Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 1377 Scroll of Shadow: Lu Guang: The person who cannot catch up with time

"Hey, Xiaoguang, what kind of person do you want to be in the future?" Those are the words that the girl once asked the boy when she was young: "You are Ultraman Galaxy, your future must be Better than us."

"Of course, but I will never forget you." The young man held the railing with both hands and looked at the twinkling stars in the night sky: "I have run through most of the countries on the earth, and since I am Ultra Man, I want to go to a place that no human being can go to now."

As he said that, the young man stretched out his hand and pointed, and the stars in the sky were right in front of him. They seemed to be just weak starlight, but the young man knew that they were all one of the countless planets hanging in the universe.

And these unknown places are waiting for his exploration.

"After all, my adventure is not over yet. When I come back, I will definitely share the story of the universe with you." The young man turned his head, looked at the girl's face, and made his promise in doing so.

"Yes! I will definitely wait for that day." The girl nodded heavily, and she and the boy concluded a contract under the starry sky, making an oath that only each other knew.

The dream of a young man is, as always, adventure, a tense and exciting adventure into unknown worlds.

The girl didn't have that kind of power. She could only wait for the boy's return in this place where stars fell, just like every year.

This year, the boy is eighteen years old and the girl is seventeen years old.

They are the youngest and high-spirited years in each other's years.

Ten years later.

The girl has become a girl. Since graduating from school, time has passed by. Ichijoji, Shota, and Chigusa have all gotten married one after another, and even have children.

The girl who attended the wedding of three friends would only look at the starry sky at the agreed place in the dead of night, as if she wanted to see through the stars in the sky a giant descending from the starlight, standing here. The place where the stars fell, and then returned to her favorite boy.

Just like ten years ago, there have been no changes on both sides, but they have become more mature and have more responsibilities and commitments.

The girl is still full of hope because she knows that the boy will not leave without saying goodbye.

Another ten years later, the girl is approaching forty years old, her best friend's children have gone to school, and she is still alone.

Jiangxing Town has undergone many changes compared to its childhood. Just like people, inadvertently, the girl is no longer there, and inadvertently, the children in the school have changed several times.

The changes in Jiangxing Town are like the changes engraved on oneself. Under the knife of time, this town is changing, and she is changing too.

Only the face staring at the starry sky, that tranquil and expectant look, has turned into an eternal memory, and it seems that it has not been taken away by time.

The girl is no longer a girl, but the boy should still be a boy.

Want to give up? This is the thought that echoes in the girl's heart.

No, after waiting for so many years, there is no reason to waste all our efforts. Maybe, that guy will come back next?

We made a promise, in this place where stars fall.

He never goes back on his word.

Another ten years later, the girl has reached the age where she can be called a grandmother. The children of her close friends have grown up, some of them are precocious, and they have all gotten married.

Although the child was still very young and could not even speak, the moment the girl held the child in her hands and looked at the small face, she suddenly remembered that so much time had passed.

Hasn't he come back yet?

The traces left by the carving knife of time on the girl's body became more and more obvious, and Jiangxing Town was no longer a small town, but turned into a large-scale city.

Everything familiar in those past memories, even everything with the boy, gradually faded away with the passage of time.

There have been too many changes in the Land of Falling Stars, just like a girl who has reached this age, her face is no longer beautiful, but has become dim, and she has entered old age.

School, street, shrine, home, park, Jiangxing Mountain

Walking in a daze on the street, the girl's obsession subconsciously guided her to the promised place. When she arrived here, she realized that the engineering team here was working in full swing.

The girl was speechless, and her thousands of words finally turned into silent sighs.

Yes, the bridge here will be demolished and rebuilt.

Now, even the promised place between me and him has changed beyond recognition?

In another ten years, the girl will be sixty-five years old.

His cloudy eyes could no longer see the magnificence of the starry sky, but was it because his old eyes were too dim to see clearly, or was it because the fog generated by the operation of the factory had obscured the starry sky, making him unable to see it?

Now even the clear starry sky has turned into a blur.

But in my memory, you are still so young and full of youthful spirit.

In this blurry starry sky, can I still raise my head and clearly see your return form for the first time?

I still remember our agreement, even though this town, this agreed place, and me have all changed beyond recognition.

Xiaoguang will never break his promise.

He won't lie to me.

The boy who came back from the starry sky was still the same boy, with no change in his appearance. He brought enough scenery from the universe and many things that were not found on the earth.

It was an interesting trip, and the boy was very satisfied, so he returned to Earth immediately, ready to fulfill his promise back then.

Although looking at the earth from the universe, it seems that the earth has become much blurry, but the boy does not care.

He made an agreement with her to appear in front of her among the stars, at the agreed place.

The young man crossed the sea of ​​​​stars and came to the earth, arriving at the promised land.

The huge giant did not fall to the ground. The young man turned into a human form in mid-air and landed on the ground. He just turned around and looked at the tall building rising from the ground, and fell into confusion for a moment.

Did I find the wrong place here?

In the past ten years, the girl could not support the carving knife of time and lay on the bed.

Through the window, she still looked at the starry sky persistently.

This is her lifelong waiting, and it is also an obsession that she will never forget until her death.

Although her blurry eyes were dim and dull, at the end, she saw the young man who raised his hands forward and appeared among the stars.

Even though she could no longer see clearly, even though the starry sky was no longer beautiful, at that moment, she had a feeling that that person was back.

She knew he wouldn't break his promise.

Xiaoguang would never lie to her.

She struggled to hold herself up, lifted the quilt and prepared to look for the boy, but when she put her hands on the quilt and looked at her hands full of wrinkles and scarred by the knife of time, she finally understood. What.

The boy is still a boy, but the girl is no longer the girl he knew.

The promise is still there, but the girl who fulfills it is no longer there.

After opening the door of the girl's house, nothing changed here or in his memory, which made the panic-stricken boy find a rare peace.

He didn't have an accurate calculation of how long he had been gone. Time in the universe was inherently worthless, and the boy had no intuitive feeling for time.

Everything seemed strange to the Land of Falling Stars, which the young man could not understand or understand. He even felt fear under such changes.

So he came here, this place in his memory.

All the furnishings had not changed at all, and they all felt familiar to him.

But only that person, the girl with a sweet smile in her memory, has turned into a gray-haired appearance, trying hard to move her feet that cannot get off the ground, trying to leave here.

The young man failed to catch up with time and was left far behind by time.

He is the same as before, and time cannot do any harm to him.

But the gray-haired girl was forced by time to show off to him.

It also made him understand the weight of time passing by.

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