no time to say goodbye. Gricho shouted and rushed in, regardless of it, completely believing in Hikari's ability.

Underground in the Kingdom of Light, King Ao's legs weakened, and he seemed to be exhausted and exhausted.

Galaxy's body was completely restored, the plasma crystal shone again with the continuous injection of high-quality plasma energy, and Galaxy's eyes, including the timer, also lit up again.

The light began to flow again, and the auditorium light also woke up from its slumber.

"Old man!" As soon as he woke up, he saw the "extremely weak" Ultra King. Xiaoguang was obviously aware of his injuries and what the Ultra King had done to him, so he was so worried.

"I'm fine!" He quickly raised his hand to stop Yinhe from approaching. King Ao coughed a few times and looked weak: "I have exhausted all my strength to wake you up. Now, you go to Taiga Universe immediately. Join your friends!"

"Grimmed is coming to the Milky Way. The responsibility and mission of opening up the future of the galaxy now rests on your shoulders!"

"But old man, I don't worry about leaving you here like this." Xiaoguang is still an honest child after all. If this was Galaxy, he would have left long ago without looking back.

Ao Wang is exhausted? Whoever believes it is a fool.

"Don't worry, this is the Kingdom of Light. No enemies will come." As he said that, King Ao stood up precariously: "I'm safe here. Leave quickly, this matter can't be delayed any longer!"

Xiaoguang also knew the priority of the matter, so he could only turn around and leave.

The stars twinkle, the Milky Way opens the portal, and enters it alone.

(Otherwise, how can we say that the new generation’s Austrians are basically all-powerful? The new generation you can think of is basically all-powerful.)

After Yinghe left, King Ao gasped a few times, and after confirming that there was indeed no one around, he immediately contacted Saka.

"Okay, let go and let Grimmd pass."

"Has the new generation been assembled?" Saka instantly withdrew, left from Grimmd, and arrived at the Land of Cause and Effect in an instant, where he was waiting for the return of King Ao.

But King Ao did not wait. Instead, a certain messenger of light woke up from his slumber, climbed out of the cemetery, and appeared here.


"Lingjia is about to appear, and I should come here to wait for him, both emotionally and rationally." Both are mysterious, Lingjia will always exist in the future, and it is rare to come to the present. This is the moment of his birth, and Noah will naturally not fail to do so. give face.

"That's right. The return of Lingjia means that in this era, there is a mysterious figure who can intervene at any time and do whatever he wants." Lingjia represents the beginning of a new generation and the continuation of the new generation. He It is the embodiment of this era, unlike these old antiques, whose era has long passed.

Lingjia's era is now, of course he can come at any time and do whatever he wants.

No restrictions.

"How is the source now?" Noah asked.

"It's okay for the time being, but he should have discovered the anchor point of the dream world, but he is not sure yet." Saka said: "For him, that anchor point is indeed impeccable."

"How is Zaki's mental state?" Noah asked again.

"It's very unstable." Saka said truthfully: "By the way, Noah, I have something to show you."

"Oh? What is it?" Noah said curiously.

Saka was silent, not knowing how to speak.

"How should I put it? It's probably a reflection of Peter's obsession with you during this period of time..."


"Brothers, I want to go to Taiga." On the front line, Taro said: "He needs my guidance to know how to use his power."

"The fusion of our brothers is not the same thing as the fusion of the new generation. For the first summons, he does need your opinion." Zoffie nodded: "But Taylor, you have to understand that you must not face Gerry. Mud.”

"That Tregear is not the Tregear you know."

"I understand." Taylor nodded: "Then, I'll go first."

"Wait a minute!" But at this moment, Bai Tuo came over, stood beside Taylor, and expressed his attitude: "I want to go with you."

"No matter when and where you are, I will always be by your side." Bai Tuo looked at Taylor, who only had him in his eyes: "I will accompany you to any corner of the universe."

"Then let's set off together, Tregear." Taro didn't think too much. He probably felt that having one more helper would give him more strength, so he agreed without thinking.

...I can only say Bai Tuo, Taro is basically immune...

For a time, the wind and clouds surged, and the end of the era had arrived. The song representing the end had already been sung. The predicted day of destruction did not need to be pressed step by step, but came at this moment.

The beast of the end wants to destroy the entire universe, destroy itself, and bring new life amidst destruction.

The protagonist of the era, with a longing for the future, is bound to open up a new era.

Life and death depend on one battle.

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