Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 1366 Lu Guang: You asked me to speak ill of the boss in front of him. Xiaoguang, you are rea

"Whether the eternal answer is a moment of happiness or eternal existence, it is no longer important to me, and you, the light of the auditorium, standing in front of me at this moment, are better than all answers!"

One hand gathered the thunder above the head, and the dark red thunderstorm was like the end of the world. With Lu Guang's one-hand control, the thunder light swarmed down in the vertical and horizontal directions, rushing towards the Milky Way itself.

"No, the concept between us represents the meaning of our existence. That is what I found during the battle with Luigi El, together with the Milky Way!" It is also a single hand, but it is not the thunder light gathering in the sky. Instead, Xingxuan's shield was condensed in front of him, blocking the blow for himself.

Lu Guang's thunder bombarded the Galaxy Shield and failed to break through the defense, but following the light was Lu Guang himself.

He flew over directly, and the black and red lightsaber on his arm thrust forward, penetrated the galaxy shield, and stabbed towards Xiao Guang's face.

Xiaoguang turned his head to avoid the sword light's attack. At the same time, he leaned over and hugged Lu Guang's waist, pushing him away.

When Lu Guang slashed down with his sword, he lay down on the ground to avoid it. The moment he stood up, the Galaxy Holy Sword popped out, blocking Lu Guang's attack from the bottom up.

"You have become stronger!" During the confrontation between Jian and Jian, Lu Guang's red and narrow eyes were full of joy: "Yes, only such a person is qualified to be my opponent."

"But your awareness, shown so far, is not enough!"

"Then what is your consciousness?!" Although he was half-kneeling on the ground, Xiaoguang's momentum was not lost at all: "You just said that it is no longer important whether the eternal answer is or not. Does this mean that you The person who really can’t find any meaning between me is you!”

"Ha! If you haven't defeated me yet, don't say such things!" Lu Guang took a few steps back, and the Dark Holy Sword glowed with a unique water attribute. Different from Galaxy's water attribute, Lu Guang's water attribute has Corrosion, rejection and other negative effects.

Galaxy did not use the water attribute, but attached strong thunder to the sword. The golden thunder light turned the aqua blue blade of Galaxy Holy Sword into golden yellow.

Therefore, when the next handover collides, black rain and golden thunder appear at the same time in this world filled with sun and night, in this infinite and limited world.

We clearly have the sun but cannot illuminate the world at all. We clearly have the night but cannot swallow the sun that shines alone. So what kind of night is the night, and what kind of sun is the sun?

Just to shine on yourself and refuse to give any light to the sun?

Fists and palms connected, and Lu Guang caught Xiaoguang's fist. Lu Guang threw it away, and while roaring, he punched out dark purple flames.

Specious galactic flame strike.

Xiaoguang had no intention of resisting at all. His body in mid-air even opened his hands to accept the attack of these flames to the greatest extent. Every impact hit him with large swaths of sparks.

But as these dark purple flames invaded his body, certain intermittent images were also conveyed to him from the flames.

Laughter, beauty, joy, pain, sadness.

With both feet stepping on the ground, Xiaoguang endured the pain, endured the attack containing memory and catharsis, dispersed the Galaxy Holy Sword, and took out the trident.

Lu Guang was not afraid. He also took out his trident and flew towards Xiaoguang's head.

The milky white eyes met the narrow red eyes, one was calm, the other was furious, but the emotions hidden in the energy could not be faked.

Maybe Galaxy can't feel this change, but as a human being, Xiaoguang also has such emotions.

Lifting the tridents, they came out of their hands as they collided with each other. The two tridents flew to the side and landed on the ground.

Lu Guang turned around and hammered hard, holding his hands together to hit him hard.

Xiaoguang crossed his hands to resist Lu Guang's attack, grabbed his arm with his backhand, and threw him away.

If in the battle between us we can see each other's past, then...

Curling his hands, the plasma crystal on Galaxy's body turned purple, and Galaxy Flash Slash was released from the plasma crystal above his head.

Lu Guang, who had rolled several times on the ground, regained his balance. The moment he turned around, his narrow eyes released red light, which collided with Galaxy Flash Slash.

The stalemate lasted only a moment before both of them perished and disappeared completely.

Xiaoguang rushed out of the burst of smoke, and his fist condensed with intense light fell down violently, hitting Lu Guang's face with sparks and knocking him away.

Waving a ribbon composed of light flow with one hand, Xiaoguang brought the two tridents over. Xiaoguang threw the two tridents away and flew towards Lu Guang.

As for himself, he raised his hands flat on both sides, preparing to prepare a special move.

The body that flew upside down was turned around by Lu Guang, and his hands were inserted into the hard stones on the ground. Even though a long trace was pulled out along the way, Lu Guang still stopped his body forcefully.

Regardless of the wear and tear on his hands, Lu Guang grabbed the flying dark trident, spun around to avoid the Galaxy Trident, then rotated the trident and placed it in front of him, resisting the Galaxy's piercing light that followed.

If you can really feel each other's hearts in the blending of each other's energy, then with this light, I will let you understand what I have experienced!

Xiaoguang looked firm. He believed that Lu Guang was not a bad person. This not only believed in him, but also believed in the existence of the famous auditorium light.

"Ha! Is that all?"

The galaxy's penetrating light was blocked, but the light spots that were continuously washed away enveloped Lu Guang's body.

He lowered his head and raised his head again. In his narrow eyes, the red cracks became more vivid and terrifying, even glowing.

"That's it?" Lu Guang stopped spinning the trident, used the trident itself to resist the light, and went upstream, slowly approaching from the original point, going faster and faster, making it easier to resist.

The Galaxy Penetrating Light was torn apart with force. Lu Guang waved his trident and released the Crescent Slash, knocking Xiao Guang to the ground. Not only that, the remaining energy penetrated into the earth, causing a violent explosion.

"Your happiness is not worth mentioning to me." Lu Guang cast the remaining light spots in his hands carelessly and looked at the sky: "What you have experienced, I have experienced more happiness than you." Something, but that moment is nothing compared to my mood at the moment.”

"Perhaps for a moment, she belongs to you, but for more time, she will accompany you for endless years, and there will be only loss and loneliness."

"You have never felt that way before. What is contained in your light is something weak that only lasts a moment."

"I had it, but I gave it away."

Walking out of the smoke and dust of the explosion, Xiaoguang covered his chest and raised his head again.

"If you give up, what will I feel?" Slowly raising his hand, Xiaoguang also opened his palm. In his palm, the light contained by the darkness was suspended and existed.

"It's not that you gave up the happiness of this moment, but you used the armor of loneliness to transform it into eternity and protect it to death."

"But no matter how strong and thick the armor is, it will be broken through one day!" Xiaoguang looked at Lu Guang not far away: "No one in this world understands us better than us. I know what you are like. Man, you can’t lie to me.”

"Ha, that's a boring statement." Lu Guang sneered: "For me, it's enough that she exists in a world of eternal happiness."

"Even if that world is destined to be torn apart, is it destined to be false?" Xiaoguang finally affirmed Lu Guang's behavior: "That's it! Meiling, she is in the world created by that guy."

"In that kind of world, she will gain eternal life and be accompanied by another me. She will have everything happy and exist forever and ever!" Lu Guang's voice sounded as if he was dead, without any trace of emotion. Mood swings: "For me, it's enough for her to be happy."

"Even if I have to carry eternal loneliness and sink into the darkness, no matter what, she will never see me like this. What she remembers is the light of the auditorium that belongs to her."

"You can deceive others but you can't deceive me!" Xiaoguang interrupted Lu Guang's subsequent words: "This is definitely not your sincerity! You definitely don't think like this!"

"Even now, you still want it"

"This is my sincerity!" Lu Guang said firmly, word for word.

"I am Lu Guang!"

"That's all."

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